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Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max saw from above how everyone scuttled into the safety of the Sanctum instead of searching for Wong. Had they figured something out after he'd left them? Gotten guidance from another sorcerer within the Sanctum? Carolina began to fly down and Max followed suit behind her. Watching as his magic was still tainted even after leaving Limbo. Red skin formed at the wounds site as Carolina grew demonic features. He decided it was from the bite itself instead, like an infection that corrupted the magic at the site and not the source. He had to believe that. Jack had apparently known the renewal spell, the very thing the note had asked of them from the very beginning.

Max wasn't sure of all the details, but he had to wonder why Jack didn't speak of it sooner? Could they have prevented this invasion had they tried the spell within Limbo? Or would Limbos influence have tainted the barrier allowing them to slip by? Just how many steps ahead (or behind) was Jack in all of this? It mattered not. Everyone was holding hands save for Prudence. Did she always have to be such a sore thumb? Max made his way towards the group, magic coalescing at the palms of his hands as he tried to bring back Ed's soul. But try as he might, his magic fizzled out twice. A groan of agitation escaped him as he wondered how Casper made it seem so easy. If he could do it why couldn't Max? Pink Glitter garnished the room and those in attendance as Max joined in.

"Through heart and soul of the Fifth Eternity, the world hears my call,
Invaders from horizons unbound, and hunters of the frail,
In the name of Agamotto, son of Oshtur, the Earth rejects your might,
May the Divide of the Cosmos stand tall, and never fall to ruin,
Lest we wither and lament the endless war of chaos everlasting.

May those who trespass these sacred bounds mourn their fate,
And the wicked from lands unseen be banished from whence they came,
The land, the sky, and the soul of Life defy the Great Beyond,
By decree of the Sorcerer Supreme, none shall trespass upon this Veil!"

Max spoke the words, continuing the chant of the others as he went to lace his hand into Jacks. Their fingers entwined as he felt the circuit begin to form. His free hand shifted to be placed along Prudences shoulder, but there was a feedback, backlash of magic as his hand was forcibly rejected off. ”Please don't fight this. We need to act as one. To strengthen ourselves and this is the best chance we have to do so. I've seen it work first hand. A circuit is needed.” He pleaded to the others.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

”Right.” Max managed to get out as Ed and Antoinette gave other versions of his idea. The gears in his mind turned, wondering what it was that Guin was finding out. The PA system here was damaged and they'd be losing time if they went to find another close-by only to see it ruined like the rest. Something got into Ed, his demeanor changed slightly before decidingly leaving to go towards the Hanagar. Maybe he was going to reinforce their last stand? Or perhaps he was afraid that this was his final day, the day Max sees him die. It wasn't ofcourse, but Ed didn't know that, and now Max wondered how long Mads had been orphaned after that.

Antoinette spoke up, snapping Max out of his own thoughts, as she told him about her own telepathy. Perfect, now all they needed was Jacklyn to take on the power and they could begin their Station wide broadcast. ”Perfect. I could use your innate abilities to boost Jacklyns. Buuut in the event that those powers don't manifest or telepathy is much harder than we think -” Max swept his hand across the air, magic glittering it before it shaped itself into a dozen birds. Each one began to take flight down separate corridors to cover as much ground as possible.
sqwuak This is an Emergency Broadcast! Please head to the Hangar Bay immediately! This station is no longer safe.”
As the birds took flight, Max made his way towards Mira, who seemed to have a map pulled out that she'd used to help Ed find his way with. He wanted to set up portals in the farthest junctions but…he couldn't make heads or tails of the map save for the blinking red dot marking their own location.


Just as Hermes was about to hop back onto the street, having passed the blockage caused by two assholes who couldn't drive, he saw cars parting behind him. One by one the cars began to line to the shoulder of the road, he couldn't help but wonder what was coming by, perhaps some celebrity car or something? It wasn't until he saw the cop car coming up the lane that he let out a massive sigh. ”Shit.” Hopefully he wasn't here for him, there was crime at every corner of New York, surely he wasn't a high priority right now. Or so he thought. The closer the car got to him the more it was clear the cop was about to pull him over.

Red and Blue flashed in the mirrors of Hermes’ Vespa. He pulled off to the side of the road in the event the cop needed to get through, but when the car stopped behind him he tilted his head back with a groan. Ofcourse, why wouldn't the first day of school suck? He should've just stayed home today to look after his Nonna. Hermes took off his helmet, hanging it to the side of his vehicle. ”Officer I'm just trying to make it to my first day of school. I don't want to be late, it would ruin my chances at Valedictorian.” He pleaded, hoping to be let off with a quick warning rather than a full speech and ticket.
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian made his way behind Danni as they headed towards April. Full glad to see he didn't even have to say anything to Percy as he was already following behind them. He'd have smiled if the pressing concern of April's well being didn't currently haunt him. When they reached the point, Danni had already begun to take charge. After all, out of all the people present, he and Danni knew April the longest and thus also the best. They knew how to handle this very situation and - was Leah arguing with them? Dorian looked towards Maddy and gave her a silent thank you as she made her way out to help prepare for April's reprieve. He shot Leah a glare ”You're making a spectacle. That's the last thing April needs right now.” He hissed at her.

”All I did was fight some psychotic robot. I don't know anything about this future evil self shit but that doesn't matter right now.” Dorian wrapped an arm around April and looked towards Percy. ”Any chance you can teleport us to her dorm? It's the one next to ours. But she doesn't need this scene right now.” It was cute that her girlfriends wanted to fight the one responsible, but they were only making matters worse by drawing more and more attention towards their situation. Putting more eyes on April when all she wanted to do was shrink away from it all. He could just punch them both.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max backed up carefully as the mailbox attempted to take a bite at him. ”Hey cool it. You know me.” He couldn't believe all the activity around them. Demons flying high, Carolina seemed to be with another as Mads helped nearby. A Pentagram encircled the sky with small things affixed at each point. He could only guess that they were sacrifices . There were always some sort of sacrifices. He looked back at the doors, wards were in place, no sign of activity either. He'd been taught this protocol while under the tutelage of Strange. ”Listen up. Under the event of a Demon invasion the doors to the Sanctum must remain closed. They are warded against such intrusions and will keep the Demons from accessing even more potent weapons. I'll search for Wong in the air, he should be in the thick of it all. Find him and ask what he needs, he'll have more of a plan in place than we can muster without information, what's more he could benefit from what bits we do know.”

Max mimicked the hand placements that Strange had done so many times when flying. Mixing a bit of his own magic into it to ease out the ride as he called upon his soul staff. He jutted up quickly, then made choppy hops higher and higher until he reached Carolina. ”Need a hand?” He asked as cosmic dust flowed around his staff and then made its way towards her bite, entangling it as it healed the wound. Max looked over the city of New York, searching for a sign of Wong when he found him evacuating people from the Empire State Building. Max sent a wave of magic over Wong's position, a replica image of the Statue of Liberty floating above his location so the rest knew to follow Liberties Flame.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri was ready, blade in one hand as the other was in position to grab his other in the event Zeke couldn't get his dagger out of the wall. Lightning danced along its edge, illuminating the right side of his face before…everyone…just…fell asleep? His stance softened, his gaze turning towards Janelle with a stupefied look. What took him more by surprise was how quickly Nancy went to dispatching the two Empousi once they'd hit the ground. He stowed his blade back with the other before pouting and crossing his arms at the scene. ”You're telling me! I was ready to have a grudge match against that asshole. Worst bully I've had to date.” He said, answering Alexios’ remark on the matter.

When Demetri turned to look at Zeke, he saw a dumbfounded expression across his face. It was cute to be honest, and one of the many looks he enjoyed on his boyfriend. When Zeke handed him back his dagger, Demi took it in hand, pulling Zeke closer and pressing a kiss against his lips. ”Thanks Z. I really gotta get better at aiming that thing. The weight was thrown off a bit when it got enchanted by flames from Hades.” He said with a shrug as the dagger became an earring again and he placed it back on. He made his way over towards Cassian, grasping his hand as he helped lift him back up.

The fog began to lift from Cassian's head, his hands instinctively going for his eyes as he wiped away sleep from them. Bits of sand littered his hands as he yawned and stretched, only to find his hand now grabbed by another as he was lifted up off the ground. ”Awe man…I fell for a monster?” There was a deep sigh of disappointment from himself after he said it. Looking towards the others as he adjusted himself. ”Thanks.”

”Don't sweat it. I fell for the same monster. It's what he does. Lures you, entices you, gets you alone, then tries to kill you. Though it didn't end well for him last time so I can see why he panicked when he saw me again. Anyways, Onions you were charmed, Janelle had the quick thought to knock everyone out with a wave of sleep, and then Nancy finished it all off. Now we head down to the Doors.”

Cassian wasn't sure how to take any of the information that was just given to him. The idea that he'd fall for a monster let alone the same guy as Demetri Rowan Howell was just too much to process. He looked towards Zeke and wondered for a moment if he was his type before deciding that he didn't even care. He'd sooner date Alexios. ”Then let's move.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max pressed his forefinger underneath his bottom lip as he looked at Magneto pensively. Roughly 100 mutants, no clear way to get them all into a singular evacuation room, and no true escape pods to speak of for this type of situation. Sure this place was still being built, but even then it showed how much faith Erik had in mutantkind and those who would end up at this station. It was as he said before, only those who wished to be here would come and those that wished to leave were welcome to. It didn't account for an attack from inside. Max felt sorry for him, a second home for mutants destroyed and condemned by their own kind. ”Don't worry Magneto, we'll get this all handled and fixed.” He tried to sound comforting.

Mary threatened Max if he dared to go with his plan, and it was clear by Ed's question and expression that he and Jacklyn felt the same. He put on a light-hearted smile as he waved off their concerns. ”It's hardly reckless. I could get myself out before it became an issue, and even then my families the damned Triumvirate. We resurrected more mutants than I can count after Genosha. Don't worry you can't get rid of me that easily.” He tried to sound nonchalant but the truth was they had been forbidden from bringing back any more mutants. What's more he was a part of the three needed to form that circuit. But he had no doubt that they could find another mage capable of filling in for a moment, perhaps even Pixie could help.

His thoughts were cut short as the recording of Cortez's memories began to play for all to see. The light shed felt more like a police siren. Only filling Jim with dread instead of relief at the reveal. It was all a game to them, for points. To some being they weren't even sure of. More ideas began to circulate the room as others left to fend off the dastardly sister. ”Won't lie Jack, never done it remotely. It's usually a hand holding experience, unless it turns into something else. As for calories, I can make you food so you don't burn yourself dry or you could try and manifest the telepathy and I can attempt to boost your powers but again it's all uncharted territory. Easiest answer is if we had an intercom system to tell all mutants to head towards a certain section of the station, preferably near the Blackbird. Find a way to loop it so it continues and then have good old Petey do a superspeed headcount.”


Traffic was always bad in New York, but today took the cake. He sat in a line of cars honking and screaming at those in front of each other to move. Hermes rolled his eyes, resting his elbow against the handle of his Vespa as he tapped his fingers along his helmet to the music he was playing. He had hoped all of this would clear up relatively quickly. Scanning the face of his watch to see how much longer he had before he was late. His neutrality quickly turned into annoyance as he looked across the area to ensure none of New York's finest were around. The coast seemed clear. Even then they'd never catch him with this heavy traffic blocking the Brooklyn Bridge.

So he did what any sensible teenager would do, he hopped the curb and began speeding past the line of cars waiting in stand still traffic. As he closed in ahead he noticed a pair of people standing outside their cars arguing, ofcourse it was a fender bender delaying everyone. Some grody man in desperate need of a haircut and an uppity looking woman who looked like she could buy the man and everything he owned if he didn't play his cards right. Hermes was so busy scoping out the drama he hadn't noticed the oncoming puddle, splashing it all over the pair as he motored past them. ”Sorry!” was all he could manage to get out as his voice was lost in the distance, screaming drowning him out as the woman yelled something at him he didn't quite catch over the guitar of Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Knife Throwing, Dagger Wielding, Sword Fighting, Endurance, Deception

Demi hadn't responded to Alexios’ bravado. He didn't want the god to feel as though he needed to follow him into The Pits and back. Especially since if anything happened to him he'd have the gods of War and Love gunning for him and Zeke for allowing such a thing to happen. ”Then don't leave me behind.” Demi replied back to Zeke with a smile as he squeezed his hand. He was about to tell the others to knock it off, that Cassian was clearly heading to as well and may have found other stray demigods within the hotel. That is until he recognized one of the twins. Aron. ”You again?!” Was all Demi managed to get out before the other Empousa appeared between Zeke and himself and knocked them both back with one swift kick.

Air left his lungs as the wall dented behind him. Trying to regain his footing as his vision refocused and he saw Aron pulling Cassian away into another room. ”That guy and I have beef. Never seen you before though.” Demi said as he snapped his fingers and his earring shifted into a dagger coated in the flames of Hades himself. His other hand unsheathed one of the weapons gifted to him by his father Zeus. Lightning crackling around its bolt shaped blade. He threw his dagger wreathed in flames at Anya, having it fly past her harmlessly. That was fine, it was distraction enough for him as when she turned back to look at him he'd already closed the gap between the two, slicing her across the chest with his crackling sword. ”Touch my boyfriend again and I'll hang your head next to your brother's back at camp.”

He called his dagger to him, hoping it would embed itself into Anya's back on its return. Unfortunately it missed the mark again, flying past them all and getting stuck in the wall behind Demetri next to Zeke. ”Babe mind getting that free for me? I've got a score to settle.”

”Wait no guys, they're cool! They're with me.” Cassian called out to everyone before all hell broke loose. Why did his demigod friends have to be so aggro? Anya and Aron were chill and there was no need for any of this violence. He was about to step in between them all to stop the chaos, but he quickly felt someone press themselves against him from behind. No weapons were drawn nor lives threatened. Just him and Aron slowly making their way back to the darkened laser tag arena.

Cassian's heart fluttered a bit. Feeling him pressed so tightly to him has his stomach in knots, butterflies bursting inside of him. His cheeks reddened as he blushed at the thought before allowing himself to move in stride with Aron. ”If you wanted to get some alone time with me you just had to ask. No need for the whole show.”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian grinned as Danni agreed that their pets would become best friends. Of Course they would, just like Danni and Dorian had. There was, however, now a tinge of worry as Danni brought up the idea that one of them might eat the other, but he doubted it would happen. I mean, they just needed to make sure they were both fed and that they bonded beyond it. No friend would eat another no matter how starved. ”And you look so cute in t'e uniform too! But we can't wear t'em forever. Need to t'ink of t'e future. Especially if we become like t'e Young Avengers. Excelsior, goin’ out after school to ‘elp make t'e world a better place. Buuuut t'ats a later problem, and your organizational skills will ‘elp t'is party rock!! Til t'en it's dance time! Allons y.” He said as he hooked his arm into Percy's and followed behind Danni to the dance floor.

There he began to let loose. Shaking off all of the bad thoughts and memories of the Haunted House and focusing on having fun. It was a dance, they'd just won as one of the top teams to enter the Contest, and their best friend had won Saviour of the School. It was time to celebrate by letting loose and having fun on all of their behalf. And it was fun…while it lasted. No more than a few songs in did the sound of crashing and a thud disrupt the dance. Vicky having been flung against a wall, a line of people now either fallen or parted ways from the disturbance. Dorian followed the path from Vicky back to the Haunted House, only to see April crying and screaming from across the room with Sabine and Leah at her side. ”April…” The word came out a worried whisper as Dorain tapped Danni on his arm to grab his attention before making his way to her.
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