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Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room A
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

It was an odd sensation, waiting out inside of somebody as your group's telepath rearranged some vital points of memory against the team. There was no telling when Sabine would be done or if she'd even do it, that is until he saw her thumbs up. Perfect! Now all he had to do was hop out and give Arsène a target and hopefully he'd do as he'd planned. His attention was snapped back by his adorable boyfriend. A grin spreading across his face as he no doubtedly realized what Dorian had been doing this whole fight. He went to wave at Percy when suddenly the world went sideways. Fortunately Dorian didn't feel much of anything when ahead was possessing somebody, after all it wasn't his body though they'd definitely feel the effects of damage once he'd left them. He landed flat on his ass, skidding a bit as he watched the distance growing between himself and the Golem Zelda had conjured. As the body slid across the floor, Dorian used that momentum to slip himself out of Arsène and enact the second phase of his plan.

"Arsène, buddy, I'm not doing so 'ot 'ere. Paul's supercharged and I could use a bit of t'at juice right now." Dorian said with a grimace of pain on his face and the best puppy dog eyes he could muster with pain. He could feel Arsènes inner battle, wavering to see if he should help him or not. They were close enough that they could whisper, having just left his body, and so Dorian tried once more, to appeal to his newfound friend to help him out. "C'mon chère, it's t'e Contest of Champions and I'm finally on a judges team after all t'ese years, 'elp me look good…my powers aren't all impressive…" He tried to plead, but all Arsène could do was offer up some confused words as he tried to sort through what was the right thing to do. They were on opposing teams after all, but they were also close friends. Would a close friend really let Dorian be humiliated this way before the judges?

[Hider=Hidden Roll]"If an enemy tries to knock him out of the fight, Dorian will attempt to Possess them first. Skill: Possession Combat"[/color]
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station > The Moon
Skills: Mutant Circuit, Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Neil had asked what was going on, and to be quite honest Max could barely tell. Magneto had stated as plainly as he could that he was not involved or aware of the kidnappings caused by his underlings, yet everyone still wished to pin him as the bad guy. He'd gone through a lot, and sure some of those moments were a bit villainous, but even then he's been showing the ability to change and adapt with the times so much so that he was willing to move out of the planet just to have peace. More so now as he willingly removed his helmet in front of all for Guin to verify his thoughts and even still did she doubt the words he had said and images she had seen. How anyone could be so stubborn… Then again Max knew her and Pietro, not well but well enough to know they were a pair of hard heads who couldn't seem to grasp the fact that Magneto was getting old, he was tired of fighting and just wanted to settle down. Hell, he'd even adopted Andy moments before she vanished out of sight. A part of him wondered if she was on this craft, but he didn't dare ask.

He was about to suggest something when a rumble came from down the hall. The sound came louder as water began to rush towards them only for a metallic barrier to be put into place to stave off the water. "The link I had with Ed was patchy at best. It's almost as if he resists the very idea of such magic, but it's hard to tell. Could just be weird space interference, either way…" Neil began walking off towards another direction as Max grabbed Jaclyn's hand and brought her with him as he mouthed he was sorry. "Neil, wait up. I might have a better way to regroup and get out of here. I just-" He laced his fingers between Neil's, then Jaclyns. He could feel their pulses beating as one, in rhythm as Max felt the flood of magic flow from Jaclyn to him and spark ignite between he and Neil. His eyes changed, replacing them with nothing but the void of space filled with galaxies that swirled where irises should be. "I can sense Ed. I think…I think we can bridge the gap, a direct line to him as we attempt to gather our allies."

Max gripped their hands tight, but something was wrong. He'd handled power like this before but he'd never tried to rip a tear between an unknown location and himself, he overshot the distance as the massive surge of power thrust his portal forward in space. For brief seconds all around could see the edges of the planet Venus, the vacuum of space pulling everyone closer as Max's feet slipped and he now dangled halfway through his own portal. He looked towards Neil with an apologetic look "I think I took too much power…I'll be back, I'm sorry. Just be safe." The last words were aimed more towards Jaclyn, as he could see just how much chaos could come from one mishap of his magic. Hopefully she'd take the cautionary tale to heart. He let go of both their hands, letting himself drift out into space before dropping the magic that kept the portal open to ensure the rest were safe. "If Ben finds out he's going to kill me." He'd no idea where he was, well he had a rough estimate. But the Sun would be so forgiving if he kept adrift, so Max slipped between dimensions, a black void appearing on the Earth's moon as he looked around. "Huston…I've got a biiiig problem." He muttered as he fell down on his ass to take a breather from the massive jump.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max smiled at the handsome older man, a lopsided grin plastered on his face as he grasped at his staff with white knuckles. "It's a date then." he said weakly. It made no sense, the holy words had destroyed the demonic army, but in invoking them they were somehow injured themselves. Well, all save for Ed it seemed. He was about to make his way towards him when Ed left to be by Madylne's side. It seemed like some form of reunion so he didn't want to disturb them. His attention shifted focus towards the demon that invited them to tea on behalf of another. This would be the second time that he was invited in for Tea in Limbo, and he had to say his first encounter left a sour taste in his mouth. He turned to look towards the others when he notice a pair of familiar faces, Klara, Carolina, and the Horses had all made it to the same destination. Along with a third man Max hadn't recognized, though he was strikingly handsome in his own right.

He mustered what energy he had left, and made his way towards the new pair of supremes, halting just short of hugging the pair of them. "I'm so glad you two are safe! I was trying to teleport Klara out of her clutches when Limbo hijacked my magic and sent me here in the middle of a demonic horde fight. Not exactly sure how or why, but I feel like this dimension has a way of warping things, including any ability to teleport." Max tried to explain in between breaths. "Sorry, the waves of demons really took it out of me."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

It appeared Maleficent wasn't holy unprepared for the assault. Having chosen to leave a handful of warriors posted at the back entrance in the event they tried to sneak in. She was smart, and he hated that. Fighting quickly broke out, knives flying, swords stabbing, controlled chaos enraptured them. So much was happening that Maddie had barely registered the soldier coming at him, moving a bit too late as a tear ran across his shirt and a thin red line appeared against his fair skin. The only sound he let out was that of air rushing past clenched teeth as he sucked in air. He didn't want the fight to go noticed, so he needed subtler spells.

Maddie shifted his feet, following the same motions he had back at the Tower when he practiced his magic. Static forming at his fingertips as he focused on the blade of the sword that slashed him. Lightning arced from him to the sword, shooting up the hilt and into the soldier's arm. A tingling sensation ran up it before the guard shrugged it away. He tried once more, summoning the lightning and thrusting it through the weapon but the arc went wide and struck a nearby branch that was embedded in the dirt path. Frustrated, Maddie bottled up that emotion and sent a larger surge than the two before, managing to knock the guard back with a grunt of anger.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cassian: Panflute Playing, Chaos and Madness Induction, Magic Item

Moments flashed by inside of Demetris mind. The darkness quickly being overtaken by things that had happened in the past, and moments that he'd only dreamt and wished of. As he lay there unconscious his mind turned to his birthday, that lovely day spent out in their secret garden where Zeke had given him his beanie. The flowers seemed so vibrant and saturated as they danced a mesmerizing dance that seemed to hypnotize him. He could feel his body moving as his eyes flickered open for a brief second, the casino lights mimicking the colors and shapes of the garden before Demi was plunged back into darkness. The colors faded, leaving behind only the dim ceiling light of Zeus Cabin. Sounds of campers could be heard laughing and giggling along to merriment just outside.

Demi took in his bearings, realizing where he was. He was on a couch, his couch, and as he looked towards his reflection on the black screen of the tv he could see he was dressed as a vampire, someone was next to him but barely out of frame. He turned to find Zeke there, a wide grin on his face as his Odysseus dressed boyfriend went on about how amazing the movie was just then. All he could do was scoff and smile as he watched the enjoyment on his boyfriend's face and adored the way he simply lit up in the moment. Demetri leaned in for a kiss, placing his hands to either side of Zeke's waist, but as soon as he planted it it had felt cold and wet. His eyes flickered open again and he wasn't sitting on his couch, he wasn't even back at camp. He was on a bench, with blaring music and lights surrounding him as he drank from a glass of water. "Thanks Zeke, I don't know what-" He stopped. Realizing the man next to him wasn't his boyfriend but his fiancé, apple in hand the same way Zeke held it just moments before. Demi grabbed the red fruit and chucked it as far as he could. It may as well have been poison to him. "If you could make me a sandwich or something substantial but portable that'd be great Alexios…but we need to get moving I've already wasted enough of our time."

Cassian was fighting an uphill battle. His hold on the waitresses was wavering, and the Casino itself was actively fighting back. He didn't know if there was someone up above watching over this, making calls to silence the disturbances happening across the floor, but it felt that way. The music began to pound louder, the sounds drawing him out and breaking the tenuous control he had over them. The Chaos stopped, trays abandoned where they stood as the waitresses simply grabbed more plates of cookies and began anew. Frustration bubbled inside of him as he clipped his panflute to his side again.

"This place is actively fighting against us, how are we supposed to move forward when we can't even stay together for longer than a minute, let alone keep ourselves in check? Did Apollo offer any advice on how we're supposed to make it past this?" Cassian asked Zeke before pausing and realizing he and Janelle had come back but not Demetri. "Hey lover boy, aren't you a Demigod short?"

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Like pulling the Tower from a deck, Runas words served as a dark warning. As soon as she declared that something was wrong, the doors to the castle flew open to reveal someone leading a Demon army. The others joined them only to be faced with the wall of a demonic horde just moments before the leader ordered them to kill them all. Max didn't know how to fend off against demons, Angel's sure, ghosts even better, he could exercise people to no end, but demons in their home world? Annika seemed to know one of them, the one leading them now known as Madalyne. Though it appeared the familiar face didn't do anything to stop the oncoming waves of demons for them to fight. "Holy words?" he asked with widened eyes. He never paid much attention in church, mostly because they could never answer his questions to his liking.

Now he was faced with the task of trying to remember a hymn or prayer or anything. Prudence stepped up to the plate and took control of Madalyne, and just as that was settled Runa began to speak words of her own. With every word that she spoke, Max began to feel a burning sensation in his chest. Something was messing with his soul, an all too familiar feeling after his encounters on Genosha. He tried to fight back, to stay standing and push the pain aside, but even though she'd cleared the field of demons, a horn simply sounded and brought upon another wave. "Bullshit." Max almost missed Ed's familiarity with the girl as well, watching as he made hisbway towards her and stood by close. Risky. Clearly it meant they couldn't take care of her, she was more than another demon.

Annika began to pray, moments before shifting once more. That would never not be cool. He took a deep breath and tried to think. Scanning the field before finally deciding on something. His hand swirled with mystic energies as he held his hand out and created a Devils Trap beneath one of the demons. It appeared stuck in place, unable to leave the circle. "Give me a break already." he whispered to himself. "Alright test round completed now it's time for the big one." Max snapped his fingers and his magic swirled into action. Lines encircled and shaped around a swarm of twenty demons before finally completing the trap and ensnaring them within it.

His chest still burned as Max leaned against his soul staff for a breather, gripped at the fabric as if he was clutching pearls. There was a slight chuckle as the image reminded him of his Nanny Gabriella who would clasp her rosary when he powers first began to form. He recalled the words she said like a prayer each time as if it would remove the offending ghost… How did he not think of this before? What did she say?
"Padre nuestro que estás en cielo,
Santificado sea tu nombre,
Venga nos tu Reino
Hágase señor tu voluntad aquí en la tierra
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada dia
Perdona nuestras ofensas
Como nosotros perdonamos los que nos ofenden
Y no nos dejes caer en tentaciĂłn
Y libranos del mal
Amen JesĂşs"

Shock doesn't begin to describe what Max was feeling when he watched as thirty demons lit up in Holy flames and vanished. "Fine. After this I'll pick up a Latin Bible and any other religious texts."

Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room A
Skills: Possession Combat First Day Fit

Sabine seemed to double down on Gilem defense. Not exactly what Dorian had in mind but it also wasn't a bad idea, adding an extra layer to overcome made it so the enemies had to expend more energy just to reach the target. Good. He only hoped the other two would fight Emily the way he'd left her open to attack. Of Course that couldn't happen, that'd be too easy. Instead he watched through siren eyes as glowing blue rocks began to form near Percy before finally forming into a massive Golem. The stone creature instantly went to bat for Salah and all Dorian could do is smack himself in the face as he wondered why everyone was focusing on the one person he'd just told Arsène to attack. His aggravation would be his downfall however, as while back in the Astral turf he was keeping Xènia at bay, here in the material realm he'd just distracted himself long enough to lose grip on her powers.

Dorian could see the fog of enchantment lifting from Arsène. His eyes cleared up and were now filled with determination. That was when he realized he was still being held by what he considered to be the biggest threat. He'd felt this feeling before, when he hugged Andy a few days back, but it was different somehow. One minute he was standing there about to call for backup, the next he was in the Astral Realm. His steps felt weak as he stumbled across floating and searching for what to do. That Arsehole stole his energy, and he needed it back. He'd be damned if he was the first one out of the fight. He strained his eyes, but he could see the movements, watching as his energy was transferred from Xènia to Paul, giving him a second wind. That's what he needed to do, take it back and then some.

Dorian took a deep breath, phasing out of Xènia as he went barreling towards Arsène. He made contact, and passed right through. Fuck. He did not want to be stuck both exhausted and in the Astral Realm, he needed to get help and Sabine was his ticket out of here. Dorian concentrated, focusing on the task at hand as he heard his boyfriend calling out for him. "I'm coming Achilles, today they will learn how the most dangerous thing is to love." he whispered to himself just before snatching control over Arsène's body. Instantly he could tell it was different. He didn't know if it was the exhaustion or if this mutants powers were that complex, but he felt a bit lost and overwhelmed inside his new host. He reached for Paul, trying to grab him to take back the energy he was gifted but the powers wouldn't budge.

"Watch it t'ere, Perce! Almost got me wit' t'at swing. Play keep away wit' t'e damned spear, Paul's a flatscan and relies on it. Beanie t'is merde 'ere 'as t'e ability to siphon energy and transfer it. We gotta time t'is perfectly got it? You make 'im wanna take it back from one of 'is folks and 'ave 'im give it to me. I'll jump out right when's 'es ready so give t'e signal. I need all t'e juice I can get." There was no sense in hiding where he was, he needed to communicate his plan and more importantly he needed to advise them against the others. Hopefully this way they could gain an upper hand. It was a Hail Mary, but if they could get it down to just Paul they could easily overwhelm him, he knew nothing about Emily but she hadn't seemed to do anything all fight so perhaps she was a flatscan as well.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

Maddie nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks as he promised Colby he'd make it out alive. He hoped he could stop them from making frivolous our stupid wishes, he had one in mind himself but wasn't sure how well it would work, he also had more of a nuclear option should they need it. That was a far scarier idea, he had no idea how it would affect the land, the lives of others, the world, but would it be worth it to say they stopped the villains and freed the lands? "You have the best plans." Maddie said with a light chuckle as he wiped the tears from his eyes. A portal ripped open for both sides, and he stood there watching until Colbys silhouette vanished beyond his sight before he made it through his own.

It didn't seem fair. Everyone got to be with their loved ones, their girlfriends or partners they'd made along the way. So then why was he and Colby separated? Why were they the ones pulled apart at the very end. Maddie didn't even get the chance to defend Colby if stray fire happened or if the enemy advanced on them. He wouldn't know till it was all too late. There was a gripping sensation in his chest and his hand instinctively went up to grasp at his shirt. The sounds of explosions echoed across the field from a distance, and Maddie knew it'd all already begun. "Let's go, they've started and we're wasting time here."
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room A
Skills: Possession Combat, Perception, HidingFirst Day Fit

Dorian felt relief as he saw Sabine's steps stop midway. Good, she was snapped out of the enchantment as well. He'd hoped she'd manage to get them all paranoid, or fighting amongst themselves, but it didn't seem like she'd managed to do anything. Dammit. He kept his song up, singing to weave the enchantment amongst the Mighty Marvels. He wanted to expand the enchantment, to grab more of them in it, but he didn't want to risk losing the ones he had for the sake of greed. Daggers went flying wide, moving past Dorian/Xènia and digging into the shoulder of Salah. He really hoped that it didn't count as maiming. But the judges didn't seem to say anything so far, so perhaps they were in the clear. After all, Paul was attempting to spear them, and from what little intel Dorian had of this group he knew Paul's only skill was using a spear. Dorian had to fight the urge to help Percy out when Paul charged towards him. He didn't think that this enchantment would make them fight the team harder, he wanted it to distract them!

Dorian felt useless, like he couldn't do anything to help but keep the siren captive in her own body until they eventually won out. There was a loud thwack and before he knew it Percy had knocked out Paul. Good. Now all that was left were…his legs were locked up. He looked down and watched as Arsène and began professing his love, asking for his hand…or well her hand in marriage. An idea instantly clicked in his head. "You want my hand? Prove to me your dedication, your love. Fight Salah until there is only one victor, knock them out and show me how much my hand means to you." He'd thought about giving Arsène a kiss, a little tease of the treat waiting for him if he succeeded, but then he recalled he wasn't in his own body. It didn't feel right to use someone else like this without consent. So he left it at the verbal promise. Once those who were enchanted had fallen, Dorian could tell his team of those who's powers he knew of, but till then he needed to keep up the charade.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cassian: Panflute Playing, Chaos and Madness Induction, Magic Item

Demi watched as Nancy had made her way past the pair of them. He didn't have to turn and look to know what she was doing, to know that she was about to barge in without so much as a plan or care for anyone else but herself. He closed his eyes, a white-hot tear forming at the corner as he knew what was about to happen next. She would open the door, and Zeke would follow, leaving him behind again as he wondered if he could ever measure up to her. But that wasn't what happened. Demi felt a tight grip against his hand, opening his eyes to see the determination in Zeke's. Not just for his sister, but for him as well. The words felt like sharp arrows piercing his heart, as if Cupid himself aimed two well placed shots at the young demi-god. One in his heart and another right at his throat. He couldn't speak, couldn't think, he only followed behind Zeke, trying his best not to fumble as exhaustion hit him wave after wave.

They finally reached inside, the loud sounds and bright lights almost nauseating in comparison to what camp life had been like. Demi didn't have time to react, to do anything, before their first test had already begun. A southern woman offered them a platter of cookies, Zeke took one instantly and offered it to him but even then Demi didn't have time. Nancy shouted something before assaulting the woman before them, pulling his attention away just long enough to feel the press of Zeke's lips against his cheek. When Demi turned back around Zeke was gone, the waitress was on the floor, and Nancy was begging them to stop him. Janelle ran off and Demetri’s sluggishness was showing. He tried to chase off after him, to go where he said he would be, but as he made it to his boyfriend, as he watched Janelle place her hand on him, all he could manage was to scream out his name. "Zeke!" And then…darkness. The days of not eating and sudden burst of physical activity had gotten to Demi and he passed out right before the pair.

Cassian hadn't realized just how right he was. Time wasn't on their side. As a matter of fact it felt as though it was actively working against them even on the outside steps of the Casino. Nancy came barreling past them like a woman on a mission, charging headfirst into the fray without so much as a word of warning. The rest soon followed after into what could only be described as a land of partying. It was no wonder Nancy was so repulsed by him and Alexios, their lineage was a reminder of all of this, though as flashy and bright as the colors may be, it couldn't hide the darker shadows he now knew plagued this party. He gripped his hand tightly, digging his nails into the skin of his palm when he thought about the repulsive act they were told of. Shooting a glance at Alexios and wondering why neither him nor his father could step in and help the demi-god in need.

Action soon broke out, and Cassian didn't know if it was because of his godly parent, but his appetite didn't seem to crave the Lotus cookies placed before him, even less so after they all had fallen to the ground. Instantly the party was split, two teams of 3 once more which was lucky enough he figured. But no one else could be tempted by these dangerous cookies. So he pulled out his panflute and began to play, trying to combat the music already pumping through the Casinos speakers. At first there was nothing, he needed something stronger to fight against the Lotus Eaters influence. Switching the tune, Cassian began to play Poker Face by Lady Gaga, channeling the magic of his music into the ears of those who served the cookies. Chaos and Madness would soon latch into them, making them want to go off and destroy the treats, whether it was by grinding them to dust under their heel or devouring them all in one go he didn't care, he just needed to cookies out of the way.
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