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Location: Monster Mash!!!!
Skills: N/A

“Duh. Only the best for the besties!” Danni sang to April as he quickly put back his stuff in the dorm. “Now, y'all need ta calm down. We're still well wit'in t'e fashionably late zone. I wish t'ey'd ‘ave announced t'e exact time ‘cause t'en we could kick down t'e door just as t'ey announce t'e winners, a.k.a us. Anyways, ‘ere's t'e photos,” Danni shared the unedited versions amongst the group chat. “I'll do a little editin’ tomorrow and post t'em on socials tomorrow. Now I just wanna dance!”

Dorian took Percy's arm, giving him a peck back as Danni explained the rules to the others who weren't as accustomed to the rules of parties. You never arrived on time, and only ever arrived early if you wanted to help set up, otherwise you arrived within 45 minutes of the initial start time so that you were considered fashionably late. Enough to show you aren't too eager but also not so late that it's considered rude. ”Of Course you may.” He replied back to his boyfriend. Dorian took a couple steps before linking his arm with Danni’s as well. ”Everybody link up, we arrive toget'er and lose no one.”

Danni gagged exaggeratedly at the PDA, but eagerly linked arms anyway. “Friendship tangle, friendship tangle! Danni linked his free arm with April's, beaming at his best friends. “So, so, so, who wants ta dance first, who wants ta ‘it t'e ‘aunted ‘ouse never cause Nimue is a Sinister clone and I ain't puttin’ myself in t'at position, and who wants ta just vibe? Beanie, are we dancin’ first? Actually, anyone know t'e Playlist or we walkin’ in blind? I didn't even t'ink ta bot'er t'em about it, I was so focused on our fits!” Danni chatted animatedly as the future Saviors of Avengers Academy headed to the dance.

Dorian dropped his jaw in disbelief. Danni? Not wanting to do a haunted house with him? Sure it was in character but he should know better than to think they'd go one evening without having done so. ”Woah woah woah. Ralentis mon ami, we are fully goin’ to be ‘ittin’ a ‘aunted ‘ouse. It's one of t'e best t'in's about t'e dance! Especially when a mystical witch from anot'er world runs it! But before all t'at.” Dorian had stopped in his tracks, looking now at the entrance of the dance and spotting the others alongside a few of the Young Avengers. ”Oh! We should ask t'em if t'ey announced t'e teams yet! I'm sure t'ey got ‘ere early enough to ‘ear!”

“Sinister. Clone. ‘ow many times do I ‘ave ta tell you t'at we can't trust ‘er and t'at means not puttin’ ourselves in a dark, enclosed, spooky place wit’ no ‘elp!” Danni objected vehemently, pausing only to look around the room. He glanced at his phone, the suggestion that they wouldn't be there to actually hear the announcements scaring him. But his phone was relatively quiet and he rolled his eyes at Dee. “Dee, darlin’, damsel of mine, listen - if t'e teams were announced, my phone would be blowin’ up and I ain't got shit yet so chill, do t'e ‘ouse while I drag someone ta t'e dance floor. Who wants ta dance for a while? I gotta get movin’ and groovin’ ‘fore anyone gettin’ me in ‘eart attack ‘ouse!”

Dorian pouted but reluctantly gave in and chose not to press the matter. Only raising his eyebrow in a devilish manner as he looked at Percy. ”Mon amour, let's go ahead and do t'e ‘ouse while t'e ot'ers dance.”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Chaos continued but for a moment, Madalyne escaped to chase after Sym, only to be reunited with the party once more as the demon made its grand escape. For the moment the room was quiet. All the demons had been disposed of and the carnage simply seemed like more decor to the room than anything else. Max shifted his weight, feeling the squelch of a body beneath his foot as some blood trickled down his claw. He quickly swiped it, splattering the red liquid all across the wall before placing his foot back down and listening to what it was that was being said. Two words stood out to him, a singular name he was all too familiar with. Illyana Rasputin.

Fire flared from his nostrils as the mention of her name. Smoke billowing after as it curled upwards towards the ceiling. He'd tried to shift back into himself, to shift back human, but his magic wouldn't budge. He wanted to be able to curse her out in his own tongue, to mention how she once again was meddling in his life without even realizing it. But all that came out were disgruntled grunts of a dragon booming in the space before them all. He wanted to find her, to yell at her, and to have her fix her own mess for once. Max turned to look at a goblet, the still liquid reflecting his new appearance to him. He focused on it, allowing the image to blur until he saw a new scene before him.

Magik was curled up on a couch alongside Kitty and the rest of Excalibur, watching one of horror's biggest queer icons, The Babadook. There was a low inaudible growl forming as the base of his throat. The others wouldn't hear it so much as feel it in their chests. Like a fear response triggering inside of them. Max let out a roar in frustration, unable to tell anyone that he knew where she was. All he could do was point a massive claw towards Jack and then towards his own head in an attempt to tell them he knew.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max hadn't had time to answer or even react to Neil's statement as he held back a groan of disdain and sigh of agitation as Guin went off on the man he'd seen outside. Rob if he recalled. Not everyone was a Stark, nor did everyone have an advanced knowledge of chemicals, compounds, and the way they worked. Hell Max had believed the chloroform idea had merit as well
until Guin enlightened him by proxy of telling Robert off. Half of it went over his head and he couldn't even begin to imagine exactly how much of the stuff it would take as she was saying it, but he was glad to see she went back on track towards the semi formed plan they had made to take on Cortez.

Max made his way over towards the woman asking about a Selfie, listening in as others put in their input including Annie expanding on her abilities and powers. He didn't go anywhere without his phone, always one call or mystic message away from hearing the latest news about his son. He'd wrapped one arm around Perry quickly as he snapped a picture of the two of them. ”I'll send it over later. Pyrokinetics sounds like a great addition, Annie. Mary's right. We have the people to double up on jobs which gives us a greater advantage than we even realized. Teamwork is how we make it out of here, and He'll, do a great job and I can treat us all to some authentic New Orleans cuisine and the best beignets you'll ever have.” He said with a confident smile that came with someone who'd faced threats larger than this.

The smile grew wider, turning almost into something new as he felt something coarse inside of him. He'd had a similar feeling before, back on Genosha, back when he told himself he wouldn't do that again. It felt good, it made him feel powerful, and it was just so easy. But it was Magic he wouldn't touch again. This however felt different, it was like ecstacy yet his nerves felt on edge, as though they were on fire. His chest felt warm and as he heard the walls groan in protest he realized too late what was happening. Multi-colored flames danced gently across the surface of his skin and clothes, inches away from actually touching him like a shield of Cosmic Flames. All he was able to get out was a singular word. ”Fuck”

With a massive pulse of energy, Max erupted outwards with a blast of flames. He could barely see it, barely make out what had happened until it all cleared out. Fire now littered the space they once resided in, almost every single person in there had been blown backwards and slammed against a wall as the flames caused burns. The fire lingered against the walls, floor, and ceiling, only three people missing from the disaster. Pietro, Bethany, and Guin. The only two left physically standing were Annie and Miranda, flames having barely singed their skin as minor burns were left behind.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max smiled as Jaclyn was able to pick herself up, using some support from Antoinette ofcourse. Neil was waiting for them all, kind to a fault as his extremely handsome face peered back at them with equal parts posture and concern. Something was going on in his head, and Max wanted to find out. He left Jaclyn to Antoinette and Lance's care, figuring he didn't want to crowd her too much after she just got blasted away by winds. He made his way over to Neil, bumping his shoulder against his in a friendly manner moments before the ground began to quake. ”You seem to have something on your mind. Care to share? It doesn't have to be with the class, just
me” He punctuated the last word with a smile.

Max had ignored Miranda and Eric for the most part, having been used to their secret tiffs back on Genosha. Whatever it was would come to light if it affected the others, or would remain in shadows if it didn't. As they rounded the corner the air felt different. It was almost palpable how tense the team before him was. He could see Ed, which gave him more relief than he'd previously thought, there were others he recognized from earlier and some he'd never seen, and then there was Flynn. Max wondered if he'd remember him from the other reality, though a part of him hoped he wouldn't. He watched as Jaclyn gave Ed a lock of her hair, recalling it was something he needed from all of them to heal at a distance. Her suit looked worse up close, and if Cortez truly could bring their powers to a brink then perhaps it was best she had a new one.

Max snapped his fingers and the suit she was wearing began to fade into cosmic dust, swirling around her like a magical girl transformation before solidifying into a new space suit. ”I haven't heard of this Cortez before today, but if he's able to amplify our powers it's best he doesn't do mine. I've lost control before and not once has it ended particularly well, last time I did I killed half the room and then turned into a golden dragon that ate another third. I'd hate to see what would happen in space.” Max placed his hands upon his hips as he tried to think. ”Barring the lack of Chloroform, We have a decent setup here though. Assuming he can't affect what he can't see, Carolina is our Ace. Guin can try and attack or weaken him mentally, and Antoinette can conjure up illusions of us to distract and confuse so he won't know what's real and what's fake. The play is a deception long enough to gain control of him.”

Location: Dorm
Skills: N/A

Days before the Dance

Dorian sat at his desk, a pile of crumpled up papers stacked in a lazy pyramid that spilled out from over his wastebin. The sound of crunching paper could be heard as he tossed another wad towards the pile and jostled a few of the others free as they cascaded down the trail and spilled under his bed. His pen clattered against the desk as he scrunched up his hair in frustration and groaned so loud he was sure Percy could hear him from the other side of the wall. He planted his face between his arms as he rested his head against the desk, mumbling to himself. "Why is t'is so 'ard? We're already datin' it should be easy!" He knew he liked all that old fashioned stuff, having written him a letter the day of the Contest even though they were on the same team.

Dorian looked at his phone, and instantly panicked for a moment. He'd almost forgotten to send his dad a message. He quickly sent him a text, giving him warm wishes and telling him about what had happened at school so far. He didn't tell him about Percy, certain both him and Appa would come barging in demanding to talk or something. A part of him wondered if he could just text Percy instead, but knew that wouldn't be received the same way. So, for the umpteenth time, Dorian took pen to paper, using his calligraphy pen to write out a letter asking Percy to the dance. Something that would make even Jane Austen proud. Once he finished he let the ink dry for a moment, texting Percy quickly as he threw himself onto his bed with a wide grin. "Think we can hang at yours in a bit? ;p "

Percy actually wasn’t in his dorm room at all. He was in the library, browsing the stacks as he tried to find the book he needed for a report for one of his classes. So far, he had found about ten different books that interested him, but not yet the correct one. It seemed to have been misplaced. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, intending to double check the information he had jotted down, only to see that he had a text from his boyfriend.

Dear Dorian, certainly we can. I am at the library, I will return shortly. Regards, Percy.

Dorian's eyes lit up as he noticed the response from Percy. He wanted to shoot out of bed and go rushing towards the Library, but his ink hadn't fully settled and dried yet. He threw his head back onto his pillow with a groan. "uuuugh. How did people do t'is back t'en? It would take forever just to finish a conversation." He waited a moment longer, scrolling social media and liking images Sabine had posted during the week before finally getting up to check on the paper. Finally. He folded the note in thirds, sealing it with wax and thr AA crest before placing it in-between a book and shoving it in his backpack.

"đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„° Can't wait. Just let me know when. đŸ‘»"

Percy didn’t feel any sense of a rush to leave the library. So rather than abandoning his stack of books and then running, Percy walked up to the self-checkout and began scanning them all out, one by one. He then adjusted his bag and put the books away as neatly as he could, the zipper bulging as he struggled to close it. It was rather hefty, definitely enough to qualify as a weapon. Maybe he could consider using books instead of an ax next audition season, but he wouldn’t want to damage the books.

If there was an alternative career path Percy had ever given some deep consideration to, it was probably becoming an archivist.

About twenty minutes or so later, Percy returned to Stark Hall, emerging from the elevator on the sixth floor. He made his way down the hallway, and paused at this doorway, unlocking it. Once inside, he carefully put all of his books away and sat down at his desk, pulling out his phone.

Dorian, I have returned. Please come over at your convenience. Yours, Percy.

Dorian was more literal than usual. When he'd said he couldn't wait, he'd meant he couldn't wait. All the anxious energy had begun to build up inside of him, pacing across the room and back as he frantically worried about how Percy would receive the letter. What's more, what if he said no? What if he didn't want to go with him to the Monster Mash? He was certain he would've burned a hole straight into the carpet if he kept up his pacing any longer. He wanted to open the letter back up, read it and then read it again, to scrutinize what it was he'd said and make sure it was perfect. But it was too late now. It was sealed and he didn't have time to make a new one.

Every minute felt like an hour. Time ticked so slowly he began to wonder if Percy was taking his message literally. Twice he'd checked the clock thinking surely thirty minutes had passed, only to find out it had only been two minutes top. Finally after what felt like an eternity he got a reply from Percy. No sooner did he see the message preview than he'd bolted out his dorm door and slammed it behind him. All that could be heard in the hallway were two loud thuds. One of his door slamming closed and another as Dorian slipped across the waxed floors of Stark Hall and went face first into a wall as in his rush he'd only kept his socks on.

Dorian laid there for a moment before picking himself back up, and limping slightly over to Percy's door slowly before knocking on it. "Trick R Treat." He said with a slight groan to his voice as his leg began to feel sore from the collision.

Percy heard the loud thumps, and his heart sank. He paused for a moment, hoping that he wouldn’t hear Dorian’s voice - that it was some other idiot that had made the sounds, probably running into a wall or something. But then, there was a slow knock at his door, and he could hear his boyfriend’s voice. It was his idiot after all. Percy sighed, getting up from the desk and opening the door, looking at Dorian with a look of somewhat fond exasperation. ”Should I ask?” he prompted, before stepping aside for Dorian to come in. Once Dorian was inside, Percy grabbed the first aid kit his roommate kept. ”Sit,” he then asked, intending to look Dorian over and patch up any scrapes.

Dorian smiled weakly at Percy. Even when exasperated by him, Percy still looked absolutely adorable, kissable, huggable. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he walked in, laughing it all off. "I'm fine, just forgot t'ey were waxin' t'e floors today and went runnin' out in socks. It's no biggie mon cƓur." He sat down on Percy's bed, looking him head to toe before finally matching his gaze again and raising an eyebrow. "But if you insist it was my leg t'at got 'urt. So unless you want to take my pants off

Percy raised an eyebrow at Dorian. His boyfriend was much more explicit than he was - Percy had been called a prude before and he did not necessarily disagree with the label. ”Perhaps not,” he said, before taking a seat down at his desk and looking at Dorian. ”If you’re well enough to make jokes like that, then you don’t need me to examine your leg anyways,” he reasoned. He then narrowed his eyes slightly, like a chess master examining the board. ”So, what is it you wanted to do?”

Dorian held his hands up to his chest in surrender. His patented smile plastered on his face as he laughed at Percy's scrutinizing eyes. "Not t'at I swear. I uh
I wanted to give you somet'in." He pulled out the note from the book in which it was being pressed in, holding it out towards Percy with both hands. The tea stained paper half limp in his grip. He hadn't stopped his toothy smile the whole time. Hoping his charm would help to butter him up for a simple yes to his question. Though, of course, Dorian wouldn't mind it if Percy showed more enthusiasm for it than a simple yes. After all, Halloween was his favorite holiday.

Percy hadn’t been expecting Dorian to hand him a piece of paper - and especially not one that wasn’t a school essay that Dorian needed help with. ”Huh
” Percy mumbled, turning the paper over curiously and he began to read.

Dorian watched Percy intently as he began to read his letter. He tried not to make it obvious, as he could practically feel Percy wanting to peer over the edge of the paper to tell him that he's staring if he did. But he couldn't help it. In the past days he'd spent his time reading and re-reading the works of Jane Austen. Trying to capture the essence of how it was that she coupled relationships together and how the characters were capable of expressing their feelings in so many words that one had to peer between them to get the true meaning of it. And so that was what he'd set out to do. He and Percy were already dating, but it didn't mean he couldn't express himself to his boyfriend.

Dorian wrote several paragraphs in such a way as to mimic the very essence of the characters of her books. Expressing his feelings for Percy, as well as his love for the holiday and how much it would mean to him if they could go together to such an event. He even went so far as to offer to talk to the committee putting the dance together to see if they could add in a ghostly waltz for them to dance to if that was more his style of dance.

Percy was naturally a quick reader - his eyes tended to sprint across the page. But as soon as the meaning of the letter became clear to him, he slowed down. He wanted to savor these words, as he read them for the first time. Dorian had put a lot of work into it - it was sweet and endearing, and Percy wanted to honor that. He had never particularly been into Jane Austen - he wasn’t much of a romance reader, preferring a good mystery instead - but he was moved by it. He read the letter a second time, before his eyes flickered to Dorian, a blush across his face. ”I’d love to go with you, Mr. Gray,” Percy said softly, taking Dorian’s hand and kissing it.

Dorian's eyes lit up. His heart raced as Percy lifted his hand and kissed it. He'd no idea how to keep up the pretense of Austen's writings in person, he knew he hadn't had that kind of nerve. So instead he opted to do things his way. As soon as Percy's lips left his hand, Dorian gripped his tight and pulled him closer till he toppled over him. He wrapped his arms around Percy tightly, squeezing him into a big hug as he placed dozens of kisses across his cheek and neck. "T'ank you t'ank you t'ank you t'ank you t'ank you! Aaaaaaahhh I'm so excited! We 'ave to t'ink of costumes like now! Oh we all 'ave t'is idea for a group t'ing each of us as a character from a very queer show! Oh oh you could join in! Or uh do your own t'ing if you're not into group t'ings or want to keep us still a bit hush hush aside from t'ose already in t'e know ya know? And oh am I ramblin'?"

Percy could barely breathe, as Dorian squeezed the life out of him (affectionately). Dating Dorian had gotten him used to more and more physical contact, although the wrinkles put into his clothes were somewhat of a tragedy. It wasn’t too long before he had been thrown to the ground, Dorian on top of him, kissing him everywhere as Percy laughed, closing his eyes reflexively. ”You’re crazy,” Percy whispered. ”...Uh, what’s the show?” he then asked. He wasn’t against costumes necessarily - but he did have standards.

"She-Ra and t'e Princessess of Power!" Dorian answered enthusiastically as he drew an invisible sword. "It's all planned out! We 'ave Beanie as She-Ra duh, cuz she literally 'as a sword like 'ers, Danni will be Double Trouble, I'm t'e lovable Sea'awk, a dashin' pirate who evades danger wit' ease by settin' 'is boats ablaze! Leah I t'ink was doin' Scorpia, and April 'as been torn between two for a bit but I t'ink I know which way she'll lean. Oh! And Sea'awk is sorta datin' a princess wit' your same demeanor and t'ey love mystery novels and are super cool! So you could totes be 'er!"

He considered it. He wasn’t opposed to dressing up as a princess - drag was a common form of expression in the queer community, which Percy was proudly a part of. However, he had not ever seen She-Ra, and he felt odd about dressing up as a character he didn’t know. It felt almost like lying or cheating. ”Would you be hurt if I
 didn’t?” Percy then asked seriously.

Dorian's excitement took a pause as he tried to process the words that had just come out. He didn't expect that there was a chance he'd say no. I mean, who didn't dress up for Halloween? It was unheard of. He tried to remain cool, clearing his throat as he smiled for Percy. "No no t'at's cool. Yeah. So
no costume at all? I mean you 'ave to wear somet'in. Its a costume party after all."

”I’ll wear a costume,” Percy said, shaking his head slightly. ”I’ve never seen She-Ra, so I would feel
 wearing a costume from it,” he admitted. It wasn’t long until the date of the dance too, and he wasn’t going to binge all of the content beforehand. They had exams and training sessions and whatnot to attend to. ”Maybe I’ll go as the Doctor,” he mused. ”Or Luke Skywalker.”

"Always did find Luke kinda 'ot. T'en again so was Anakin." Dorian didn't give his two cents on the idea of a doctor. I mean, sexy doctor had been done plenty of times so it was a safe bet, then again he doubted Percy would go the sexy route. If anything he'd be fully covered and with a lab coat and stethoscope just to mess with Dorian and tell him how he could hear his heart beating fast. "Eit'er way I'll be 'appy. After all t'ere's no need to feel odd especially if you've never seen t'e show ya know? Besides, you'd make a good doctor."

Percy laughed slightly. ”I’ve always been more into Kylo Ren,” he admitted. There was something about the dark brooding nature of Leia’s and Han’s failson that appealed to him, more than Anakin or Luke or Han or Lando ever had. Obi-Wan wasn’t bad either, in the prequels. ”The Doctor might be a bit on the nose, but I imagine you might appreciate the tie.”

"Oh? I do love a good tie. Just don't go complainin' when I mess it up or wrinkle it a bit." Dorian said with a smirk. He wondered how he could forget that doctors wore ties, maybe this costume could be salvaged after all, a semblance of sexy added to it whether Percy had meant to or not. Though if he were honest he'd say how surprised he was that he didn't just go as Odysseus or Apollo or another Greek tragic. Given how much he loved those stories.

Percy rolled his eyes. ”You’ll have to fix it, then. Actually, no. I’ll have to fix it,” he corrected himself. He didn’t trust Dorian to iron out a tie properly. But he made a mental note to get a mildly lower quality tie for the costume, so that way if Dorian ruined it by wrinkling it to death, he wouldn’t be too upset about it.

Dorian scoffed at the accusation. ”I'll ‘ave you know I'm more t'an capable of fixin’ a tie.” Though in his mind the tie didn't need fixing so long as it was affixed between his fingers. A thought crossed his mind and he looked towards the door. ”So
I kinda ‘aven't told anyone but April and Danni about us
t'is may be a big reveal kinda t'in you ok wit’ t'at?”

”Does big reveal mean
 something chaotic? Or just that it might be shocking?” Percy asked. It was hard to tell when it came to Dorian. It could mean that Dorian was planning fireworks and a musical number, or just that he was planning on telling everyone for the first time. Percy was fine with the latter, but the former was somewhat stressful to think about. He didn’t enjoy drawing a huge amount of attention to himself.

Dorian laughed, trying to keep it under control as he answered. ”More like t'e ot'ers in t'e group may ‘ave questions or tease or somet'in. I'm not entirely sure to be ‘onest. T'ey may not even say anyt'in so who knows.”

”I can handle that,” Percy said confidently. ”I withstood your bullying, after all,” he added with a smirk, purposely messing with his boyfriend slightly. Their first meeting had been less than ideal, after all. He was certain he was more than equipped to deal with whatever questions Dorian’s friends had.

Dorian's mouth opened in shock. ”I
bully?...me?” He'd never thought of himself as a bully, and had attempted to apologize about any incidents the two had before. A part of him was certain Percy was teasing yet still he couldn't believe the words he was hearing. ”Well at least if you can ‘andle me you can ‘andle anyt'in. So we got t'at covered no problem.”

Percy pressed a kiss to Dorian’s open mouth. ”I agree,” he murmured.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Standing there in stunned silence and shock as Janelle began to assault his boyfriend, Demetri couldn’t move. One slap was fine, he’d of smacked the God of Parties to release him from the hotel's grasp if he didn’t think it would incur further wrath from the Goddess of Love. But Janelle didn’t stop. Zeke got to her first, gripping her wrist before finally letting go. He wanted to say something, to yell at her or ask her what her deal was, but he saw who he was surrounded by. Zeke would surely disapprove of that behavior, and the others had already seen a similar side to him on the train ride here. He didn’t know what they would think if he said anything, if maybe they’d think that part of him was creeping back out of him, if they thought he’d be a threat to the mission and Janelle. He wasn’t ofcourse, but that didn't stop people's perspectives from taking over their own thoughts. His jaw was clenched as he bit back words he wanted to say before choosing to focus on what Zeke was saying instead of what had just happened. ”Right, about that. I haven’t actually had any urges to eat or drink anything here.” He said before muttering the next statement. ”Then again I haven’t had the urge to eat anything for a few days now so
” Maybe that’s why he and Nancy hadn't been affected yet. He recognized the look in her eyes when they met in front of the Hotel, but perhaps their issues would be a blessing in disguise. Either way Zeke was right, they needed to stick together, they’ve all ran off too many times already and it was getting hard to keep up.

Demetri channeled the negative emotions he was feeling, a darkness coming over his eyes as he took every word he wanted to say to Janelle and shouted them inside his own mind. He felt that familiar tug inside his chest, a string pulled taut. Shadows coalesced around those before him, tendrils flicking up like flames in the air. Dark smoke encircled everyone's wrists before they all began tethered to one another. ”Got you babe. No more separating. I’ve manacled all of us with solidified shadows. Where one goes, we all go. Got it?” Tethered or not, Demetri still took Zeke’s hand. Feeling its familiar warmth against his usually cool hands. It was like they were back in the Infirmary, holding hands underneath the desks as they read silently amongst each other, secretly together without even having to say as much. There was a tug at the corner of his lips, a smile threatening to creep out at the thought. He lurched forward, planting a gentle kiss where Janelle had slapped him. He didn’t have healing powers like Zeke, but a kiss made everything feel better. That was the rules.

Cassian hadn’t expected to be third partied. He watched as the new girl wedged herself in between their conversation, giving him a glare. He wondered if perhaps this was his girlfriend, but that was quickly disproven when Anya called Aran her little brother. Was she always so hypercritical of the people that her brother interacted with? Or did she simply dislike Cassian in the way Nancy did? ”Aran and Anya. Pleasure to meet both of you. Where are your names from? They sound so unique.” He’d forgotten all about the hotel, its traps, and its ability to freeze time for those inside of it. Who knew how old these two were, and with names like that it was difficult to place a time period. But he wasn’t thinking about any of that, only about the game they had momentarily abandoned and the beautiful guy before him. His hand released Aran’s, pointer finger flitting between the pair with a slight look of shock at them.

”A few minutes? So you’re twins. That’s so cool, I’ve never met twins before.” Cassian didn’t think the twin gods Artemis and Apollo counted for the statement. While he’d never fully met the pair in general, it was their godlyhood that counted against them. He’d never met any mortal twins, thought he couldn’t exactly say that seeing as how everyone here should be mortal. Fully gone were the people he’d ventured in here with, Janelle and her twin brother forgotten as the hotel made those details foggy in his mind. It was as though he could sense a bit of inconsistency in his statement, but he figured it was simply due to the gods and nothing else. He picked up another Skeeball, holding it in his hand before tilting it towards the twins. ”So who’s next?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

The winds had managed to die down, and Carolina was still present with them. Max couldn't help but wonder if somehow the three who sped off had managed to calm down the wind guy, that or the others they were trying to meet up with did. Either way it eliminated one of the biggest obstacles in their way, even if the tornado remained in the hallway. Before Max could even answer Carolina, Neil had held out his hand. It was clear some magic had been used, dispelling the tornado before them as it showed off Neil's immense talent. Max had been trying to use his magic this whole time and the most he'd managed was to halt it in place, yet here was Neil, the young Necromancer that had managed to fell the winds. Max gave him a smile as he gently tapped Neil's shoulder with a fist. ”Amazing work there Neil.”

”Maybe don't call out the bad luck? It will only attract more of it.” He said as he began to turn his attention towards Jaclyn, Antoinette, and Lance. He'd charged them with making sure she was ok, but in the end he wanted to check himself. She manifested his powers, and he felt partially responsible for anything that would come of it. As he made his way closer to her, he could see her suit beginning to deteriorate. Instantly making him wonder if his magic was somehow decaying right before his eyes. He'd never had something he made vanish, at least not without his intent to do so, yet this suit was clearly moving towards the end of its life. ”Those burns don't look too good. I'm not exactly an expert healer but I'm sure we can catch up to Ed no issue. Just try and take it slow ok?”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

”Coward!” Max cried out as Sym ran away from them. A half step taken before the demoness looked at him and claimed the coward as her own. It made sense, she was the daughter of the man who'd died, it was only natural she'd seek vengeance instead of him. None of that mattered in the end, as Madalyne left to follow behind Sym, there was a burning sensation pouring out of Max's neck. Heat radiated from the open wound as Max quickly placed a hand against it to try and stop the bleeding. His vision blurred as he could scarcely see one of the supremes interposed between him and his attacker. It seemed he was buying him time. Though it felt as though time itself was slowing down. The warm red liquid flowed out of his neck and down his hand as Max tried to speak a healing spell. Blood gurgling his words as they painted his lips red and dots splattered across the floor before them.

Golden light mixed with his magic before it tainted once more. He could feel his wound begin to close, but the emotions and chaos from earlier still affected him and his magic. The scales on his leg began to shimmer gold, running up his tight before encasing the spot where the wound had been. Max closed his eyes as he felt his body begin to shift beneath the surface, like an army of ants crawling beneath his skin. He fell down onto his knees, hunched over as his forearms hit the floor and he growled in pain. His eyes shot open and they were like liquid gold and soon the rest of his body morphed into that of a gold dragon. It was fitting that his magic shifted him into a being that promoted good. A constant foe to evil and injustice. His eyes narrowed down at the demons still in the room, fire curling at his lips and he huffed out a puff of smoke. There was a loud roar and then
the sounds of bones breaking and grinding. His neck swept across the room, gathering five demons into his maw as he crunched down onto them with about as much force as one would eating celery. As soon as the light faded from their eyes he'd tilted his head up and swallowed them. Hisgaze turning towards the other Supremes.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie felt as the ground began to shake. His legs felt unstable underneath the massive shifts that trembled beneath him. It was fortunate that Merlin had taken Jafar from him, locking the pair in a battle of mysticism to see which of the two would win out. It was then that he saw what was causing such chaos. Why the floor suddenly felt like they were on unstable ground. Two undead dragons flew around the castle, breathing fire all around as they damaged the building. He watched as the stone above them seemed to glow and crack, making Maddie throw his hands up instinctively as if it would help any.

There was a shimmer that surrounded him, a brief glimpse caught just before flames engulfed the hall and then nothing but smoke and dust remained. Maddie tried to look around, pressing his hand against the shield before it vanished and the dust cleared enough to show Jafar and his forces had been defeated. Only a few remained behind them all, each surrendering and giving away Maleficent's location. The only thing that stood in their path was the destruction caused by the dracoliches above. Maddie figured they'd waste time and energy if they all tried to cross the rubble, or worse get injured along the way. He pressed his hands against the nearest stone, feeling his magic enter it as he fused and shaped it all together into a bridge to cross.
Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian pressed himself against Percy, hand still on his tie as he got lost in his boyfriend's eyes. The blush tinting his skin only served to make Percy that much cuter up close. He wondered if being this close around others made him nervous, then he felt something press against his leg. It was rather large and hard, and it made Dorian's heart race. His face now blushing in equal measure as Percy's as he took a slight step back to give them both a small bit of room. Of course Dorian didn't know it was simply his Sonic Screwdriver that was left in his pocket for the costume. He cleared his throat, finding it hard to swallow as he nervously looked down to where he'd felt it and then met Percy's eyes once more. ”’appy to see me I see” He'd forgotten that Percy had even asked him a question, his brain frazzled as it usually was when they were alone in a room.

”Uh oh uh I'm Sea'awk! T'e greatest adventurer ever!” Dorian said trying to get himself back into the swing of things. His mouth felt dry, and suddenly he felt more anxious than he'd previously thought possible. Dorian had heard that people used dances to later go off and do the Devils tango, but he hadn't expected anything like that from Percy. He was in his own head, thinking of what was possibly running through Percy's mind when he'd heard Danni and the others talking about a group photo. ”Oh! We should go and join t’at
and t’e dance! Don't want to be late for t’e announcements.” He said as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand and dragged him towards the photo op, placing himself behind Percy and wrapping his arms around his waist before plopping his head onto his shoulder.
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