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Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max hadn't heard his full name spoken in months. He scrunched his nose at it as if it was some malodorous thing. Had he told the hag his name before arrival? Was her powers that of divination? He had no idea but decided to keep his answer short. ”It's Max, and I feel fine, though I don't recall giving you my name…M'am.” A bit of confusion lacing his words as he spoke. He smiled at Jack's response, surprised he was just outright turned down. So he had a chance.

Max watched as the darkness around them began to bend and shape into vines and thorns that wrapped around gaggles of Green Old Ones, ensnaring them into an easier to hit target. The sleek woman seemed to be counting them down for their next attack, coordinated efforts to allow for these creatures no room to regenerate. Perfect. Max readied himself once more, his magic dancing at his fingertips as he waited for her call to fire. As soon as she called out, he let it roar.

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Mary seemed to join him by his side. Vines crawling along the walls as they prepared for damage control in the event that Erik couldn't get his powers in check. Max supposed he was lucky his powers were always chaotic. Always so unpredictable. It made it easier to manipulate the extra umph that Cortez was pumping through him. He was used to this feeling of helplessness and inability to control. A tangle of vines grasped the other hand Max hadn't managed to bind yet, noting the grin on Cortez's face. That couldn't be good. People only ever got that look when they were either going to be extremely reckless or…when everything was falling into place how they wanted. His words didn't make Max feel any better either about where they stood.

Max was about to ask Cortez what he was planning. To explain what it was they didn't understand. Oftentimes, those who believed to be on the high ground, love to monologue about their superiority and reveal their entire plan. Unfortunately all that escaped Max was a yelp as a shadowy mass wrapped around him and pulled him back. He gripped tight onto his spell ensnaring Cortez using it as a way to balance between the tug o war. It was enough of a distraction to help Max look at the field once more. Guin was coming up to fight Cortez, with Perry in the rear about to do the same, Cortez began to float seemingly out of nowhere and Annie was panicking, no doubt due to Cortez's influence. ”No time for a monologue Cortez, sorry. Pietro, Guin's, Perry, feel free to knock 'em out and fast.” Max looked towards Mary with concern in his eyes. ”What's the plan boss? If this doesn't pan out?” His free hand playing with magical wisps that fought hard to solidify at first before becoming two penguins dancing near Antoinette. ”Focus on them, it'll help you channel better. Keep your mind free from all else.”
Resident Zombie "Expert" on the way
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian blinked a few tears away as he pulled back slightly from the hug so he could get a better look at Percy's face. ”Am I ok? Moi? I'm fine Perce! It was you I was worried about. When we separated I t'ought ‘maybe ‘e teleported out of fright?’ But t'en I couldn't find you anywhere and t'is t'is…space man came at me wit’ a lightsaber and tried to attack me and I t'ought maybe ‘e'd gotten to you and I panicked so much. No matter ‘ow ‘ard I tried to reason wit’ ‘im ‘e just wouldn't let me go find you.” He squeezed Percy once more, tighter now than ever before as if maybe he was about to disappear from him once more. He held him there for a ten count before finally letting go and wiping the now dried tears off his cheeks. ”No burnin’ down t'e teachers. Wouldn't do to ‘ave a member of Excelsior suspended for attackin’ anot'er teams coach.” he managed with a light hearted chuckle.

Dorian didn't get the chance to apologize to Diana for the accidental fright before she left to go chat with others. He looked down at the raptor and lifted it up like a baby on its back, scratching it beneath the chin. ”Oh right, t'is appeared inside t'e ‘ouse. But…I don't t'ink it was a part of it. ‘E was defendin’ me best ‘e could t'ough.” Dorian fished out the note from his pocket, seeing it had come from his dad. “Sorry for the late birthday gift, it took a while to find a way to get a real baby raptor. Hope you like it.” It seemed Danni's dragon was going to have a friend to grow up with.

Dorian's attention was snapped to the stage as Coulson began his announcements. Starting with the teams. He hung onto every word with baited breath, each name breaking him little by little as his team wasn't called. He was crestfallen, and trying his best not to let it show, when finally his team was said last. Shock ran through him, before he finally placed the raptor on the ground and picked up Percy to twirl him. ”We did it! We qualified for t'e Contest!” He was so busy whopping and hollering he'd almost missed the announcements for School Saviour, though he felt it was rigged as clearly DAD should take the stage, but he was more than happy for April to have it with her girls.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

In an instant Max was transported out of the streets of D.C. and into an expanse of blackest nights. The ground beneath his feet an Inky void that seemed to ripple with each step. He felt a warmth at each hand, the circuit finished as he looked to his right and found a Demon and then his left to see a gorgeous man. His face grew flush, pink smearing across his cheeks as he quickly let go of both their hands, but feeling the presence that was once there from Jack's. If the handsome stranger was to be believed, this was some place known as the Twilight Pass, an in-between location no doubt like Sigil was to the Planes. Why he was here with all of them he didn't know. His heart raced, trying to recall what had just happened, he was running, Purifiers were on his tail, did these mutants save him? Had he been caught?

Max tried to catch up with everything that was being said. Someone's soul was eaten? The creatures below banished here after having done so? And the handsome man was…apologizing to him? Why did it matter if they'd made a slight detour if they'd either way saved his life? The child spoke (He had heart of orphaned mutants before but this seemed cruel) and it appeared she was the Klara the man spoke of. Her soul had been reaped from her body, a mere child, and now they had a chance to get it back. Well if they saved him from the Purifiers then the least he could do is help get a kid's soul back. An old crone spoke up, nearly causing Max to jump out of his skin. She practically looked deceased, how old was she? At least 100. No, now wasn't the time. He listened intently to the possible plans, unsure exactly how much he could offer. After all, he was only 18, but he still decided to try.

”Beats the only thing I knew about Hydras, which is to get on their back. But if it's fire you need, I think I can manage that.” Max said, a bit of trepidation in his voice. He'd never used his fire for more than lighting up a room or starting a fire at night to keep warm. He avoided combat as much as he could, choosing to simply tie up and encumber the racist assholes rather than prove them right that he was a danger to society. ”No worries kid, we'll get your soul back. You guys saved me from the Purifiers back there, it's the least I can do to say thank you.” Max stepped forward, conjuring a flame within his hand, he tried to take aim, and then let it loose as it flew towards the group of monsters below. The fire erupted into a conflagration, consuming ten of the beasts below. Hopefully releasing ten souls along with their deaths. ”I've got the fire if you've got the cover handsome.”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri’s heart sank as Zeke answered back. He watched as his boyfriend's gaze shifted from his hands to his face, watching as what little hope for this mission they were given slipped between his grasp. He could feel his eyes wavering, his mouth felt dry and Demi had no idea how to respond. Every word got caught within his throat as he searched for anything to say to him. Zeke's hand graced his skin as he felt his soft embrace trace an arc across his cheek. The warmth spread across his face as he looked on with a muddled brain incapable of saying how he felt. All he could do was smile, and reply ”Then let's make sure we all survive this encounter alright? Then this break you and I, we'll go see your mum. I think we could use a little holiday of our own.”

His heart broke to think it, but the quest was falling apart. He wasn't sure if Nancy would continue, and honestly how could anyone in their right mind force her to? This place was worse than Tartarus as far as they were concerned and at least here she could escape. Find her way back towards Camp, but not alone. Demi-God's had a rule of three, Demi never got why but it worked. Cassian was lost in this Maze of Madness, Nancy was on the brink of a homicidal episode, and Zeke's heart wouldn't be in it if he spent all his time worrying about his sister. ”I hate to say it but…if you need an out Nancy, you're more than welcome to leave. Take Zeke with you, and either I or someone else can accompany you both back to camp. We need Alexios here to defeat the Titan but we have to remain in groups of three for safety.”

The thought of being separated once more from Zeke hurt him, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Having a child of the Big Three would only put a target on their back as they made their way to camp, and Alexios wasn't guaranteed to stay on mission if he left to help Nancy. He understood her want to demolish the place, to burn it all asunder and make sure no other is entrapped the way she is mentally and the way she was physically. But even then, he had to offer her the choice to leave.

Cassian rolled his eyes playfully as Anya shot him once more, gripping his chestplate and groaning as if he'd been shot. ”Mercy, I beg you.” He joked before sticking his tongue out at her. ”Alright, let's go find Aron. See what sort of mess he got himself into in here.” They made their way through corridors and hurdles, searching for a sign of her twin before they finally found him held up behind a half wall. A group of other players attempted to lure him out so they could get the score.

Cassian ran, crouched down to avoid the others before finally bursting into a small sprint and sliding next to Aron. His eyes looking up and over as is to signify what was lurking behind this partition. ”Seem to have gotten yourself in quite the pickle, haven't you? Lucky for you I'm a great shot, unlucky for you Anya snuck up behind me and tagged me out. What. A. Predicament. “ Cassian could help out, shooting the others, but it wouldn't be in the spirit of the game.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Team Genie

Maddie felt a little bad for having put Rosalia on the spot like that. Coming up with wishes was hard, and he doubted he could think of two in quick succession that could help turn the tide and win the battle. He knew she was stealthy enough to slink past the fight and get to the lamp so that she could make a wish. He also banked on her clever mind to find a way to help seal Maleficent without having major drawbacks. While the Genie was a friend of theirs, there was no telling if this magical contract forced monkey paw situations where there was space for them. His thoughts felt proven correct when the Genie mentioned ensuring they didn't lose the paper. It would need to be locked up afterwards in such a way that none of her cronies could get to it, perhaps with mystical wards given that none of them had magic now.

Maddie was about to stand up, to try and touch the lamp in Rosalia's hands to make the final wish, to free the Genie. But before he could muster the strength to do so, Layla got to it and made the final wish. Maddie relaxed upon hearing that he had been freed, letting out a sigh of relief. More so when he'd used his old abode (read prison) as a new vault and jail for Maleficent. He didn't think conjunction wishes were allowed, but if it worked it worked. Either that or Genie was throwing them a free one given his new found freedom. Maddie watched as his boyfriend fretted over him, checking his wounds before trying to ease his worries. That dorky lopsided grin came out that made him fall in love all over again just before he popped the question. Maddie had no care for Kansas, for the real world, nor did he have much attachment to this land of Fairytales. What he did have an attachment to was Colby. He wrapped his arm around Colbys neck and pulled him in for a long kiss before finally pulling away and wincing at the pain. ” You. I chose you dork. If you want to stay here I will gladly follow, we can go on more adventures together.”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Telekinesis,
Combat Possession Halloween Costume

Dorian led Percy through the Haunted Maze, holding onto his hand to ensure they didn't get separated. His hope was that Percy could use it as an anchor, to keep himself from teleporting away while also serving as one for Dorian. He'd managed to keep himself from flickering from any of the jumpscares the house had thrown their way. As they rounded the corner to move into a new room, he felt the loss of Percy's grip on his hand. A smile on his lips as he was about to turn and tease his boyfriend for falling for the steam vent trick. But when he turned, the scene had changed.

Dark halls stretched before him as Percy was nowhere to be found. ”Perce? Where'd you leap off to?” He'd hate the idea of holding up the house, especially if he accidentally ran into another group attempting to get in, but he didn't want to abandon Percy if he got scared enough to teleport to another hall. He called out to him, slowly making his way before turning around and wondering if maybe he'd accidentally gone forward instead. Before long he'd reached a room that was pitch black, he couldn't see anything, there were no sounds at all coming from the room. ”Perce?” A sound came from deeper in the room, like a mixture between a crackle and a hum as a flare of light came in the size of a baseball. First it flashed purple before it began to become overtaken by a deep red.

Dorian watched as the light elongated into a blade and the red glow now illuminated a stranger in the dark. ”So cool! ‘ey, ‘ave you seen anot’er student? ‘e's dressed like a doctor in a suit, is about t’is tall and-” Dorian was cut off as what he'd assumed was a scare actor began bolting in his direction, laser sword in hand. The stranger swung his sword at Dorian and he held his hands up instinctively as he watched the blade stop inches away from his face. The red light glaring off the reflective helmet of the stranger showing only a reflection of himself. He watched the struggle of the blade until he realized that he was the one holding it back. ”I don't want to fight you, I just want to find Percy!”

There was a shift in the stranger's demeanor, more aggression as Dorian could feel the blade pressing harder against the invisible force holding it back. A cold voice came through the darkened helmet, as if speaking through an intercom system within the suit itself.

“Then you will die searching.”

The masked man pushed his palm out towards Dorian, never connecting as a force pushed him back and on his ass. He swung once more, Dorian narily missing the blow as he flickered in and out of existence. Another swing and Dorian rolled to get out of the way. The barrage of attacks barring him from being able to draw his own blade. Dorian scrambled backwards until he hit a wall, sure that this would be it. But just as the swing was about to come, a small portal opened up, fizzling as a card flew out and slid under Dorian's heel. There was a small chirping sound, as a raptor came barreling out and biting the wrist of Dorian's assailant. Dorian grabbed the note, pocketing it as he made a dash towards freedom. The small creature was shaken loose, thrown to the floor just before Dorian's feet making him halt in place. He heard the change in the swords hum as the figure swung at the defenseless creature. Dorian threw himself over the raptor, shielding the blow with his body.

Dorian's skin began to burn. The sounds of him screaming in pain drowning out the deep chuckle that came from his assailant. It felt personal, as though this person knew he would throw himself before the blade, as if he was calling him weak for even doing so, it felt as though the intention was never to harm the raptor, but to put Dorian in a vulnerable enough position to manage a strike. The immediate burning had stopped, leaving only the residual heat from the blades cut. Dorian tried to look up, to ask why, he wanted to call for help, but before he could speak…the blade plunged in him. He gripped at the animal beneath him tightly as pain seared into every nerve before finally…it stopped.

All that remained was a faint burn within his chest and a knot in his throat. His eyes hurt from how hard he'd shut them, but as he opened them up once more to see what had happened, he was gone. Dorian was now at the exit of the Haunted House, Percy being hugged by his sister and the dance once more under way. The raptor, it seemed, was still there with him, but all else was nothing more than a memory. Dorian got up and ran towards his boyfriend, gripping him tight from behind as he enveloped him and Diana into a group hug. ”I'm so sorry Perce! I didn't know we'd get separated I t'ought you were…I…” Tears began to well up in his eyes as the raptor came in and began to nuzzle against his ankle.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max looked around at all the chaos that had erupted alongside his flames. He shot an apologetic look towards Antoinette as the Multi-colored flames began to die down around him. ”Sorry Penguin, Cortez seems to have gotten ahold of me.” he said before he began to walk over to Neil. Carolina seemed to have done the same, but where she only stood and asked of his condition, Max bent over, holding onto Neil's hand and helping him stand up. His eyes still pitch with the ever changing scenes of galaxies being born and dying within them. ”Sorry handsome, uh handsome still a gender neutral term nowadays right?” He asked as he cracked an awkward smile. Many a times he'd heard of woman being called Handsome, and men obviously were too, so it stood to reason nonbinary peeps could be handsome as well…right?

Max had to leave the topic at the door however as shards came flying towards him, embedding themselves in nonvital locations while few others glanced across the skin. Max only hoped that his body was able to block a few from hitting Neil. Mary gave him a new order. At first he thought she would bench him, given how she felt about the instability he now had from her previous comment. But it appeared that she'd changed her mind, instead tasking him with making Cortez regret his decision. A wicked smile cracked on his face as he let go of Neil's hand, pulling out a shard from his arm and tossing it on the floor. ”cur id mihi semper accidat. Gladly boss lady. Most people regret having to be near my powers, let's see how quickly he does. Quicksilver, mind keeping them safe in the event I go off the rails? You too Banner, even if it means a construct wall behind me to bar my powers from all of you.”

Max began to make his way towards where Mira had pointed. Having not seen anything or anyone at the time and hoping that he could get a better angle if he changed his point of view. Sadly he didn't see Cortez at all. Nothing but an empty stretch of metal. ”Don't tell me you're trying to leave the party, Cortez. Things were just heating up around here!” Max called out in a sing-song tune as they played their game of cat and mouse. He flared up once more with the cosmic flames that Cortez had gifted him with, firing in all cylinders as the hallways became engulfed in a barrage of rainbow flames only to catch a glimpse of Cortez running out of hiding. ”Don't leave now Cortez! We're just getting started!” Wisps of Cosmic energy swirled around Max's wrist and hand before it shot straight towards Cortez, managing only to link to one arm before the chain solidified in his hand and he felt the tug of Cortez trying to escape.
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