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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Perception, Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

So Magneto had intended for there to be Contests of Strength for the right to be in his new paradise. Though it appeared they were meant to be voluntary contests, no death situations only meant to help bolster defenses while the Asteroid was still being worked on. It was clear to Max that Exodus must have done exactly what he had implied earlier. He must've heard about the way it was meant to work and twisted the ideals to his own crusade as an excuse to go and fight X-men new and old to not only prove themselves worthy, but to also eliminate those who may stand in their way later on down the road. It all made sense and allied with what Max had managed to learn about Magneto throughout the years. He wanted to counter Pietro's own refusal of the proposed truth, with how in all these years Magneto had been the only one to consistently offer mutants a choice, even when M-pox ravaged across the country he came to the MU and offered them a chance for the cure, something Charles never did. He wanted to tell him there was no way that Magneto could know everything that happened when he doubted Charles himself could account for every single one of his students or followers.

There was so much he wanted to say, but it all fell to the wayside as a sickening crack resounded in the metallic corridor. Lance was injured, Max needed to help but his healing magic was touchy at best, especially with that bubble of light around them pushing him off. He took one step forward when Carolina came into view and began yelling at him for leaving them behind. "Now's not the time for that Reed. But if you'd like an answer as to why I'll be happy to explain it all to you once this situation is diffused and we are on our merry way." Max replied with an edge to his voice before giving his attention to Jaclyn. "No, but I can attempt to contact him
again." Ed had been the most difficult person he'd ever tried to call, it was like he didn't want to be found by Max, like how he felt on the walk to the Dark Castle. Distant, fearful, and alone. Fortunately for him his spell made contact as scanned over the bodies before him, Lance's leg being the only injury he could see.

Now what was meant to be said was "Ed, It's Max. Magento found us but he seems to be friendly for now. Lance is injured, his legs broken...can you patch him up from afar?" But unbeknownst to Max, his spell had come with mystical static that plagued the message Ed received. So all his dear mystic friend would receive is "Ed, It's Max. [Tcssssshhhhcht] found us [tsht] he [Tssshhhhhhhcchhssshht] friendly for [Tsht]. [Tsssht] is injured, his legs are broken...can you patch [tsshrt] up [tsht] afar?"

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max thought on Runa's comment. He recalled her powers back in WandaWorld, how she'd mentioned something about lies and how she spoke them into existence. Frankly he hadn't fully understood it all, it read like an Asgardian FairyTale. But he knew enough to know the darkness that was inside her back then, the way she willingly called upon Dormommuu (who he later learned was not a very good guy) to bolster her own strength to take out James. But, if her new attire (and age) were anything to go by, then she would seem to be on a journey of self discovery. He couldn't see a speck of black on her, though he felt the grey was ill fitting. She deserved white, she deserved her completion. Didn't she?

Ed hadn't said anything to Max. If anything it was as if Max was a knife in his side, uncomfortable and painful to even be around. It hurt him to think he'd ruined a relationship somewhere down the line, that he did something to unnerve Ed. But Max didn't have the strength to ask. He simply made his way past the pair, wrapping his arms around Runa in a tight hug. Something she seemed she hadn't had in millenia. "I'll help Runa up the cliff, I'm sure each of your magics should be more than enough to help yourselves." Max went to cast the spell when he stopped just before and looked towards Ed. "And Ed
I'm sorry for whatever I've done." With that the spell took place, Max swirled with cosmic dust as he floated up the cliff with Runa in his arms before placing them both atop it.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie should've anticipated that Rosalia would immediately instigate things. She didn't know them, or their capabilities. Damn the fact that they're the reason why they have a genie in the first place, or how they snuck into the Palace of none other than Jafar while Rumple was present. Or even the fact that under those twos very noses they snuck into a Forbidden vault, snatched the key item needed for this whole attack plan, and avoided getting caught by the guards before finally making their way back here before Rosalia's team deigned to even come here. She had no right to talk, no right to tell them where they could and couldn't go. He'd hoped that Merlin would back him up but instead he wanted him and Colby to split up.

Maddie felt like they were being attacked, no one was on their side until Willow spoke up. Someone who bore witness to how well the pair could do when not being bogged down by the others. But before Maddie could utter a word Colby had already rolled over and chosen to leave the stealth team. Granted he didn't blame him, who'd want to be stuck with Rosalia of all people? He felt the light tap of Colby against him before it vanished and his boyfriend began to walk away. He didn't want to be separated, but that was Merlin's wish. Maddie ran towards Colby, gripping him around the waist from behind. "You come back to me ok? No heroics. I can't lose you too."
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room A
Skills: Possession Combat, Perception, HidingFirst Day Fit

Dorian could hardly sleep the night before, excitement for the qualifiers filling his every bone as he lay there in bed constantly turning and thinking up new fantastical ideas of what might happen tomorrow. That is, until he passed out into a drooling mess resembling Anna from Frozen. He hadn't quite woken up as early as Danni did, his alarm nowhere near setting off as he heard the sounds of his best friend running around the room like The Rhino down Manhattan. He'd waved Danni away at first, grumbling something incomprehensible as he may in his dream stupor with one arm elegantly tossed across his eyes. It wasn't until Danni shook him awake, saying something about the qualifiers, that Dorian jolted up in bed with wide eyes. The excitement and thrill of it all hitting him like patch day or a new game expansion for the still ongoing FFXIV mmo.

Dorian jumped out of bed, making his way over to his roommates side when he spied something on the floor. A letter. Was this like team assignments all over again? Did it reveal today's mission or task that started now? He quickly flipped it over, ripping the envelope to see a familiar writing on it. It was the same writing he'd been seeing for over a week now, penned into the pages and notes that adorned Percy's copy of The Illiad. His cheeks tinged pink as he read the words penned on paper, causing him to rush towards his desk and pen one back. He didn't think he'd have the chance to hand it off before the qualifiers, so it lacked any good luck wishes, but simply showed his gratitude as well as noting that he's poured through his book front to back three times already since the copy was handed to him. Granted he'd flipped the pages much more than that as it let off a slight scent of Percy’s Lush scent.

Dorian quickly showered, getting himself perfectly pristine for his debut fight amongst the A-listers that would be attending this year's Contest. It was a perfect time to be on a judges team, as they were looked at with more vigor than the others for promising new heros. He opened up his closet, seeing a hanging suit bag that held the hero outfit he'd asked Zelda to make for him. He had asked that all their outfits be fireproof, just in case one of Danni's flames took an odd turn during the Contest of Champions. He unzipped the bag to show his suit. A form fitting black suit with enough belts to make a Final Fantasy character proud. It had a ghostly looking P emblemed over the heart for his hero name, white under the knee boots and long white gloves with a flared white collar.

Dorian grinned from ear to ear as he looked at Zeldas handiwork. She really outdid herself, and it was something she felt more comfortable doing. He put the suit on for the first time since the measurements were taken, and it fit like a glove. Clipping his sword to his side and shoving a few items into the few external pockets the suit had before putting on his gloves and giving them a test. It felt right.

Out on the field Dorian stood waiting for the call to action. The Mighty Marvel's at the other end as they played the hero to their villainous side. The objective was simple: keep the Golem on their side and fend off those who dared steal it back, without maiming or killing of course. Crystal announced the bell and MM seemed to just stand there. No, that wasn't quite right. As Dorian watched, Percy began to walk his way over towards the enemy team, wondering what the hell he was thinking. Sure he had the hubris of a demi-god, but even he wouldn't be this brazen. It wasn't until he noticed Sabine and Danni that he began to piece things together. Someone was playing with their minds.

Dorian scanned the enemy team, not bothering to take a good look at them or figure out their powersets yet until he identified who it was that entranced half his team in one go. He caught the lilting song of the siren and found his mark. They should've kept her as an Ace in the hole rather than start off with her. Sloppy. He looked towards his boyfriend from across the field, giving Jim a half cooked smile as he tried to make sure he was ok. "You alright Perce?" He didn't wait for a response though, his cold gaze fixating on the Siren before him. "So? You like to take away people's bodily autonomy? Not cool." he said with an edge in voice before he began to walk towards his right. As he passed behind Danni he vanished from view.

Dorian quickly flew towards XeƄia, possessing her as he gave her a sample of her own powers. Percy didn't like losing control of himself, and now he'd show her how badly she'd messed up. She was weak, unprepared for the Astral assault. One of the quickest grabs Dorian had ever made , save for Danni. He wasn't used to her powers yet, to her body, but he understood enough. He tried to drop the enchantment on his allies and reverse it back towards the Mighty Marvel's, but while he was able to ensnare the other team, he couldn't quite drop his own teams. That was fine, he got half the equation, now he just needed to try again. He felt her powers more vividly now, capable of dropping Danni and Sabines enchantment while maintaining the ones on the Might Marvel's. Changing the tune she was singing to a nod that his own team would understand so they'd know he got them.

"We must be strong
And we must be brave
We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go"

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demetri had initially been scanning the crowds in search for Zeke, dark splotches painting his vision as he came in and out of focus during the search. It was hard to keep a smile when he felt as though he had nothing to smile about. After some time his eyes started to lose focus, the busy streets of LA turning more and more into a blur as he stared off into the middle distance. His mind was miles away as he leaned against a streetlamp near the hotel. He'd half heard Kristin's explanation, but none of it mattered. If the hotel was bound to trap them then it'd do so, if not then there was no need to worry about it. Right? To say he was lost in thought wouldn't be accurate, there wasn't a single thought going through his mind at all. It was a blank slate allowing him to reserve as much of what little energy he had left from the days of not eating.

It wasn't until Zeke spoke, his voice calling Demi back out of his head space. Demetri's eyes glided towards those of his boyfriend. He didn't know what to say, he went to take a half step forward, but managed only to get off the street light before getting a bit dizzy from it all. Normally he'd have held onto something, to gain his balance more, but he didn't want to let slip how badly the last fight had affected him. Demi eyed the apple like it was some foreign object before placing his hand on it and pushing it gently back towards Zeke. "I
had a big breakfast. Thanks though, I meant to get you something from the cart
" His voice was shaky as he tried to fight back all the emotions roiling inside of him. Anger, Depression, Elation, Jealousy, he didn't know which to let through, he also didn't want to be more of a burden than he already was.

Cassian had been standing near Kristin and Janelle, hand placed above his brow as he shaded his eyes from the sun in search of their two missing companions. It was mostly in vain, as no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find a single sign of them. His attention shifted when Kristin decided to brief them a bit more on the Lotus Hotel. "Sounds like we're going to need to be quick then. Since time is literally not on our side in this place." he commented as he tried to think before a small cat came barreling towards them.

Cassian went down to pet the cat, mostly putting his hand out to allow the feline to sniff his scent and if it cared to, rub under his palm like it would a post. He looked up and saw Zeke and Nancy approaching. He wanted to make a comment about the name, and ask further questions about what he meant by a cat leading them, but it seemed as though Zeke and Demi were finally getting some "me" time. Not the best kind but
some time enough after being apart for a few days.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max felt like an ass now. He'd remembered seeing Carolina, though she'd mentioned things that hadn't happened yet, Runa was clearly much older than when he'd met her last, and here was someone who knew him but he hadn't known back, another peak into what was to come for him. All else fell to the wayside for now. The lone demon being ripped apart by a vicious werewolf was but distant sound as Max searched for the words to mend something he may have just broken. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly through his mask before breaking into a light jog to catch up to Ed as he pressed forward. "I'm
I'm sorry Ed. I didn't mean for it to come off that way, I should've known you'd be from my future, so far every sorcerer I've met here in Limbo has been someone further in time from me. Well
save for one." He didn't know if he should mention Klara was here. He didn't want them to think he abandoned her when the reality was something stranger than fiction.

Max listened intently as Ed explained the current situation to him. He thought of the name he had given, Witchfire, rummaging through his mind to see if any study or mention of the name had ever come by him before all of this. But nothing. Whoever this was, it was a new player added to their Smash roster that promised to liven things up for them. Twice now he'd heard the name, once when the Green Eyed One grabbed hold of Carolina, and another just now. His attention turned to the human turned lupine turned human. They appeared to be fine, though he didn't quite catch the first word she spoke to him. "Kwehkwe? Uh, my name's Max." he managed to cough up awkwardly. Everything was happening so fast, he could hardly make heads or tails of it. "This is the second mention of this Witchfire I've heard of today. Anyone have an idea of who they are? What they are?" Max asked the group allowed before pausing for a moment and looking towards the woman who mentioned their magic. "My imagination is my limit, so by all means if you wish to think of something, be my guest."
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max allowed himself a moment to breathe. Between Magento's confusion, his words, and the seemingly growing gap between Exodus and his Master, it seemed he wouldn't need to intervene for a moment. He leaned against the metallic wall, feeling the cool metal siphon off some of the heat from him as his exhaustion slowly waned away. His breath was evening out, and he was able to function more clearly now that he was given a bit of a moment. He had hoped this Erik was the same one he'd seen back in Genosha, the one who coveted his family, who protected Andy, and whose heart seemed to break at the loss of mutant life. So far it seemed his gamble was correct. Which begged the question, who sent the orders?

Max had an idea or two as to how that might’ve come to be, but before he could speak he noticed something off about his uncanny allies. Guin seemed to keep her hand pressed against the back of her head, although Max could see no obvious injury, it was clear this wasn't a motion for comfort but necessity. She was injured. Ed wasn't around, Max had no link to him otherwise he'd ask Ed to use his sympathetic magic to heal her across distances. So it was up to him to do so, to help her, regardless of how happy she'd be about it. With Magneto's focus on Pietro and Exodus, Max decided to try some magic of his own behind his back, out of sight. The power danced across his fingers, as he felt its other half weaving a spell behind Guins head. The wound stitching closed as the bleeding stopped. Something was resisting him, he didn't know what, but his magic couldn't reach its full potential while it was blocking him. It hurt to say it, but this was the best he could do for now. "Unless Exodus acted on his own accord, rallied others to his cause in the false name of Magneto to give leverage to his words
if he even needed that much. The mutants we fought were craving a battle, not just for the rights to live here, but some seemed keen on killing. This sounds like an internal affair, so why don't we get our allies and leave this to them."

Location: Dorm
Skills: N/A

Sun. Oct. 10

Dorian fidgeted alone in his room, staring at the full length mirror as he messed with his hair a bit. He didn't think he'd ever felt anxious before when it came to studying. Even in his time at Strange’s he hadn't ever felt anxious, so why did he now? He took one last look at himself before making his way over to his nightstand and opening up the first drawer. Pulling out a Teddy bear shaped cologne bottle before spritzing a bit on his neck and wrist. It wasn't a date by any means, but it didn't mean that he couldn't look presentable. He grabbed his copy of the Iliad, as well as a moleskin notebook and some writing utensils to take notes with. He clutched them in his hands, feeling the leather of his pencil pouch wring against his now sweaty palms before he finally headed out and went one door over. He knocked gently against the door before speaking. "Uh, Perce?"

Almost a month ago, Percy wouldn’t have entertained the idea of studying with Dorian. But the forced repeated exposure to him had
 helped. They saw each other almost every day - whether it was in class, in the hallways of the dorm, in the cafeteria, or training with Ser Nemo. Dorian Gray was an unavoidable part of Percy’s life. He could practically feel Agatha Harkness laughing at him from the shadows.

He heard the knock at the door and he sighed. His roommate wasn’t around much these days - something about an internship of sorts, studying under Hank McCoy aka the Beast. Percy certainly liked the privacy of more or less having his room to himself, as Teddy was only on campus one or two nights a week now. But right now, it felt
 well, it felt almost intimate - certainly strange - the idea of being alone in a room with Dorian Gray.

Percy unlocked and opened up the door. He was dressed in his academy uniform, like he almost always was. The only real difference was that there was a slight sparkle on his skin. He had tried a new body bar from Lush, and now, he felt a little bit like a Twilight vampire. But he liked it. ”Yes?” Percy said, feeling the tension rise inside of him.

But he knew why Dorian was here. He stepped aside, letting the older boy into his room. ”Teddy isn’t here - you can use his chair,” he explained. He had his copy of the Iliad out, covered in sticky notes - well, the copy assigned for class in English. The Greek version he had on his bed.

Dorian swallowed as the door opened. He couldn't help but notice the new sheen on Percy's skin. Had he freshened up for him too? No, it couldn't be. The knot in his stomach grew as the interaction went on. Teddy was gone, it would just be them two, but they were just studying, so why did he feel this way? "Uh, t'anks." he muttered out lamely as he walked past Percy. He saw Percy's copy of the book and paused, making his way over towards it as he dropped his own supplies off atop of the chair offered to him. "Wow, you've got a lot of notes on t'is t'ing. I don't even know where to begin."

He tried to sound at ease, speaking in a joking tone to offset the tension he now felt inside of this room. It had been almost a month since the kiss, and not once had they ever spoken about it. And as Dorian watched Percy in his school uniform, he began to wonder if perhaps he was a little bit overdressed for their study session. He'd worn a white cotton shirt with light blue pinstripes, though just seeing Percy in uniform had caused his to instinctively button up the two buttons he'd had purposely had undone, covering up the view of his chest once more.

”It’s my ninth time reading it,” Percy admitted, his face flushing. ”Well. Not my ninth time for this translation. I’ve read this one - Emily Wilson’s translation - twice, George Chapman’s three times, and the rest in the original Greek. You get a slightly different story each time, it’s funny that way
” His voice trailed off, as he reached into the mini-fridge and pulled out two bottles of sparkling water. He put one down on the desk, before offering the other to Dorian.

”Have you tried beginning with, well, the beginning?” Percy asked, quirking an eyebrow in amusement. He grabbed the book from his bed, and opened it, and began to read:

â€ÎŒáż†ÎœÎčÎœ ጄΔÎčΎΔ ΞΔᜰ Î Î·Î»Î·ÏŠÎŹÎŽÎ”Ï‰ ገχÎčÎ»áż†ÎżÏ‚
ÎżáœÎ»ÎżÎŒÎ­ÎœÎ·Îœ, áŒŁ ÎŒÏ…ÏÎŻáŸœ ገχαÎčÎżáż–Ï‚ áŒ„Î»ÎłÎ”áŸœ ጔΞηÎșΔ,
Ï€ÎżÎ»Î»áœ°Ï‚ Ύៜ áŒ°Ï†ÎžÎŻÎŒÎżÏ…Ï‚ ψυχᜰς ጌϊΎÎč Ï€ÏÎżÎÎ±ÏˆÎ”Îœ
áŒĄÏÏŽÏ‰Îœ, Î±áœÏ„Îżáœșς ÎŽáœČ ጑λώρÎčα Ï„Î”áżŠÏ‡Î” ÎșύΜΔσσÎčÎœ
ÎżáŒ°Ï‰ÎœÎżáż–ÏƒÎŻ τΔ π៶σÎč, ΔÎč᜞ς Ύៜ áŒÏ„Î”Î»Î”ÎŻÎ”Ï„Îż ÎČÎżÏ…Î»Îź,
ጐΟ Îżáœ— Ύᜎ τᜰ Ï€Ïáż¶Ï„Î± ÎŽÎčÎ±ÏƒÏ„ÎźÏ„Î·Îœ áŒÏÎŻÏƒÎ±ÎœÏ„Î”
ገτρΔΐΎης τΔ ጄΜαΟ áŒ€ÎœÎŽÏáż¶Îœ Îșα᜶ ÎŽáż–ÎżÏ‚ ገχÎčλλΔύς.”

Dorian's eyes lit up in amazement. Nine times. He hadn't imagined that all those notes had come from that many times of reading. He was about to ask when Percy had listed off all the authors if there was any difference between them but Percy quickly answered that thought with his explanation. His face lit up red as he was asked if he'd started at the beginning, and to be frank he'd tried it a few times but never seemed to get the ball rolling.

As Percy began to read, Dorian simply gave up and fell back onto his bed. Groaning in protest at the gibberish that was being spoken to him. "It's 'opeless. It all sounds Greek to me."

Percy shook his head. ”Correct. It is Greek,” Percy deadpanned. There was a hint of a smile on his lips.

”Sing, Goddess, sing of the rage of Achilles, son of Peleus—
that murderous anger which condemned Achaeans
to countless agonies and threw many warrior souls
deep into Hades, leaving their dead bodies
carrion food for dogs and birds—
all in fulfillment of the will of Zeus.”

He then paused for a moment. Maybe just reciting the words wouldn’t be enough to help Dorian - maybe there was something more that he could do here. ”You know, the Iliad is a love story,” Percy offered. ”One of the first queer love stories, too. Achilles and Patroclus. They made a book about the two of them a decade or two back, you might’ve heard of it - the Song of Achilles?”

There was something about the way that Percy recited the tale, the lighting, the new sheen, the way his lips curled with the hint of a smile at every word. Dorian couldn't help but be entranced as he spoke. Watching his mouth as he spoke only to snap out of it with a blush stricken face when Percy stopped to mention it was a love story. A queen love story. He cleared his throat, sitting up and snapping his fingers at the mention of the other book that may as well have been as old as the Illiad.

"Right, I've 'eard of t'at one! My fat'er was obsessed wit' it back t'en. Took us to some museum to see it all. Did you know 'e was double cheeked up? 'e could've opened a bakery wit' 'ow much buns t'at man was carrying."

Percy had been taking a sip of his sparkling water, and very nearly choked at what Dorian had said. He was young - not so young that he was clueless about his sexuality - but young enough that he had never really talked about these things to someone. He grew up in a sapphic household, after all. And he hadn’t had any queer friends at his previous school, and even if he had, Percy didn’t think he would’ve talked about ass cheeks with them. ”I, er
 I’d never looked at his ass,” Percy lied.

He might’ve never talked about it with anyone else, but he had access to Google.

”You went to a lot of museums as a kid,” Percy observed - it wasn’t really much of a question.

"Tons. With the ability of free and instantaneous travel it was easy to see the sights." Dorian sat up from Percy's bed, making his way over towards where his sparkling water was and cracking it open. Twisting the cap slowly to let some of the carbonation out with a soft hiss before fully twisting it off. "I've got tons of pictures if you ever want to see t'em. Lots of statues and landscaping mostly. Well, me too."

As Dorian took a sip, he made his way over towards Percy, attempting to peer over his shoulder to see what it was that was so important on Percy's phone as to distract him from this study session. As if Dorian wasn't enough of a distraction himself. "Lots of pictures of his ass too."

Percy quickly turned his phone off, and threw it into the drawer of the desk. He felt like he had been caught doing something nefarious - rather than just searching for pictures of Patroclus. His heart was pounding excessively. Maybe from how close Dorian was. Maybe from Dorian offering to show him pictures of himself. He swallowed another swig of the sparkling water. ”I think I’m beginning to see why you’re having trouble with starting the Iliad,” Percy observed. He didn’t turn around. For whatever reason, the thought of meeting Dorian’s eyes was too much.

Dorian couldn't help but snicker at Percy's reaction to it all. He hadn't noticed just how close he'd gotten to Percy, that is until he was able to smell the body soap off of Percy. "And what would that be? Also
do you shop at lush?" He noted, his question was more a statement than anything. He hadn't meant to, but he ended up getting closer to him, the scent drawing him for a moment.

”You can’t focus on anything,” Percy suggested. He had wanted to say that Dorian was the living embodiment of ADHD, but he had decided against it. For now, at least. His face flushed as Dorian mentioned the scent. ”I went last weekend
 It’s a new body bar, figured I’d give it a try.” The scent was citrusy, with a spicy, cinnamon hint.

"It's nice. Explains t'e luster on your skin too." Being this close to Percy was a mistake. He didn't know why, but something inside of him was urging him to kiss him on the cheek. He leaned in a half an inch more before pulling away and making his way towards Percy's bed once more. "I 'ave a 'ard time focusing sometimes. It's like I 'it a wall and if I try to push past it not'in else will get t'rough." Dorian took a large drink from his bottle, his mouth feeling like it was drying up as he began to feel a bit warm, instinctively undoing two buttons once more.

A strange feeling of disappointment swept through Percy. He rotated his swivel chair, finally facing Dorian now. He looked at the way Dorian Gray was sitting on his bed, as if he were meant to be there. A bit self consciously, Percy tugged at the sleeves of his coat. He wanted to ask Dorian why he was able to focus on Percy’s skin, and not the reading. ”So what can you focus on now, then?” Percy asked.

Asking Dorian what he could focus on was like begging him to switch focuses. His eyes darted away from Percy and onto the dorm floor before slowly making their way back towards him. "Well
I'm not sure. But maybe I could focus on
you?" His face flushed red as he cleared his throat. "I mean Beanie said we should all get along more and I t'ink t'e best way to do t'at is to get to know each ot'er more t'an just our powers." Dorian wrestled with the bottle in his hands as he spoke, wondering how Percy would take it. "So you mentioned t'is was a queer love story
'ave you ever had one?"

The younger boy felt like running away - and for a moment, little sparks of blue lit off by his hands. But he remained, trying to ground himself in the moment. He did his best to keep his face neutral and calm, to fight off the blush that was slowly crawling up his features, until his entire visage was the same shade as a tomato. He was fairly certain that Dorian was flirting with him
 but he didn’t dare be wrong about it.

”N-no, I haven’t,” Percy admitted. ”I’ve, er, I’ve never even kissed a boy before. Or anyone. I’m only fourteen. I bet
 I bet you’ve kissed loads of people though. On your travels.” He felt so flustered. He didn’t understand what he was feeling.

Dorian watched the familiar blue sparks dance around Percy's hands. Clearly he'd touched a nerve
why did he always do this? When Percy mentioned he'd never kissed a boy before, it broke his heart. He knew the boy was barely conscious that day, but a part of him hoped he'd remembered. "Actually
my first kiss was this year believe it or not. But we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." He said as he nodded towards Percy's balled fists where the sparks used to be.

”Who was it?” Percy asked, before his rational mind caught up to him. He felt like he was possessed - something that he had some unfortunate first hand experience with. He tried to ignore Dorian pointing towards his hands. It was just another part of himself betraying him - no different from the heat on his face. ”Was it Teddy?” Teddy was always weird around Dorian and Danni, Percy had noticed.

Dorian wasn't sure if he should answer. It felt awkward now that he knew Percy had no recollection of the events. "I was helping a student out. They'd collapsed outside of my dorm a few nights into being here. No idea why. I took them to the Nurses office and was put in charge of watching over them. Though it wasn't like they could stop me. I was so worried that night
" There was a smile on his face as he recalled the night, the kiss. Dorian got up from the bed, making his way over towards Percy as he attempted to shoot a shot he'd never make. Regardless of what Agatha had said. He got close enough to Percy that he could smell the citrus off of him again. "He was about your height, well done hair, and even in their state he had a beautiful smile. Though his skin wasn't as nice as yours is now. That night he'd kissed me, though I don't think he remembers it at all. Regardless, that was my first one."

Percy tried to think through who the student could’ve been - he knew most of the people on their floor, and there weren’t any boys who came to mind. They must’ve been so out of it that they ended up on the wrong floor. A sharp feeling filled him - something unkind and twisted. It was easier to feel than the flustered nerves, so Percy leaned into it. ”Well, congratulations. I’m sure you’ll make a beautiful couple,” he snapped, coming off a bit more harshly than he had intended. ”If he needs help with a better skincare routine, send him my way.”

Dorian tried not to groan in frustration. Was he truly this dense? Or was he attempting to signal to him that he wasn't interested. But then again why mention being a good couple if he wasn't. Dorian didn't know what came over him, something outside his usual demeanor tugged at his need for answers and he stepped closer towards Percy, barely a hands width of room between them and certainly not enough space for Jesus. He placed his forefinger underneath Percy's chin and his thumb right beneath his mouth and tilted his head up so their gaze met. "It was you, ass." He said before letting go and making his way back towards the bed.

"Maybe this is why I can't understand any of this stuff. Because when I try to read it I think of you. But you clearly aren't interested so I just wonder how any of this could even be remotely true. Suppose that's why it's fiction, because love doesn't work out this way."

Percy leaned forward slightly, as if chasing the contact when Dorian removed his hand. His stomach had twisted himself into more knots, with more of that strange sharp pain. But there was a sense of relief as well. And a sense of
 need. ”Shut up,” Percy growled. He wasn’t thinking. If he had been thinking, he wouldn’t be doing this. He wouldn’t be closing the distance between the two of them, grabbing Dorian’s hands and pinning him down, and kissing him furiously.

Dorian braced for a hit, or something. But as his hands got pinned all he could feel was his heart racing. The last thing he'd expected was a kiss from Percy. His eyes went wide for a moment before closing and allowing it to happen. He went to go pull Percy in closer, but instantly felt the restraint from Percy's grip. He didn't know what to do, but he knew he didn't want this moment to stop yet.

Percy kept his grip on Dorian’s hands, having them pinned down on either side of Dorian’s head. He was practically on top of Dorian, the bed underneath the both of them. He was feeling something like rage and love, all wrapped into one confusing feeling, as he pulled away from the kiss. He stared at Dorian, studying his face. Maybe he was trapped in Agatha’s prophecy. ”You infuriate me.”

"You arouse me. I-i mean annoy me." Dorian could hardly think. As if all his blood had left his brain and put him in a stupor. "That was
much better than the first one." He said almost breathless, his hands still pinned near his head. He went to move, though he quickly realized that squirming underneath Percy as he sat atop of him wasn't the brightest idea. The movement caused another button to come undone and Dorian just let out a sigh.

Percy’s eyes widened, and he almost choked after what Dorian said. ”I-what?” he stammered. It was one thing to kiss a guy. Other things
 He was only fourteen. He wasn’t ready for that sort of stuff yet. Not for a while. His eyes then narrowed though. ”Probably better because I can remember it - that I’m in control now.” It was spiteful. He was still angry at Dorian for the numerous possessions. And maybe it wasn’t healthy, but he channeled some of that anger as he kissed Dorian again. He felt complicated. He was attracted to this person, just as much as he made Percy’s blood boil. He pushed Dorian’s lips open with his tongue, like he was trying to devour him.

"I kinda like you being in control" Dorian cooed just before his mouth became occupied once again by Percy's. It killed him that he couldn't run his hands through his hair, or pull him closer. A part of him wanted to just phase right through it all so that he could, but he didn't think Percy would be too happy about that. After all, he'd already possessed him so many times, it would be weird to do anything akin to it during this moment. After a moment Dorian turned his head, breaking off from the kiss long enough to speak as he looked towards the door. "Care to let a guy breathe?" he joked.

”...Sorry,” Percy said, coming somewhat to his senses. He let go of his grip on Dorian and stood back up. He smoothed down his coat and shorts, before removing the coat entirely, and hanging it up neatly. He was just now in the grey shorts and the white collared shirt, as he sat down on the chair at his desk, his eyes sweeping around the room and settling on Dorian, before looking at something else entirely all over again.

Dorian sat up, watching as Percy began to walk away. His hand was outstretched as if to say don't go, but he quickly let it fall to his side. "You don't 'ave to be sorry about anyt'in." He said as he stood up and made his way towards Percy, planting a soft kiss onto his lips before going to grab his book. "Well t'at is unless I fail t'is test on t'e Iliad. T'en I'll totally blame you for it. You're so distractin' bein' all cute."

He shrank away, almost shyly, as Dorian called him cute. Percy then cleared his throat, trying to clear his mind as well. Instead, he reached out and took Dorian’s hand - much more gently than a few moments ago, when he had pinned him down. ”I don’t think it’s hard for you to find distractions,” Percy countered. ”And you’re not going to fail. I won’t speak to you again if you do.” He was joking. Of course. Maybe.

Dorian blushed at the contact. He hadn't expected the pair of them to ever be on good speaking terms, neutral maybe, but not good. Yet here they were well past anything he'd ever thought was possible with Percy. Clearly Agatha was right, it was in the cards and fate was working double time to make this happen. "T'en I guess I'm goin' to need more studyin'. Good t'ing you're a door away so I can bot'er you as much as I want." He retorted with a cheeky grin.

Percy rolled his eyes at him. ”I’m so excited,” he said dryly. He did actually intend on studying - in fact, most nights he could be found studying something, whether it was for one of his classes or not. Lately, he had been going to the library and reading up on a certain teacher, trying to determine what exactly was wrong with that man. ”You’ll bring coffee, of course.”

"Obviously. Though at this rate you might drink my supply dry. Might need to see if I can get more imported." Dorian paused, placing a finger on his lip. "Is it still considered importing if it's illegally teleported straight from the farm?" Sure they paid for it, but the portals helped bypass customs and keep the coffee beans fresh as the transport was instantaneous. He went to lean on Percy, the same way he'd lay on Danni or April, but found himself stopping. It was hard to tell where Percy's boundaries lay. He'd never even thought that Percy was capable of holding hands.

”I’m not a lawyer,” Percy said with a shrug. He noticed that Dorian had decreased the distance between them briefly, but he didn’t comment on it. He wasn’t a person who did very much physical touch. His mothers had joked growing up that he would have been ideally suited to a mutation like Rogue’s. ”But also, I somehow don’t think that you’re too concerned about what’s legal and what’s illegal anyways.”

Dorian grinned at the last comment, with an odd pleased sound coming from him. "Not wrong. I do have to care to some degree if I want to be a hero. But the customs stuff can be swept under the rug." His smile faded for a second when he realized he'd never asked Percy one of the most important questions he asked just about anyone at AA. "What made you decide to join? Zelda wants to do fashion. Danni, April and I are all going to be the best trio known to heroism. What about you? What's your dream?"

Percy snorted slightly, before the conversation topic changed slightly. He wasn’t surprised to hear that Dorian was obsessed with becoming part of a famous heroic trio - he just wondered whether Dorian was assigning himself as Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman in that lineup. ”I’m not here to be a hero - not in the modern sense, anyways,” Percy admitted. ”I want to be like a Greek hero of old - an adventurer, you know. Traveling through space and time, seeing incredible places, doing incredible things.”

Dorian slipped his hand out of Percy's, folding them in between his legs as he looked down. It felt silly to think, and even more to say, but he couldn't look at Percy as he spoke. "I don't know a lot about Greek 'eroes but
aren't t'ey all tragedies? I don't want you to
I mean
" He felt like he was finally getting to know him, and then suddenly the rug was ripped right from under him. Percy wanted to be something that practically called for death. Today's modern heroes had the chance of it, sure, but even then it wasn't always final. But this, a Greek tragedy, that was something much more painful to endure.

”... Yes, a lot of them do end in tragedies,” Percy admitted. ”But I’m not planning on dying,” he said confidently. He was prideful. He always had been. Not every Greek hero died - and the ones who did, well, they really should have seen it coming. Percy was confident he could live that lifestyle without tempting fate. That was part of why he was here, learning about himself and his abilities. ”A lot of heroes nowadays die as well - even though death seems to be a bit of a revolving door when it comes to the Avengers and all.”

"Tell me about it. You're talkin' to t'e child of t'e mutant trio who could perform resurrections. T'ough nowadays t'ey aren't allowed to anymore." He paused for a moment, thinking. Something Percy said reminded him of one of the few lessons he'd learned in his museum tours. "Don't talk like t'at t'ough. Real close to 'ubris. Which is like t'e classic downfall of man. Read a book, why don't you?" Dorian teased trying to lighten the mood.

Percy rolled his eyes. He was interested, however, in the first thing that Dorian had said. It was partially for selfish reasons, of course. He had family that had been resurrected by the Genoshan circuit. ”Do you think they’ll ever do it again anyways?” Percy asked. He ignored the bit about the classic downfall of man - he didn’t need to be a Greek tragic hero for that to happen to him. ”Maybe your inability to focus will be your Achilles’ heel,” he shot back, instead.

Dorian's voice was very far off. Like he was somewhere else as he looked toward a corner of the room. "I don't know. I'm not even allowed to know why t'ey stopped. Said I can know more when I'm older but
t'e way t'ey spoke of it
must've been somet'ing serious." It didn't feel like the usual avoidance parents gave their children. And it was enough to have Dorian never have brought up the question again. "Besides, I don't 'ave an Achilles 'eel. I can't die. I'm already in between the realms." He said, his usual Jovial tone back in his voice. Of Course he had no idea if he was truly immortal, but his uncle was and so maybe he was too.

”Are you actually?” Percy asked quite seriously. There were plenty of superheroes who were functionally immortal. The notion that Dorian Gray could be one of them wasn’t completely outlandish. However, he had a hard time imagining Dorian at the end of time, filled with wise, sage advice. If anything, he figured Dorian might have trouble with all of it - losing everyone you knew and loved, forced to carry on after the world has forgotten them. ”Are you going to stop aging - or are you going to be like Captain Jack in Doctor Who, just a head in a jar one day?”

"Pretty sure my names sake is immortal as well
was immortal
is immortal? Never read t'e book, 'eard 'es pretty t'ough. Eit'er way I'm not exactly eager to test it out. Already 'ad enough close calls and t'e t'ought of spending eternity in t'e Astral Realm
" Dorian thought about the vision he'd seen. The mass of Graves before him with April and Dannis at the forefront. "Not t'e best place to be if I'm 'onest. Buuut if I 'ad to guess I'd go wit' t'e classic age till you're a silver fox t'en stop and look impeccable for years to come. I could become an eclectic old man wit' a mansion t'at 'olds treasures t'rought time!" That is if he survived past next year.

Percy hadn’t read the Picture of Dorian Gray - not that he didn’t want to, of course. He knew enough of Oscar Wilde’s reputation to be at least moderately intrigued. But from what he had heard, the central character of the book wasn’t someone to name a kid after. He smiled ever so slightly at Dorian’s ideal ending - becoming a classically handsome man with a mansion, filled with artifacts from across time. Percy always imagined that he would end up retiring on a boat, breathing his last as he gazed up at the blue sky, the sound of waves echoing around him. ”I think I have the better literature namesake,” Percy argued. ”My mothers named me after Percy Jackson - the demigod from the Riordan books. If you hadn’t caught on, that’s also partially why my sister is named Diana - after the Roman goddess of the hunt. It’s funny that your dad named you after Dorian Gray - doesn’t he become a bit of a vile monster?”

Dorian shrugged. He doubted his father even read the book. Half the time he had his nose in a mystic tome, when not there it was in some dusty Latin book full of Greek tales. He figured Percy would enjoy the collection of books they'd held back home. "Honestly I t'ink 'e just saw 'is last name and went wit' it." He relaxed more as the conversation moved away from the inevitable death, laying backwards onto the bed as he stared up at the ceiling. It was a habit he'd developed, as if he could look past the plastered texture above and gaze right up into the stars themselves. It was when he found himself most at ease, most in thought.

Dorian gently tapped Percy's leg with his hand, wanting him to join him in the metaphorical star gazing. He had half a mind just to tug on his shirt and pull him backwards into it, but something told him that Percy wouldn't be fond of both being manipulated as well as getting his shirt wrinkled. "Percy's a cool name. Sounds kind of like an action star. Diana's too
formal? It's like namin' your kid Gertrude. T'ey won't match it till t'ey're old and gray."

The other boy hesitated for a moment. He glanced around the room, as if someone else would be there - someone to object, to remind them to keep a safe distance and leave room for some heavenly entity. But there was no one - just them. He sighed slightly, before sitting down on the bed, and then lying back. He was perfectly still and straight, almost resembling a corpse in a casket more than a living boy. ”Don’t tell that to Princess Diana,” Percy told Dorian with a chuckle. ”She might be offended.”

Dorian quirked his eyebrow. "Who?" He didn't keep track of any royalty in general, only knowing the ones that had animated movies made out of them. He watched Percy as he laid there still as the dead. He seemed vastly uncomfortable at the whole situation, which of course made Dorian feel more uncomfortable. He scooted a little closer, just enough to feel body warmth but not enough to touch. "You don't 'ave to lay 'ere if you don't want to

”I know that,” Percy said simply, before raising an eyebrow at Dorian. ”Did you not want me to lay here? It is my bed,” he argued. He was comfortable, even though he seemed stiff. Percy was somewhat of a stiff person by nature. He was controlled and collected, wearing his academy uniform even after classes had finished for the day, polishing his shoes religiously, ironing out every shirt. Everything was put away properly in his place - the tiniest amount of mess was enough to stress him out. ”Princess Diana was a famous member of British royalty - she was killed in a car crash due to some overzealous paparazzi, although some people think Queen Elizabeth ordered a hit on her.”

"T'ats wild. Sounds like a big rabbit 'ole to fall down to at t'ree am." Dorian noted, his eyes still affixed to the ceiling. He lay still for a moment (which was a lot for him) before finally turning onto his side and facing towards Percy. "I just meant
well you're a bit stiff. Seems like you don't want to be 'ere you know? If we were on a roof I'd get it. T'e fear of fallin' alone is enough to keep me from squirming too much up t'ere when I'm Stat gazin' . But we're in a bed, so unless you're scared of fallin' for me I don't see t'e reason for all t'e stiffness."

He turned his head slightly, looking at Dorian. ”If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be,” he promised. ”This is
 This is just how I am,” he said. He felt awkward for a moment. He didn’t like to worry about other people’s feelings - he tended to not think about them much at all. But the notion that Dorian might not like the way he was naturally made him feel a little bit sick. The suggested reason though did smart slightly - mostly because Agatha Harkness had told him that he was destined to love Dorian Gray. It seemed like the universe agreed.

Dorian simply smiled at Percy's response. There was only one real way to get to know a person at first, and he was finally getting the chance to see Percy beyond the classes and training. His walls were down, even if they still appeared up. "Oh." was all he could muster out in response. He turned back onto his back, the sounds of crinkling sheets feeling much louder than they were in the awkward silence as he shifted. "I mean if t'ats 'ow you are t'ats cool. I can't sit still to save my life, couldn't imagine bein' able to just
lay still."

”I can’t imagine fidgeting constantly without wanting to kill myself,” Percy quipped. He then paused for a moment, thinking. ”I like to feel in control,” he admitted quietly. Everything in his life was all an exercise in control - control over his body, over his thoughts, over how he was perceived. He prided himself on it. And without that sense of control, he felt adrift, lost in chaos, spiraling out of control. He needed to feel the ground beneath his feet. It was part of why he had been so upset with Dorian’s possessions - why he had grabbed Dorian’s arms and pinned him during the kiss.

As soon as Percy spoke the words, Dorian felt that familiar pit in his stomach. Percy liked to feel in control, and he had wrestled that from him multiple times now. He felt horrible, and for the moment unable to even face Percy. He fought inside himself, the urge to leave, to walk out, but he didn't. Dorian sat up, not quite a jolt yet not in a relaxed manner either. Clearly something was bothering him now as he leg began to shake up and down. "You'd do well wit' someone like Strange t'en. 'e was all about control. T'e amount of readin' I 'ad to do just to use my powers
'avin' to learn a whole other language
I never was t'e most behaved student. But I was bright enough to learn what I needed so t'ere's t'at I guess."

Percy raised an eyebrow, before shaking his head. ”I think it’d be somewhat cheating, but I digress. I can read any language.” He hadn’t found one yet that he couldn’t translate - except for the inscription on the watch that Agatha Harkness had given to him. It still bothered him, but he had to assume that it was just from insufficient data. His power couldn’t activate as a cypher without enough to go off of. Or maybe there was no meaning behind it at all, and it was just gibberish. ”What was it like, studying under Doctor Strange?” Percy then asked. ”Why aren’t you at Strange Academy?”

Dorian let out a small laugh. "It was
interestin'. Learnin' alongside my fat'er and Strange. 'e's a bit strict, very cryptic, and was able to make even my dad fall in line." He gave Percy a tight lipped smile. "As to why I'm not t'ere, well
I was schooled at Xaviers and it was agreed t'at when my powers came in
if t'ey came in, I'd be able to choose whatever school I wanted. Danni got 'is powers first and I don't t'ink 'e'd want to go to Strange’s School for Magic. We wanted to be 'eroes, toget'er. T'at dream grew 'ere at AA when we met April and so we've stayed 'ere ever since."

Percy nodded. That matched what he had heard about Doctor Strange - he seemed to be an aloof asshole, someone that Percy might’ve even seen as somewhat of a role model behaviorally. It was interesting to him though to learn that not only had Dorian studied some with Strange, but that he had been at the X-Men’s school as well. He didn’t know very many people who had transferred between that school and the Margaret Carter Institute. ”And Danni didn’t want to stay at Xavier’s?” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. It wasn’t actually called Xavier’s anymore - he was fairly certain it was the Jean Grey School now, but people still called it that from time to time. ”You’re both mutants, right?”

Dorian made an X with his arms as Percy asked. "Danni never went. I was t'ere before my mutation kicked in. It's a good enough school for advanced learnin'. 'owever none of our family really cares for t'e place. Well mostly none of t'em I should say. My gramps is technically Charles Xavier, not t'e best guy I've been told, so Danni’s parents didn't let 'im join me. It was
lonely t'ere."

Percy tilted his head. He didn’t know much about the varying superhero family trees, at least not for the X-Men affiliated ones. He knew more when it came to the Avengers ones, mostly because his parents were Avengers. But even then, he knew he wouldn’t be able to name everyone related to Hank Pym if someone

pressed him to. He wouldn’t get super far. ”Technically Professor X?” Percy raised an eyebrow. ”I’m not shocked to learn that he isn’t a saint. From what I’ve read about him, he seems
 well, like he would be disappointing at best.”

"Technically because I'm adopted." Dorian said with a laugh. "And 'e's far from a Saint. Especially when it came to bein' a fat'er. I'd say never meet your 'ero's but
'e was never one of mine." He let the silence cling to the air for a moment as he thought. He'd never given it much, but the idea that he was best friends to one of Magento's Grandkids while he himself was one of Xaviers
it felt ironic yet as if perhaps the bridge between the pair was healing.

He hadn’t known that the other boy had been adopted. Percy knew a few people who had been adopted, mostly people his moms worked with, and they tended to have been secretly adopted, finding out later in life. As for the subject of heroes
 Percy’s heroes were fictional - or at the very least, mythological. He knew gods and whatnot had turned out to be real, but people like Odysseus and all, the jury was still out on. ”He’s a bald old white man who preaches that mutants should just accept their status and kiss the ass of humans,” Percy said pointedly. ”I don’t think he’s anyone’s hero - not anymore. Maybe Fox News likes him.”

"I get t'at." Dorian said. He fell silent, feeling awkward as if he was saying too much about himself and that Percy didn't care. "Sorry. I feel like I'm talkin' too much." He said with a nervous laughter. He threw himself backwards onto the bed with a loud sigh and groan. Wondering why he was like this.

”You aren’t - you just have managed to find a way to talk about something other than the Iliad. Again,” Percy commented with a smirk. ”You’re welcome to stay there, but I am going to get back to studying. One of us has to pass this class.”

Dorian's face turned bright red. He'd completely forgotten that he was here to study in the first place."Right. T'e Illiad. T'e t'ing we are most definitely studyin'." He said as he shot back your from the bed and grabbed his book again. He was so flustered he didn't think he'd be able to pay attention now. "Well, if one of us 'as to pass it it 'as to be me. Ot'erwise you'll never speak to me again." He paused for a moment, looking back at Percy's book. "Maybe I can borrow your copy. It already 'as so many notes in it

Percy raised an eyebrow. Ordinarily, he would’ve been enraged and a bit insulted at someone wanting to borrow his copy. But he knew this story front and back. He had been hyperfixating on it since he could read. ”
Fine. If you get anything on it or even bend a page back awkwardly, I’ll kill you and your family,” Percy said seriously, before handing over his copy to Dorian.

Dorian took the copy in his hands, jumping off the edge of the bed with glee. "T'ank you so much!" He squeezed as he wrapped his arms around Percy and gave him a kiss. "I won't damage it one bit! Promise. I'll keep it somewhere safe and everyt'in'."

The other boy rolled his eyes, but his face was a delicate shade of pink after Dorian kissed him. ”Mhmm. Now come on, Patroclus, we have a lot to cover.”

Location: Dorm
Skills: N/A

Fri. Oct 1

Dorian never joked about movie nights. He'd felt a little bad that he hadn't had much of a chance to catch up with any of the other students that he'd met at the Carnival. Like a summer fling except with friendship that only lasted a day. He'd decided to change that. Formally inviting Andy over for a Horror Movie Marathon, and what better time to do it than on the first of October. Not only did it cement the Spookiest month of the year, but today was none other than the 70th anniversary of the movie that sparked the Classic Zombie genre. Night of the Living Dead. Dorian had made sure everything was perfect, having baked some chocolate cupcakes that looked like mounds of gravedirt with gummy worms squirming out, coconut cream eyeball jellies that popped in your mouth, and other such. Themed snacks to each which they watched their fill of horror.

Andy was nervous about going to the movie night. She had mixed feelings about Dorian and his friends after their first encounter. However, she was willing to give them a second chance. She had no hope of fitting in with this time period if she didn’t at least try to make friends. She dressed up a bit and done her makeup. When she had gone to the mall with Zari and Mads she had gotten some things for herself too. It modernized her wardrobe a bit, even though she had primarily bought things that felt comfortable for her and were of course ‘retro’.

As Dorian stood back and admired all of his hard work, he began to wonder if it was too much. After all it was her first movie night with him, and he hadn't the foggiest idea of what she might think this all was. Though he'd finally settled on leaving well enough alone, sitting down at the edge of his bed in his halloween pajamas that looked reminiscent of old school camp counselor outfits you would see in movies. He wasn't sure how long she would stay or even put up with him, so he opted for comfort rather than flair. Two plush blankets were set aside and folded as he threw himself on his own and mumbled into the woven texture. "Is t'is a mistake? What if she 'ates me?" he said to no one at all.

Once Andy was satisfied with her outfit (she had spun for Selene's approval of it (Selene said it should be more slutty)), Andy set out for Dorian's dorm. She didnt know the layout of the building super well but eventually she found it. Andy stood there nervously for a moment taking a deep breath before finally knocking.

Dorian looked up from the mass of blanket he had smother himself with, hair slightly disheveled as he stared at the door. He quickly ran towards a mirror, fixing it up before making it back to his door and opening it. "Hi! Welcome to Chez Kingston-Gray. Come in come in." He'd stepped aside from the door to allow Andy to enter, noting her new digs that were much closer to the retro chic he'd expected. "What kind of movies do you like? I've got a ton so we 'ave a wide selection. T'ough we are soooo watchin' Night of t'e Livin Dead. Not only is it a classic its also its anniversary!"

"I love that movie!" Andy said as a grin split across her face. She said, giving a nod of approval. "I used to live with this one family before...uh..I was adopted. And they watched B movies all the time. So the worse the film, the more I love it. You can't go wrong with the classics though." Andy could only hope Dorian and April wouldn't talk about when Andy had been adopted cause mathematically...linearly...it didn't work. She followed him into his room. Her jaw dropping a bit impressed with the set up. "Nice! I can dig it." God that probably was outdated as hell.

Dorian matched her grin as she mentioned her love for the movie. He hadn't realized how much all of this could mean to her, but then again most people who got into horror were looking for some form of escape. What better way to bond than by screaming at your fears or making fun of a bad movie? He wondered if this adoption was how Andy was April's aunt. It wasn't exactly told to him how that happened, but adoption made the most sense. "Dig it? Nice Zombie pun." He said with a bit of a chuckle as he went over towards his desk. Everything was organized, and he grabbed his drive that held B-rate Horror Movies. "B-Horror it is. Oh, and if you need help staying up I've got some coffee here we can drink."

Andy's shoulders relaxed a little at his compliment of her phrase. It worked as a pun. "Oh, thank you but I've got my mug. Andy lifted up the travel mug she had in her hand. She was actually a pro and not sleeping. Prior to getting her pillow she avoided sleep as much as possible. "You can try some too if you want. I made it myself. And it is never ending." Andy was very proud at how successful the spell had been while making the mug. Even if it felt like she was slipping down a slope to becoming her mother's puppet.

Dorian scoffed in bewilderment. "You mean you made t'e coffee yourself
right?" He made his way over to her, inspecting the mug in her hand as he debated on whether or not he wanted to try. "Is anyt'ing you put in t'ere never-endin? Like if I put in some Baja-blast would it be forever Baja?" He wondered out loud as he held his hand out to try the strange artifact.

"The spell would have to be done differently. I almost made it donkey shit when I was still practicing." Andy wasn't totally sure. She hadn't asked follow up questions. Mostly cause that probably would have included more begging for virgins or something. Andy handed over the mug and when Dorian tried it the coffee is hot, but not scalding. The flavor was a wonderful blend. It was a little nutty with a light citrus flavor dancing in the background. It was rich and perfectly sweet with just the right amount of coffee.

Dorian took a sip of the coffee, pausing as the gears inside his mind turned. The flavourful wasn't terribly complex yet it held interesting notes. He took another sip, this time giving a little slurp as he drank so that the flavor covered his entire tongue (something he'd learned abroad while doing coffee tastings). "Is t'is
Brazilian roast? Somewhere between a dark and medium, I mean t'at's really t'e best way to brin' out t'e nutty flavors after all." He paused as he handed the cup back to her. "I didn't realize you 'ad such a complex knowledge for coffee. Or magic for t'at matter."

Andy smiled at his assessment. "Coffee yes. I'm basically addicted. Magic, I'm learning. I had a lot of help for this." She explains taking back the travel mug. "Dark roast is my favorite. This was based off my favorite cup of coffee. That was actually a blend of two, one from Honduras and the other Brazilian."

Dorian smiled, figuring that was why he couldn't quite place the flavour. It was a blend of Central and South American coffees. "Did Mads 'elp you out wit' t'e magic?" He asked as he went over to grab an eyeball and plopped it in his mouth as he debated on how much of his coffee knowledge was too much. She seemed cool enough, and earlier that year she'd been sporting a leather jacket so she might be a bit punk enough. "We've got just about every roast imaginable 'ere. Straight from t'e source never sat on a shelf sort of deal so it's fresh as fresh gets. Buuuuut we 'ave to let it last for a bit. Can't be pesterin' t'e rents everytime we need somet'in' while at school." He said as he let out a defeated sigh. The coffee was the hardest thing to get used to while at AA every year. If they ran through it chances were they wouldn't get more for a while and them they'd have to suffer through whatever wash the school classified as coffee.

"Uh, well no. But she went to the mall with me and helped me find new clothes.” Andy gestured at her outfit. It was still too hot in LA to wear her leather jacket, as much as she wanted to. "That’s cool that your parents let you bring all that coffee here.” She thought of all the foster parents she had had over the years and only the Drummonds (who had never even legally been her guardians) would have been cool enough for that. She grabbed a cupcake from the collection of them on the table. Andy pulled it apart and took the bottom sticking it to the top and ate it like a very sugary sandwich.

Dorians eyes grew wide. "No way! You eat your cupcakes like t'at too?!" It was the superior way to enjoy a cupcake, thought it seemed not many had agreed with him as most people ate it like savages, biting off from the top and leaving themselves with a disappointing unfrosted bottom. He went ahead and made himself a cup of coffee, pouring it out of the French press that had been started earlier before Andy had arrived. He paused to take a sip, enjoying the flavourful with a smile that reached his cheeks before settling back down. "I know a bit about magic ya know. Not a lot, not like Mads, mostly because I can't actually do any of t'e stuff. Buuuut you kinda 'ave to learn a t'ing or two when learning about Astral Projectin' and it's dangers. Even 'elped enchant my sword
t'ough my fat'er did most of t'e work."

"It is the superior way to eat them.” Andy nods. "I don’t know a lot to be honest. I’ve only started learning since I came here. I didn’t even know I could do magic until like four months ago.” Time continued marching on. For Andy it had only been a few months ago, but the rest of the world it had been almost two decades. She started to say something, but turned the open mouth into another bite of the cupcake. "Anyway, go ahead and lets start the movie.” She said and found a place to sit down comfortably, kicking off her shoes and relaxing. She could see being friends with Dorian. This could work.

Dorian noted that she'd mentioned she only knew about her magic for four months. It was weird, but not unheard of, for students or other kids to develop their powers very late in life. Either that, or she was lucky enough to develop a secondary mutation extremely early. Maybe that was why she was put on a judges team. He didn't say anything though, just nodding at her request for the movie to start. He wondered if he'd dug too deep? Asked too many questions. Regardless, the file was in and he hit play to an in color screening of Night of the Living Dead. The scene opened up with the siblings of Barbara and Johnny driving up towards an old cemetery.

He let the movie play in relative silence as he struggled to sit still. Constantly adjusting himself underneath the blankets until one of his favorite lines came on. He looked towards Andy with his best Zombie face as he recited the practiced words. "They're coming to get you Barbara. They're coming for you Barbara." Dorian eerily groaned out before giggling and grabbing himself a cupcake to eat.

Andy laughed, she was about to recite the next line, but it was just Barbara being a wet blanket and she didn’t want to say any of that to Dorian. She was having fun, instead she grabbed one of the eyeball candies and munched it while humming a song.

Dorian spied Andy out of the corner of his eye. A part of him wanted to give her a few fun facts about the movie. But he also didn't want to talk through the entire movie for her or mansplain things that she may already know. So he sat there quietly for a moment, looking towards Andy at key points during the movie to see her reaction to the movie plot points. Taking another sip of his coffee as he curled up in his blankets. .

It was obvious she had seen the movie before, probably a few times as she seemed to know the lines rather well. She’d mouth along with them. Andy was having a lot of fun. She munched on the snacks Dorian had provided and sipped her own coffee from the everfilling mug. It was obvious it was everfilling as Andy drank quite a bit and never seemed worried about running out. "I haven’t gotten to see a good old classic horror in ages.” She said at one quiet part of the film.

"What stopped you? I mean not like I can talk. Most of my friends are big scaredy cats t'at don't like 'orror. But it's a bit 'andwaved on my birt'day. T'ough I ended up canceling it t'is year. Wayyy too much 'appened t'at day and so I kept it a bit more
quaint." He replied. It wasn't exactly a quiet scene, but one of many where Barbara simply simply screamed for no real reason while muttering something that didn't develop the plot in the slightest.

"A lot happened and then I came here.” Andy gestured slightly to indicate the school. There was more to what she meant though. She just couldn’t talk about it. She seemed a little sad, but then she smiled. "However, if all of that hadn’t have happened I wouldn’t have met Zari. So it was worth it.” Would she have stayed happy if the Drummonds had lived? The sadness creeped back into her smile. Her attention to the movie wanned, which meant the next jump scare got her. A squeak left her lips and then she laughed.

Dorian watched the emotional roller-coaster that seemed to plague Andy's smile. He recalled she mentioned being adopted, and wondered if that had something to do with the school transfer and sudden change in mood. He was adopted too, obviously as two men couldn't exactly make a baby, but he was young when his parents had died. He wondered if Andy had gone through a similar experience later in life, one in which she could actually recall her parents. His solemn thoughts left him as she squeaked, laughing at the reaction as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Didn't expect you to get startled like t'at I'm sorry" He spoke in between laughs.

He didn't want to press Andy too much about the past if she wasn't willing to talk about it yet. So he focused on what he could as he plopped an eye into his mouth and popped it. " 'ow did you and t'e techie meet? Or was it on one of t'ose super 'ero datin' apps?" He asked playfully.

Andy waved away his apology, she didn’t mind getting spooked, she enjoyed it from movies. "There’s apps for that?” Andy asked super confused. How could she explain meeting Zari without explaining a whole lot of other stuff. "Well, I was living on the streets at the time. We ended up with this group of other people and just sort of stuck together even though the group didn’t.” That left out a whole lot of detail, but it was the most basic way of explaining the story. It was the truth.

"Please. T'ere's an app for everyt'ing and all of t'em are great way to just get ghosted. But it sounds to me you went t'e found family route. T'ats what my fat'er and Appa did, well t'em and my Uncle Casper and Uncle James. T'ey were a part of t'is awesome group t'at saved all of mutants kind! Even brought some back t'at were lost in a fight. It was awesome and terrifyin' all at once! T'ere was t'is dark evil woman, Selene, tried to suck up t'e souls of all t'e mutants around but t'ey stopped 'er cold in 'er tracks. Or well
trapped 'er. But t'at still counts!" Dorian punctuated certain parts with fists or kicks as he showed off how they fought off the evil forces of Selene before getting up and bringing the left over back of sour gummies that didn't fit into the cupcakes.

Andy’s jaw dropped. Starting at the name Casper followed by James. There was very quickly no doubt in her mind that these were the same people she had run with for a while. These were the very same people she had met Zari at the same time with. She closes her mouth again and tries to compose herself. When Dorian brings over the snacks she takes one and chews on it. "That’s a lot. Must have been...insane.” Thank goodness Dorian hadn’t mentioned how the ‘Thundering Champian’ who also just happened to have the name Andy had grown to like ten feet tall during the fight because of trying to eat souls so Selene couldn’t have it. She wondered how much they had told him...and if he’d ever put it together that he was going to school with two of the people involved in that fight.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you 'aven't 'eard of it. 'onestly at first when I 'eard your names I t'ought it was funny. Andy is kinda basic, no offense just not like
weird ya know? But Zari? I t'ought maybe 'er parents were fan of one of the 'eroes of Genosha. T'ere was someone wit' your name as well but t'ats to be expected. Really a lot of t'em 'ad lame generic names. Not t'at yours is." Dorian said as he backpeddled. " 'ell my dad is Max and Appa is Ben. 'ow more basic can you get? At least Casper and Zari were original."

Andy took a sip of her coffee. It lasted longer than probably necessary. "Wild.” She said. "And that’s fine. I’m not super attached to my name.” She gave a shrug. "So your dads are Max and Ben.” Andy took another sip of her coffee. The movie basically forgotten at this point. "And that means Danny’s are Casper and James.” She remembered Danny as a baby. She didn’t think she had met Dorian when he was a baby, but she had met Danny. She just hadn’t put it together.

Dorian gave her a wide grin with teeth. "T'e one and onlys! T'e mutant trio, t'e Genoshan circuit, and t'e best four parents a kid could ask for." It was part of how he was able to get into the school, but he wasn't about to say that. Most people looked down on nepotism, and he would like to think he'd have gotten in regardless with his skills. "Sorry. I
get a little excited when it comes to my family. T'ey're all I got, adopted or not you know?"

”I understand that.” Andy nods seriously. She wasn’t thinking of Magneto though. She was thinking of the Drummonds. ”Besides you’ve been with them your whole life. Blood isn’t what matters. Blood brings you into the world. Doesn’t mean they are family.” There was a part of her that was still mad at Selene for just letting her disappear. She didn’t know the whole story, someday she’d have to get it out of her mom, but all that mattered is Selene had failed to protect her from something. She sighed deeply. Andy needed to tell Zari who Dorian and Danny were, and who their parents were. They could not meet their parents since the two of them hadn’t aged in the years since they had last seen each other. Max and Casper and James would know them instantly. Ben, well Andy was sure he would too, but she knew she’d barely recognize him since he had been a ghost most of the time Andy had been with the Mutant Underground.

Dorian curled back up under the blanket. Wondering what was going on inside her head. He held his hand out to her, placing it on hers after she'd sighed. " 'ey we don't 'ave to talk about families if you don't want to. I know it can be 'ard and not every 'ome life is easy even if it pulled you off t'e streets. But if you ever need an ear, t'is is a safe space to talk ok?" His usual smile was gone, replaced with a very serious demeanor before his childlike grin came back. "Besides, we got t'e best crew around! A witch to curse people, a mutant t'at messes wit' memories, a Pyro, and moi t'e best damn Poltergeist you'll ever meet! You'll be safe wit' us guaranteed." As soon as he said the words he felt a small pang of pain. Recalling the vision of the massive Graves he'd seen. One year.

Andy smiled gently. A whole lot of emotions swirled in her for a moment. ”I appreciate it.” Dorian was like his dad, genetics be damned. She could imagine Max saying that exact thing. ”I mean you know who my adopted dad is, that’s a whole lot of...I don’t even know.” Andy shook her head. ”It’s complicated.” She shrugged. ”But yeah, it all got me off the streets, which is nice. I had been living with this couple, and they died, right before Christmas and I didn’t know what to do. I got lucky. But when I think of family, they are who I think of.” Technically this year would be her first Christmas since their death, not counting the one immediately after their death and she had been in survival mode then. That was insane to consider.

Dorian cooked his head to the side. Normally this is where he'd ghost and go upside down as he spoke to her, but he figured she wouldn't be used to his constant shift between planes yet. "I
know your dad?" He said with a confused look across his face. Had he met her dad? Was he at the Orientation? Did he pay attention to Orientation? His mind went a million miles a minute before it shorted out and froze. "I uh
must've forgot. I'm really bad at focusin' sometimes so details kinda get lost on me if somethin' else grabbed my attention. I'm so so so sorry."

”Oh. No I doubt you’ve met him. I just though April would have told you by now. It came out during the first day of training that I guess. She knew my last name anyway. Uh, Magneto is my adopted dad.” Andy explained. She mentally cursed at herself for saying anything. She could have just kept her mouth shut about that. Especially since April knew that Andy had been adopted ‘on Genosha’ and that made the timeline exist that made a whole lot of what Andy had said so far not work out if anyone thought about it. She was going to get caught in a trap of not wanting to lie, but also having to avoid explain the whole time travel thing.

Dorian snapped his finger as she mentioned Magneto. "Oooooooh t'ats what Princess meant when she said you're 'er aunt. Man Magneto must be gettin' up in years if 'es lookin' to adopt now a days. Big ol softie. Glad 'e got you off t'e streets t'ough. Everyone deserves a second chance and redemption. We can't always see t'em as villains or we don't give t'em t'e chance to grow out of it." He said with a bit of a shrug. His father always told him that everyone deserves a fighting chance, and that unless you lived through their experiences you'll never truly understand why it is they do what they do. Everyone's a hero in their own story anyways.

”Yeah.” Andy smiled and nodded. ”I understand why people see him that way. But I got to see a really nice side of him. He protected me when I was in a lot of danger.” Her smile softened. The irony was that Magneto protecting her was in the very same fight Max and them did the mutant circuit.

"So I've 'eard. Wonder if my parents would ever want to 'ave dinner wit' yours sometime. We could all 'ang out, I mean I know my fat'er 'as a bit of 'istory wit' yours. Some good, some bad. But maybe in t'eir ancient age t'ey can look past t'e past and focus on t'eir kids futures instead." Dorian suggested, though he was also super curious to see how Magneto did at playing host. What food would he cook, was his house really all metal? Did it save or cost more for heating and cooling? Did he just glide everywhere or did the old man know how to walk?

”I bet that would be very awkward. Magneto might be interested.” There was a whole lot Andy could say. Of course, she could just see in her mind the four of them, older with gray in their hair, sitting down to dinner with Magneto and Selene in a high chair or something. She had to laugh at the image. ”Do you have a picture of your parents?” She wanted to see how they aged.

"Yes, hold on!" Dorian got up and scrambled towards his closet before he pulled out an album. It was a leather bound book with some faded pages sticking out of it along with various objects or threads. He sat down next to Andy and opened it, showing off an array of Polaroids each from a family vacation they'd taken across the world. He flipped towards one that had all of them in frame, the most recent trip they'd taken. Both his father's had aged gracefully, one literally having been a model while the other just looked as youthful as ever. "T'e blonde ones Max, t'ats my fat'er, and the Dark 'aired ones my Appa Ben." he said as he pointed to each of them.

Andy didn’t need Dorian to point at them. Or even tell her which was which. Max, while he looked older, also looked so much like he had. It had been seventeen years and she would have known him if they had bumped into each other on the street. She was sure he would know her too. What did he think of what happened to her? She hadn’t said goodbye. She regretted that now. Andy had just left, told Magneto she was going with Zari, took Selene and left. She had bought herself time with it. If she had stayed...She’d be older too, in her 30s now. Looking similarly aged as Max and Ben did. Ben of course she hadn’t known well. Though, she remembered him from the party that ended Genosha. Andy hadn’t thought of herself as close with any of the MU, but as she sat there and remembered it all she missed them. She wondered what each of them were up to. Could she risk asking Dorian about them? He hadn’t said the group name so she’d have to be careful. Tonight wouldn’t be the night. Also, the internet existed. She could look them up. There had to be information about them there. She was honestly a little surprised she never had looked them up. ”Thank you.” She smiled looking up at Dorian from the picture. ”You said there were others...what about them? Do you know what all they do now or did after everything?” She hadn’t meant to ask, but found herself wanting to know right then.

Dorian grinned as he flipped to the back of the album. It wasn't filled all the way yet, but he kept a special picture tucked away in the back. "I really t'ink what my dad found was special. Even if t'ey disbanded afterwards t'ey all kept in touch. I consider t'em all aunts and uncles
" He pulled out a Polaroid, a picture of a picture. The original was back home, with his fathers, but he had taken his own picture of it and had the backs signed by most of the MU that dropped by and visited. "That's all of t'em. Well
most of t'em
" All he had of Andy and Zari were stories. Tales of exploits and time spent together but never once did he see a photograph. He began to point to each and every member of the Mutant Underground that helped to save Genosha, explaining where they all were as he went along. Some were dead when the picture was taken, missing from the frame but living now after the circuit was made.

Andy’s smile cracked a little as she looked at the picture. There was a couple faces and names she had known from then that weren’t in the picture. She let Dorian talk, something dramatic happening on the TV in the background, not really needing him to tell her, but appreciating it still. Her heart tightened a bit when he got to Sapphire. She literally owed her life to Sapphire. Sure she wished that fight had gone different but if Sapphire hadn’t sacrificed herself...well the fight on Genosha might not have even happened. Everyone would have been dead.

She could ask him to tell her all sorts of stories. Some she would know. Others would have happened before or after she had joined the group. Genosha, and the events leading up to it, had been some of the best and worst time of Andy’s life. It had been so dangerous. There had been times she had thought she would die. But this group of people she hadn’t known had taken her in and trusted her to share space with them. ”Thank you. I really appreciate you sharing this with me.” Maybe someday she’d sign the picture too, with her old mutant name, the one Max would know. Andy was glad she had changed it when she came here. Maybe she should have changed her first name too. All well, too late for all of that.

"Anytime! Well I mean, it's mostly just t'is one pic. I 'ave a few of ot'ers who came wit' on some vacations, but not everyone is free or willin' all t'e time." As far as Dorian was concerned they were his extended family. He lingered on the photo for a moment longer before putting it away. "T'ats what I really want from 'ere. Danni, April and I are a great team. T'e Terrific Trio! Even if t'e school is keepin' us apart. I want to find more t'an a group t'ough. I want a family like t'ey 'ad. A bond as strong as what we already 'ave between us t'ree t'at can grow and infect ot'ers too."

”That’s wonderful.” She wanted it too. But if she opened herself up like that...well people died. ”I’m too scared to lose the people I love. After...” After basically her whole life. She noticed the credits were starting to roll on the TV. Had it already been an hour and a half? She looked at the TV with it’s credits rolling and for a moment it felt like so much had happened, yet so little.

Dorian didn't know what to say. He knew how she felt, and worse he knew the coming year was going to be the hardest. He sat there in silence for a moment, listening as the credits rolled by. "I know what you mean. But
you never truly lose anyone. So long as t'eir in your 'eart and memories t'ey'll live on wit' you."]

How do you tell someone that that doesn’t really help? That missing their hug, their laugh, their slightly burnt pancakes on a lazy Sunday, can’t be fixed with memories. Her eyes filled with tears. Had she cried? Had she really allowed herself to feel the emotions that were constantly bubbling? Andy had tried so hard since that foster care where she had been sent away after they had had a child of their own, to not care about people. Her anger issues and everything had started then. She allowed herself to love the Drummonds but they had been killed. And then everything happened that meant she was now sitting in the room of Max’s son.

She realized suddenly that she was crying. ”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cry.” This was the first time she had cried in front of anyone since she was little. Andy didn’t even remember crying in front of the Drummonds. She dashed into the bathroom and washed her face. The makeup she had put on washed away with the tears. ”It isn’t what you said. I was just thinking of pancakes.” Andy said once she had finished cleaning up her face.

Dorian didn't know what it was that Andy was going through, but clearly it was a lot. The Transfer, new family, everything must've happened so fast. Had she had time to grieve her old family? He didn't know what to do, watching as she rushed to the restroom to wash her face. He stood up slowly, making his way towards her as he realized he'd never once had to deal with loss. How long did one grieve? How long did it stay inside of you? Dorian acted out of impulse, letting his body direct his motions instead of his mind as he simply wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. As soon as he'd made contact, there was a lurch inside of him. Nothing painful or distressing, but a feeling like his spirit was being tugged. He didn't stop however, only managing to hold onto her tighter regardless of what he was feeling. "It's ok to cry, even over pancakes. Just
let it all out."

Andy wanted to hug Dorian. But she felt it. Her mother’s power, the ‘gift’, of eating the spirit of another. Dorian tasted good, not as delicious as Madalyne, the spice that she carried wasn’t there. ”No!” She shouted and pulled away. ”Sorry, but uh, shit I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. I just can’t risk touching you skin to skin. I uh am a energy vampire. I’ll literally eat your soul if you do. Look if you want to hug me I’d love it, just wrap me in a blanket or something first.” Andy said quickly trying not to hurt his feelings.

Dorian jumped back in shock as Andy yelled at him. He hadn't expected such a violent reaction to a hug, that is until she explained herself. It explained the odd feeling he had, the lurch from his soul. "T'ats so cool! Just like Rogue! But t'ats no problem at all!" He said as he ran over and threw on an oversized sweater, the sleeves pulled past his hands. He ran back towards Andy, giving her a massive hug. "No soul stealin' is gonna stop a 'ug of friendship."

The shock of the situation had pushed the worst of the emotions away. The hug was still nice. She sank into it a little. She hadn’t realized how little touch she had had since Genosha. Only Zari had touched her. Only Zari seemed unfazed by the energy vampire. If she hadn’t already started to fall for Zari before that had had happened she would have thought it was part of the allure. But she had liked Zari since the two of them had been in the back of a car and she explained Netflix to her.

”Thank you. I think I actually really needed that hug.” Andy said after probably a full two minutes of hugging Dorian. Her voice was steady and the tears that had come were gone now. Her face was dry again. She pulled away from the hug.

"Anytime." Dorian said with a smile. He backed away a bit, leaning against the door frame. He wanted to ask her a question, but he didn't want to make her cry again. "You know, I 'ave an open door policy 'ere. If you ever need someone to talk to
'ug, or anythin' I'm 'ere for you. It can be 'ard transferrin' in so late in school."

"Thank you. I'll take you up on that sometime." Andy nods. She will, even if it just the hug. The talking about things is hard. Especially when she can't tell the whole story. "Thanks for the movie and the snacks." and the walk down memory lane. "I should get back to my room." Did the school do dorm checks? She hoped not.

"It is getting late. I'd 'ate for Firestar to get upset about 'avin' a student 'ere after 'ours." Dorian went and grabbed another cupcake, hanging it to Andy. "For the road"

Andy takes the cupcake. "Thanks. I'll see you later." She grabs her mug and leaves. Waving over her shoulder as she exits the room. Once in the hall she sighs. That was heavy. Is making friends always going to be like that? Really Zari is Andy's first friend. Before that Andy had never had anyone she called friend. And here it was so difficult navigating history and her identity with everyone else.

Dorian closed the door behind him. Leaning his back against the wooden frame as his head held low. He couldn't tell how well tonight had gone, but he hoped it went well. Andy seemed cool, loved horror, and could easy hang when not being barraged by sentimental questions that remind her of her dead family. He went over and grabbed a handful of eyeballs, plopping on his bed as he tossed them up to catch them in his mouth as he thought on the night.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max watched as the woman he healed felt the fur around the wound. He didn't have time to explain about how Limbo was affecting his magic, how he hadn't meant to give her a patch of fur. What he hadn't expected was for the fur to continue spreading, for her body to change shape and bones to snap at odd places as her form changed into what Max could only describe as a werewolf. Had his magic done that? Had he inadvertently changed her anatomy into what she had now become? Or did the damage trigger something within her to alter her? Max didn't know if Werewolves were real or not, but panic was beginning to set in as he remained unsure about where this change had come from.

His attention snapped as he heard his name called, an unfamiliar voice carrying the tune and a face he'd never seen before. He gave the man a bewildered look, wondering who he was and how he knew him. The flash of lightning followed by the loud clap of thunder shocked Max back to his senses as the horde of demons was cut in half by a single strike. He felt a little called out by the stern woman, making him want to show up more than simply grabbing the caged beasts that the man had grabbed. Max swirled his staff above the air, Crimson Red chains conjured around the remaining horde before they tightened up and bound them into one large group before he tapped the end of his staff against the ground opening up a portal beneath them all.

Max didn't care for where they went, so long as they were away from here. Once it was all quiet Max marched towards the strange man, pausing long enough to speak to Runa. It was strange, seeing her like this. He didn't know how he knew it was her, perhaps the familiarity in her voice, or a magical resonance between the two, but either way he knew it was her. "More so for you than me it seems. How've you been, Runa? I tried contacting you so many times but
" He didn't finish his statement, but carried a soft tone the entire time he spoke. Max took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he turned to face the odd man out. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. How do you know me? Runa I get, we've known each other for a while now but you
I don't forget names or faces of anyone I meet."
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