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Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max caught the watch that was tossed towards him. Clasping both hands around the time piece before removing the top hand and turning the watch over in his hand. The hands moving rapidly around the face like a Compass fighting to find true north. So, they had no time at all it seemed. More evident by the collapsing body of their teammate. Had the old lady simply croaked? Old age finally getting to her? Max didn't know, but he did know she didn't deserve to stay in a place like this. He could find family, ask loved ones how she would like to be buried. Until then…there was a battle ahead.

Max took his stance, having strapped the watch Jack gave him onto his wrist, now ready to help combat the Green Eyed Ones before them. However, it was extremely unnecessary. As Jack went headstrong alongside Annika and Prudence and tore them all apart until there was none left. Souls now freed and floating aimlessly amongst the darkness. ”If it's onwards we need, then let me be of some help. We can get back to the material plane, take the body of the fallen with us and see to it that she is properly taken care of.” Max instinctively snapped his fingers, a portal tearing open to the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York. His muscles doing it out of habit without him realizing why. ”Magic says New York. And by the sight of it, it's needed. Let's go.” He stepped through the portal, a fog lifting from his mind as his memories came flooding back. Placing one hand on his temple as he groaned in pain.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max felt the weight shift as the arm he was tethered to popped out if it's socket. ”Oh grooossss.” Cortez seemed to be out, but as the chaos continued to unfurl, Mary was have equations dance around her head trying to figure out what the angle was here. She was right, Cortez wasn't fighting back. Max had assumed it was because his powerset didn't allow for it, using it mainly as a way to change the field rather than truly get an upper hand. But then he could've been physical at any point. Something must've given, because suddenly Mary was asking about his sister, hypothesizing that perhaps she was the true villain. The one he was meant to distract from so that she could get a handle on what was needed. Bethany added on that they may have been attempting to ram the station into Earth. That would have catastrophic effects, not just leveling areas, but also potentially starting a mutant human war. Blaming Erik for an attempt on humanity he wasn't even responsible for.

It didn't sit right with him. The feeling in his stomach as his hands gripped tighter in the chains tied to Cortez. Carolina wanted a tracking spell, Guin had found the sister but she didn't mention where and simply ran off. Max let out a huff of air in annoyance. ”Sure. I'll locate his sister and send you on her way with something to follow.” Magic flowed out of his hands and encircled one of the penguins that was dancing. The magic seeping in as it began to waddle quickly towards the culprit. ”Follow that Penguin. It'll lead you to Cortez's sister. I'll catch up. But for now...” Max went to make his way towards Magneto, skipping the whole path to him before halting a small distance away. ”While Guin may feel safe putting her trust in other groups on Earth to deal with a falling Station, I'm not so quick to do so and condemn those on it. Magneto, Erik, Sir, uh right. How many mutants are currently on the station? Is there an evacuation procedure or a safety room that everyone can make their way towards. In the event of failure, we need contingencies, if we can gather every mutant together I can attempt a circuit like what was used to save Genosha, to open a portal into Earth to safeguard all the mutants here. I'll…have to stay behind. To make one other portal to move the falling debris to another location in space away from Earth and outside from endangering other planets or systems. Can we safely get every mutant to a singular destination for emergency evacuation if needed?”


Earlier That Morning

The guitar notes to God in Jeans played through Hermes over ear headphones as he plucked the strings of his guitar. He sat at the edge of his bed, one leg outstretched while the other was propped up on top of an empty milk crate, helping to stabilize the guitar against his leg and body. His Nonna hadn't been feeling well recently, his mother was tired from work and helping to take care of her, so he tried to be quiet in the mornings. Especially now that school is starting up again. He wouldn't be able to help out as much as he had been during summer. It ate at him, being unable to be there for them for hours on end, between school and work, he felt as if too much weight was being put on his mother with the new shift in dynamic. He lingered on the last note, plucking it in repetition as his mind drifted off in thought for a moment.

There was a soft knock on his door, not that he could hear. His headphones blocked out sound, though his mother knew that well enough. She cracked the door open as she spoke.
“I'm openin’ tha door. Best be decent.”
Warning him in the event he was getting changed. No protest told her he was either asleep or listening through his headphones. Her hand slipped through the crack and flipped his lights off and on to grab his attention. Hermes slipped the headphones off and placed them around his neck. ”Sorry ma, just practicing for my band.” He placed his guitar against his bed, standing up and stretching, already fully dressed in a light caramel colored knit sweater with graphic designs printed on, white dress shirt, and black tie. His black ripped jeans helped the sweater pop against his pale skin as a gold chain with a small golden horn dangled from his neck. ”Got up a bit earlier, so I'm all ready to go.”
“Oh no you're not. I bet you haven't even eaten yet. Come on downstairs I've got breakfast ready for you. Can't let you go hungry on your first day as a senior.”
Hermes rubbed the back of his neck, a smile cracking at the corner of his lips as he rolled his eyes but followed along without protest.

A small cream colored FM radio adorned the wooden countertop of their kitchen. The black dial turned so that it was just audible within the room without disturbing the others. The news rang out around the room, the CDC was there for a bug? That wasn't exactly comforting. The last “bug” the CDC got involved in nearly halted the world. Fear gripped his chest, his Nonna was strong but she couldn't handle taking something that bad again. They were happy enough to hear she didn't have COVID when she fell ill recently. His family was extremely lucky that none of them had ever caught it, taking extra precautions even well after the outbreak to help ensure his grandmother's health stayed well. If she got this new strain…
There was a harsh click as his mother turned off the station and placed a plate in front of him at the table. Her arms crossed as she looked at the radio.
“Can you believe this spazzatura? You think they'd be more on top of it after the last one.”
She must've seen the worry in his eyes as Hermes poked his eggs with his fork, moving them around listlessly. ”Yeah…”
His mother moved over to his side, giving him a tight squeeze before she gripped his face with one hand and squished his cheeks together.
“Oh my poor baby. Don't you go worrying about any of this nonsense. We beat the last one and we can do it again. We're all tougher than we look. You know, your great great granpappy came over here when times were tough. And they managed as did his children and his children's children. You're bred of tough stuff, we all are, so don't you go thinking it's the end of the world ok? Just focus on your academics.”

Hermes smiled, the pressure of her hands digging into his cheeks as he did. ”You're right. I'm just thinking too much about this. Besides, it's a little hard to eat when you're like this.”
“Oh! Look at me starvin my poor boy. Go go mangiare.”
He poured himself a glass of orange juice, finished his meal, and then headed out. His bag was slung over his shoulder, helmet in one hand as he headed downstairs to where he kept his Vespa parked. Before long he was off on the road heading towards his first day of school.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri stood there, hands on his hips as he stared intently at Sunshine to do his thing. Which…apparently was flopping onto the floor and rolling to his side as he mowed for…something? He'd decided it was more than likely food. So Demi knelt down beside the cat, putting his hand near the edge of the Cornucopia as some dry cat food spilled out into his palm before he placed it on the food for Sunshine to eat, listening to Alexios as he spoke. His smile hardened, eyes now affixed to the cat as he decided the best course of action. ”While it would help immensely to have a god by our side, I can't ask that of you. We can't afford to lose any gods. Besides, I cannot order you to do something you don't want to do, so it's your decision not mine if you follow me into the pit.”

Nancy hadn't acknowledged his offer in the slightest. No doubt either moving through the motions to finish this sooner, or simply planning for ways to kick him out of the doors before he had a chance to help her. Her pride always seemed to get the better of her, and he needed her to know that there were Greeks willing to stand at her side as well. So, as Joanie began her flight and everyone began to follow, Demi stood back up, following behind until Zeke grabbed his arm to slow their gait. He expected this sort of reaction from both of them. But it still hurt Demi to hear him say it. ”Face the facts Z. If she goes you'll follow. You've made that dangerously clear to me already and I won't be left behind. Not again. You didn't choose to be demigods. We didn't choose this quest. But we can decide that as long as the three of us are together, none of us are gonna be alone. Demigods travel in three's. Damned what she says she won't go alone.”

Cassian watched in amazement as Aron and Anya took out the remainder of the players there. Letting out a small chuckle of amusement as he leaned against a partition. ”Nice shots. Looks like that's the last of them.” He said as he twirled his gun around his finger before holstering it once more. It appeared their little game of tag was done, and before Cassian could ask where to next, Aron had come up with an idea. Only fair, they played Skeeball for him, then laser tag for Anya, made sense to have Aron pick the next game. While Aron didn't have a specific thing in mind, he did have a certain location apparently.

”The basement? Alright, sounds cool. What kind of games do you think they have down there?” This place was huge, and the vast amount of games Cassian was seeing was more than he'd ever seen in a local arcade. Some he didn't even recognize. As they were about to head out, he heard Nancy calling out to him. Threatening him as usual. ”Hey! Nancy, my friends and I are going to head down to the basement! There's some wicked games down there apparently and we wanted to check them out. You guys wanna come? That's fine right Aron?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian rolled his eyes playfully as his boyfriend protested the idea that he couldn't light someone on fire. It wasn't so much as that he wasn't capable of it, if anything he might be too capable, more so that doing so would reflect poorly on the team and potentially disqualify them from the Contest. Even Dorian had pulled back slightly on his school pranks so as to not out his team in a bad light. ” ‘is performance was fine. But ‘e does need a ‘eroes outfit. Somet'in’ beyond the school uniform we are given. But I suppose t'ats easier said t'an done. We've been t'inkin’ up ours for ages, ‘es just started ‘is journey into AA. T'ough clearly ‘is ability to perform far outweighed the use of a school uni.” Dorian rebutted with a smile. He wanted to turn his attention back to what Danni had been talking about previously, a victory party, but no sooner had they been roped in that Mads and V just up and left to help out her sister. He was hurt, but tried not to let it show.

” Families important! So save your sister from social disasters!” Dorian called out as they left, unsure of exactly what the situation was. ”OK well t'ats fine. We can plan it ourselves, always do anyways. I'll sketch up tech for Vicky to make as ‘er portion of t'e party contribution. Maybe see if dad could send me some Spells for Mads to use for the party to ‘ave a bit of mystical decor. As for the fireworks…sparklers are fine. And allowed or not I'm certain I can get my ‘ands on t'em. Maybe see if Poisson-Pas can spring for bigger ones to do a celebration outside. After all ‘e ‘as to be proud of us. Non?. Oh and I made a new friend!” Dorian chirped as he pointed at the raptor curled at his feet.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max unfurled his fingers, a mote of fire floating towards the Green Eyed Ones before rapidly expanding into a massive explosion that took out several dozen gods. There was a hint of excitement to this all, a far cry from constantly running and feeling helpless at the hands of Purifiers. There, if you attacked you proved their point that mutants were dangerous, but if you let them wale on you then you likely ended up dead or incarcerated. But here, here Max could stretch his mutant powers a bit more, test out just how much he could do. After all, every one felled was a trapped soul released back to their owner right? He was about to ask Jack if he'd seen what he just did, when suddenly darkness began to envelope them in a large blanket. Was this world fighting against them now?

Panic slowly crept in, as Max lost all sense of sight and sound. It felt suffocating to be inside this darkness. He could feel his pulse, his heart, the texture of his shirt rubbing against his neck. Everything felt amplified by the lack of the other two senses. How was he meant to fight? He took one step forward before there was a touch on his shoulder. Max spun in place, chopping the air with his hand only to hit nothing. As he spun, his vision began to change, the darkness became…less dark? It was difficult to explain. As if he'd been giving goggles to see underwater but only for it to work in the darkness. He saw the receding shape of Jack's back moving away from where Max had just tried to attack him. Taking in a deep breath, he decided to get back into the fight, using the cover of darkness to his advantage.

Max spoke the words to his spell, his hands following the somatics that changed with each casting as he bent the magic to his will. His right hand glided across the air from the left to right until he stopped just past his shoulder, spinning his finger downwards as if to make a tornado before closing his fist. His magic trailed out to where the creatures swarmed. A streak of Cosmic dust flitting across the lot as a massive cummerbund sprang to life and wrapped around 30 of them before closing in tight. He went for a second spell, conjuring a massive tophat to compliment the garment before it began to breathe fire onto the gods entangled in his mess. Max looked at Jack as he pantomimed “How long? What do we do?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian wrapped his arm around Percy as he leaned into him. Placing a kiss atop his head before giving him a squeeze. ”No you can't go and burn ot'er teachers. You don't even ‘ave fire powers!” He said with a chuckle as the giddiness of excitement still bubbled within him. ”But if you want to work off some of t'at steam…I'm sure we can find a way.” Dorian said with a bit of a smirk and raised eyebrow. His gaze dropping down to see Percy's eyes then lower to recall his new pet. ”Oh! Uh, no idea if it's ‘ousebroken buuuut I'm sure ‘e is. Dad probably taught it before sendin’ it ‘ere.”

Whether or not that was true he jad no idea. Were Raptors a litterbox type of pet or a take for a walk kind of pet? Either way Dorian didn't want to this of picking up prehistoric poop. (Was it still prehistoric if the poop was in the present making?) He shook his head free of those thoughts as he picked up the raptor with one arm and laced his hand into Percy's once more. ”C'mon we neeeeeed to find Danni! We ‘ave to celebrate! Party! Drink! ‘Ug! Dance! We made it!!!” Dorian yelled over the commotion of the Dance as he dragged Percy with him at high speeds towards Danni. For a moment, as he was being pulled, Percy could see Dorians toned muscles in his arms before they went lax again as they reached their destination. ”Chère did you ‘ear t'at?! We made it!!!!”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demi was momentarily taken aback by Nancy's refusal to quit. Her stubbornness would be the mental death of her. It was clear how hard this quest was hitting her, how close to home it was, yet she kept wanting to press forward, to finish it all. He didn't know how she could do it, he didn't think he'd be able to if the time came for him to face something of the same caliber. But thankfully Alexios offered up some information, to both shed light on what that Iris message was as well as how to help fix the situation. He could see the gears shifting in Zeke's head, but all Demi could do was grin his stupid dimpled grin. Janelle's information was the nail on the coffin for him.

”It's settled then! We find Cassian, head down to The Doors of Death, defeat a Titan, take back control, and then Nancy, Zeke, and I will enter in and find her friend in Tartarus. We've got food for the road ahead and some kickass tunes. How bad can that place be?” Demi said as he patted the Cornucopia he had slung around his shoulder. ”Are gods allowed in Tartarsauce?” He asked as he waited for the magical cat GPS to function and go.

Cassian melted slightly as he got closer to Aron once more. His cute smile momentarily distracting him from the group ahead that had pinned him down to this corner. ”Didn't realize you were in need of rescuing.” He playfully teased Aron as he unholstered his gun with a grin. He watched as the twins took turns in sync popping up from cover and pelting three combatants each before settling back down behind cover. Anya looked to him for a plan.

”Best plans a Flank and Gank. I'll go right, Anya you go Left, and Aron you cover us down mid. Take out what you can with caution and we'll strike from either side. They'll be saying ‘Clever Girl’ before they know it.” Cassian said with a smile as he referenced a Raptors ambush pattern. With that he slunk off behind cover on the right hand side, keeping himself from sight before finally popping up around a corner and beaming two of the four combatants with his gun.
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

Looks like I have to edit my cs then.

Oooooh love the new color tho! Looks fitting
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