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Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max listened intently to what it was Ed had to say. He was keeping details vague, as if he was afraid to harm the past by divulging the future. He figured that was fine. If anything it was probably smarter than what Max was trying to do. He didn't care for which time or reality someone came, if he saw a friend in them he'd defend them till the end. It was clear he'd already seen it in Ed or will have seen it, and it was all the more reason to protect him while they were here in Limbo. He didn't doubt that Ed could handle himself, but he did note how defensive he'd been, meaning he needed a gunner to help keep others at bay. Madalyne, however, had no issue giving away more details. It made the intimacy the two shared moments ago fit in. A father figure and daughter reunited again even in the most hellish of landscapes.

Everyone quickly began to voice their concerns for the free ride home. Sure Max was weary of it all, but he also wanted to return back to see his son, his boyfriend. Who knew how much time had passed back in the waking world, and agitating the supposed Queen of Limbo was likely the worst idea he'd ever heard, and he's come up with some very bad ideas. But the Witchfires words pulled him out of his thoughts. Carving into his mind as the clear threat began to drip from her tongue like venom. And before Max could react, Ed was dead. Fighting broke out all around him, hexes flung, scythe called forth, bears mauling, and more. Chaos. Meanwhile all he could do was sit there and stare at the lifeless corpse of the man he would befriend, the one whose life he couldn't save. All thoughts of his ability to form the trio with James and Casper had flown out the door.

Max stood there, the sounds of fighting growing distant as all that remained was silence. For a moment that lasted an eternity. The silence broke as his eyes went pitch, magic swarming around him as he lost control. He'd worked so hard to learn how to keep his emotions in check, how not to have freak outs. But this was all too much. Max stood up, his chair screeching against the floor before it clattered onto the ground. Magic pulsed out of his feet, his usual cosmic dust tainted red and black by Limbos design as t'en grotesque skeletal hands ripped through the Castle floors and grabbed hold of ten demons. They tried to rip the heads off, they tried to make them feel the pain Ed felt, but all they could manage was to hold them firmly in place. All Max could manage out was a single sentence. "No more…" The final words a whisper in the ears of the ten. Their demonic visage began to fade, turning them human before their skin became ash and blew away in the pulses of magic Max was radiating. He gaze affixed on Sym, letting them know he was coming for their ass.
Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian was practically radiating as he got into costume. He loved group costumes! And he loved Halloween. Of course it helps when it's your fathers birthday and he happens to be a sorcerer and protégé of The Doctor Strange. Magic and Mayhem followed suit. Their house was always decked out in decorations and even Uncle Caspers powers were more useful during this time of year. Dorian was always up for a happy haunt, and the barrage of new horror movies that lead up to the final day of the holiday. His costume this year was fairly simple. Without his father there to Magic him up a wardrobe, he had to make something a little more grounded than his usual get ups. Which is exactly why She-Ra was the perfect idea for a group costume.

He had opted to go as his favorite character, SeaHawk. He'd tried convincing Percy to join him as Mermista, but it didn't seem to appeal to him. He pursed his lips as he thought on that, wondering if he should've pushed a little harder. But then again he didn't want to make Perce do anything he didn't want to do, especially if it would make him uncomfortable or miserable. Dorian looked towards April as she was still putting on her finishing touches, smiling as he saw how well it was coming together. All he needed to do was put on his boots but that could be down once everyone was ready. For now he was content to laze in bed for a minute more as he pulled his phone out to text his dad Happy Birthday.

It was then that he saw the notifications. One saying Sabine had posted something new, though when he saw what it was it made his stomach turn. Another was her going LIVE. He tapped on that, captions on and auto-generating as he kept the volume low so not to stress out April. Someone had hacked her account and tried to slander her name and he instantly wanted to get to the bottom of it. He typed several words of encouragement in her chat trying to fight off the hate. They knew three needs at least that could help, but could any be fully trusted? Was one of them the ones responsible for it all? Dorian didn't know, but just as he was about to throw his head back onto his pillow he heard three knocks. No one spoke, the only sound was April as she went on talking over the knocking sound asking if they were ready.

For a moment Dorian thought maybe he'd just imagined it. "I'm ready as I'll ever be! Once I get my shoes on." He said with a bit of laughter before their dorm door was opened and Leah stood at the crack. A loud scream came out of him as he looked at her from his bed. "Chère ever 'eard of knockin'? What if we were naked in 'ere huh?" Looking past Leah he saw a familiar impish shadow, his boyfriend. Dorian bolted out of bed and swung the door wide open, grinning from ear to ear. He grabbed Percy's tie and gently pulled on it to move him into the room. "And who are you supposed to be? T'ough I love t'e tie." Fully forgetting the growing crowd outside his dorm as well as those in it.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station > The Moon
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

The cold that sat on his skin from his recent transposition began to be whisked away from the heat coming off of Neil's hands as they held him. They were looking at Max, eyes locked for a moment before his face went flush. Neil was attractive, no one would doubt that, and being held by them like this had definitely stirred something in him. "I-I-I'm okay. Thank you." He managed to stutter out before leaving Neil's grasp and finding his footing once more. The winds didn't seem to loosen any, if anything they became worse as a few whipped up together forming tornadoes. One of them buffeted Jaclyn around as she tried to ask him a question. He could figure out what she wanted to ask, though he wasn't sure where she'd assumed the danger laid within portals. In space they seemed to be more of an issue, though in truth they were typically safe…save for the random trip to the Savage Lands.

Max held his hands in the same manner as Strange had many times before (which oddly mimicked Spider-Man but Max wouldn't dare to bring that up to him). He spoke the words, invoking the winds of a far off realm and halting the tornadoes in their tracks. Mystic green smoke entangled with his magic that resembled cosmic dust, working together to bind the vortexes in place to allow the others to help him dismantle the wild winds. "I've locked them down. Lance could you erect a barrier to block the oncoming winds so we can press forward? Antoinette, could you check on Jaclyn for me and Carolina any chance you could go Astral and take over whoever is making all this wind while we work out way closer? We can defend you as we press on." Truthfully the only powers he knew of Neil's were his necromancy which didn't seem capable out in space. I mean what were the odds of corpses lying around to help out? "Neil, keep being adorable, oh and maybe help watch over Carolina if she does go ghost."

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri was becoming more and more afraid that he wouldn’t be able to break Alexios out of the trance. This place was a worse trap than he had imagined, and if everyone who fell under its spell kept running off to do whatever it was that they wanted…well then they’d be wasting all day just chasing each other and letting the mission fall to the wayside. What’s more, if what was said before was true and time truly didn’t flow the same in this hotel then who knows how much time they’d already spent out in the real world? His heart began to race, panic settling in as he wondered how long had passed, if his mother was worried about him. Had been a reasonable enough amount of time for her not to worry that he hasn’t w ritten back? Or did a full year go by and leave her wondering what became of her only son? No. Determination filled Demetri now more than ever as he tried to snap Alexios out of it all before trying to regroup with the rest. He gave a loud clap right next to the gods ear and suddenly the glaze faded away from his eyes, turning back towards the beautiful jade green they were before. ”Right then. No more of that got it? Let's go to find the others and the only food we eat is what's crafted from those finely sculpted hands you got.”

Demi took Alexios’s hand, pulling him away from the slot machines and towards where he thought he’d last seen the others. The lights and sounds of this place were the building's own form of defense. They were disorienting and constantly bombarding the senses as if the hotel itself was actively working against them. Luckily for him, it didn’t seem that the hotel had much sway over him. Having dodged every advance from the lotus eaters and being able to navigate the maze of people until he found Zeke and the rest. Once he’d caught sight, Demetri began to run, yanking Alexios behind him as he finally made it to Zeke. Sure he still wanted to yell at him, smack him, and tell him how incredibly stupid he’d been the past week but all of that didn’t matter now. Zeke was safe and that was all he cared about. ”Bad news, Party God can party foul. He was lotus’d not too long ago, had to break him out of it.”

Cassian smiled as the boy approached him, asking if they wanted to play together. He studied the boy's mannerisms, how he spoke, the way he approached, all to see if the guy was interested in him or simply being nice. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t appear to be. But that didn’t mean that that couldn’t change somehow. After all he had to have approached him for some reason beyond Skeeball. No stranger would simply do so without another motive. ”Been a while since I’ve played, might be a bit rusty. But I’d love it if you joined me.” He was an expert marksman, and honestly this game probably wouldn’t be too difficult for him. But every guy loved to help and explain something to another, and who knows maybe he’d get himself a Ghost moment. Cassian grabbed the ball, rolling his arm back before swinging it forwards and letting go. The ball ran up the lane before falling into the backboard and down the gutter.

He gave the guy and awkward smile as he pushed his hair back a bit in false frustration. ”Like I said, been a while. May need a few pointers if you have any?” Cassian said as another ball slid down the reserve and clattered against the opening for them to grab. He held his hand out for the guy to grab, his smile changing to a warm and welcome one. ”I’m Cassian by the way. What’s your name?” He wasn’t sure if he was getting anywhere with this guy, but who knows, some things took time and this might be one of them.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie had nothing against the idea of sneaking in normally. He felt like he could stealth along just fine with the others, hiding in the shadows of the castle as he had done already back in Agrabah. It was as if everything he'd done was leading him to these last few moments. Merlin told them all to grab hold of him, and before Maddie could protest against it, the spell went off. He'd wanted to warn them how Jafar and his men had been able to track the use of magic back in Agrabah. To state if Maleficent was nearby she may be able to do the same, and follow the threads of magic to their very location. But it was all too late. They were now on the second floor facing off against Jafar and his men.

A blast of magic came barreling towards him and Merlin, sending him backwards onto his back on the floor as he slid a bit from the momentum. Maddie winced from the pain, tilting his head to see Jafar in the distance before standing up slowly. He did his tried and true, shooting out a bolt of lightning and watching as it made impact, a smile on his face. It quickly vanished when the flashes of light illuminated the magicked shield that surround Jafar. Fine, if he wanted to encase himself then Maddie would have to use it to his advantage. He careful began to weave the next spell as the lightning continued to crackle against the shield, using it to see the edges before unleashing a fireball within its walls, burning Jafar badly.

Location: Training Room A
Skills: N/A

Dorian looked over at Danni from where he lay on the ground, a stupid grin on his face as he tried hard not to laugh. "First time?" He said jokingly before finally sitting up. He watched as the fight pressed on without him, Danni having scorched one of the members while Zelds knocked another out, Salah sat in a corner and Arsène simply gave up. "We won?" Dorian whispered to himself, shock taking over for a second as he tried to process what just happened. "We won!" He shrieked, a second wind coming on as he jumped up from where he sat and ran straight for Danni. He picked him up from the ground and spun him in a circle before pulling him into a tight hug. Several bones could be heard cracking before Dorian let go, hands on his best friend's shoulders as he stared him in the eyes with a massive smile. "We beat 'em! We won! On a judges team no less!!"

Danni laughed as Dee spun him, bouncing up and down as soon as his feet touched the ground. "OMFG we won! It was so much fun! And it was so cool ta see everyone in t'e fight!" Danni kissed Dee's cheek and the dragged him to Beanie. "T'e mind fuckery? T'e Dome shit? I'm living for it. You're t'e bomb!"

Dorian giggled before getting close to Sabine and whispered something under his breath. "You did such an amazin' job wit' Arsène too. Sure 'e didn't juice me back up, but 'e was so torn between doin' so or not t'at it gave us all t'e edge we needed. Poggers move." He said with a toothy smile.

Danni nodded at Dorian, seconding his comments. Then Danni set his eyes on Percy and off he dragged Dee. "T'at first kick was so cool, and stealin' t'e spear from Paul was 10/10, would recommend. 5 stars, Spicy, 5 stars! Danni gushed, swinging Dee around so they were hugging Percy from either side.

Dorian yelped as he was pulled away from Sabine, getting closer towards Percy. His heart raced faster than before, and he desperately wanted to give his boyfriend a kiss out of the excitement. But he didn't think Perce would be too happy about it, not so publicly at least. His body flew around as Danni whipped him to one side of Percy, and they were now both hugging him tightly. "Oh oh! And t'e catch as t'ey tried to make it for t'e captive when everyone else was distracted? Brilliant! T'at alone gave t'e rest of us time to set up and defend. T'en again your strategic little mind already knew all t'at."

"Aw, who 'as a fast lil noggin'? Spicy for t'e win!" Danni hugged hin one more time and then whirled them around to wave at Zelds. "T'e Golem is so cool! You gotta let me t'row fire at it at some point, fins how much 'eat it can 'andle! You know, stress test and all t'at! And knives, and t'e sneaky knives, I loved it all!"

Dorian hadn't actually seen Zelda all match. But he'd certainly felt her presence. While he couldn't exactly feel the pain of those he possessed, he could only imagine the amount of strength each hit had. Between the Daggers being thrown and a blow hard enough to cause a knock out, Dorian subconsciously began to rub his chest where his placeholder body had been hit. "I feel like it can 'andle quite a bit. At least we know it's punch 'as enough force to knock out a full man…or well teen. Haha"

"All t'e better ta test it, right? We get ta 'ave some fun wit' it! And no danger ta settin' anyone on fire." Danni replied excitedly, his attention on his last team member. "And t'anks for savin' me from the psychedelic song lady. You've been in me long enough for me ta see it if I t'ink about it long enough. Slidin' around phantom style like my life depends on it, and it tots did, I couldn't ask for a more kick ass partner."

Dorian blushed and looked away from Danni and the others. "It was not'in' really. I feel like I didn't contribute as much. No maimin' meant no swordplay and no swordplay left me at a severe disadvantage. So ya know, possessin' was all I could do at least." He said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"And did you do it? Yes you did, my lil Hauntling." Danni pinched Dee's cheeks. "Kickin' ass and takin' names, and we did bot'! Onwards to the CO test for real!"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station > The Moon
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max sat down on the moon's surface, taking in the view of Earth from above, watching the world he's tried defending so many times from a vantage point he'd never seen before. He squinted his eyes, trying to see the Ley Lines that were composed of the spell that guarded over their planet. The reason for the Sanctum's placements and why the job of the Sorcerer Supreme was so vital. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could see the spell from up here. Maybe it was just the fatigue of everything that had happened, maybe his eyes were tired, or perhaps they weren't visible from this distance. Max didn't know. He placed his hands behind himself, tilting his head back and looking up at the vast expanse of darkness. He closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

"That should be a good enough rest for now. Let's try this one more time." Light was swallowed up around him as a black hole wrapped itself across his body before he was teleported back into the hallway where he'd just been. Cold air seeped into the hall and blew towards the others as the winds knocked past him. His shoes squeaked as he tried to keep his footing, sliding back and into Neil's arms for a moment as he tried to get his bearings. "I leave you guys for one minute and suddenly there's a tornado in the base?" He said with a grin before he began to weave a spell. His motions were off, the wind buffering his arms this way or that as they threw off the somatic components to the spell. "I call upon the Whirling Winds of Watoomb to send you back from whence you came" Max called out towards the air that rushed at them. It felt a little silly to be speaking to thin air, but he needed to in order to change its direction or break it up entirely.

Winds spread from his hands, green mists that tried to fight against the oncoming blasts but were quickly blown away. He tried once more, this time with a bit more conviction, making it further past where his previous attempt had let him. But still the spell faltered against the might of whomever was creating these winds. "What in Limbo is making these winds? No matter. No matter the danger, no matter the dread challenge that awaits me…I…must go forth." Max tried to press forward, looking back towards Neil and then to Jaclyn, wondering if all three performed the spell together if they could combat the forces. He could feel the reservoir of magic within Neil, it was nothing like his own, yet still every drop helped when facing foes stronger than yourself.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

The smile quickly faded from Max's face, replaced with a tight lipped grin as he tried to hide the pain that surged through him as a quiet squeal could be heard from within his throat. His hands quickly went to his leg where the wound was, applying pressure to it to help with the bleeding. The demonic girl who'd originally given the order for their lives had now approached him in his time of weakness. His first instinct was to run, to gain whatever distance he could between him and her, but then he recalled how caring Ed was towards her. He didn't know Ed yet, but clearly he would, and if he trusted him in the future he may as well start now. Max let Madalyne heal his wound, a red patch of scales covering over the open gap. He ran his fingers against the new layer of skin before chuckling at her comment towards it. "Normal is vastly overrated, especially in a place like Limbo where it's subjective."

Max wanted to thank Carolina for the kind words, but she seemed to be in twined with this Witchfire he'd heard so much about. They appeared to be invited for Tea, but the last invitation ended in an attack on their very souls. He hesitated before finally bounding towards the familiar unfamiliar face, Ed. Looping his arm into his as he walked into the throne room of October. "Thanks for the help back there. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but you two seem to know each other real well. You frequent Limbo often? Or?" Max rambled on for a moment before looking towards October and then snapping his attention towards Jack.

"I can't speak for the others, but I believe that Strange is mine. He was hosting a party, my birthday, when he'd mentioned he needed to go help a friend, said he'd be right back. I didn't think anything of it, after all he assured me it was nothing. Next thing I know as I'm opening a portal to drop off my son back home, another one tears open beneath my feet and pulls me into this place. Into Limbo. From there it's all the same. Same note, same items." By this point his arm had moved out of Ed's, gesticulating as he spoke before finally sitting down in a chair closest to Ed.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

"Thanks…" Demetri said with a weak smile as he watched the sandwich form before his very eyes. Alexios could be sweet when he wanted to, but so could Zeke. In the end they were both beautiful assholes capable of being nice when they wished it, and being devastatingly cruel when they didn't. A part of him felt guilty for throwing the apple, for rejecting something that was so obviously given to him by his boyfriend. But it was the fact that he wasn't even there to give it to him that made the pit in his stomach grow. Demi took the sandwich in one hand, taking the drink offered to him in the other. He took a bite out of the pillow-y bread before he realized what was inside the glass handed to him.

Realization grew too late as Alexios drank the poison and Demetri watched his eyes glaze over like Zeke's had moments before. His fiance grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the slot machine, allowing Demi to empty out his glass into a nearby pot as they made their way over. He left the glass to fall on the floor, slipping his hand down to try and get a better grip on Alexios hand. "Alexios, buddy, hey, gotta snap out of it ok?. You're a god, you shouldn't be fallin for these amateur distractions." Demetri said as he snapped his fingers near Alexios to see if it would bring him out of the trance. He finished shoving the sandwich into his mouth, deciding that he needed his hands more than he needed to speak.

Cass could hear the strain in Nancy's voice as she spoke. The waitress clearly did a number on her, and all Cassiam could do was waste his efforts on a futile battle. He knew nothing he could offer her could give her solace, so he remained silent on that part, instead focusing on what the current issue seemed to be. The missing Demetri. Cassian stood on the balls of his feet, trying to see if he could find Demetri amongst the crowd. He searched the general location Zeke had come from, absent-mindedly grabbing the glass of water and taking a sip when it was offered.

One sip left him parched. Two thirsty. By the third time he'd lifted the glass to his lips, he was chugging down the water as if he'd been dehydrated for the past two days. His eyes glazed as he stared off into the distance away from the group before finally speaking. "I think…follow me." He said as he began to make his way through the crowd, weaving between anyone who stood in his way until he arrived at a Skeeball machine. Picking up a ball and begging to play.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

Maddie watched as arrows whizzed past him, whistling as they pierced the air only to be silenced by a thud of a dropping body. He looked towards Rose with a bit of shock, wondering how she could do it so easily. Then again with her skills she was likely a hunter, and killing must've lost most of its horrors after so many animals she may have felled. He was about to attempt his spell again, but before the sparks could even flow, a wave appeared before home causing him to take a step back. The water crashed against the enemy and slammed each of them against a wall only to fall unconscious. The way was clear and it was time to press forward.

As they snaked the halls of the castle, coming to a halt as Flynn spotted Maleficent ascending the stairs. Maddie's hands gripped tight, wishing they could just take her out and end this all quickly. But he knew that wasn't how this would work. He pulled out his spellbook, well not his exactly but the one he'd taken from Merlin's tower, and began to thumb through the pages. When he got to where the spell for invisibility could be, he noticed the page was torn out. Maddie ran his fingers against the jagged edges before closing the book quietly and whispering. "Spell seems to be missing from my book, perhaps Merlin has it."
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