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Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian loved the weird sounds Percy would make every time he'd pulled him closer. He could almost see the gears in his mind ramming to a full stop as he pulled back from the kiss, making him smile and chuckle at the sight of his flabbergasted boyfriend. His hand held on tight to Percy's, moving along with the line and thankful that Nimue was able to keep it from stalling. Now if only they could apply this sort of enchantment to Disneyland. One perk of being in California for school was being close to the theme parks, the downside was how long those lines were on hot days.

He took another step forward, thinking about the parks, lost for a moment. Even before he came here he'd loved and admired most superheros (and villains) having purchased some replicas back at Avengers Campus in the parks. Always in hopes of getting them signed by whose replica it was. He ran his thumb over Percy's before snapping back and closing the distance that had grown slightly from his daze. ”When we get in, stick close and don't let go. I've been lost in a few ‘aunted ‘ouses, but I'd ‘ate to be lost in a magical one.”

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie was glad to see his wish had worked. He saw the rage and disbelief in Maleficent's eyes as she questioned him on what he had done. ”I've rendered you useless, that's what.” He said, a bit of cockyness in his voice left over from a well done wish. But he spoke too soon. As the dark faerie grabbed a blade and cut him down. He gripped onto the lamp tight, falling backwards onto the ground before the goth warrior stepped in and began to fight. It afforded him enough time to place a hand on the wound, blood coated his hand as he winced from the pain. ”Sorry…Genie…hadn't thought…that for ah-h-head.”

He spoke falteringly as he watched the others join the fight. His attention turned towards Rosalia, mustering some strength to yell out while Megan held Maleficent's attention. ”Rosalia, second ones yours. I'm sure you'll think of something great…but remember not to use the third.” Maddie said as he gripped the lamp, some blood pressing into the golden features of it. He could see Colby off in the distance, and he smiled, whispering ”Sorry, I was careless.”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri wanted to retort, to say some witty remark back at Alexios to tell him to at least make Zeke into a cat or a dog so he wouldn't have full blown depression from the sudden loss. But he didn't, he focused on what was at hand, and as he saw the Iris message and Zeke, he could tell that his words wouldn't of reached Alexios anyways. No sound was escaping their mouths, nothing came through from the shimmering rainbow save for images. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something faint, like candle light, flickering into existence. When he looked, it was Zeke, offering Nancy some form of comfort. Or so he imagined. Perhaps it was an Apollo thing? He didn't know, but as he watched Nancy he thought for a moment they could connect.

Suddenly the bubble burst, Demi was flung back hard as he crashed against the closet wall hitting his head. A wave of sounds suddenly springing to life as the cacophony bombarded his ears and he quickly went to cover them up. Trying to ease himself back into the sounds of the Hotel after having been surrounded by pure silence. ”Fuck me. Z you ok?” Demetri asked as he looked over towards his boyfriend.

Cassian was scoping out the last of his targets, wondering where the twins had gone. It was silent in the room, no footsteps could be heard as he skulked around the corner of a wall only to find nothing. He let out a sigh before he felt something press against the back of his head. He wondered if the gentle tap had come from Aron, but as he turned around he was met with Anya, shooting his plate before teasing him. ”Actual Ninjas. No way you were that silent the whole game.” He said laughing along.

He spun the gun around his finger before holstering it on his side. ”Wanna go again? Or maybe we could try out one of the other games around here. You seem to know the layout better than me so I'll differ to your judgment.” Cassian said as he crossed his arms with a smile. Full glad to have found the twins in this massive hotel.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Mutant Circuit

”For the record I didn't ask for an apology, nor did I intentionally wrong her. This land has had a significant impact on my magic and corrupted near every spell I've cast since setting foot here. I hadn't meant to leave her and Carolina alone to fend off against that monster, I was merely attempting to teleport to her so that I could break her free of its grasp. Only to find myself in the midst of a hoard of demons with two new unlikely companions. But we aren't here to talk semantics or waste time with rhetoric. We're here for two simple things, to break free of Limbos prison and restore the wards on the Veil before midnight approaches. Though I understand some of us have a third desire for vengeance. So, you want a leader to take charge? Fine. I'll do it since you won't do much of anything but leave snide remarks with nary an ounce of help to follow through with them.” Max snapped back at Prudence while still within the body of Annika. He felt immense remorse for what happened to Klara, but now wasn't the time to dwell on it. They needed to press forward before it was too late.

”The circuit will work. We will become one, our pulses synchronizing into a singular beat. You may view memories that are not your own, our personalities and beings meshing into one as we move into a singular unit. Our magic will be amplified and we must do all we can to open this portal. No shortcuts, no Everdark no matter how tempting it may seem. We have no idea how much time we have lost already inside of Limbo, how little we have left back in the material, so we cut straight for Magik. I'll attempt to push that memory forward, give us all a visual to lock onto so we know where we go. After all this is done, Jack you're more than welcome to show me this Everdark, maybe give me a drink, after all it is my birthday and seeing another plane would be a wonderful present. But first…I need my body back.” Max said with an almost apologetic tone as he noticed how much Annika was enjoying her new form.

He made his way over towards her, placing one hand on her as he channeled her magic, bonding with his old self and using that link to swap bodies. His perspective had changed, now towering over the others once again before he began to make his way towards the others once more. Magic weaving into every step as he had to force his way back into his human form. He was happy to have walked a while in Annika's shoes, having gained some knowledge on how to better control that change should it ever happen again. But for now he was back to himself, long black coat lined with bones that formed a macabre picture as he walked briskly towards Madalyne and Jack, taking each of their hands in his. ”You wanted someone to take charge? Fine.” There was an instant link, he could feel the pulse between their hands, slowing into one, their minds melding, he tried to recall what he had seen in the goblet, tried to push the memory forward for the others to latch onto. But as the memory came into view, it vanished. Years of cause and effect, of testing his limits and learning the consequences of his actions and magic just slipped from his fingers like fine sand. Each grain fell down into a glass container until it was full and then suddenly…gone. Replaced by a new thought, a new emotion as fear perked up inside his chest, he needed to run, to hide, The Purifiers were on his tail and he needed to he safe
Dorian Gray

Location: D&D Dormitory
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian laced his fingers into Percy's once more. Smiling at his friends group as he waved them goodbye. ”See you guys in a bit! Just want to ‘ave some time with Perce for now if t’at's ok.” He didn't really give them the time to answer before he hurriedly took his boyfriend over towards Lady Nimue's Otherworldly Haunted House. He hoped he made it clear that he wished they'd leave the two alone for a moment. The walk was relatively quiet as the music blared in the background, fading more as he made his way towards the line to enter. Once they stopped, Dorian reached for Percy's tie and pulled him in close for a passionate kiss before pulling back away.

”You know, ‘aunted ‘ouse's can make excellent make out spots dependin’ on ‘ow t'ey're made. Some have little dark nooks you can sneak in for a moment to break away from the scares.” His hand was still on Percy's tie for a moment longer before it slowly trailed down the length of it, smoothing it out by the time he'd reached the end. He held Percy's hand again, taking a step forward when the line moved up. ”T’ank you for comin’ I know t'is really isn't your scene…but it means a lot to me.”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demi had no idea what had gotten into Janelle. Seemingly having snapped out of nowhere just because he was trying to make sure they all stayed together. The pull from the Hotel was clearly stronger than any of them had previously realized and he just wanted to minimize the time they were waiting each time someone fell for the tricks of the Casino. He felt as she snapped the shadow around her wrist, his control already wavering from fatigue and hunger. All it took was one break, and the shadows began to quickly unravel from everyone.

He hadn't expected for Alexios to take his request so seriously. A Cornucopia was the very definition of portable and filling. He slung the strap of it underneath his free arm as Zeke held onto his hand. Demi pulled a vine of table grapes from the device, holding it just above his mouth as he used his teeth to pluck one of the massive dark orbs off of it and began to eat. ”Thanks…Alexios. Kristin's right though, we need to get along, especially in here. There's no reason why you two have to fight all the time. Who knows maybe we can have a lovely triple date down one of the faux Italian rivers here with a gondola and food after this is all done.”

When they reached Nancy, Demi was riddled with concern. She wasn't doing well at all, and regardless of Zeke's wish to move forward, Demi wasn't sure she could. He wasn't even sure if she had heard him speak just now. He let go of Zeke's hand, gently placing what remained of the grapes in his palm before stepping away. Demi knelt down before Nancy, looking her in the eyes and giving her a silent question, an open invitation should she wish to take it, simply receive a hug and let out everything she was feeling in that moment. Normally he would've gone in, initiated it, and held them close. But Nancy had her boundaries, and he wanted to respect them while offering the choice.

Cassian followed Anya and Aron through the halls of the Casino Hotel until they reached the Laser Tag room. There was another group already gearing up, and as Anya explained to Cass how it all worked, he began to grab what was left on the wall. Placing the vest over himself and securing it tight, noticing how the pieces clipped before going over and grabbing his weapon. ”Battle Royal? How very Hunger Games.” He looked over the gun in his hand, searching for any extra buttons or things before finally responding. ”As I'll ever be.”

Cassian slunk into the arena, ducking behind covers as he tried to get the layout of the place. He could hear some noises from the group that came in before them, tailing them silently as he watched their movements long enough to get a read. He quickly popped around a corner, faking left as he went to shoot right and got one in his target. He continued this, targeting two more as he tried to dwindle the numbers down so in the end it would be a match up between Anya, Aron, and himself.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie watched as the battle unfolded. Seeing how Rosalia dropped a chandelier atop the guards below and knocked them all out. He didn't think it would've worked, it was too simple, yet clearly it had. All that was left now was to defeat Maleficent. Merlin was still getting up off the ground as Rose fired arrow after arrow at Maleficent, only for each shot to be blocked by a mythical shield. Merlin was once again entangled in a battle of magic against the Dark Queen, and it wasn't until he called out to Maddie that he noticed the lamp was glowing underneath his shirt.

He pulled it out, inspecting it for a moment as he shot a glance between it and Merlin, then to all the others. Why was he the one to make the wish? Why did it all have to fall on him? One wrong move and he could mess with the entire operation. It felt like too much, too difficult. Then he saw the fallen chandelier and thought, maybe it is that simple? He rubbed the lamp, smoke billowing out as the Genie emerged from within. ”Genie, I wish Maleficent and all of her followers lost all of their magic.”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max hoped that someone knew how to use telepathy, or even perhaps just spoke the language of dragons. But while that was still to be sorted out, he listened intently to what the others had to say. Madalyne believed she could act as a bridge, a conduit between their world and Limbo. But from what had been said before, the stepping stones weren't the way to go. Unstable magic within an ever increasingly unstable land. Jack rambled on about his prowess with interdimensional travels, but given how magic warped in this location (even simple translocation spells) Max doubted it would be as easy as Jack would hope. He let out another huff of annoyance just moments before his attention was pulled towards Annika.

Max bowed his head down allowing her to touch him. Her eyes gazed into his until he felt a lurch and suddenly he was gazing back into his own eyes. He removed his hand, her hand?, his hand, away from his body and looked at it with a bit of awe. ”Wow…” the word escaped him without notice until he'd realized he was able to speak. ”I can talk? I can talk! Haha you genius you! I'll figure out how to swap us back no problem but first…” Max took in a deep breath before he began to get out as much as he could. ”Magik is with the team Excalibur watching movies right now. I was able to divine her location. As for the issue of how to get there, Stepping stones may not be the best form of travel but I have a little trick we might be able to use if I can get use of my body again. My real body I mean. Sadly draconic forms are a bit harder to cast magic in it seems. Anyways, Madalyne you said you can act as a conduit right? And Jack you're used to interdimensional travel as well? I've conjured portals from across the globe and to the Savage Lands, that makes at least three people capable of harnessing the power to open portals. I've seen Runa conjure them before as well, but something I learned back on Genosha is that magic works best in three’s. So I can help us form a mutant circuit, each one of us feeding into the next so our powers sync into one. Hopefully with that much control we will be able to finagle a portal to Excalibur, find Magik, give her a scolding about the importance of not making your friends think you're dead, oh also the importance of being here where she's needed, and then Bing bang boom we can stabilize the Veil! Any questions?

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demi felt the lightheadedness coming back. It made sense, a singular sandwich, no matter who it was conjured by, wasn't enough to undue days worth of neglect. Even now he hardly had an appetite, but there was the smallest pinprick of emptiness inside his stomach, a small sense of his hunger beginning to grow. But the shadows were taxing him, using Alexios and Zeke as more of a crutch as he held onto them. He regretted throwing away the apple now, wishing he had something portable to help him through it all. Zeke spoke up about Alexios interruption however, and all Demi could do was mouth the word “Assbutt” in confusion.

”Alexios, if you want to help, I need more to eat…this power is taking a toll on me and I can't have anything while in this hotel. Something portable yet filling.” He hated to use the god as a meal delivery service, but he needed his strength and it gave Alexios a way to help him without doing too much. Hopefully it could help keep the peace between the two stubborn goats who seemed to do nothing but butt heads when they were around each other. ”Maybe after this is all over we can take a tour of the city. Never been this far down, though I guess we're closer to my neck of the woods than yours.”

Cassian cocked a smile. Russian? Cool. The uncertainty of their origin made him wonder how many generations ago it was that their family had moved here to the states. Roots clearly lost to time as culture stopped getting passed down, only names remaining as a semblance of where they once came. It was nice running into others his age at this hotel, hopefully their parents didn't mind that they were gone for top long. Then again with an arcade this large it was hard to think your kids would come back quickly. Another waitress came by and Cassian absent-mindedly took the cookie, taking a bite as they discussed what to do next.

He chewed for a moment before swallowing it down, turning the ball in his hand a few times as he thought while he ate. Finally he spoke up, tossing the skeeball into the air before catching it and placing it back into the bin it came from. ”Laser tag sounds fun! I've never played it before but it seems simple enough. Get a gun, shoot the targets, and don't get got right?” He finished the rest of his cookie before wiping his hand on his pants. ”Lead the way. I assume it's every person for themselves? Since I don't have a partner to…team…with…” He shook his head for a moment, as if stumbling over the word ‘team’ but he couldn't guess why.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie ignored Rosie's comment as he made his way across the stone bridge. If anything she was probably jealous that she didn't get any magic. That or she truly couldn't see why it wasn't a waste of it. Had he left the rubble before them, they'd all be taxing themselves trying to cross over, or worse they'd injure themselves doing it. He hadn't done much since arriving here, and while magic was strenuous, he typically stuck to smaller spells so he wasn't ever too exhausted. But there was no time for infighting, they had to focus on the task at hand. After all, the sooner they defeated Maleficent the sooner he'd get to go back to Colby.

As the doors to the throne room opened, he saw her standing there, surrounded by guards. He didn't think she needed them, if anything she probably viewed them as fodder for her canons. With a quick motion Merlin was blasted backwards, Maddie torn on if he should help the wizard or press forward with the fight. He didn't want to expend too much magic at first, deciding to try and create some knives of his own to attack Maleficent like he had back when he first met her. Back when he landed a hit. Unfortunately all he managed was some toys, quickly disposed of on the floor before he moved to a new plan.

He tried to call forth vines to burst from the stone beneath their feet and entangle the guards. After all, a stationary target was easier to hit than a moving one for the others. But nothing budged. He silently cursed to himself, wishing Colby was here (he had been much better at all this magic than he was) but he was out there using his skills to distract. It was fine, Maddie decided he didn't need to outwit them just yet, just hurt them. So he summoned a burst of flames that burned at one guard.
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