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”Hey! I'm not a Zombie nut, I'm a Supernatural nut. Cryptids, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, you name it I love it. Probably why I liked Elio so much…before all this. He had a certain vibe to him ya know? Almost fae like. Or vampiric. Hard to tell when the eternally young all derive from similar tropes.” Hermes corrected Hannah. Perhaps a major part of it was the history and ties that monster flicks and stories had intertwined with queer culture. A way to express oneselves beyond the normal means. He thought as he took the wipes from the nurse and began to clean off the blood of his coach off of him. When he finished he tossed the used wipe into the nearest bin. Looking towards Carver as she asked him if there was anyone else he'd care to contact.

Suddenly the rent a cop came barreling into the nurses office, bloodied arm as he apparently got bit. So much for the warning Hermes had given him. The alarm began to sound in the school, and Hermes looked towards Hannah and Carver before quickly pulling out his cell phone. ”I'll call them. It's my cousin Mandy, she's older than I am and can pick me up if need be. But she's deaf so I have to video call her.” The phone rang a few times, as Hermes anxiously rapt his fingers against his leg. ”Pick up, pick upm.” If this was an outbreak that could be spread by bite, he didn't want to he around to find out.

Mandy didn't like to text and drive, but she saw the message from her classmate pop up. She smiled a little and finished the drive home. Once she had parked she responded to her dad, "Home! Mind helping me bring stuff in?" Then she sent another quick message off to her classmate Kristian, "Hey yeah. I saw some crazy stuff on the news. How true do you think it is? Think it’ll be like 2020?”

As she started to put away her phone it rang, this time it was a call. She looked at her phone and saw it was her cousin Hermes calling her. Shouldn’t he be in class? Mandy picked up, making sure the camera was on her, "What’s up?” She asked, one handed, her middle finger brushing along her chest upward. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Hermes propped the phone against the wall on the floor, sitting down criss cross as panic filled his eyes. He held one hand palm up, with his fingers pointed towards the right, the other hand palm down and perpendicular to it as he tapped the two together twice before taking his right hand and pointing his index finger towards his ears and twirling the finger in small circles around it before continuing to sign some more. Schools crazy. People are dead and security was attacked. I don't want to worry mother. Please help.” His signs had improved over the years, but some were still sluggish and clearly required some thought before acting them out. Grammar all but forgotten as he focused on getting the message across.

"People are dead!” Mandy exclaimed. Her dad was coming out of the house to help her get all the stuff she had bought. "Let me tell dad. I’ll come get you.” Mandy climbed out of the car enough to talk with her dad, but the phone camera was still on her, and the kitten she held with her left hand. With her right hand, she told her dad, "Hermes called me, he needs me to pick him up from school. People are dead. I’ll be back.” She considered having him take all the stuff and kitten inside, but he was asleep on her arm so she didn’t want to bother him.

Hermes held his right hand up, Index finger out while the rest were down and his thumb rested on his middle. He turned his hand around with a bit of a swoop before then reiterating the back handed single finger. Just one. My coach. Figure I should go before the number climbs. He looked around behind him, watching the officer who got bit for a moment. Worried about what might happen next.

Her dad did a quick sign of “Drive safe.” Mandy nodded, and climbed back into the car, buckling back up. "OK. I’ll be there shortly. Wait for me somewhere safe. I’ll call you when I get there.” She started the car back up and drove toward Hermes’ school.

Hermes placed four fingers against his lips and then moved them away before ending the call. ”My cousin is on her way to pick me up. She's with my uncle too if that helps any. Just need to wait for her call again until then.” He said towards Carver. He looked at Hannah trying to force a smile. ”Fuckin’ wild first day of school huh?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

Dorian floated silently for a moment, watching as both Gideon and Mary Sue had fallen into the lava. It was only for a second, but it stretched on for what felt like minutes. Suddenly there was a familiar sound as both of them glitched back onto the platform. He flew down towards them and as he began to approach, the scene shifted. The game had changed. Winning didn't guarantee an immediate out, only a new location to play in. His body now stood firmly on the ground once more, Sabine, Mary, and Gideon all back to their normal selves. Dorian wrapped his arms around all of them, squeezing them tight. ”You guys did amazin’ back t'ere! Clearly t'ere needs to be some trainin’ on all of our parts for last second power usage, I feel like t'at'll come in ‘andy for t'e future but, anyways we made it! To…uh…”

Dorian looked around at where they were, it was a small room, metallic and rectangular. The hum of an engine could be heard idling just outside the walls. A generator? Screens littered a metallic desk on the far end as the wall to his left was littered with devices and objects that seemed both commonplace and high-tech. The right a screen that projected some statistics for them, and to the left of that screen was a pinboard with information. Andy Lensharr, responds to everyone. His eyes lit up, quickly running over to the opposite wall. ”Gideon as much as I'd love to be in an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, t'is isn't t'at. We are in Phasma!!! It's a ghost ‘untin’ game and one t'at ‘elped start my streamin’ career. People love seein’ a ghost boy gettin’ spooked by virtual ghosties.”

Dorian grabbed three things off the wall, the same amount the game allowed. One strong Flashlight, honestly who used the regular ones anymore? One Spiritbox, and the thermometer. ”Name of t'e game is identify t'e ghost. We should all ‘ave logs to help us decipher what it is we are dealin’ with. I've got temps, speaking, and a Flashlight. I suggest everyone grabs a Flashlight and two other items. Use t'is info to determine what kind of spirit it is and if it's friendly or…can kill us. It seems Arcade ‘as a t'ing for Magneto given t'e ghosts name. Probably an attractive made us son of ‘im or somet'in. Like anot'er Pietro. Anyways, t’ree biggest rules. One: if your Flashlight flickers you eit'er run out t'e front door or turn it off and ‘ide ASAP. T'at means a ‘unt ‘as started and we angered t'e ghost. Two: If you find devices IN t'e ‘ouse; i.e Oujia Board, Monkeys Paw, Tarot Cards, leave em be till we all ‘ave discussed it. Sometimes t'ey mean instant death. Trois: Try not to anger t'e ghost.”

Dorian then ran off the van and entered the house. Pulling out the digital thermometer and turning it on before inspecting the initial doorway and first room before him. Walking around the space it stayed steady, an even 75° the entire way as he let out a sigh. ”Hey! So two t'ings. Eith’er A. We are in easy mode where t'ere is a bit of set up time before any real activity. Or B. T'is isn't t’e room for Magnetos kid.” He called out from the doorway to the others.


Hermes rolled his eyes at Carvers insistence to calling his mom. He understood that there was more than likely some protocol that the school had in the event of an attack or a student getting injured, but he was fiiiine. A part of him wondered if he could get them to call another family member. Perhaps his cousin Mandy could stop by if she wasn't too busy. The school would have contacted family and his mother wouldn't have to worry, it was a win-win. He pocketed the idea for later, deciding that it was an issue for when they were actually about to call. He followed behind Hannah, sluggishly limping towards her like a zombie. ”They're coming to get you Hannah, they're coming for you.”

Hermes joked before hopping back into his normal stride. ”Not wrong. If anything, media has taught us that mega corporations and governments are more than willing to cover up what others believe to be conspiracies. My money's on big corpo having tried to make some sort of super soldier serum and it had devastating drawbacks that created a zombie illness.” He said, chatting on as they climbed the stairs and made their way into the infirmary. He hoped he didn't catch anything the others had, pulling out a mask from his back pocket and covering his nose and mouth. ”I'm fine really. The blood isn't mine, it's from another student who attacked me. But he didn't land a single mark.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max paused as Perry had mentioned updating the Wiki later. He'd known that notable members of the X-Men or other such agencies had their own Wiki page. But he couldn't tell if she was being real or not. The idea of him having one, let alone anyone he personally knew, was strange to say the least. What things could anyone possibly have to say about him? Who would they ask? Would they have spoken to his parents? It'd been some years now since he last saw them, what would they say? He knew there was some coverage, at least on the Genosha side of things, as to him being one of the Heroes of Genosha after Sapphire's sacrifice and the X-Cutioner's horrid plan. But what was said in the Flat Scans news? A darkness fell over him as he became embroiled in thoughts about that and his old life with what was once his family, his blood, only managing to snap back out of it as Mira had mentioned going to play Clue.

Max looked up, seeing Avery at the end of the hall talking to Klara. His cheeks tinged pink for a moment as he waved meekly towards them not knowing if they'd even notice. ”Well obviously the best version is the ones based on the originals. Thing Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express. Pearls and Boas, dresses with flare and form alike, suits so sharp they could cut down Colossus. Don't have to be them to a T mind you, no need for a Professor Plum or Colonel Mustard, but a monochromatic scheme. Think of one color and embrace an outfit around it. For me I'm thinking Yellow.” He said just before snapping his fingers. Magic swirled around each of them, cosmic dust covering them head to toe as it changed their outfits into their new ones for Clue. Max wore a yellow suite, golden ear cuffs and rings adoring him as his hair was now more curled and swept to one side.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino

Zeke hadn't really responded to his question, more so speaking to the group in general instead of addressing what might be going on inside his head. It worried Demi a little, but perhaps now was the time. Maybe they could talk back at camp or on the way there. Really how had Demigods lasted this long and not invented a way to teleport from one side of the map to another. Sure he understood Glory and the Hero's Journey, but there had to be a Greek god of Transportation that could fold space in two and allow them to cover vast distances in less time right? Demi let out a sigh, squeezing Zeke's hand once more as he watched with bated breath to see if Nancy would recite the oath.

To his surprise she didn't. This was a shot to get out of Camp Half Blood and find her friends, yet she turned it down. Why? Demetri decided that trying to figure out why Nancy did anything was an exercise in futility. Artemis seemed to understand though, even going so far as to put Nancy on her PR list fully equipped with a welcome basket. As they made their way out of the Hotel and Casino, Demi watched as the sea of people parted ways for them. Only when they were truly outside did he feel safe, letting out a held breath of relief until Kristin pointed out the answer to what had been on everyone's minds. How long were they gone? ”Well that's not exactly brills is it? Gone a month away from camp with no word back to the others…I'm all for taking Alexios up on a ride but I understand if that's vetoed again.”


Hermes wasn't sure how seriously the guard had taken him. It seemed as though most adults liked to live their lives as if they knew more than the younger generations, even though most of the world had advanced alongside tech that still seemed to baffle their brilliant minds. He didn't want them to hurt Elio, didn't need him to become another statistic in a setting where a kid gets shot because a grown up feared for their life. Yet he didn't wish the guard too fool hardy try and take Elio on alone. If he was able to take down Coach, he could probably take on a rent a cop. ”No need to call anybody. I wasn't hurt just startled and it wouldn't do to worry my Ma or Nona over something that small.” He replied as they rounded the corner towards his locker.

He quickly input the code, ten to the right, left to one, then back right all the way to nineteen. His fingers moving nimbly as his muscles made the practiced motions he'd been doing for years. The lock popped off and he swung open the door, magnetic mirror stuck into the swinging panel, memorabilia littering the inside. He looked at himself in the mirror, checking for any scratches or bite marks that he may have missed and saw nothing but the way his eyes seemed to tremble with the fear of what had happened. He fished his spare shirt and leather jacket out of the locker, throwing them on as if it was Kevlar to help against the craziness that was today. ”I haven't heard any reports saying that those infected with the virus behave this way. Unless you think our governments keeping it under wraps.” He said with a shrug. It was possible, and his mother had stopped him from hearing the latest news this morning so he didn't know if there were further developments. ”Maybe we can turn on the TV at the nurses, see if any breaking news has come on about it.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max chuckled awkwardly as Perry pointed out that the conversation had turned more into just Mira and himself than including All the others present. He may have been new to the X-Men but he's had prior run-ins with plenty of other Mutants and Superbeings in the past few years. Really his life in general had changed drastically in all that time, so now he needed to slow down and help to catch the others up on the two Asgardians. He looked towards Mira first, gesturing towards her letting her know that she had the floor open to speak first. As Mira went on, Max was picking up on the holes she had in her knowledge. He'd assumed she knew more than he in this matter but it appeared they were about on equal footing just in separate regards. So when she finished he figured he could step in and give what he knows of the pair.

”I wasn't there for Loki's game, though based on the timeline I'd say I met them prior to that incident. A while back, a mutant by the name of Wanda Maximoff, Pietro's sister, and a powerful Sorceress, had managed to manipulate all of reality. Chances are you were part of it, all of you, but not in any way you'd even remember. It was a world where mutants were on top and humans the ones meant to serve or cower. One where Magneto was King and the Maximoff line royalty. It was there I'd met some of the X-men with us today, and also where I'd first met Runa and Klara. Mira has the right of it, Runa is the Goddess of Lies, though she is destined to be so much greater by the end of her long life. She had a run in with my best friend who…at the time was trying to kill us all, and I was able to see just how powerful she was with her magic.

Klara on the other hand, The Goddess of Love and apparently Oceans? And quite frankly way too much glitter, was part of a resistance that wanted to take Magento and his family down. Some knew the truth of the world, others didn't. At the time all Klara knew was that I was the one who'd been on the other side, helping Wanda and mutants alike. We started off as enemies, swords drawn and words thrown like knives you can't take back. But in the end we ended up…well I'd say just not enemies. She didn't seem the warm and fuzzy hugging type, but it's hard to blame someone who wasn't even truly themselves in a fictitious world.

Last Halloween I'd had a run in with Klara again, though this time she was a child. Abducted from time and thrown into Limbo alongside others and myself. The Veil was tearing open and we were needed. We…also didn't get along too well there. Though I tried, but the conditions of Limbo made things a bit strenuous, and it didn't help that my magic was being affected by the ambient nature of that realm, causing me to dislocate myself into another region of Limbo leaving Klara, to what I later found out, was a situation in which she had lost her soul. So she wasn't exactly happy with me after that, granted we did get it back after killing a god.”
Max stated with a pensive finger pressed against his lips before continuing on.

”In any case, whether that was before, after, or the cause of, her memory issues I don't know. What I do know is that Mira more than likely has the right of it. Chances are Runa came to see Lance (or kill him) and Klara just tagged along. They seem almost inseparable at times.” Max noted. ”So with all that aired out, Clue or we can go and be nosey and see what the pair of Asgardians Aare after?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

As the group moved forward, Gideon and Dorian worked in tandem to take down foes and carve a path to the endgame. Gideon had asked him why they needed Mads, something he'd mentioned he'd explain later, but he quickly came to realize there may not be a later. His worry was that if Arcade were to catch wind of the plan then he'd find a way to counteract it. But he could spy in at anytime, so then when would be a right time? Dorian thought on this as they pressed onwards, Mary Sue using her powers to help with obstacles that stood to either get in their way or attempt to obliterate them. No few times had there been close calls that gave Dorian a dash of adrenaline, a drive you only got in these types of situations…and pro gaming.

Before they knew it they had made it to the end, the King Koopa himself standing before them. ”OK. I ‘ave an idea. Keep Bowser busy while I work on somet’ing else.” Dorian asked as he took a step back from the front. He decided to give Percy's idea a try for once. There were only two ways to beat Bowser and one was extremely risky given how many players, the other…well he wasn't sure how well they'd handle a straight up fight against Bowser with no ranged abilities. So he attempted to focus on his body, his real body back outside of the simulation. Normally the system kept them from accidentally using their powers in the real world, or those tanks would get destroyed on the daily. But Arcade had removed the failsafes, allowing them to die if they did so in game. So maybe if he focused hard enough…maybe he could get his real body to phase out of the tank and take on Arcade one on one.

Dorian closed his eyes, concentrating on the task at hand. But everytime he felt his powers begin to activate, he felt it in the digital world, not the physical. The neurons kept believing that this was his real body and not an assortment of pixels. ”Right. Back to Plan A. Plan B was a no go. Let's kick Boswers ass, find Mads, and move on to operation Magnet Mads.” He said before they'd went into action. Sabine seemed to have a plan in mind, telling the others to get off the bridge asap. Did she watch his playthroughs? A part of him melted inside at the idea of her secret support. But that faded quickly as Bowser glitched and appeared back over to the bridge. Sabine behind him. ”I'll hold him in place so he doesn't move or attack!” Dorian called out as he slipped out of the Koopa Troopa and floated towards the King Koopa himself.

As he rushed towards him he simply…passed through. His possession didn't go as planned, and now he worried that Bowser would rain down on his allies. The Axe broke, the bridge fell under its weight, and Dorian stretched out his mind towards Mary Sue as he attempted to grip her with his telekinesis. The staff glowing and making its eerie noises but he was too slow. He wasn't able to grab hold of her and his heart sank.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino

Demetri got up and made his way towards Alexios, hugging him and holding him there for just a moment. ”Thank you. I've only met him once myself, when we lost a kid at camp. I'd made him an offering, a hecatomb, though I didn't have any cattle so I had to improvise. He came, helped me through me grief, but in the end told me I'd need a proper sacrifice next I call for him.” He pulled back from the embrace and wiped a tear from his eye. There was some hope. Janelle had seen them in Tartarus, or at the very least what she believed to be it, Alexios was going to try and get a hold of Death and Diana was to gather her Hunters and search for them doors themselves. But that left the Demigods here with little else to do in the meantime.

Demi made his way over towards Zeke, lacing his fingers into his as he stood by his side. ”We have some hope then. One side searches for a way to call them back, another for the doors themselves. There isn't much we can do here now, but Janelle if you have any information on how she escaped then we are going to need it. It's clear Camp HalfBlood has some holes it's defenses now. Something we need to shore up lest another escapes or worse…a traitor walks in. We should return back to camp, we can't stay in this Hotel any longer…we don't even know how long we've been in here in the first place.” He didn't want to say it outloud, because of Nancy, but he missed Andy and Arthur. He wanted to squeeze them tight as soon as he saw them, it had been too long since they all parted. He turned to Zeke and whispered ”You ok? You're uncharacteristically quiet.”


Hermes felt as his breathing rapidly increased, becoming hyper aware of how quickly his chest would rise and fall after Kaitlyn told him to take deep breaths. He inhaled, one long, slow, breath before holding it for a couple of seconds and then letting it go. His heart rate lowering slightly as he attempted to keep himself in check before he went into a full blown panic. ”I don't know Hannah, maybe? He…didn't seem himself. Almost ravenous. Maybe he got rabies? I hear it makes people go crazy.” He replied with a low voice. One hand holding onto the other bicep. Security had finally come and Hermes looked at him wondering what he could possibly do in this situation. He rolled his eyes at the rent a cop before answering. ”I'm fine. Not a scratch on me. It's Elio I'm worried about.”

Blood had smeared onto the small window that looked into the room where Elio resided. Still trying to break free as the doors clattered rhythmically at each attempt. Every thud like a heartbeat. ”Somethings wrong with Elio. Coach is down, dead, I'd watch out for any exposed areas. He tried biting at me. So you might want to cover up before he infects you with rabies too. Actually…can humans pass down the rabies virus?” He answered the security guard before following Kaitlyn. ”Mind if we stop by my locker? It's on the way just…would rather not stay shirtless in this cold ass school”
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