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Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demi rolled his eyes at the Party God. His incessant flirting wasn't going to score any brownie points with Zeke, and even more so doing it while he wasn't around. His smile faltered slightly at the thought of Zeke. A pain cutting through him deeper than he realized before adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. Nancy's answer was short but informative. Meet at the hotel. They could do that, sure. She didn't look too good from the brief glimpse he was able to catch, his own vision failing him in spots as his eyes worked hard to focus. Nancy was a warrior, they trained for this, but Zeke? How was he fairing if his sister looked like that? Another knot formed inside of his stomach as he thought about it before pushing the idea out of his mind.

As Cassian stretched he couldn't help but eavesdrop on the call being made. He saw as Demi contacted Nancy, finding it odd that he didn't bother to contact his own boyfriend. Maybe it was so Alexios and Zeke wouldn't start a fight? Or maybe it had to do with the faint sounds of raised voices and sobbing he'd heard a few nights back. Either way he was resolved to keep his nose out of it lest he risk another outburst that would land him with more than a bruised chin. He slowly made his way towards them, looking over at Kristin. "So we meet up at Location. Sounds easy enough, just…where is the location?"

Without hesitation Kristin began to lead the group over towards the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Making their way out of the train stop, through bustling crowds, and on the other side of the street from it. This was it. The hotel in all its glory, and all that kept them at bay was a traffic light. Soon it'd change and they were able to make their way across, and Cassian began to grow nervous of what was to come. His first major battle and it would be with a Titan.

Demi kept up with the group as they headed towards the building, lagging behind only slightly as his long legs afforded him bigger strides to help keep up with those who had more energy than him. The entire time all he could think of was seeing Zeke again, seeing how he was ok, and about how he should've bought a sandwich from the train to give to him since he'd probably hardly eaten the past few days. Which was rich coming from him.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie knew that Colby was right. They needed to be down there, to be a part of the plans. But…he couldn't help but want to just hide away from it all. He wasn't afraid that they might die, or that they'd lose, or even that they'd get captured. He was afraid that this would be it. The adventure would end. That scared him the most. He felt like he'd been in this for so long now, he didn't know what to do with the after. How did one live happily ever after? This tragedy brought him and Colby closer than the real world ever did, and he didn't know which way Colby felt. They hand one foot in each realm, and Maddie couldn't help but wonder if Colby would still wish to be with him when they weren't constantly on the run.

"Right. Can't let them make all the decisions or we might get some goofy plan involving fake mustaches and a chained up wookie." Maddie quipped before standing up and following Colby down the stairs. He'd caught the tail end, curious as to exactly what the plan was but sure enough that if they were looking for a secret entrance they'd expect to have a covert team. "If stealth is your aim then Colby and I are the game. We've worked a bit on our magic while you all were away. Can easily cover an assault or sneak others in under the cover of fog or with an aetherial step. What do you think Colbs?"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max rolled his eyes at the man. That wasn't even close to the same sort of thing. Every hideout he'd been in was essentially rubble piled together safely enough to be called a roof, but even still he could recall the different cracks and bends of the various hideouts he'd spent time in while with the Underground. It was like driving through an old neighborhood, and being able to tell where you were not just by street names but the trees and pieces around you. You could see a still of a field and recall that was where your first kiss was, or perhaps where you'd made a best friend. It was clear that this Linden character wasn't enamored with his work.

Neil's words cut through Max like a familiar friend. He stood there, dumbstruck as the wind whirled around him from Pietros speedy exit. No doubt he was heading towards the scene of the explosion, towards Neil's death. He didn't have time to think, only act. Max looked at the floor, noting the marks caused by Pietro's sudden burst in speed. "Follow him!" he yelled as he took to steps before he was engulfed in an orb of black and appeared back at the hangar. He'd closed the distance, but there was still so much to go. He sprinted, running as fast as he could until he saw the shadow of Magento, past him was Guin, Jaclyn, and…Lance?! "You're alive?!" Max managed to croak out in between gasps for breath. He looked towards Magneto, a man he'd worked under twice now. "Let them go. You can't force people into paradise. We need a safe haven, but it must also be a safe space. No kidnapping." His words were tired as he spoke, panting, exhausted.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

More and more people kept showing up. Sure there was just a loud explosion and the chance that two of the schools students may have just died, but that didn't mean that everyone had to come crawling out of the woodworks to see it happen. They should’ve just let the teachers handle it, have them deal with the situation and possible mess and not go poking their noses into it. Besides, Dorian figured it wasn’t exactly great for someone's mental health to see their classmates splatter all across the walls and floors. He hadn’t expected for Sabine to go off like that however. Yelling at Nemo as if he was anybody and threatening him with a psychic lobotomy in the event he ever deigned to threaten their lives again. He didn’t know whether to cheer her on or beg her to stop speaking. Though none of that mattered much as Sabine kept on rolling with her speech, turning her words towards the rest of the party as opposed to focusing only on Poisson-pas. Dorian almost wished that she’d kept her words to their coach, he didn’t quite feel like being berated at the moment, especially not by someone who just got puked on courtesy of one of his possessions.

Dorian physically cringed as she ripped into the teams harmony, or lack thereof as it were. Truthfully he hadn’t the foggiest idea what had transpired, mostly because Sabine had wiped his gourd clean of anything that happened after being tied up. So he couldn’t rightfully say if it was their fault or Zeldas as to why they weren’t working together as a team. Then again, he didn’t exactly want to argue with the girl that had the ability to mr. clean his mind at a whim. Nemo seemed to take it all in good spirits, while their dorm mom didn’t take it well in the slightest. Dorian could feel the tension in the air, thick as the humid air back in New Orleans on a hot muggy day. He spied Percy off into the back, entering and looking like a new him, though he stayed clear of everyone but Zelda again. Dorian let out a sigh, wondering how this team would ever get the chance to work well together. He wanted to win the Contest of Champions, granted it’d still feel like a sour win without April by their side. His eyes looked down at the floor, disappointed in himself for how this first trial went. Only when Danni spoke up again did he decide to look back up, seeing his best friend and only life line in this group walk away and leave him. It felt like being left alone at a party you weren’t invited to, begging to search for a corner near the food and drink stand so that you kept occupied enough that others wouldn’t notice how lonely you were.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

The portal opened and Max watched as the giant god of death fell through before losing an arm to the closing rift. He let out a sigh of relief knowing now that they were free to figure themselves out for the time being. As he sat back on the couch, it began to violently shake as did the rest of the furnishings in the room. Pieces flying here and there as they swirled around the secured limb until the Green Eyed One was back and whole. His stomach dropped as Carolina cut into the Beast only to have it duplicate itself. They needed to get out of there, but first Klara needed to be freed. Max didn't even get one step before long wet restraints surrounded him. Panic fueling him as he decided to use his last resort. His tied hands may not let him portal, but he could still teleport.

Max was surrounded by a swirling black mass, quickly enclosing him before it vanished at the same speed it came. He felt the familiar cold embrace of his secondary mutation, but his intent was to reappear near Carolina and Klara not at a new location with a horde of demonic creatures and insects at war with one another. His knees felt weak as a cold empty feeling took over him. He'd left Carolina and a child behind. It didn't matter that he didn't mean to, only that he had. Another mutant to add to the list of people he couldn't save due to his incompetence. He went to go back, to open a rift between here and them, but as his hand lifted he saw a familiar sight. Four other strangers all wearing the same cloak and eye as he. Just how many were there?

Max turned the guilt and emptiness into a roiling rage. He needed to get back to them but couldn't forsake these others to do so. Perhaps with all their powers combined they could take on the Green Eyed One and save Klara and Carolina. A spell was whispered between his lips "By the Flames of Faltine, Fuck off" His hand was still high above his head, a loud snap resounding from it as fire burst forward. Flames harsher than hell be creatures from another dimension that devoured the demons as it crawled against them. Seven of the demons pestering the group fell to ash as Max walked onto the scene, placing a hand on Annikas side where a large wound had just formed. His magic seeped into the wounds curing the flesh over with patches of grey fur.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes gave Ceolfric a blank look. No shit it was all in his stomach, but where were the containers? The bottles? Anything to point to the fact that they had been drinking. Luckily for him, his mercenary of an ally seemed to have enough understanding to continue to dig for the truth. Though he found it odd that he'd just outright asked them. Perhaps he hoped that their display was enough to intimate some answers out of them all. But as the stranger began to talk, Ermes realized what it was that Ceolfric had meant that day when he had said he could get others to do what he said. It wasn't with brute force or physical threats, he meant it literally. Much how Ermes could command his constructs it appeared that Ceolfric could command the living. Jar gave his whole life story as it seemed, and it wasn't a particularly exciting one.

Another voice popped up, loud and grating, causing Ermes to snap his attention towards the sound. Cerric had somehow woken up in all the commotion and was now floundering around with all the tact of an oversized walrus. By now there was no point in him being here. He'd only wished to snoop and rid them of any weapons or find evidence of what their real purpose here was. But it'd seemed they were just two drunken idiots lost within the woods. "All yours buddy. I'm not babysitting a drunkard." He said flatly before slinking back into shadows and making his way into their camp. Surely even if they meant harm, Ceolfric would be more than capable of taking them down.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

"It's ok! It's ok. No one will see you like t'is. I 'ave a plan." Dorian had found a sure fire way to fix Danni's little issue. But just as he was about to unveil his brilliant idea, he heard their dorm mothers voice right next to him. To say that he shrieked was an understatement. Normally when he scared he'd reflexively enter the Astral Realm, but this time he got jump scared so bad he'd went right past that and just froze in place. He'd just told Danni no one would see him and here was their dorm mom busting in and breaking that very word. Dorian gripped his chest as he let out a long exhale. "You scared me 'alf to deat' t'ere. But…I'm fine. Not even a lick of soot or bomb ash on me."

Dorian had already been to Nurse Annie's so much this week, he really didn't need to be visiting her again. Besides, the last time he'd been there was when…Dorian shoved that thought right on back. Percy was delirious and clearly hadn't meant it. Besides, he'd probably killed any chances today by not only possessing him, but making him get sick all over himself and Sabine. Ugh, he wished Sabine could just scrub that all out of everyone's minds here. Hide that secret away for life so he didn't have to live with it. When Nemo appeared right next to them, Dorian jumped with a small yelp. "Could you all please stop doin' t'at? I ain't tryin' to stay in t'e Astral Plane." He pouted, though it quickly turned into a look of shock as the old tea loving gay teacher just admitted to knowingly allow them to fuck up a bomb.

He was rendered speechless, which said a lot because typically he always had a comment or two hidden away in his back pocket for any occasion, but this? It wasn't till now that Firestars words had fully clicked into his head. He had no class for the rest of the day. He wasn't sure whether to be elated or bummed out. On one hand he had a free pass for a whole day of Hookey. The amount of trouble he could get into was incredible, or even more he could hang around other classes and watch the other teams to see how they were doing. But on the other hand, that was one less day of getting ready. They already felt so behind and dysfunctional, but maybe this would be a good chance for them to try and bond with their other classmates to help repair that dysfunction.
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Caspian waited by the exit as he watched everything unfurl before him. He'd hoped that the rest would be quicker about moving out of here, but it seemed the Astorio was still intent on his murder spree and one of the captives had jumped right into the fray they were trying to save them from. As the lightning arked into Roans arm, the scent of burnt hair hit the air once more. He watched intently to see if he'd move after the blast, to see if they had failed to rescue another or if perhaps the newcomers' risk wasn't a total wash. Roan moved once more, and Caspian was able to breathe easy, watching as a shield charm had erected itself between the Astorio and his prey while the butterflies that once guarded the exit now fluttered down into a storm of death towards an occupied hall.

Lyra called out for them to grab Dylan, and for the life of him Caspian had forgotten about the other soul. The one he'd been guarding before all hell broke loose. He silently cursed to himself for having left him behind and defenseless. He was about to break into a sprint to grab the captive when he began to feel a lurch in his stomach. An uneasiness tugging at him like nausea as he suddenly began to move backwards towards the exit. Quinn had yelled for them to grab something, but there was nothing around for him to grab. He grasped aimlessly at the ground before finally giving in and allowing himself to be pulled to the point of Quinns spell. Only for the strange mage to make a run for it past him with fast apologies and even faster legs.

As everyone finally made it out through the door, Caspian followed behind them. He'd made sure he was the last one through, pulling the door closed behind him as he knelt on the ground. He'd have loved to have Lyra weld the door shut, but they didn't have that kind of time. They needed a way to seal them in, and Caspian didn't know of any spells yet to fuse the two materials together into one. So he decided to go with plan C. "Figrius Laispi" He felt his magic course into the stonework beneath him, bending the shape to his will as the stonework on the other side of the door began to rise up right against the door. "Hopefully that'll hold them for a while. Let's go."

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

"She needs it more than you do." Max replied very matter of factly. His attention was torn between the child beside him and the god before him. Carolina seemed to have someone in mind who could help, trouble was she hadn't mentioned who or where or even how which left Max with little to nothing to work on. His portals weren't just like magic. Ok maybe they were, but that didn't mean he could just guess where it was they needed to go. He had to think of something, and fast. Klara was too caught up in the small details to notice their lives were in danger, and while Carolina seemed to somehow have connections, she apparently lacked the magical aptitude needed to escape this location.

His attention quickly snapped towards the Green Eyed One as they began to grow and stretch right before his eyes. The long thin body elongating into a grotesque monster out of a horror movie dealing with Creepy Pastas. Max instinctively took a step back, moving away from the creature as its long fingers tried to make their way towards them. It was clear they wouldn't take no for an answer, so Max had to find another way to refuse. He was about to open a portal beneath all three of them so that they'd be taken to another location within Limbo, but before his hands could move, the spindly fingers snatched up Klara and held her aloft. "Hands off the kid. Her soul isn't yours to take." He said as he attempted to rip open a portal behind the Green Eyed One in an attempt to cut off her arm and remove the god from the building all in one fell swoop. A little something he'd picked up from Runa back in WandaWorld.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie couldn't help but smile. He knew Colby didn't mean it in a creepy way, like how Edward creepily watched Bella as she slept. No. This was more loving, more endearing than something like that. He kissed him back, his smile faltering for a moment as he heard the knock on the door. Lucky for them it was just their dads. Unfortunately for them however it was their dad's. His eyes became narrow slits and he gave the door an unamused glare before he heard the sounds of them receding away.

"No privacy here I swear. It's like living on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen. Besides, I don't even know what all they'd think we do with so many people around here." Maddie said with a cheeky smile towards Colby. It was nice however, having this small familial interaction. Like living out a scene from a teenage sitcom. The kind where there were valuable life lessons while holding the image of a perfect family. "You're sure we can't stay and cuddle a bit more?"
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