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Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie didn’t realize it, but he’d kept getting the feeling he was being watched. Subconsciously he’d turned his head, as if there was some strain or knot he needed to relieve tension from. He’d locked eyes with Willow, noticing her as she glanced towards them before looking away once more. He’d offered up a shy smile, and his hand twitched as if he’d wanted to waver hello towards her, to invite her into the conversation. But she’d looked away too fast, going back to what she was doing and allowing Maddie to turn his attention back towards Colby and Sierra for the moment again. ”Ugh I'm exhausted. We’ve hardly had any time to rest since we first got here and the heat from Agrabah seemed to sap away any energy I may have had coming into all of this.” He said playfully before catching the tail end of Colby’s comment.

Maddie’s face turned red. He couldn’t believe he’d just said that right in front of someone else. But he wasn’t entirely wrong either. So, Maddie decided to double down on it for the moment. He’d laced his fingers into Colbys, scooting in closer so they were shoulder to shoulder and their held hands were behind them. ”Well then maybe we should go do that while we still have the chance to. Besides, I don't think we’ll be needed anytime soon with all these new hands that just showed up.”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demi couldn't bring himself to look Kristin in the eyes. There was a deep shame inside for what he had just done, for who he had become in that moment of weakness. It didn't matter what the reason was, that was never the answer. He sat there quietly, listening to what she had to say to him. It hurt more that she could empathize with him. A part of him wished to get yelled at, berated for what he had done. Instead she viewed both sides and empathized with each equally. It was clear she was a daughter of Athena, every word calculated to the last and each stung more than had she simply tore him a new one. He squeezed the prism in his hands, just in an attempt to feel something in that moment. A tinge of darkness creeping up once more inside of himself that he hadn't felt in some time now.

It was then, in the darkness and silence, as his muscles tensed to grip the foreign object with such intensity as to bare his knuckles white, that he realized the pressure was still on his shoulders. Alexios had been so quiet that Demi had forgotten of his presence entirely. He would've expected an I told you so, or quick witted comment as to why he should leave Zeke and stay with him, but instead there was only silence. He finally looked up just enough to catch a glimpse of Kristin's hand as she offered him some drachmas for the collect calls he could be making to Zeke. This was too public, too early, he needed…no…he wanted to wait until nightfall. To give Zeke a chance to tell him himself. To see if he cared enough to.

Cassian was certain that he wasn't on the list of people Janelle wanted to hang out with right now, but he also didn't think he was fully on her shit list. He sat down next to her, quiet for a moment as he tried not to touch the parts where he'd been hit. His skin stung and he sucked the pain through his teeth for a moment before looking towards Janelle. He didn't know what to say, he wanted to speak to her but it felt like many subjects were off the table at the moment. Between the quest, Demi, Zeke, and now Nancy. He found himself opening his mouth and closing it several times without a single word ever being spoken. That is until Kristin arrived with a bag of ice.

"Thanks." He said softly as he accepted the bag from her hands. The cold cut through what little of l the warmth that was left in his hands as he lifted it to place onto his cheek. It stung, causing him to wince once more as he felt the ongoing battle between the wounds hot sting and the ices sharp cold. It'd take some time for the numbness to kick in and until then he'd need only wait it out. "I'm sorry for all this. I didn't mean to cause a scene or upset anyone. I…I was just trying to help. But it seems I can't even do that right on this quest. Everyone I try and aid only ends up yelling at me or attacking me. I don't think i was as ready as i thought i was for this quest."
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

Good! It appeared that Sabine was falling for the bait. She'd never guess that he was hiding away inside of Percy and sabotaging their chances of escape. It took everything in Dorian to stop himself from giggling at his clever prank. That is, until something had given him away. He didn't know what the tell was, but somehow Sabine now knew. Panic quickly set in as he felt the most in danger that he had ever been. And he'd done some very stupid things in the past. Sabine however struck a special sort of fear in him. One that had been instilled through familial trauma from his uncle's side. He internally flinched inside of Percy as Sabine reared back a punch and quickly knocked his lights out.

Dorian lost control, slipping out of Percy as he hovered above the fallen pair. He let out a long whistle before speaking. "What a right hook. Although-" Before he could continue, Percy began to unceremoniously relieve himself of his breakfast from this morning. He'd never had anyone do that before from his possessions. It made him worried that maybe Percy wasn't better from when he'd seen him last. It was clear he was out for the count in this, and as much as Dorian wanted to help him there was nothing he could do. So he raced over towards Danni, watching as he struggled with the wall and in attempt to help out he scooped his Astral arms underneath his and attempted to lift him up in the air. He struggled, using his underdeveloped arm muscles to lift Danni off the floor, but the weight was too much.

Frustrated, Dorian decided to try something he'd never done before. He went to push Danni, attempting to move his body into the Astral Plane with him so they could simply fly over the obstacle together. But as Dorian went to rush him, he simply phased straight through with some resistance towards his attempt. He floated up, looking at the obstacle as he tried hard to think. He felt absolutely useless at the moment as he stared down an obstacle that he figured would be no problem for Danni. It was then he noticed the hand holds, each covered up by vines laced with thorns against the wall. Finally! Dorian possessed the vines, moving them away from the handholds so that Danni could safely climb up the wall and meet him at the next obstacle.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, Flames of Faltine, Tnus itcaf assim, Basic Spellcraft

Max struggled against the toxins that were quickly seeping their way into his body. His blurred vision turned to look at his would-be companions as neither seemed as affected than him. A part him him wondered if this poison or magic or whatever it was considered, reacted quicker to magical blood? After all he hadn't seen Carolina perform any magic neither here nor in the realm of Wanda. And while Klara did possess the ability to perform magic back in Wanda's world, he assumed her Asgardian nature was more equipped to combat this threat. He had to try again. He was Strange's student, and although he wasn't his only successor, he was one of them. He went to cast the spell again, to summon the Winds and clear away this enchantment. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he'd felt the problem.

In his drowsiness he'd seemed to have developed a form of cottonmouth. His tongue dry and swollen as if he'd swallowed mouthfuls of cotton balls just moments ago. His rush to break free of this spell, this effect, was increased as he saw the string of bones hurdle towards them and form into the Green Eyed One right before his sleepy eyes. He'd learned little to nothing about the creature that stood before him, but he did know one thing. Only a fool would make a deal with a devil. But as she spoke of Tea and Respite, the offer began to seem more and more tempting. His parched tongue begging for a swig of refreshment.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

"I feel like a Vet would suit you. Though you may need to relearn a thing or two if you're thinking of staying in Wonderland. I doubt the heart and organs of a jabberwock or butterfly are the same as the animals we have back home." Maddie teased before they were interrupted by Sierra. He didn't dislike her, though they'd hardly had a chance to bond while all this was happening. Colby seemed to instantly get prickly. Like a cat launching onto its haunches when a stranger comes nearby.

He placed his hand into Colbys, pressing against him shoulder to shoulder with a dopey smile. "Been doing great actually. Agrabah was a lot of fun and we got to meet our parents. Besides like Colby said, we're almost to the end of this story it seems. The time to write the take back to how it should be, heroes triumph and villains get the boot. Once that's over with…" Maddie didn't know what came next. Did Colby wish to stay? Did he want to go back to Kansas? Surely they'd need to pack a few more things but…a part of him wished he could have both. A portal to spend his days off and nights here in Wonderland while the days were off back in his apartment. The world seemed a lot smaller back then.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

A strange feeling came over Max as Lance spoke about his incurable headache. It was both what he'd said and the way he said it that made him worry about Lance. Watching as he walked away without saying so much as another word before exiting the spacecraft. It left him alone with Carolina, another one of his current team, and someone from his past as well but in more ways than one. He wasn't quite sure how to react to her statement. For one he was glad she didn't dislike him, for another it felt strange to need to reforge bonds with someone who he'd previously shared trauma with. It felt as though it was only yesterday that they stood before a being of death as they traversed across Limbo, and now it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. "Right. Later then…" He found himself saying as she left him there alone for a moment.

Max waited, staring out at the expanse of space before moving his sights back onto those before him. He was the odd man out. It made him yearn for the days of the Mutant Underground. Made him miss his time with Dr. Strange. At least in those places he knew where he stood. Max made his way down, joining his party before Pietro decided to tear him a new one. Clearly he was going through some things, and although he appreciated Miranda's attempt to calm him down, Max felt as though this was something Pietro needed to get off his chest. He tried his best not to talk back, to just listen as the speedster ranted towards him, venting frustrations that had clearly begun well before he ever came into the picture. When he finally finished he had a clear thought. These fuckers needed therapy.

"I never said I thought I was better than anyone else. And it's clear I had missed out on the issues happening back here while I was both cryogenically frozen for a long period of time as well as dealing with several issues that popped up around Genosha. I had no idea Lance's father had gone missing…though I find it strange that Strange hadn't offered to help with a spell…unless…" Max stopped himself, not wishing to think aloud what had come to mind. What if this had all occurred during his death, while Max was stuck in Limbo. That would explain the absence for sure. "Unless it happened during my time in Limbo. Either way I can try and implore what spells I have at my disposal to help. Both here and in search for the Hulk. And for what it's worth…I'm sorry you guys have had a crappy time lately. " Max said as he attempted to cast a locating spell for Neil and Ed.

He followed the gestures as best as he could recall, but not an ounce of magic even poured out of him. Max froze for a moment. He'd never not had spell energy come forth even with a failure. "Don't suppose anyone has a mirror? Or something reflective? Much easier to cast the spell on an object like that than to create a disc out of thin air." Max said, looking towards the group. He'd decided not to answer towards Carolina for now, though it appeared the X-men had a lot of family issues and drama that needed to be resolved.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Cassian placed one hand on his jaw where Demi had hit him. Burning pain raging across the length of it in waves as he felt the heat and sting from the hit still. He winced slightly at the touch, still laying on the ground as he simply watched Demi walk away from it all. He hadn’t meant to lie, he only wished to keep them all from missing their train and delaying the quest even further than they already had. As far as he was concerned it made sense for Nancy and Zeke to be back already, for them to have joined them onto the train even if just a few cars away to keep the tensions low. He hadn’t anticipated any of this, but then again that wasn’t his fathers area. They weren’t seers. Alexios had left him, just as quickly as he’d come he was already back on Demetri’s side. Again Cassian felt a bit alone amongst this group, that is until Kristin had come over towards him and lent a helping hand. Picking him up off the ground before helping to escort him over towards a free seat so he could attempt to recover in peace while she went to check out what all had transpired. She seemed just as confused as he was, and he figured Janelle was probably even more confused than the rest as she couldn’t even see what had just happened.

Cassian sat there for a moment, looking towards the direction of Demetri as he watched Kristen make her way towards him. Determination within every step she took. Cass quickly looked away once again, not wanting to spur his ire once more just for looking at his direction. So he focused on the middle ground between his feet. Watching as the lights danced by while the train moved and shadows passed. He began to wonder if every quest was like this, if it was then his mother had left out some very important details when telling him of her exploits from her younger days. Cassian took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as they stayed fixated on the spot between his feet where for a moment peace could exist. He let out the breath and got up, making his way towards where Janelle sat, seeing the spot next to her that Kristin left empty. ”This spot taken?”

Pressure found its way lightly onto Demi’s shoulders as his eyes were closed and tears streamed down his cheeks. It wasn’t hard to tell who’s arm had now found its way wrapped around him. No one else had muscle tones like the god that accompanied them right now. Part of Demetri wanted to curl into it and just cry like he had with his mother. Finding the perfect nook on the chest and pressing his eyes in it as it licked up the tears from his eyes and muffled the sounds of sobs that followed after. But he didn’t do that. He knew it wasn’t Zeke and as attractive as Alexios was, he wasn't the one that Demetri wanted to be vulnerable with. He wanted to remove the arm from his shoulders, to shirk it off and tell him to leave him alone, but he didn’t even have the strength to do that. It wasn’t until he heard Kristin’s voice that he’d finally looked up from his pitiful seat and saw the intense look in her eyes. ”Nothing happened. Just…”

Demi didn’t know what to say. Of his actions, his feelings, what he was thinking, any of it. It was him and Zeke against the world, and then suddenly he was alone again. Was it a mistake to have said yes? To have dated Zeke? Did Demi truly just ruin everything that he touched? His words choked up inside his throat as the tears streamed down in larger drops than before as he looked at Kristin. His chest felt tight and it burned so badly he hadn’t any idea how he was alive. ”He promised me Zeke would be safe. That they’d be on this train. He’s not here…he’s out there with gods’ know what monsters are lying in wait for them and we’re all just here like nothing happened. Like it's just another day with another Demi-god offered up like a sacrifice for the gods' amusement. None of you even care. I bet you were all just waiting for Zeke to leave. I know what you think of him, of me. I just…I wish I had a way to make sure he was ok…” Another tear fell from his face, the light from the window hitting it just right as a rainbow shined through it. The color’s danced across the floor until the movement caused them to be placed within his hands, solidifying into a prism. Demi stared at it for a moment, wondering if a god had taken pity on him and answered his prayers, if this was like Marco’s compact and gave him the ability to speak to Zeke.

Demi was eager to test it out, to see if it held the answers to his wish, but just as he was about to use it…he faltered. What if Zeke didn’t want to talk to him, what if he caught Zeke and Nancy in an emotional moment they didn't want others to pry on? Or what if this was Zeke’s way of saying he didn’t want to be with him anymore? After all, if Zeke wanted to reach out he could always send him an iris message couldn’t he? Demetri’s chest tightened once more as he sat there, clutching the prism in his hands tightly as if it would disappear just as quickly as it had come. If he hadn't heard from Zeke by nightfall…He’d find out just what this prism could do.

February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Time seemed to slow down around Caspian as the tensions grew higher and higher. He couldn’t tell who would bend first, Lyra in an attempt to give herself up for Quinn or the Astorios patience which would end with him giving up the mages life for the sake at one singular blow to the Inquisitor. Seconds stretched like hours and it had felt as though three months had passed since they had entered this chamber, yet in an instance that all changed. Lyra dashed forward towards the Inquisitor, casting a spell Caspian hadn’t quite caught before erupting in flames herself. Quinn was now free of the mage’s clutches, the Eve had run towards Lyra’s aid, and the Astorio had gone to meet with the wouldbe intruders that descended down upon them. There was a slight breeze that tickled at the back of Caspian’s neck making his hairs stand up as the cool air helped to replace the scent of humid mold and ozone that suffocated the space before him. He took one step in an attempt to grab the prisoner when a stray bolt of lightning had arced towards him. Eye’s wide, Caspian quickly jolted to action as short bursts of water erupted from beneath his feet putting several feet of distance between him and the attack, only a stray spark having had the luck to strike him as it burned a small hole in the sleeve of his shirt. Everything was moving so fast now, even the prisoner had begun to act, jumping towards the rescue of the two fighting off the Inquisitor as if they weren’t just here to save his own skin.

The door behind them opened up wider, as the sounds of the outside world came calling forth from just beyond the threshold. It seemed that he and Lyra were of the same mind. They needed to get out of dodge and fast. He watched as she moved with such speed and grace, accompanied by a flurry of fiery butterflies that mimicked her graceful dance up towards the opened door that begged for them to leave. ”Quin, can you manage several vectors? To keep them from reaching us as we get him out of here?” Caspian called out as he nodded towards Roan. He broke into a sprint, following behind Lyra. He didn’t know if the Inquisitor had any further tricks up his sleeve, but the least Caspian could do is throw a wrench into potential further plans just in case he wasn’t finished with them yet. He stopped short of the opened door, standing at a cross section of metal plates that had previously allowed the magic to arc around and cage them in. Now he had time, and the threat of electrocution was far less than before as their friend was kept busy by the combined might of a vampire and delusional prisoner. Caspian placed his hands down onto the metallic surface ”Potesa Illictum” The floor began to take a new shade of color as the metal began to shift and change.

Gone were the dark grey slates that sat before them previously. The metal began to shift into several different hues of yellow, green, blues, purples, and pinks. The once flat pattern of the metal shifting into angled coils as Caspian changed the cross section to Bismuth. Even if the Inquisitor had attempted to cage them in once more, the doorway out would be safe as ever to make their escape. One spark of lighting or flash of heat and the metal would melt upon contact rendering it useless for conductivity. ”Get your ass’s in gear, now!”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, Flames of Faltine, Tnus itcaf assim, Basic Spellcraft

Max shrugged at Klaras question. "Never really had to. I can make my own weapons on the spot. That…and half the time the law was after us so having a weapon on me would've been bad." he said as he gave his sword a practiced swing. It wasn't exactly his weapon of choice, but when fending off demonic plants he figured that it was probably the better weapon to go by. That or a massive battle axe which would look cool as hell. He tried to focus on that thought, and ignore the uneasy feeling that covered him from head to toe. It was as if his body was sinking in tar but he couldn't see it. That is, until the plants began to flower. Flowers were the last thing Max had expected to find in Limbo. Not unless they looked as though they could maim you with one wrong touch. These however looked harmless, floating above their heads as they each got onto the Chariot one by one. The horses began talking about some old legend, one Max hadn't considered in a long time now.

He let out a big yawn, one arm stretching to the heavens as the other one covered his mouth, his sword placed onto the floor of the chariot for the time being. "The Green Eyed One? I thought they were just an urban legend. A story to tell your kids to keep them in shape. Besides if they were real, what could we even offer to a God of Death?" He let out another large yawn as he began to slump onto the Chariot. "I think…yawn...I think these plants are putting us to sleep. We gotta…gotta…" The words left him for a moment as he began to doze, just before Stranges words reached his ears and jolted him awake for a moment more. "I summon…I…the winding Wimbs of Watoomb" The grogginess didn't help with Max's attempt to cast the Winds of Watoomb for the first time. He'd heard of the Conjuration spell that worked wonders to banish creatures and spell effects, but never once attempted to practice it. His words slurred and hand gestures fumbled the minute intricacies that were the somatic components to the spell. Instead of a gush of wind that wore off the effect, a mass amount of glitter exploded with a foul sulfurous smell accompanying it.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

Dorian instantly let go of Zelda when she'd mentioned her distaste for hugs. His hands held up in the same manner one might do to a cop to show they're complacent and peaceful. He heard what Zelda had said about not wanting to be a hero, as well as not thinking that she even was one. He'd fought the urge to lecture her about how heroism comes about I'm many different ways. Not all heros wore capes, and some of them even designed the capes. She could be a hero to someone without even having to stop a runaway car or alien invasion. But now wasn't the time for that kind of talk, if anything he'd figured that Firestar had all that sort of talk on hand and ready to dish out for moments like this. Dorian followed behind Danni, turning to give Firestar a thumbs up and silent you got this towards her as they made their way back towards the Training Room.

"Relax D. I 'ave a whole speech planned for good ol Poisson-Pas. Use 'is own words against 'im in such a way I'm sure 'e'd be proud. Eit'er way I 'ave an idea on 'ow we can catch up in t'is little contest. Besides Perse said 'e didn't want a Pizza prize and Beanie probably won't eat a slice because it isn't French enough or somet'ing I don't know. We should be t'e winners of t'is! Beside's she can't touch me wit' my 'andy-" Dorian pat the sides of his shorts only to feel the fabric against his hands. He shot a quick glance and realized that in their rush to tell Nemo that they'd made a casting call error, he'd forgotten to bring his own weapon to help against mental attacks. Suddenly it all made sense. I mean he was a bit ADHD but not 'leave the gym and immediately forget the last ten minutes or so' ADHD. Sabine must've used her powers against him as they left hoping they wouldn't come back to finish.

Any idea Dorian had had to fairly win this was out the window. "Change of plans D. You're gonna run straight t'rough that obstacle course solo. I'm gonna go wreak a little Poltergeist size of chaos on t'ier end to hold t'em back long enough for you to finish. You got t'is!" By then they were already inside the room and Percy and Sabine were just about to finish. Lucky for him the idiots were walking out instead of using their greatest strength. Dorian flashed Danni a smile before going ghost and flying straight through the course and into Percy. It was more difficult this time around, as if Percy was fighting him every step of the way. Both their souls entwined in a mental battle of wits within the arena that was Percy's body.

Unfortunately for the pair, Dorian won out. "Wait. What am I doing? Let's just teleport out of here." Dorian said using Percy's voice in hopes Sabine wouldn't figure it out. He quickly used Percy's powers jutting them backwards into the course to where the box and tooth had been found. "I have it this time. Hold on." He jumped again, shooting them straight back towards the second obstacle, the thorn wall. It wasn't as far as Dorian had wanted to move them, but it was good enough. Sabine would have to drag dead weight if she dared to move forward in this competition. "I think I jumped too much…I don't…feel so good." Was tbay how powers worked? No idea, but he knew his father always felt a bit weak when moving large portions so maybe Percy did too, not that Dorian could feel it.
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