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Hermes had just gone into the locker room, making his way towards his locker as he put in the combination. He could hear the showers going off in the back, though it seemed a bit too early for that if you asked him. Maybe someone had to walk to school and felt a bit sweaty? He'd ignored it for now, though the silence of being one of the only two people in the locker was a bit unnerving. Causing him to look over his shoulder once or twice as he got dressed, like someone would come up behind him to scare him or pants him if he wasn't careful. He'd quickly changed into his gym shorts, taking off his shirt when suddenly he'd heard some groaning. It didn't sound pleasurable at all, and after a few moments it had continued.

Hermes looked around the locker room, checking to see if anyone else was around to help the kid out. But it was only him. ”Hey man you ok in there?” He called out, though no response came. His shirt still in hand, he began to make his way over towards the showers, trying to see what was going on. Maybe the kid fell, hit his head. But what he saw was a streak of red washed out by water as it flowed to the drain. The only sound as the water hit the tiled flooring, steam curling from beneath the stall as the groans continued. ”Shit. Is that blood? Look, I'm gonna come in to see if you're ok.” All that came back was more sounds. Whoever was in there must've been seriously fucked up or out of it.

Hermes slowly opened the door to the shower, and saw his crush standing before him in his birthday suit. His cheeks flushed red, he closed his eyes briefly, covering them with one hand as the other was held out. ”Shit, Elio sorry! Are you ok? Can I look?” He asked as he slowly spread his fingers covering his eyes and spied the bite mark on his neck. ” Che Palle! Your neck! Who the fuck did that?! Uh, shit ok, hold on, let's get you a towel and then to the nurse's room right away. Seriously bad hickey my guy”

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Demetri struggled against the strength of Porphyrion. The massive Titan pulling and tugging against the shadows that bind him as Demi fought to keep him still. He watched as Nancy loosed arrows into the massive monster's hide, and for a moment he felt hope. Hope that was quickly shattered as the Titan got one arm free, grabbing Kristin and choking her. Demetri froze, thoughts running rapidly in his head about how it was his fault she got caught. He wasn't strong enough, or good enough, he fucked up. Before long Kristin's body was flying across the room and slammed into him and Zeke. But as he fell backwards, shadows pooled from beneath him, rising up and creating a cushion that Demi softly landed on before being gently placed onto the ground as the shadows melded away.

Demetri got up from the floor after Zeke had managed to check on him. His eyes quickly scanning over Kristin as he worried that his mistake could have been fatal. But if Zeke wasn't worried, then he shouldn't be either. So as he watched his boyfriend gather the light, he began to gather shadows. At first, none came to him, none bent to his call, then suddenly a burst of tendrils ripped forth towards the Titan wrapping around his arm once more. Demi was about to celebrate, when the monster tore through his shadows and broke himself free. ”He's hard to pin down.”

It was late, the mansion was eerily quiet, though Max supposed it was only because everyone was supposed to be asleep. The event of Asteroid M still playing over in his head like an old tape. Trying again and again to figure out if there was another way, if he could've saved those last few mutants that were left stranded and abandoned on the base as it blew up. He could still feel their minds, their psychic impressions, as if they were just down the hall from him. He closed his eyes and turned in his bed, bringing his knees up to his chest as he tried to shake the images away. Hoping one of those mutants had the ability to save the others. That it wasn't all in vain.

He let out a sigh, relaxing his pose as he straightened out and sat up in bed. His hands splayed behind his back as he looked up at the ceiling contemplating just how many mutants they have lost. Too many. He looked back at the door, it's image seemingly closing in on him until he finally stood up and pinched the bridge of his nose. ”I need a drink.” Though Max wasn't even 21 yet, so a midnight snack would have to do. He tried to be quiet, leaving his room as he made his way over towards the kitchen and opened up the fridge, wishing Ed was here to make another charcuterie board.

Antoinette sat hunched at her desk with the lamp on while she doodled on her tablet. Arnold sat sleeping on his little bed, with not a care in the world. Antoniette circled the arm of the goblin with her tablet pen and hit delete. She grinned as the thing disappeared so she could start again. Antoinette loved to still draw and paint on paper and canvas, but there was something freeing about having a tablet now as well.
Her stomach grumbled and without stopping, Antoinette rose from her chair and shuffled into the hallway and down to the kitchen. Her face was lit by the light of her tablet while she navigated her way down the familiar hallways to the kitchen. Antoinette was inches away from hitting the open fridge door when her intuition told her to stop. She looked up and peeked around.
“Max? What are you doing up?”

Max closed the door halfway, just enough to look around it and see Annie standing there with a tablet in her hands. ”Oh, Penguins, hey. I uh…couldn't sleep.” He decided to say honestly. He pulled a soda out of the fridge, along with some ingredients for a sandwich before hitting it closed with his hip before he made his way towards a counter. ”What about you? What's got you up and about?”

Antoinette grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter and held it up. “Hungry,” she declared. “I probably should be sleeping, but I’m having too much fun. Look! I have an entire new line of creatures I’ve been designing for Avery’s DnD campaign.” She excitedly flipped her tablet around, so Max could see the goblin she was working on.

He chuckled as she showed him the drawing. ”Very cute. Are you playing a goblin? Or?” Max hadn't heard of a player playing as one, but it also wasn't unheard of for DMs to allow some monstrous races as playable characters. ”Kind of jealous. I've been too afraid to ask to join the table. Still being new and all.”

“I am!” Antoinette said excitedly. She went off explaining what level she was and what abilities she had. She spoke about a mile a minute. DnD had quickly become one of her passions, even though she still had no idea what she was doing half the time. “You must join, Max! We could design your character together! I’m hoping we can make 3D models one day and actually use our characters,” Antoinette stated, drawing a little heart beside the goblins’ head. She bit into her apple and looked up at Max.
Her eye shimmered a little and she set her tablet down before resting an arm on Max’s shoulder. She didn’t always know why, but she knew sometimes when people needed extra support.

Max listened as Antoinette spoke about her character, letting her words fill the space in his mind that had been previously occupied by other thoughts. Survivor's guilt if he had to put a name to it. He had thought about using his magic to be a way to weasel himself into the table. After all, what better way to use creation magic than to make realistic terrain and mini's for all those at the table. Bring a new level of immersion to D&D. He'd thought about them using the Danger Room, but doubted they'd be allowed. But as soon as Annie placed her hand on his shoulder, his thoughts snapped back. That gentle touch reminded him in the back of his mind that something was wrong. He continued making his sandwich before stopping midway. Looking towards where her hand was. ”What's up?”

Antoinette watched Max silently while he made his sandwich, her hand remaining on his shoulder. After a couple of moments, Antoinette sat on the counter. “We haven’t had much of a chance to talk,” she said. It had been A COUPLE WEEKS(?) since their mission at the space station. Some of them — most of them — declared it a failed mission.

”To be honest…I haven't been much in the mood for talking…” His eyes bore holes into the counter before him as his hands gripped its edges tight. He let out a soft sigh as his shoulders relaxed slightly. ”Then again…that's probably the same reason why I can't sleep. I suppose if you keep too much inside it can haunt you.” He figured he was making any sense to her. Then again there were times in which she seemed to not make sense at all, yet he still understood her. Like now.

Antoinette nodded as Max spoke, both in understanding and acknowledgement. “That’s why I’ve been drawing more. Guin and I train but I needed something else.” She flipped her tablet around and opened a separate file. It was full of art that was not Antoinette’s usual. She drew scenes from space, explosions and shriveled up bodies. She even had pieces from the OMEN facility where she had been captured now drawn out. It had been years since that day, but the screaming, the gun shots, and the sounds of shattering glass often joined her in her dreams. She shared these images with Max as she ate her apple.

Max lingered on the images of Space, almost lost in them as his eyes unfocused on the frame. Finally he pushed past it and onto the others. He didn't dare look at Annie, but a question ran through his mind and without thinking it he said it aloud. ”Do you ever wonder if we did the right thing? With Wanda…”

Antoinette watched Max closely, seeing him come in and out of reality. She always felt that way when a gun went off around her. She dropped her eyes to look at the sandwich he made. “Do you mean stopping her?”

He gently grabbed his sandwich, hands shaking slightly as he did before turning around. Max pressed his back against the counter, sliding down it with his sandwich in both hands as he stared at it as if it held the answers to all his problems. ”Yeah…Mutants were happy there. We didn't hide in shame or fear or…” He got quiet, contemplative as if trying to find the words he needed to say amongst the curves in the lettuce. ”I'm 20 years old and I've witnessed three world ending events. I never understood Frodo when he said he ‘wished it need not have happened’ in his time. I thought how wonderful would it be to live a grand adventure. To see the world and fend against foes of darkness. But now…now I wish it hadn't been.”

Max caught himself for a moment before waving away the air before him dismissively. ”Don't get me wrong. I love everyone I've met because of it but…”

Antoinette bit into her apple, chewing in contemplation while Max spoke. “I liked the other world. Carolina and I lived with her girlfriend. We had an art studio and everything. And Wanda, she was amazing but it all felt… fake. Have you ever read Alice In Wonderland? It felt like that. Everything was technicolour and too much. Then what Magneto wanted to do… It didn’t seem right to switch one people being persecuted to another.” Antoinette took another bite from her apple, letting silence fill the space between them. “I think we evolved to handle the things others can’t, but it's hard to do it alone and that’s why Professor Xavier made this school. It’s easier to get through things with people who are like you.”

”Yeah…” Max took a bite out of his sandwich, chewing on the words both literally and metaphorically. She was right, he knew she was, but he still couldn't shake the feeling. ”I get that. Make no mistake, that world wasn't perfect, but why shouldn't we use our powers to do more? To make change happen faster?” His eyes reflected off of the sheen of the refrigerator. A magical glow encompassing them for a moment as he looked at his reflection before blinking and having the magic fade away.

Antoinette smiled when Max confessed his true thoughts. The two of them had yet to have such a conversation like this but Antoinette was glad they were. Sometimes it was nice to share the deep dark thoughts with another person. What it was about midnight snacks in the kitchen, Antoinette wasn’t sure, but it was a great starting point for them.
She set her half eaten apple on the counter and moved to sit down next to Max on the floor. The room glowed for a moment, and even though it didn’t let off a heat, Antoinette felt warm and safe.
“We have a hard job, I think. We have to determine when to use our powers and when not to, and we have to realize that we have something that others do not. If we used our powers to solve the world problems, to save more or do more, we would take away from what makes humans special too. Their ability to choose. The space station was…hard. I think that was perhaps the one time that all of us knew there was nothing more we could do. We all have limits, Max. Even mutants and inhumans.” Antoinette reached out and rested a hand on Max’s wrist.

There was a lump in Max's throat as he tilted his head back and allowed it to rest against the cabinet. ”I just wish…just once…everyone could be saved. Time and again I've been put into situations where my powers could do something, make a difference. And time and again I either falter at the finish line or can't bring myself to lay low the others because it's not what's right. I've lost so many people, strangers and friends. People who just wanted to live, to make it to the next day…The Morlocks, my late friend, all those ravaged by M-Pox, the poor souls I couldn't help on Genosha, or even the ones killed in Limbo and taken in New York from demonic invasion. I've seen so many people…so many mutants…” His words began to choke up as he brought his knees up to his chest, the sandwich now discarded to the side. He held his tears back, but his breathing was shaky.

”I can still feel the minds of all those I couldn't save back in Space. Feel their presence haunting me as if to ask me why I got to live when they didn't? Why I get to survive all these disasters when others can't? How many more times must I survive? How many more people do I need to lose before this is all over?” He buried his head against his knees, hiding his face. ”I can't take it anymore.”

Antoinette let him get everything out. She remained silent this time while Max spoke of his heart's pain. She shared with him and even began to tear up. It was hard not to empathize with Max and it was impossible not to understand him. As he curled in, Antoinette wrapped her arms around Max and held him tightly, as if she could help keep him together. “It doesn’t seem fair, does it? But Max… do you ever let yourself think about the people you did save?”

Max tried to. To think of the ones who had made it. The remainder of the Island of Genosha. The ones he was able to help during the invasion, those babies that made it without sacrifice. He thought of Ben who he gave a second life to, of his son who he saved from death by Purifiers. ”I…don't think I ever have. No.” He was so focused on everything he couldn't do, he never stopped to think of everything he had done. The countless people in his life that would be in awe of his powers and what he was able to do to save others. But then again, that's how he felt about others. Of James, Ed, the ones capable of saving.

“That’s okay. It’s hard to see past the destruction and loss sometimes. But you did save a lot of people that day, Max. You kept the station together so we weren’t sucked into space. You opened up portals so people could get to the hanger faster. You did a lot despite the station crumbling around us because of failed safety codes and other chaotic things. Try to hang on to that when the dark creeps in.” Antoinette squeezed him a little tighter before she loosened her hold.

Max let her words sink in as he felt the pressure of her squeezing him. She was right, he needed to focus on what he had done and not on what he couldn't. He shouldn't dwell on the past, except to learn from it and grow so that next time might be different. ”Yeah…you're right. I need to focus on the positives a bit more. Have more hope that humanity will choose the right path and that one day Xaviers dream will become a reality.”

Antoinette nodded and smiled. “We’re a family here. We might not always see eye to eye and bicker but when it comes down to it we are always there for each other.” She stood back up and grabbed her apple.

Before, Max would've thought the idea of family foreign to him. Back then it was just a play you put on, pretending to fit in in day to day life, pretending to not hold any grudges against your parentage for the way they spoke about mutants, about those different than them. He didn't get it back then. But he was shown what a family was like, what it should be like. The Mutant Underground was his family, and now it looked as though his was growing a little bigger.

Max grabbed his sandwich, using his magic to levitate him slightly before placing his feet firmly on the ground. He dropped the sandwich into a nearby trash can, he didn't care how often they cleaned the mansion, he wasn't about to eat a sandwich off the floor. So he went about preparing a new one. ”Thanks Penguin, I really needed to hear that. I guess I didn't realize how much I've been going through lately. I haven't exactly given myself time to process everything that's happened, just forcing myself to keep moving forward to the next mission.”

Antoinette giggled and grinned. “Why penguin?” she questioned him.

Max blushed, rubbing the nape of his neck as he did so. He guessed he hadn't ever actually spoken to her about the nickname or if she even liked it. ”Oh, it's silly really. After I'd found out the truth about Wanda's reality, the first thing I'd seen was your dancing Penguins, and her laughing at them. It felt like a light at the end of a tunnel, like hope personified. Showing a side of her that made me feel as though she wouldn't have done this. So…I kinda just attributed you to Penguins because it was the first impression I'd gotten. One of wonder and hope.”

Antoinette fiddled with her tablet while Max explained his reason for her nickname. She opened up a new tab and started to draw a simple little penguin. ”I do miss her.” She coloured one eye on her penguin purple and the other blue instead of the standard black. She started drawing a second but added a cape this time with stylized hair. Below the two she wrote her name and Max’s with a flourish and a heart next to it. ”I’m glad you’re here, Max. I think you bring more hope than you realize.”

Max couldn't help but laugh at her statement. He never saw himself as someone who brought hope. Perhaps for those that didn't know him, or for the flatscans that needed rescuing. But from his team? From other mutants? He was seen as chaos, as a wild card that couldn't be accounted for. It was why he trained so much, but it felt as though his magic would always have that element of chaos within it. As if it was a part of it. ”Thanks. Though I'd say I bring more disaster and chaos than I do anything else. Hell, this one time I accidently turned myself into a massive golden dragon. I didn't even know that was within my wheelhouse. All I wanted was to heal my wounds…which…technically happened as part of the transformation.” He said as he smiled at the drawing she was making.

”Hope comes in the form we least expect it to, but still it comes,” Antoinette stated.

Max smiled. Magic swirling in the palm of his hand as he closed it and watched it dissipate before opening it again. A small figurine, a D&D miniature, lay sideways in his palm, of a little goblin just like the drawings Annie had shown him earlier that night. ”Hope could come in the form of a little goblin girl.”

Antoinette’s eyes widened at the little goblin. She squealed and picked it up out of Max’s hand, tablet drawing forgotten. ”It’s perfect, Max!” She threw her arms around Max and hugged him tightly.

Max wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, though not nearly as much as she was to him. ”Thanks. I mean, it's not much, and far from perfect, but with your art skills and my magic I think we could help bring Avery's vision to life.”

Antoinette shut her eyes as she hugged Max back, a full smile on her face. ”No one’s perfect, Max. That’s what makes humanity beautiful.” Besides, it was perfect for her.

Max had had his fair share of strange things happen to him within his short lifetime. Between the mystic puzzle box that turned out to be a containment unit for the immortal Selene, to well…just about everything else in his life. He thought he'd seen it all. So when he'd used his mutation to teleport from place to place in an effort to strengthen his abilities with it, he hadn't expected to pick something up along the way. He didn't realize it at first, figuring something had just shifted in his pockets and was poking him the wrong way. But when Max had went to fix the problem, he felt an unfamiliar object press against his hand.

When he pulled it out, he saw it was a necklace similar to Strange’s. The Eye of Agamotto, only, it looked slightly different. It even felt different. Having been the Sorcerer Supreme for a moment and having wielded the Eye of Agamotto, he knew its mystic energy and felt its being. But this…this was different somehow. If he went to Strange now, then he'd either task him with figuring out what it is on his own, or take the amulet and lock it up for the greater good. Max didn't know which was worse. But there were other wizards he could turn too, others who dabbled in magic and contained knowledge of mysticism. So he turned to Neil, going towards his bedroom door and knocking on it softly. ”Hey, Neil, you in there?”

Neil was in their room, reading through a weathered tome - a religious text that had been handed down through their family for generations, each newborn child receiving a copy. There were things within that they didn't agree with - cruelties and atrocities, things that Neil had been raised to perceive as normal. But ever since the asteroid, when they had questioned their view of their self, they had started to question everything, even the basic rites they had carried out without question since childhood.

They glanced up at the knock, and quickly crossed the room, opening the door slightly, a blush sprayed across their cheeks - "Max! Um, how can I... what's up?"

Max noticed the rose colored tinge on Neil's cheeks, his eyes subconsciously looking past him into the room, wondering if they were with another. "Oh...I, uh, am I interrupting something? I can go. If you...um, like" He said awkwardly as he motioned towards Neil's room

Neil stumbled backwards for a moment, almost tripping over nothing - or their own legs. They were considerably taller than they had been before, and sometimes, finding that center of gravity was still a challenge. "No, nothing at all - I was, uh…” they hesitated. Max probably wouldn’t approve of their family’s beliefs and practices - it would be like revealing that they worshipped Shar. "... reading.”

”Oh. Perfect. I uh, found something on one of my journeys and was hoping maybe you could help me figure it out. I don't exactly have any real leads on it, save for another relic that appears to look similar but not identical. Aside from that…I'm not even really sure how I acquired it.” Max took one step forward towards the tumbling Neil, stopping just short of the threshold. ”Can…I come in? Or would you prefer my room? Or?...” He let the question cling in the air.

Neil’s face was positively crimson. An ancient wizard wanted to come into their room? They were so flustered that they stepped to the side, not considering that their family’s religious text was simply lying there on the bed in plain sight. All they could think about was the fact that Max wanted their help - with some sort of ancient artifact found on his travels. Neil didn’t feel qualified at all, but they nodded anyways. "Uh, sure, I can…. I can take a look at it. I’m not… Yeah. So… What is it?”

Max made his way into their room. Trying to look for a place to sit, while also taking the chance to take in the environment. Noticing any decorations that Neil may have put up until his eyes finally fell onto the book Neil had been reading, splayed open on the bed from where he'd left off. ”No idea. Best I can tell so far is that it appears to look like The Eye of Agamotto. One of Strange's relics out of the hundreds housed within the walls of the various Sanctums. But I haven't seen anything like this one before.” He circled his way towards Neil's bed, finally sitting down at one edge of his near the ancient texts, pulling out the relic from his coat pocket and placing it softly onto an open space in the sheets. ”You read Latin? How's your Sanskrit?”

Most of the room’s decorations were drawings - either digital or done with pencil. There were wolves and moons, but predominantly, sketches of Dungeons and Dragons characters - characters from the campaign that Neil was running for their friends in the mansion. But for the most part, the room was dimly lit - shadows were cast onto every surface, making the finer details of the drawings hard to see. ”You… you have something of the Sorcerer Supreme’s?” Neil asked, surprised - why was Max coming to them and not just asking his colleague?

Their eyes widened though as Max spotted the book, and Neil quickly grabbed it and shut it. ”Sorry that’s… That’s personal. And I um, I can’t read Latin. Or Sanskrit,” they explained, flustered, as they put the book into a drawer and shut it.

”Oh…I uh, I see.” He didn't mean to snoop, well he did, but not onto personal matters. He recognized the letterings,, the patterns in the words that allowed him to glimpse its origin without truly haven't read what any of it said. ”I didn't mean to pry, just naturally drawn to books. Especially ones that look as though they hold older knowledge.” Max answered as he shifted slightly in Neil's bed. ”But back to the matters at hand, it isn't Strange’s. I've known his amulet for some time. Could feel it's pull and connection from my time as Sorcerer Supreme, but this feels…different. It's the same feeling as walking into a room where everything has been displaced a mere inch to the right. Never knowing why you feel like something is off until it is revealed.”

Max let the analogy linger in the air for Neil to chew on for a moment. He grabbed the amulet once more, running his finger across the smooth cold metallic surface of it before holding it out to Neil. ”Well, the no Latin and Sanskrit does put a bit of a dent in my idea to raid the Ancient Texts within the vault and tackling them together. But that also means I'm saving myself from an earful from the guardian of those same texts so…it works out. Think you can gleam anything from this? Or perhaps we can just find out by messing with it.”

Neil hesitated, before accepting the amulet. They turned it over slowly in their hands, feeling the groves wrought both by intention and by time. They weren’t magical like the rest of the family - nothing innate dwelled within their bones. But they had been around enough magic to recognize the buzz of it, the feel. And there was magic within the artefact for sure. However, telling that to Max would be embarrassing - Max already knew that the amulet was magic. ”Um, where did you… where did you get this from then? Any information you have on it would help.”

They were wondering if perhaps they could discreetly text their cousin - perhaps she could do some spell on the artifact from a distance and text Neil back what to say?

”That's one of the mysteries surrounding this thing. It just sort of…appeared. I was practicing with my second mutation, something akin to Nightcrawlers teleportations, when suddenly as I came out of my teleport I felt a weight inside my coat. I reached in and…well that was there.” Max had no further information than that on how this item came to be. He was just as puzzled as Neil was, even if he didn't show it as much.

Neil paused, tilting the amulet from side to side. When Max explained how the amulet had suddenly appeared, it reminded them of an old children’s tale their aunties had told them and their cousin as children - about a mystical amulet that could reveal the truth. It was something that would appear suddenly without notice or explanation, and disappear one day just as quickly. If this amulet were the one from the stories… Neil peered into it, calming their mind.

And then a single word popped into their head.

A name.

”Does the name Avery mean anything to you?” Neil asked.

Max had laid down on Neil's bed, pulling out a pen from his pocket and balancing it on his nose as he watched Neil focus intently on the amulet. ”Avery? No, not really. Why? Should it?” He said, sitting up as he flicked the pen into the air and caught it in one hand. Watching Neil closely as he interacted with the amulet. He held out his hand, wondering if the item would speak the name to him as well.

”My aunties told a story about an amulet like this - one that is supposed to reveal the truth when you gaze into it,” Neil explained. ”If you quiet your mind, it’ll whisper it to you… And it said ‘Avery.’”

”The truth? To what? Is this like the number 42 thing. Some grand cosmic ideal that we aren't meant to comprehend?” Max ran his fingers through his hair, trying to piece together the things that Neil had said. ”Does…the name Avery…mean anything to you? Maybe this was more of a personal truth? To be honest he was grasping at straws.

Neil hesitated for a moment, considering it. The name Avery didn’t mean anything to them - they didn’t know an Avery, didn’t know anyone who went by that name. There was no reason for it to have shown up in the amulet, unless… Perhaps Avery didn’t mean anything to them yet, but it did now.

They whispered the name again in their mind, mentally tilting and rotating it, getting an idea for the feel.

Avery Spellman.

It didn’t sound half bad.

”Actually… It does,” they said, smiling slightly to themself. ”It’s my name.”

Ed needed answers. It was driving him a little insane. Max knew something about Ed’s future and had tried to play it off. Ed probably would have let it go, except for the tombstone thing. There was no way Max didn’t know how Ed was going to die. Ed didn’t even want to know the actual way he died, he needed a timeline. Was it months from now? Or years? Would he have time to deal with his family? He didn’t know. That was the issue.

Ed had given it a couple of days, but now had been long enough and the itching fear and uncertainty needed something to drive it away. He went looking for Max. Max should be at the house and things were mostly quiet right now, which probably meant it wouldn’t be long before all chaos broke out. If Ed waited then he’d never get the answers.

Max had been restless the days after the events on the Asteroid. Having gone back home to New Orleans several times but leaving all the same in equal measure. It was hard to look at his husband, his son, when he felt like such an abject failure. He'd lost so many mutants because he wasn't strong enough. A part of him wondered if he should've gone back to Strange's, to finish his training there. But he could train here, have more scenarios than the magic back at the Sanctum could offer (not like they were too far off from each other should he need to stop by).

So Max had headed to the danger room, pulling up scenarios in which he could both practice on his portals while also being able to use his magic to take down enemies and get rid of the pent up frustration growing inside of him. He knew the X-men didn't wear the uniform anymore, but he still felt it was nice to have it while training. Wearing the classic blue and yellow colors along with a yellow duster over top of it. Magic was emanating from his hands as he fired off another blast, knocking a hologram into a wall.

It took Ed longer than he might have expected. The Danger Room was not where he thought Max would go, but when he finally ended up there he saw Max running a scenario. Max looked a little silly in the blue and yellow uniform, those colors were wild together. Ed entered the Danger room, throwing up a shield as he did to prevent errant magic from hitting him.

”Max, we need to talk.” He said, his voice stern. Trying to approach this situation like he would if he were talking to one of his cousins.

Max didn't think, didn't hesitate, he whipped around and a blast went flying towards Ed, hitting harmlessly against his shield. Thankfully Ed was a smarter man than he was. He thought ahead. His eyes went wide as he ran towards Ed apologizing the whole way. ”Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I thought you were one of the simulations! I- agh hold on. Danger Room, End Simulation.” He demanded as he was weaving between enemies and bystanders to make his way over towards Ed. He could feel the sterner in his voice, making Max stop a few feet away from him, worried about what he might say. ”Uh, yeah. Sure. What do you need?” His tone was wavering, nervous as his words were hit with a vocal fry.

Ed let his shield drop. Thankful he had thought to do that. ”My tombstone. Your reaction when you saw me. We’ve met before. I don’t want to know how.” Ed held up his hand. ”I just need an idea of how much time I have. There are things that I need to resolve.” The family issues would take time. There was a chance that if there wasn’t enough time Ed would have to leave the X-men sooner rather than later to deal with those issues. In the end though, how much of it mattered? Going home meant taking up his position as the heir apparent to the family. If he didn’t his cousin would. When he died his cousin would still end up as head of the family. Unless he could get the family codes changed to allow women to become the head of the family, which he likely wouldn’t be able to do while his grandfather lived.

Max instantly locked up as Ed began to speak. Rubbing the nape of his neck as he looked away uncomfortably. He was glad Ed didn't want any specifics, though he still wasn't sure how he felt about the line of questioning. Either way, he couldn't meet his eyes. ”I don't know. I won't lie to you, and I'll try to answer any questions you have as best as I can but. I can't exactly say how much time you have. When we met, or rather, when we will meet, I won't know you. I won't recognize your face, your name, your voice. You'll be a stranger to me. But for me that time has already passed. So it's difficult to say how long you will have…” Max chuckled to himself as he looked off to Ed's left. ”I'm starting to see why River kept a journal to cross reference.”

A coil of tension in Ed tightened as Max explained what was held in Ed’s future, Max’s past. Of course they had met out of order. He smiled and tried to chuckle at the Doctor Who reference, but it wasn’t there. His limbs seemed too weak to hold him, he swayed a little but kept his feet under him.

”I didn’t know you, when you came here. But you knew me. As far as you were concerned we had met and I had died. The day will come when you don’t know me. That day will mark my end, my impending...” Ed trailed off. Death had come for so many in his life. Most of his family. He wasn’t afraid of it, not really. He just wasn’t ready. Ed sighed and under his breath said, ”I’m not ready.” He closed his eyes and then set his shoulders against the future.

”So be it. We all know we will die one day. I just happen to have a better idea than most. Maybe I’ll have enough time to finish what needs to be done, maybe not. But most people never even have the chance to try. When that day comes, that you do not know me. I will do my best to be kind to you about it.” Ed starts to turn to leave, but pauses mid-turn and says, ”Do I go honorably? Or have I fallen?”

Max couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for all of this. He was a walking reminder of Ed's future, and soon one day he would be the Harbinger of Death for him. But his heart broke for him. He stepped up towards him, slinging one arm around Ed's shoulders and giving him a tight squeeze. ”I have only ever known you to be kind and honorable. A true knight who would do anything to shield those around him from harm. I don't think you could fall even if you tried.” He let go of Ed and moved before him, halting his steps before leaning against the nearest wall. ”I may not know exactly when, but I can tell you you have time. You age gracefully by the way, and you seemed to have lived a full life. If you wish…”

Max stopped, his eyes scanning Ed's features and body searching for signs of things he had seen back then. Letting out an awkward sigh. ”I can offer you one last clue as to mark the occasion. At the very least a bit of advice in the event that it happens more than once.”

Some of the tension released. There was time. And as far as Max knew the edge of darkness that had been there since the trip to the other world had not won. Had not brought him down. Really, the person standing before him barely knew him. He frowned at the comment about it happening ‘more than once.’ Ed had had no intention of finding out more than necessary from Max. But he was intrigued now.

”What is that?” He raised an eyebrow, curious about what advice, or clue, that Max had to offer for him.

”Well, I assume you don't have a kid at the moment right?” Max said as he spied the ringless finger on Ed's hand. ”One day, or perhaps many times over many days, your daughter will gift you a candied bracelet. The day that she does, make sure to hug her tight and tell her how much you love her. It may very well be the last chance you have for a very long time.” Max pressed his shoulders against the wall, pushing himself off of it as he placed his hands into his pockets. ”That's all I know. The only clues I have as to put a time to it. After that, it's anyone's guess. Man, I hate time travel. Never can seem to get things in the right order.”

Ed shakes his head at Max’s question. No children. But he will have a daughter. A girl to carry the legacy. He’d make sure she got the chance to. All the more reason now to make sure the family rules changed. He bound Max’s words up into a promise to that child. Fear coiling with it, because he knew that he wouldn’t get to raise her if she was so young to have a candy bracelet.

”Thank you, Max.” Ed said. ”That reassures me of a lot of my fears. I have things to do now. Good luck with your practice.” Ed heads for the exit.

It felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Hearing Ed thank him, though it felt weird to be thanked for delivering the news of one's death. As Ed began to leave, Max tried to lighten the mood a bit more, not knowing what ‘things’ Ed needed doing. ”So, does this mean I get to call you Daddy? Or not yet?” He said with a grin ”Just kidding, Ben would kill me if I did that. But uh, good luck with your things. Let me know if you need any help with them.”

Ed froze for a moment trying to understand what Max was insinuating, but then Max mentioned Ben. He nodded, ”Yeah, I don’t know about that.” He smiled. ”And unfortunately I don’t think you can help with it. I need to deal with family matters. I may have a few years yet, but these are issues that if left to their own devices mean someone who would cause havoc in the family would be taking over as the head of it. I cannot abide for him to be my grandfather’s successor.” Ed saw no reason to not be honest with Max about it.

Max shrugged. He didn't know Ed's family Save for Madalyne, and even then he knew next to nothing about the matters he spoke of. ”Offers always on the table. I know a wicked reality warper, aaand I've been known to bend things a little myself.”

Ed raises his eyebrow again. Fully facing Max. ”I’ve experienced reality warping by going to a different universe. What did you do?”

”Made my own personal galaxy inside my bedroom with a breathable atmosphere. But that was just because I liked the aesthetic of it all. Always been a big space kid.”

”Yeah, that’s uh...I’m good on space at this point. I’ve seen enough of it. I do not want any more.” Ed shakes his head. His shoulders have released some of the tension, but he is still wound up.

”Yeah…” Max said with a thousand yard stare as he looked past Ed into nothingness. The feelings of those mutants minds brushing up against his once more. His hands clenched inside his coat pockets as his lips tightened. ”On second thought. I uh…I have to go.” He said as he began to walk hurriedly past Ed.

Ed watches as Max starts to leave. What can he say? ”Max...” He starts. ”It’s the ones we can’t save that hurt the most.” He thinks of his sister. He thinks of Iris.

Max shut his eyes, hit tears streaming down now. ”There's too many of those going around lately. I just…I need some time.”

”I know.” Ed says letting Max leave. It doesn’t feel right. Max needs someone, but even with the tension between them released there is history there that Ed doesn’t fully understand. He can’t be the one to help Max. Not from this.


Oct. 31 2018

Mandy had gotten enough stories from her dad about why he didn't enjoy family dinners. However, this year her grandmother had pressured them to join for the holiday. Her mother had flatly refused, saying she was going to stay home and hand out candy. She hadn't been to her grandmother's in ages. So Mandy found herself standing outside the little place that was her dad's mom's, dressed in a homemade octopus costume. He was knocking on the door. Something Mandy thought was silly. Hearing people could hear the weirdest things. She still remembered learning farts had sound. That made her smile and the door was answered.

Standing before her was a little boy, no more than four foot five with dark curly hair and deep green eyes. His face and neck were painted grey in a black and white film style, fake stitching lining his forehead as two bolts stood on either side of his neck. He looked at Mandy and her father, seeing them both dressed up and offered them a big toothy grin. ”You're supposed to say Trick R Treat! But…aren't you a little too old for that?” There was a candy bucket in his hand as he held the door ajar with the other. A nasally voice shouting from behind him just in view of it all as her heels clicked against the hardwood floor. The woman was dressed as the “Mom” of Frankenstein, her large curly hair put into an updo with a streak of white spray alongside it. “Be nice Frankie, that's your cousin Mandy and her father. Come in come in!” She said as she waved the two in, her Italian accent thick as ever.

Mandy frowned a little. The kid was talking, she caught a few of the words by reading his lips. He wanted them to say ‘trick or treat.’ Another person, her Aunt Fran. She said something to them that was completely impossible for Mandy to understand, but she waved them in. That was at least an invitation. Her dad gave her a little bit of a push to go into the home. Mandy stepped over the threshold. She kept her head up, looking around taking in everything.

Once the pair had stepped in, Hermes closed the door behind him, silent as he watched what were essentially two strangers walking in. If they had ever come to previous parties, it wasn't anytime recently. His mother was clearly excited as she practically ran in place, arms spread wide as she squealed in such a loud manner it was impossible not to hear her. She squeezed her brother tightly before letting go slightly and squealing again. “Tony it's been too long! What took you guys?! I haven't seen you in, God only knows how long! Come in come in take a load off! We have drinks and snacks and- oh I almost forgot. I wasn't sure how many of you’s were gonna come so I may a few of them. Frankie, darlin’ go fetch the papers we made ok?”[/color]

Hermes was about to grab one of the tentacles on Mandy's costume when he heard his mother call to him. He wondered if that's why they hadn't responded to him, though he looked a bit crestfallen. He recalled the first time he'd heard about this side of the family, he'd thought his mother said they were Death. A whole side of the family associated with the reaper himself. It made him jealous to hear that because how cool would it be to have powers? Then later he was corrected and told they were hard of hearing, deaf. His mother had practiced some signs before they had gotten here. Nervous she might get them wrong. He had no idea what they meant, but it must've been important.

As he left to fetch the papers his mother was talking about, she turned towards Mandy and Antonio and signed to both of them. It was shaky, and clearly she had to put thought in between each sign as she did them. Simply saying ”Sorry, he's a little excited. It's his favorite holiday”. By then Hermes was back, handing both Uncle Anontio and his cousin Mandy some pages he'd written that said
“Welcome to the Di Angelo Halloween Bash! Refreshments are in the coolers, Red is for Adults, Blue for Children. Make yourselves at home and enjoy the food.”
Hermes waited long enough for what he assumed would take Mandy to read the paper before pulling a string on a popper to have confetti fly out.

Antonio smiled at his sister as she talked. “It has been a while.” He said, his voice was deep and there was a strange ‘accent’ to it. One that people who knew it recognized the sound as what was often called the ‘deaf accent.’ Mandy looked lost. She couldn’t hear what Fran was saying. To her it was noise, but the words themselves were lost. She had worn her hearing aids at her dad’s request, but they weren’t helping at all with Fran. When Fran signed she blinked. Oh, so she knew some sign but it was awkward and looked word-for-word rather than actual ASL. Frankenstein was handing her a paper. She read it and then confetti was flying. She looked up and tilted her head.

”What is that?” She asked. Her voice was even more heavily accented with the same strange tilt. She had had speech therapy but she was what was called an Oral Failure. Her speech was just intelligible. If she didn’t have a lot of pride in being Deaf thanks to her mother’s side of the family she probably would have been mad about that label. But really she didn’t care. She was happy being Deaf and if hearing people had an issue that was on them.

Hermes couldn't quite understand what his cousin was saying, but she sounded confused…intrigued? Both. He'd decided. ”It's a popper! You see you pull the string here and…” He remembered then that she couldn't actually hear him. His face scrunched up as he thought about this for a second. He opened up a drawer from the entryway table they kept by the front door, pulling out a pen out of dozens that were haphazardly thrown in there. He wrote the word “Popper” onto a post-it note and stuck it on Mandy's page before demonstrating how they worked and then handing one to her.

Mandy read the word and nodded, her cousin was a bit easier to understand, reading his lips wasn’t easy though, so the note had helped. She put down the paper on the entryway table and pulled the string of the popper. She felt it vibrate under her fingers and confetti joined the growing mess in the entryway. She laughed. It was cute. There was a strange smell that had started to accumulate and wiggled her nose. Then with two fingers she tapped her nose and then swung the hand down to tap her other hand in the same handshape. “She says that was fun.” Antoino says, his voice clearer than Mandy’s interpreting for his daughter.

Hermes smiled wide, the same toothy grin as when he'd greeted them. ”So cool! Wait what does this mean?!” He said as he asked in rapid fire words before perfectly mimicking the fireball jutsu from Naruto.

Mandy was used to this question. Hearing people asked all the time what nonsense things meant. She didn’t even need to hear what he said. Mandy shook her head. And held up both her hands in matching O’s and shook them. ”Nothing.”

Hermes crossed his arms into a big X as he made a buzzer sound. ”Wrong! It's Katon! The fireball jutsu!” He said as he mimicked blowing out fire from his mouth before letting out a giggle. “Alright sweetie leave them be ok? We don't want to offend them, they just have their own language like how we know Italian. They do a little something called ASL, it's how they can communicate.” She placed her hand atop his head and ruffled his hair. “Kids I swear. They say the darnest things. I blame the television I do. All them animus they watch just rots their brains.”
Hermes removed his mom's hand from atop his head, scribbling a note down onto another post-it. ”So do you read lips? Are you like a secret spy?”

Mandy didn’t know what Aunt Fran said but her dad smiled and nodded with patience. She wondered what she had said, but her dad would interpret for her if it was important. He knew how much it mattered, that was if he understood enough of it to be able to interpret. He could just be nodding along passively. Some people did that when they didn’t want to seem dumb. Mandy had on more than one occasion. She leaned over and read the post-it. She smiled and nodded, then added to the note. Her handwriting was neat and perfect. ”Yes, but it is hard. If you get half you’re doing amazing.”

Hermes' face dropped. HALF?! That's like, half the sentence! He wanted to know more, but also didn't want to just stand idly by the doorway. He placed a third post-it on top of the others, a simple message. “Want to play a game?”

”What game?” She wrote. Her face, if Hermes looked, had furrowed brows and her free hand was flat, palm up moving slightly side-to-side.

”Paper football and twenty questions. I'll show you how to fold them and then we gotta try and score points while asking each other questions on the note.” At this point Hermes had taken out the legal pad stashed inside the drawer beneath all the pens. They rarely used it, it was mostly for long messages and grocery lists, though a few doodles of crude dinosaurs could be seen drawn along the margins of the pages.

Mandy nodded. She was interested and it would spend time. She also didn’t think she’d feel left out. Her dad had warned her that would probably happen. And Mandy had memories of meals that he had tried to keep up with and interpret for her. Those had been when she was little though. Now she was in college and this was the last year she’d probably dress up. She hoped she could have a bit of fun with a cousin she didn’t know. Mandy didn’t even know what paper football was, but Hermes was saying he’d show her how to fold the paper so she could make some guesses.

As soon as she nodded, Hermes grabbed onto one of her tentacles and began pulling her away. ”Squidward and I are gonna go play a game ok?!” He'd said as he made a beeline for his room. It was in an awkward in between stage, just late enough to be a kids room but still in the early stages of teen angst beginning to creep in. The walls were an olive green, his sheets tossed as he hadn't expected anyone to come into his room during the party (no matter how much his mother nagged him it would happen). There was a guitar off to the side, leaning on a stand, a collection of comic books splatter across the floor spilling out from a milk crate. He'd gone to his desk, opening up a drawer and pulling out a composition notebook as he tore out a page.

He didn't know any sign language, but just pointed towards his eyes and then towards the paper hopefully letting her know to watch closely as he began to slowly make the paper football. Once the final piece was tucked into place he pressed one point of the triangle into the floorboard, another finger on the top point before flicking it with his free hand to demonstrate how to kick the ball. Hermes scrambled towards the other side of the room, searching for the paper football before opening it back up and writing down a question. ”What's your name?”

Mandy thought, as Hermes dragged her along, that maybe this had been a silly childish idea. She hadn’t played a game in years. That didn’t count the games at Deaf Club, but things like tag she hadn’t played in ages. She felt old as they ran, but entering his room that shed away. Mandy remembered being little and just playing for the sake of the game.

When Hermes pointed to his eyes and then the paper, it was easy to know what he meant. He was telling her to watch, so she did. The folds were straight forward, she’d be able to repeat them. As long as she did it soon she’d never forget the folds. She mimicked the flick. When the ‘ball’ came to her she read the note. ”Mandy. You?’ She wrote. She wanted to ask how old he was, but she knew the game, she’d get to ask that later.

Hermes held his fingers up like a goal post, waiting for the flick to see if she could get it in. In his excitement he'd forgotten to mention that portion of the rules, but he figured she'd pick it up easy enough. He opened up the note and saw. Mandy. He scribbled down his name, one arm covering the top of the paper as he hid his head behind it while he lay flat on the floor. ”Hermes Francesco Leonardo Di Angelo. But you can call me…well any of that really. Your turn” He folded it back up, his tongue sticking out as he lined up his shot and flicked it towards her.

Mandy mimicked the goal posts. Football was a known factor. The Deaf community loved football. She knew what the point was now. She smiled and picked up the paper, unfolding it again and reading his answer. That was a lot of names. She wondered why someone would give someone that many names. She had only given her nickname really. Technically her name was Amanda but no one ever called her that. She wrote a question, ”How old are you?” Folded up the football again and flicked it back to him.

He felt as the paper hit his chest and rolled down, getting caught in a wrinkle on his shirt. As he unfolded it, he began to write. There was an 11 scratched out on the page before he rewrote his answer. ”I just turned 12 this month. You?” With that it was time to kick the ball again, a part of him had wanted to ask why she wasn't at his birthday party, but then he figured it might be rude so he'd left that part out of the note.

”18 last April. And really my full name is Amanda Marie Mason. But no one calls me anything but Mandy. I’ll show you how to sign my name.” She didn’t consider Mandy her name. No, it was HS:M SMILE. That was her real name. The letters were English and borrowed so the hearing world was comfortable. She flicked the re-folded ball back to Hermes, and waited for him to look at her so she could show her name to him.

Hermes opened the note and immediately wrote down ”So old” Before looking up and nodding at Mandy. He wanted to learn how to sign her name, but he also wondered how to sign his own now. A huge part of him was now thinking about how hands can become letters can become words, and where it all originated from. But he figured Mandy wasn't the right one to ask, or at least not for tonight. So he watched attentively to see how to say her name.

Once he was looking at her she smiled, and held up her hand brushing it at the side of her face. Then she held up her hand showing him what it looked like and said ”M” It was one of the easier letters. Though she might have confused the sound with another when she was younger she knew them all well now. Then she brushed her cheek again, smiling brightly as she did. She held up both hands and in a flat B she dragged them from the corners of her smile up. Then pointed at her smile and repeated the gesture. Then she showed her name again. Hoping to convey that her name was ‘SMILE’.

Hermes mimicked the sign, his tongue poking out as he stared at his hands trying to figure out how to get his fingers to move that way until he finally got it. He tried to replicate what it was she was doing. He saw why his mother practiced so hard, it was like his fingers didn't want to participate at all. He remembered this was how it was when he was learning the jutsu's too. When he finally got it, he formed his fingers into an L shape and placed them on the bottom corner of his jaw as if he was cool before writing more down onto the paper. [Color=67AB6D][i]”How do I say my name?”[/color]

Mandy was too stunned to catch the paper. She then busted up laughing. At first she had been trying to figure out if he was calling her a lesbian or asking if she was one or what he meant. But it hadn’t been that it had just been him making a sign without realizing it. Hearing people were hilarious. She calmed down and read the note. That’d take a moment. She might as well teach him the whole alphabet. So she stood up and got the paper and sat closer to him writing out the alphabet in the same neat handwriting. Then she pointed at the A and held up her hand showing him what the A looked like in ASL.

Hermes quirked an eyebrow as Mandy began to laugh. Did he do the sign wrong? A little self consciousness filled inside him as she closed the gap.She pointed to the A and Hermes shook his head, then pointed to the H as if she'd forgotten his first name. He then stopped and wondered if maybe A’s were H’s in this new language. And scribbled beneath the alphabet ”Are A’s like H’s?”

Mandy read the note. She smiled and shook her head and wrote. ”No, but your name is so long you might as well know the whole alphabet and not just what’s in your name.” She quickly fingerspelled his name, referencing the paper, to show how long it was and try to illustrate that if she was going to teach him how to spell it in ASL he might as well know all the letters. Then maybe they could fingerspell talk to each other. She thought of the Rochester method and how much she hated that, but it would be better than nothing.

Hermes laughed, gripping his stomach with one arm as he read Mandy's note. She wasn't wrong, he was sure if you counted each letter there was probably more in his name than in the alphabet. He thought about it for a second and remembered her sign she said was M before doing more motions. So he wrote down another question. ”You said M, but then did more signs. How did you make that word mean Mandy?”

Mandy read the note and considered how to respond, then she wrote. ”What do your friends or family call you? I mean like your mom as a nickname? That’s what I did. My name isn’t Mandy that isn’t who I am. I smile. My smile is bright. It is identifiable. In my community people know if you do that name sign who you’re talking about. It is me. You aren’t Deaf. You have to earn a sign name, it has to be given by someone who is Deaf. It identifies you as part of the community, as trusted, as a friend. So for now, you would just fingerspell your name. That’s accepted. Though probably just your first name not the whole thing you’d be stared at like you were an alien if you did the whole thing.” She passed the paper back.

Hermes felt a little disheartened. To feel left out from an entire community. Then again, that's how most of them must've felt at parties and places where speaking was the norm. It was a strange feeling, a mix of emotions that combated each other and constantly stood at odd ends. He'd have to fingerspell…fine. A part of him felt a tinge of sadness inside his chest, like there was a threat for tears, but he didn't want to cry. It just felt…lonely. He thought back to the sign Mandy had made, the A. Simple enough, though if he tried that sign out near the wrong neighborhood he might get shot. But he mimicked it regardless.

Mandy smiled when he finally copied her A. She nodded and started taking him through the whole alphabet. One letter at a time. She paid especially close attention to make sure he got the letters in his own name right, giving slight adjustments if needed until he had it all down. ”Now spell your name.” She wrote.

Hermes paid close attention, each sign pushing the thought of loneliness further and further away as he began engrossed in learning the alphabet anew. When they finished he was asked to spell his name. Once again his tongue poked out in concentration as he began to spell his name out slowly. Trying to make sure he didn't mess anything up before finishing it off and looking at Mandy with a smile.

Mandy beamed and nodded. Her hand moved quickly spelling it out again. Her hand touched her chin and then the palm of her other hand and then both were made into fists and tapped twice at the wrists. She wrote down ”Good job.” And then went back to her spot where they had been playing paper football. She considered for a moment what to ask this kid. Then she smiled. ”What’s your favorite thing to do?” She guessed it might be playing guitar or something. Mandy flicked the paper back.

Hermes began practicing his fingerspelling, though he in between each spelling of his name he also tried spelling out ‘fuck’. When the ball had been passed back to him he had to sit and think for a while. He'd never considered what his favorite thing was. He loved his guitar, but he also liked gaming, and he was an avid horror movie buff even if his mom didn't like him watching that. Finally he wrote down ”I don't know. Probably gaming or playing guitar. Mmmm maybe guitar yeah. What about you?” He then wondered as he folded the football back up, could Mandy play games? A huge part of some gaming was being able to hear and it was a massive reason as to why 3D audio was becoming so big in headsets.

Mandy opened the note and read his response. She nodded, that was about what she expected. She wrote down quickly ”Roller derby. I’m in a Deaf league.” And flicked it back. She wondered if Hermes knew what roller derby was. If not she’d just pull up youtube. That was a lot easier than trying to write an explanation.

Hermes looked at her response and back at her then back at the response. Roller Derby? Didn't that…require music? Were there silent roller derbys? How could they hear a whistle blow? He had so many questions but figured he'd just look up videos on YouTube later so that he didn't seem so ignorant. ”Why did you laugh earlier after I signed your name?”

Mandy read the note and snorted again. ”You put your hand on a chin in the L Hand shape. That means lesbian. In some groups you might have started a fight with that. It would be very rude. I don’t care. It was funny though.”

Hermes' face went flush with red as he began to blush profusely. He never felt self conscious about his hand movements before, but now he wondered how many of them had been accidental signs he didn't mean to make. He finger spelled ‘fuck’ once more before having a small laugh at his own expense. ”Oh. Whoops.

Mandy smiled and laughed again, especially at his fingerspelling fuck. She knew a lot of hearing kids learned all the cuss words first so she wasn’t surprised he was using ASL for that already. She started to write her next question. ”What was your mom saying in the entryway? I can’t understand a word she says.”

Hermes chuckled before writing his response and flicking it back. ”What part? My mom says a lot of things very fast. Sometimes i think she still believes they charge us for minutes with how quickly she'll get her words out.”

Mandy snorted at his response. That was accurate. It was part of why Mandy had been so lost Aunt Fran spoke too fast for her to follow. ”After you did the hand thing. She wrote and flicked back the ball.


She was scolding me for my jutsu's. Said I was being insensitive and that your hand signs are like Italian. A different language meant for you guys. Sorry.”
Hermes didn't want to look Mandy in the eye, he'd felt bad for making fun earlier, especially now that he understood there was a whole community like this. He didn't really know any deaf or hard of hearing kids back at school. They were more like a myth or legend you see in stories or TV.

Mandy read the note and smiled. She had had worse over the years. Part of the IEP she had in school, required her to have socialization time with hearing kids her own age. And the CODA kids in the community didn’t always count. She wrote back, ”It could be rude, but you’re a kid and you don’t know anything about the community. No one would have blamed you for it. But now that you know better you would get labeled as ‘audist’ and people wouldn’t like you. Your mom is right though ASL is not the same as English, or Italian. It is a different language, though it does borrow from English just like English borrows from other languages. Don’t worry. I’m not mad.” The paper had gotten full. She flicked it back to Hermes.

The small triangular paper fell harmlessly onto the floor, Hermes was afraid to open it to see what she'd written. Lucky for him when he finally did open it, she was understanding about the whole situation. He grabbed a new sheet out of his notebook, tearing it out before tapping his pen to his lips as he debated on what to ask next. Finally he'd decided to ask her something he hoped wouldn't be considered rude. ”If you're deaf, how do you listen to music?”

Mandy stared at the fresh new paper. The question that she didn’t feel a lot toward. She wasn’t a music person. Some of her classmates in High School were. She knew some kids with CI could get blue-tooth connections to their phones. All sorts of things. She didn’t do that though. She stood up and went to pick up the guitar, she looked at Hermes with an eyebrow raised, a question in her face, did he mind if she touched it?

Hermes watched her with baited breath as she stood up. Did he say something wrong? He watched her carefully until she stopped at his guitar, looking at him for approval. He slowly fingerspelled ‘Cool’ before speaking. ”You play? Go ahead” He'd done some music studies and knew that Beethoven was also deaf, and he'd composed some amazing music. Hermes nodded at her incase the half she missed was his approval.

Mandy tapped her chest with her thumb, her hand splayed out and wiggled her fingers. ”Cool” She said and picked up the guitar gently. She didn’t actually play but that would ruin the explanation. She strummed the guitar. It wasn’t plugged in or on so there was no music. Not really. She looked at him and raised her eyebrow again. She mimed plugging her ears and waited for him to plug his ears.

Hermes raised his eyebrow at her once more. How was he supposed to listen to her play if he plugged his ears up? Either way he listened to her, taking his pointer fingers and putting one in each ear as he waited to see her play.

Mandy nodded and strummed again. This time a few times. Even less noise made it to Hermes’ ears. It was muted and muffled. She smiled and then pointed to the speaker and the guitar. She held up her hand with her pinky fingers out and drew a line in the air. ”O-N” She fingerspelled.

Hermes looked at his Amp and back towards his bedroom door. His mom didn't like him using it indoors, he typically used it for outside practice with his friends, opting to plug his headphones into it instead so that no sound left the room. The sound of the party could be heard from beyond the door, he decided they were loud enough it wouldn't matter so long as he kept the volume low. Scrambling over towards the Amp, plugging them in and turning it on with the dial down to 2. He offered Mandy his headphones that were now plugged into the port, asking her if she wanted them in or off.

Mandy smiled and shook her head. She did reach out and placed Hermes’ hand so it was inside the headphone, he’d be able to feel the vibrations of the headphones. Mandy took off her shoes and stood close to the amp. She strummed again, still not really playing any notes. She had no idea how to play the guitar; she was just making a point. She fingerspelled, ”F-E-E-L?”

His eyes widened. He understood what she'd meant. Not just because she'd shown him, but in a sense it was how he dealt with music. The sound itself helped him to get in tune with it, but the way it vibrated against his chest, how it felt as it moved through him while he played, that's why he was so drawn to it all. He wrote down ”Can you hear it?”

Mandy set the guitar down back in its proper place and read the note. She shook her head no. Then started to write. [color=BB33FF][i]”I’m not completely deaf, but my hearing range doesn’t include most music. It’s pretty narrow and when there is a lot like drums and guitar and vocals it all gets lost. I like stuff with good bass that I can feel. But other than that I don’t ‘listen’ to music. I have some friends that do and they’ll play stuff they like in the car.”[i][/color]

Hermes nodded. That was fine, she could still feel this song, or at least he hoped she could. He got up and moved the all closer to her feet, it was a good thing they had hardwood floors, they helped to amplify vibrations and sounds. He handed her the headphones and pantomimed putting them on before he grabbed the guitar and sat against her back to back, waiting for her to place the headphones on.

Mandy did as requested. She had asked a lot of this kid today so it was only fair. She didn’t expect much from the headphones. She did take off her hearing aids though. The combination of hearing aids and headphones, of any kind, was basically impossible. All the hearing aids did was make things louder. It didn’t put sound into a range she could hear, and headphones were basically the same.

He had turned the music up louder, figuring he can't hurt her hearing if she doesn't have any, besides she needed to feel it and she couldn't do that if it was as low as his usual settings were. He began to strum a song he'd heard recently covered, ‘Zombie’ by the Cranberries. He began to strum the opening chords to the song before finally going into the lyrics himself.
”Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head, they are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head, they are crying
In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head, in your head?
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh”

His hope, was that she could feel the guitar strums through the Amp and headphones, and she could feel the lyrics as he sang them, the reverberations from his chest bouncing off her as they sat back to back.

The words were lost, but Mandy could feel his chest rumble. The floor vibrated with the music and Hermes’ back muscles played against her own. This was music in a very different way than she had ever experienced. She had, in the past, put her hand on people’s throats as they sang or talked (that was part of speech therapy), but this was different. She loved it. And she knew what Hermes’ name was. She grabbed the paper and wrote, [color=BB33FF][i]”What is it called?”[/color]

”Zombie” He replied back with pen. Adding a question mark underneath it to ask why.

”My new favorite song.” She wrote back. Then she tapped him to draw his attention. She pointed to herself and with both hands in the H hand shape she tapped them together twice and showed him her sign name again. Then she pointed to him, did the H hand shape thing and keeping the H hand shape swung her right hand over her left forearm before pointing to him again. She wrote down ”Music”

Hermes pointed to himself and fingerspelled ‘name’ using his pointer finger to draw a question mark in the air as if to ask the question. Before mimicking the same motion he had just done for the word music. It was fairly simple, and it made him wonder how signs were made.

Mandy leaned slightly to her left and with an open B handshape signed “MUSIC” then she pointed to Hermes and changed the handshape to H and shifted slightly right, signing “music” but with the modified handshape. She pointed to herself and did ‘smile’ while leaning left and then changed the handshape to an M, shifted right and signed her name sign again. Then with her index finger she flicked it near her temple, raising her eyebrows hoping he understood what she meant.

He watched her intently, but when he noticed the handshape change between the two signs, he sat there and stared at his own hands. Having to replay the alphabet on them until he reached the two letters on display. The first being a B while the latter was an H. She then signed her name again, and he remembered that she used an M for that one. So…was the B one music? And the H one his name? Or was he reading too much into it? His brows knitted in confusion as he tried to figure out before letting out a sigh of frustration.

Mandy tried again. This time pointing to the written word “MUSIC”, she signed it again. Then grabbed the paper with Hermes’ name on it. She pointed to that and changed the handshape so it was H, and pointed to him.

Hermes pointed to himself and signed the modified sign for music once more before pointing at himself again.

Mandy’s face lit up with her smile and she nodded. It was clear with that smile why her name sign was a modified version of smile.

He lit up, a big grin on his face as he did the sign over and over again. Excitement bubbling inside of him as he'd gotten his own name. He'd thought of ideas of his own that he would've liked, but this felt right to him. He quickly scribbled down a thank you, the words barely legible in his excitement.

Mandy read the note and then touched her chin with her fingertips and pulled her hand forward, pointing to the word. Then she held a thumbs up and gave her cousin a bright smile. She had never really cared for music before, but she had a new appreciation for it. If he met other Deaf people he could explain how he got his name. It was always important to share that when you joined a new group, especially as a hearing person entering a Deaf space.

Hermes mimicked the sign back, mouthing the words ‘thank you’ as he did, as if the word was foreign to him. He wrote down once more, ”Want to get some food? I know where the good snacks are.”

Mandy nodded her head. She was hungry. It was Halloween and she hadn’t had any candy yet. That had to be a crime. And despite her family warning her that her dad’s family didn’t know sign and she’d feel left out and alone and if she had wanted at any time to leave this had been a good time. She liked her cousin. She didn’t know about the others, but he would be worth any other awkwardness that came with family gatherings. Mandy was a little sad to learn that now. She was in college in Upstate New York. Rochester! She was pre-med. Would she have time for Thanksgiving and Christmas? She certainly wouldn’t be able to make birthday parties. But she’d learn when his birthday was and make sure she sent him a card and maybe a gift card for a music store.
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Work Out Fit

As soon as Dorian had entered and seen Mary Sue, he'd let go of Percy's hand and ran towards her. They hadn't had much time to talk since the Fair, so now was the perfect time to try and catch up a bit. ” ‘ey! Chère, ‘ow've you been? We've barely seen eyes since t'e start of school and you're on my besties team. ‘Ow’s t'at possible? Oh! And did you ever figure out what t'at Sailor Moon charm does? Is it a magical girl transformation? Powers from t'e Cosmos?!” As he was excitedly gabbing, the sound of locks clicking resonated in the empty gym. Dorian turning to look at the disheveled Ed closing them in. ”Ok, t'at's creepy Ed. Maybe a warnin’ or somet'in’ next time. Or at least…a nap or two? You sure you're good to operate all t'is? You looked more exhausted t'an a first time mot'er.” He noted, about to turn around and continue his conversation when he noticed everyone was getting ready into their framework suits. ”Oh, talk to you later t'en. Won't due to be t'e last one in. See you inside t'e works”

Dorian had gone as quickly as he came, entering the lockers to slip into the suit provided for use of the tanks. The entire time chatting it up with any who would listen. Before long he was ready and going straight to the nearest one, sliding in before entering The Frame. ”Oh ‘ey! If it isn't my fiendish friend in ‘orror. We should all do a movie night soon! Get some relaxin’ in and just vibe for a while so we aren't too exhausted when t'e actual contest begins. What do you t'ink Ed ‘as in store for us? Oh maybe a ‘oard of zombies, or Olympian God's! Or perhaps we can face off t'e best of t'e best of X-men! Or or or maybe we can fend off Galactus!!! ‘Ow cool would t'at be?!”
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Work Out Fit

While Percy sat on his bed being productive as ever, Dorian had opted to ignore the essay he was meant to do and focus more on relaxation. The past few weeks had been torture. Training and cramming more than he'd ever done before. At first it was exhilarating, but after the 20th time of having to cram more work into his schedule as they did training, the charm began to wear off. At least the Young Avengers got to go out and do real missions, some variety and true test of mettle. Here it just felt so…monotonous. School, train, cram, school, train, cram. He was already dressed and ready for today's secret session, shoes on and off the bed (because who wore shoes in bed?). When his phone went off, Dorian flipped it open, seeing the message from April and then D. A part of him was worried about his best friend. She hadn't done so hot after the Halloween Dance, and he was certain all this extra training and work wasn't helping.

He closed his phone, looking up at the ceiling for the moment as Danni complained about how all this work was making his skin look slightly less than flawless. Though Dorian thought it was all in his head. He'd texted the pair back, a simple Ready and raring to go before he took Percy's hand and hopped off the bed. ”You sure you don't want to leave t'e jacket off amour?” He teased as he ran his hand along the lapel. ”But maybe t'at can be for after trainin’ Non?” He joked as he planted a kiss on his cheek and left the room with Percy in hand.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max had no idea what had happened to Ananym nor Annika, the blinding light having stopped any view of what had transpired. Yet he heard a familiar voice in the distance as he felt the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation fly off of him and fuse into a singular around Dr. Strange. So overwhelmed with joy was he that he had forgotten all about the circuit he'd forged with Jack, stepping forward towards his master and leaving Jack's body behind as he regained his own. Max went barreling towards Strange, wrapping his arms around his teacher and squeezing him tight. ”What happened?! I was so worried when you didn't come back, and then the portals and…what do you mean I wasn't your first choice?!” He said as he pulled away from Strange.

”Perhaps this discussion can be tabled for later. Until then, we have an infestation to take care of.” Max took his stance, as he decided to try and show Strange that perhaps he could be worthy of the title of Sorcerer Supreme. ”By the Whirling Winds of Watoomb I banish you!” Winds erupted from Max, blowing back countless demons as they were thrown back into Limbo with its magic. He used the momentum to conjure up the Flames of Faltine, burning other demons down to help lower their numbers more.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri blinked slowly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. At the very least Nancy wasn't willing to play Judge, Jury, and Executioner again. Leandra was to face trial for her crimes amongst her peers. But what baffled him most was what Janelle had said next. He looked at her dumbfounded, jaw slightly dropped, as she laid out her plan on how to gather information. ”What?! I didn't know you could do that?!” He said with similar excitement a small child would use when learning of a new Superhero Power. The excitement was short lived however, as the Doors of Death began to open up and a massive monster came out and stared them all down.

The Giant King came barreling towards Alexios, slamming him back just as Zeke placed himself between the King and himself. He pressed backwards against him, forcing Demi to shuffle back as the Giant pummeled into Alexios. ”Babe, what're you doing? We need to get in there and fight. Only the combined power of a god and demigod can fell him. So…” Demetri unsheathed his twin blades. The lightning bolt shaped swords began to crackle with energy as sparks arched from one point to the other dancing along its edge. ”What's the plan? Think you could blind him with some light? Bigger eyes must be easier to hit right?”.

Demi offered as he combined the twin swords together to make the full bolt in one hand. With his free hand he began to try and pull on the shadows surrounding Porphyrion. At first the shadows wouldn't obey. Simply standing idly by as he tried to summon them, then finally tendrils shot out, wrapping around the legs and arms of the giant before quickly being snapped away. He tried once more, with the same song and dance as before before finally they were able to entangle the King of Giants for good to offer him up for the others and Alexios to attack. ”I can't hold him forever. So whatever you want to do, do it now!”
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