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The morning rays crept into the train's cabin, hitting the prism within Demi’s hand as the rainbow light pressed against his face. The image of him sleeping appeared before Zeke in a shimmer of light as the Iris message finally went through.

Ezekiel petted the cat while they waited for their father to answer. The sun shifted through cracks in the boarded up windows. It played tricks on Zeke. He thought he saw something. Ezekiel shifted and rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly. The dust mites shifted and revealed Demetri. Curled up with Alexios' arm around him. Zeke's jaw clicked and looked away.
"Why the hell am I seeing this?" he muttered angrily, staring past Demi's image at the cat.

Demi shifted in his sleep, pulling the prism closer towards him as he curled up on the bench while he slept. Zeke’s voice cutting through as he dreamed on, muttering to himself. "What're you talking about Z? What're you looking at?" His eyes still closed as he now lay half asleep.

Ezekiel startled. He stared more intently into the sunlight, seeing it shift to reveal the rainbow within. It was an Iris message.
"Dem? Demi, you're sleeping. Wake up." Ezekiel didn't fully realize how much he was missing Demetri until he saw him. He really should have reached out to him yesterday.

Demi slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand as he wiped away a dried tear from his cheek. He blinked, blinked again, waking up into a full start as he noticed he'd gotten an Iris message from Zeke. His eyes went wide, a dopey smile coming across his face as he saw his boyfriend's face once more. "Zeke? Zeke?! Are you ok? Where are you? You missed the trainivebeensoworriedaboutyouyouvegotnoidea!" His words rammed together with the speed of a rushing minotaur as elation hit him. His voice choked up in his throat "I just…I'm just so glad to see you…"

Ezekiel quickly looked up, knowing Nancy had for sure heard Demetri. The conversation he had with her the night before was still fresh in his mind. What if Demetri was mad? He looked back at Demi, and saw the elation on his face and broke into a boyish grin. Maybe Demi understood why he left.
"Demi, breathe. I'm okay. We're asking our dad for a ride. Nancy just needed space and I needed to go with her. Besides, you look plenty cozy without me." As soon as he said it, Zeke regretted it. He really was glad to see Demetri.

Tears welled up in Demi's eyes, sniffling as he wiped them away in between each sniffle. "Space. Right. No, that makes sense. And ofcourse I can't go because I'm not a child of Apollo." He responded before his voice cut short as the ending of his message finally clicked in place. His chest tightened as he broke eye contact from Zeke. Maybe he did want him to be comfy without him? A part of him was dying to tell Zeke that he wasn't, that he'd spent all night crying himself to bed, that he'd gotten into a fight over him. But he didn't know if Zeke would care, nor did he wish to burden him with any of that knowledge. So he shut himself down, keeping his mouth quiet for a moment. "Yeah…very comfy…" His heart wasn't in his words as he pulled his legs up towards his chest.

Ezekiel looked away as well, fighting the urge to laugh or throw dirt into the sunbeam and end the message. "Then why did you call me?"

"Call you? I thought…" Demi's heart shattered into pieces as he heard. He'd thought Zeke had cared enough to send a message but he figured now it was more that his got delayed as he fell asleep. "I've been trying to call you all night…I fell asleep trying Zeke. I thought you sent this…I guess…I guess it doesn't matter…" There was an edge to his voice, laden with deep sadness and frustration that roiled inside of him.

Ezekiel glanced back at Demetri, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I wanted to let you know, but it was time sensitive and I knew you would try and stop me or try to come. You're safer there. Wrapped in the arms of a god."

The sensation burned hotter in his chest the more that Zeke spoke. "Would that have been a bad thing?! Am I such a burden that my coming with would be so bad?!" The urge to swipe the blanket over the prism to end the call was enormous, but his want to talk to Zeke was greater. He lowered the prism, cutting his face from view as he took in a shaky breath and exhaled. He waited a moment before lifting it back up with red eyes and tears ready to burst. "I'm wrapped in a damn blanket when it should be your arms!" he yelled as he threw the blanket onto the ground.

Ezekiel clenched his hands into fists, ready to yell back. He didn't even look at Nancy, not wanting to see her face and what judgment may lie there.
"Demetri… This isn't about you. This isn't about us. This entire quest isn't about us and why I left isn't about us. I …" he started shaking his head at a loss for words. "I don't want to fight with you, Dem. I've been on some pretty wild quests, but this one is different. I don't want to walk into this hotel from hell after yelling at you and being mad. Especially if our memories are going to be wiped or we don't make it out. Just know that why I left has nothing to do with you. I have to go. I'll see you soon."

All the fight that was in him had washed away. It had nothing to do with him. The words stung and left an empty feeling inside of Demi. How was it that Zeke got to be mad when a god was thrust upon him but Demi wasn't allowed to be upset when he got recklessly abandoned? "Right…well don't be a stranger then."

Ezekiel looked conflicted as he looked through the light to Demetri on the other side. He didn't like that he was being berated for leaving with his sister. Did Kristin tell them nothing of their final conversation?
Still, Zeke found himself wishing he could comfort Demetri. To get him to understand.
"I'm sorry you got caught up in this." He shifted his hand and the light faded, cutting off the call. He stared at the empty space for a moment, feeling sad and angry and hurt. Would they ever understand each other?

The call cut out as Demi watched a familiar hand motion coming from Zeke. He hadn't called to yell, he didn't want to fight, but as he watched the gesture on the other end his heart just stopped. As soon as Zeke faded from view, Demi began to sob. His legs still pressed against his chest as he buried his face into his knees and cried. Why was he being so difficult? It was like he was trying to push him away. The prism remained in his hand, gripped and now unused. He had no idea if he would get to speak to Zeke again before the Hotel. What he did know was that if Zeke wanted to talk to him, he'd have to make the call himself next time.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Days had gone by and not once was there a notice from Zeke. No shimmering prism of light to let him know how he was or just to see how he was doing. No cheeky rainbow to ask him if he's up. Just radio silence. Somehow the silence was worse than the fight. He was left alone with his own thoughts, the darkness inside of him gnawing like an encroaching hunger that couldn't be satiated. The dining car was a nice touch, it would've made the trip that much more enjoyable had Demi been in better moods. He'd watch as the others hung out, never daring to step near them since the fight. He'd made his apologies to Cassian the following day, but after that had kept his distance. Cassian hung out with Janelle and Kristin, and Janelle didn't like him, and Kristin wouldn't abandon Janelle. So Demi stayed to himself, well with Alexios as well most of the time. But he must've thought him a bore, as Demetri hardly spoke those two days.

The third day's afternoon approached and they finally made it towards their destination. Demi nodded towards Kristin, standing up as his head became light. His pack felt heavier than ever before, and each step brought upon pulsed visions as his sight faded in and out for a moment. When they got off the train Demi looked around helplessly and exhausted, but there was no sign of Zeke. Alexios was there however, and a small tired smile appeared on his face. "Hey, how'd the godly business go?" he teased. "I don't see the others so give me a sec, I'm gonna call them and see how they're doing." He wanted to call Zeke, to see his face, but he couldn't bear to right now. So he called Nancy, catching the sun's rays into the prism as he sent her a message. "Hey Nancy, we made it to the Vegas station. Where do you want to meet up? If you want to, that is…"

Cassian had had a wonderful trek across America. Looking out the window as they pass several states each with their own forms of beauty. City's, sprawling countrysides, and everything in between. He wished they could have the time to visit them all, to play tourist for a few hours and then move on to the next. But he knew that this trip wasn't for leisure, they were on a time crunch for the end of the world or things akin to it. But at the very least for now, he could enjoy himself and enjoy what little he could see through the cabin windows.

As the days went by he tried to have a different dish each day. Trying all the train's dining car had to offer. After all who knew when their next good meal would be? They were heading to a hotel meant to mess with your mind as well as time while searching for the doors of death and a titan that would be guarding it. All he could do was hope that Alexios would help in the fight and give them the godly aid they needed to defeat the guardian. Once they'd arrived he grabbed his back and made his way out. "Finally! The train was nice and all but I miss the fresh air, walking in a space larger than the cabins, and " Cassian stretched to his fullest as he hopped out. Taking full advantage of all the space he had now.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

It appeared that Max and Pietro could agree on something. Charles was about on equal footing as Magento in terms of morality or best dad awards. Casper was a testament to that, as was the whole M-Pox fiasco. When his people were dying, it was Magneto that offered a helping hand, not Xavier. But he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If Charles was the way into this man's good side, Max would take it. Maybe they shopped at the same wheel depot? Or felt each other's plight? Whatever the reason he needed information and dissing the one man they knew would get them an in wasn't the brightest idea. But then again, Pietro wasn't the brightest mutant. Max was about to interject himself, to derail the speedsters train of thought before he insulted the building this mutant had built, but before he could there was a massive explosion.

His head jerked towards the direction of where the sound had come from. He didn't know what had happened, but surely one of the groups had just ran into trouble. The alarms blared all around them, either for intruders or more likely, a hull breach. Max looked back towards the mirror, Neil didn't seem to be getting whisked away into space just yet, but that didn't mean he wasn't in danger. He focused on the mirror at hand, looking at the location he wanted to get to as his free hand was now outstretched with his pointer and middle finger out with the others curled inwards. He made a sweeping circular motion, trying his best to open up a portal betwixt them and him. Cosmic sparks flew but nothing happened. He tried once more, but not even sparks manifested this time. It was an odd feeling having his magic fail in space. He'd always assumed his powers were tied to the cosmic fields of the universe, but now that he was out in space, his powers were failing more than usual. He took in a slow deep breath, exhaling to center himself before his emotions got the better of him. Strange told him he needed more control, he couldn't rely on his raw emotions to fuel the spells. He felt the spark of magic once more, dancing across his tongue like pop rocks fizzing against the surface. "Neil, hang tight. I am trying to locate you. I have visuals but something is blocking my teleportation. Is Magneto a threat to you? Are you at risk of combat?" He may not be able to get to Neil, but hopefully at best he can send him some undead support if he needed aid in combat.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

Vibrations littered the ground beneath him. His elbows tingling as they lay against the floor of the Astral Plane with his hands placed atop his head in an attempt to take cover from the blast. It was irrational to seek physical cover from something happening in an adjacent plane, like hopping in your seat when attempting to jump across a chasm in a video game. It didn't help any, but the instinct was still there. He waited there, laying on the floor until the sensation passed and the heat rolled off into the air leaving only the cool air of the Astral world once more. He opened his eyes, pressure relieving him from how hard he'd held them closed as his blurred vision slowly came back into focus to see Danni was still alive and well. His clothes were tattered, smoke trailed off the cindered rags, and he appeared to be shaken, but otherwise his best friend was fine.

Dorian got up, slowly making his steps towards Danni until he broke out into a full on burst. He tried to phase back in as he ran, failing to do so as he stumbled both in powers and his stride until he finally reached Danni and just as he came back to the material world, he wrapped his arms around him into a tight hug with such force that it propelled them to spun around once in place. He held him there tightly for a moment, muttering to himself before finally pulling away from him, standing at arms length as his hands clasped both his shoulders and he began to inspect Danni. "You're OK! Oh I'm so glad t'at you're OK! I tried to get to you, to knock us bot' out of t'e way from t'e blast but…" Tears welled up as he spoke and his voice broke midway into the sentence. He needed to outline together, he could tell just by the sight of Danni that he was about to have a meltdown. Sure it was only academy clothing, but he took his appearance very seriously. "Love t'e new look on you t'ough. Very apocalyptic chic, but if you're not into all t'at maybe Z can 'elp ya make a fireproof school uni."

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max felt as the thick blanket of sleep was quickly lifted from his shoulders. The weight sloughing off like bags long carried dropping down with a thud upon the arrival to a destination. He watched as the gods' smile faltered, bringing one to his own lips as he had found a way to counteract the spell. Strange had always called him his most unorthodox student, his most unconventional one, and here he was proving that title true once more by the methods in which he broke free of spells. Klara began asking him questions about what it was that he was drinking. It was odd, having her ask him anything without a sword held to his throat. He took another sip as he debated on how to answer. "It's a very strong coffee. Loaded with caffeine to help one stay awake. Truth be told, I was getting a bit bored and thus very sleepy, so a little afternoon pick me up was just what I needed."

His smile never faltered, not even when the Green Eyed One had attempted to imply that he muddled with Dark Magic. He knew a piece of his soul was missing, but he had conjured up his weapon out of desperation in an attempt to save his coven. He'd do so again in a heartbeat. "Like I said. I've nothing of sale for you, and neither do they for that matter. We can find our own way out of Limbo, after all I have a few contacts in here that owe me anyways. Free is always better than offering ones soul." Max handed his beverage off towards Carolina who seemed to be struggling with the spell. Klaras childlike energy no doubt counteracts it's enchantment on its own, and giving her any more energy may just spend her. "Question now is, which way out of this home."
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max watched as Neil paused before him in the mirror. Was he not used to this sort of magical communication? He figured with a Telepath as a pseudo leader that it would at least be somewhat familiar grounds. But the message he got back almost solidified his thoughts if not raising more questions. He was barely twenty years of age, not even old enough to drink at his own Halloween Birthday Party which, let's be honest, he could've used a few drinks before that night's events. But here he was, being called ancient by a hot necromancer. Was he old now in gay years? Was twenty the new daddy? Avoiding a full blown gay crisis, he was able to be pulled out by the next sentence that came from Neil. Magento was there with them. That would certainly complicate things, and as much as he wanted to believe in Magento, he knew he wouldn't just simply let them go.

He looked towards Linden, a half smile on his face as he realized that his question wasn't specific enough to answer. "Right. Sorry. I didn't mean this location,I meant this one." He said as he pointed the mirror towards him once again. Showing the magical feed of Neil sneaking around the complex. "To be honest all this looks the same to me, but if you helped build it then I'm sure you could identify the hallway they're in and how best to get there. If we can find this man, we can surely find the rest. They're bound to be together. Help me with this and I'll personally send you a mystic message with confirmation on if Charles had gotten those cards." Max felt they were running out of time. If Magneto was hot on their tails, they needed to hurry. But Linden, like so many other old men, seemed ready to pull out his children's photos and talk.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie turned in the bed. Where Colby sprawled and angled himself in ways that seemed almost inhuman, Maddie took up as little of the bed as possible. Simply laying on his side with his knee brought up slightly and the other leg straightened out. The covers at this point were hardly on him, Colby having seemingly moved them during his sleep without so much as waking Maddie. He rolled over, one arm outstretched in an attempt to hold Colby and pull him closer to him. The warmth of where he laid just moments ago still there. But as his hand searched blindly in his slumber for his boyfriend, he found no purchase. He grumbled, annoyed in his lucid state as he shifted within the bed.

His eyes opened up groggily as he tried to wipe the sleep from his eyes. "You're up early. What no extra cat nap?" Maddie spoke in a sleepy voice. His throat strained to say the words as they protested even being active in the first place. He slowly began to stir, sitting up on the bed, legs crossed as he looked towards Colby and smiled. "What? Couldn't afford to wake me up with a morning kiss?" He joked, moving closer towards the edge of the bed. Maddie wasn't ready for what the day entailed. For what they might have to do, or who they may lose. He just wanted to soak in this moment. To remember Colby in this golden light as the sun barely peaked through the horizon and onto him.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demetri nodded towards Alexios, moving in closer just happy to feel the comfort of another person even if it wasn't Zeke at the moment. He rested his head atop his shoulder, speaking softly towards him. "Right. Ofcourse. I'm sure there was a reason." He watched as a pillow and blanket appeared before him, taking the items and placing the pillow against Alexios' arm as he wrapped himself up in the blanket and laid there quietly. "I wouldn't mind a cup of hot cocoa." Almost as quickly as it was asked, a warm cup of cocoa appeared within Demetris hands. He watched as the steam rolled up into the air, staring at it blankly as he waited and waited and waited for Zeke to call him. By the time the cup was finished, the final rays of light stretched across the sky and Demi felt empty inside as he pulled out the prism and stared at it for a moment.

He placed a Drachma against the prism, holding it up towards the stray red light. It split into a stream of rainbow light, though the color seemed dulled but Demi chalked it up to it being the light of a sunset. He tried to contact Zeke, tried to call him that night, but either the Iris call didn't go through or Zeke didn't answer. He wasn't sure whether or not that was even possible to happen. By now Demi had moved the pillow over a dozen times, adjusting and readjusting as he tried to get comfortable while he waited for the call to go through. Hours passed, tears came and went, and eventually Demetri fell asleep laying down on the train's bench, the prism clutched tightly in his hands by his head.

Cassian couldn't help but laugh at Janelle's comment. He didn't know whether it was a joke or not, knowing full well how she felt about the pair, but either way it was enough to lighten his mood just a little. "I don't think I need more than two guesses as to who that might be." He replied with a bit of a chuckle. He felt bad, for all of them, Janelle lost a man she thought she had, Demi was abandoned by the same guy, and Nancy had to go and face her worse trauma while taking the aid of a god that personified all that made her skin crawl. He tried not to let it get him down.

Cassiam looked over towards Kristin, trying hard not to let out a sigh. He understood what she meant, but still it seemed he and Zeke were in the center of all the drama. Though Zeke more so than himself. "Yeah, I know. But it's hard not to take things personally when one person dumps a shake on you and another punches you in the face."He admitted with a bit of a laugh, still in shock at both of those events that all happened within a day's time. He looked over towards Demetri, glancing at the god and demi-god as he watched him getting pampered over there. No. Pampered wasn't the right word, comforted. But still the stung of recent events made the scene appear worse than it actually was. He let out a long sigh before speaking again. "I don't blame you either."

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Klara seemed to have no issues with her tiredness. Then again that was the way of adults wasn't it? To be cursed never to have as much energy as the child in the room. After all, how could then when life itself was so draining day after day? He wanted to caution her against the Green Eyed One, to caution making bargains, but he didn’t find the words to do so. After all, how did you undercut a God of Death right before their eyes inside a realm of demons? Max blinked, and when he’d opened his eyes again he was in a new location. A sitting room adorned with bones and long pig leather if he fashioned a guess. He looked towards the pair of horses and then back towards his companions. The talks of sleep once again sounded like honeyed words that comforted Max into wanting to comply. But he knew better, he knew not to make deals. He felt a hand pressed against his shoulder, pushing him in close as he let it happen as exhaustion rolled onto him in waves. ”Bad vibes? From a God of Death? Pssshhh.” He tried to lace his words with sarcasm, to make his point evident that she was on the nose with this one, but his sluggish nature caused him to yawn between each feigned question. He smacked his lips as he tried to glance towards the god once more without being obvious that they were talking about them.

Max’s vision was still blurred as his eyes fought to stay open, his mind clawing to stay awake. Whatever spell that had been placed upon him, it was put there by a god, and he would be a fool to think he could break it. No. Strange had taught him better than that. Strange had bested would-be gods and those of equal power. That was what it meant to be a Sorcerer Supreme, and Max was a Sorcerer Supreme. If the Green Eyed One was somehow counteracting his attempts at conjuring winds of negation, perhaps he needed a different approach…an unconventional one. Max looked over towards the tea, knowing he couldn't take the offering yet still needing a beverage. His hand lazily lifted, fingers swirling in the air around a nonexistent lid as if he was swirling an iced coffee. Magic poured out and soon after he was holding a triple venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew in his hands. He took a long sip, the caffeine hitting him like a melody as he let out a sigh of relief. ”No offense, but I need something stronger than tea. Besides, haven’t you heard? I'm broke, have nothing to offer, especially nothing valuable. ”
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

If plants could snicker, they would. There was a light rustling of the thorny vines after Danni had managed to make his way over the wall. A soft shshshshshsh sound could be heard as the stringy plants rustled against the wall as Dorian laughed towards his best friend. It was just a rock climbing wall, how bad could it be? He left out of the possession as he watched Danni knocking against two doors. It wasn’t a bad plan, and much better plan than trying to figure out what they even wanted them to do with a tooth and three photographs of strange men. Dorian recognized one of the names. His name was hardly ever brought up, but when it was it was never anything good. If Selene was the boogeyman, this man was her shadow. Lurking in the dark waiting for moments to strike with silver tongue and hidden needle. It was one of his uncle's fathers, and a grade A asshole. Dorian had to wonder why they even had these images, and if that meant that the other two were equally as wretched people. Or was this one of those two truths one lie scenario where two were heroes and the third was a villain posing as such. Either way before he could manage to say anything, Danni had figured out which door he thought it was, and Dorian found no faults in his logic for picking it. He placed the photographs back onto the table leaving all thoughts about them behind with it.

”Got it! Maybe we can sneak some Framework practice to get t’at flyin’ in check. Ooooo or maybe we can do a weighted trainin’ montage to ‘elp develop your flyin’ muscles!” Dorian commented as he began to turn the handle and open up the door. Beyond it was just emptiness. Well, emptiness and a singular table with an item set upon it. Danni had done most of the leg work so far, so Dorian was ok with letting him stick behind by the door while he inspected the final challenge. It was a bomb, with a small timer clock on it and a crazy amount of wires coming off it. Did bombs really look like this? Dorian just rolled his eyes, deciding it was a test to diffuse the danger, and whats better than to toss it into another realm where it wouldn’t be a danger anymore? He placed his hands on the bomb and tried phasing back into the Astral Realm. The thing was surprisingly resilient, either that or he was running out of juice like Danni had been. He kept on trying to pull it towards the other plane when finally he stopped with a bit of a huff and heavy breathing. Suddenly the timer lit up, thirty seconds on the clock and counting. Everything left Dorian’s mind as he recalled the massive sound of the blast from when he was inside of Percy. He looked towards Danni and tried to bolt towards him to save him from the explosion.

As he turned on the spot, his foot twisted round and one got placed before the other causing his next step to trip him up. Dorian went falling down and slamming against the floor. Fear was in his eyes as he wondered how he’d ever make it to Danni in time for the explosion to miss his best friend. Was this how it happened? Did he lose Danni this early and April later on? His heart wrenched and all Dorian could think about was how much he hoped that Danni’s omega gene had kicked in enough after these years to give him flame immunity. But just in case…”Danni Run!” Dorian yelled like a blood curdling banshee before his body instinctively ripped him into the Astral Realm to save him from the massive blast of the bomb.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Pietro’s words made no sense to Max at first. Strange didn’t care about himself. He cared about the cosmic good, about the wellbeing of their cosmo’s and all that affected it. Then again, those who didn’t know Strange, the ones who’d only heard of him or met him in passing, they’d see it differently. His calculations and priorities might seem cold or self centered much like how the mutants on Genosha felt about the X-men, perhaps the X-men felt that way about Strange. Each branch only focusing on a smaller scale than the next and incapable or unwilling to broaden their view to see why it was that the others refused to help. Max was seeing that now, how this team that he used to think was so well constructed and whom he looked up to, whom he later saw had flaws or morality, now were just others who were no different than himself or anyone from the Mutant Underground. Each of them had their flaws, and each of them had their own personal demons they were fighting in order to stay afloat. It didn’t excuse Xaviers actions, but at the very least it helped to shed some light on how any of them could show their face in public.

Miranda chimed in. Cutting off any train of thought that Max had had and launching him into a confused flurry of faces. He’d know idea why she had brought up Pietro’s cleptomania, that is not until she’d mentioned the mirror. If he was being honest, his comment before was just a throw away one, not meant to be taken seriously as he had doubted any of them would carry such a thing. But here was Pietro, pulling out a small ornate mirror that was meticulously wrapped before being handed to him. Max stared in disbelief for a moment, before finally he thanked the speedster with an elated laugh. He focused in on the mirror as a strange man rolled out from another room and made their way towards them. Max’s initial instincts told him to fight, to run, but that wasn’t what they had spoken about. They were to avoid fighting unless attacked first. The man seemed nice enough. Max paid half attention to what it was that he was saying as he spoke to Pietro. He ran a finger along the outer rim of the mirror, tracing its reflective surface as he muttered some mystic words and the reflection was replaced with that of Neil. Max moved the image around a little, trying to see where it was that Neil was, though the hallway looked just like any other he’d seen in this place. They seemed to be heading in towards a larger room, and he had an idea as to who might know where they were, but first.

”Neil, it's Max. We’ve landed and are searching for you guys. This place is huge. We’re at the docking bay, can you get here?” Max spoke the words though they never left his mouth. Silence took over as he mouthed each syllable before finally his spell was spoken and the words would appear inside of Neil’s head. He’d be able to respond, though whether he’d get back the full length of his message was up to how well Neil handled it. Max turned the mirror towards the man before them, who claimed he’d keep his lips sealed. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lindan, and for my sake I hope you keep that no snitching policy. I’m searching for my friend, do you recognize this location?” To Max it may just look like any old hallway, but to someone who may have been spending some time up here, there may be some small differences Max couldn’t see. Places were funny like that. Like twins, they could be identical, but there were always some minor differences to tell them apart.
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