Demetri Rowan Howell

”Really any open space would do, though maybe something a bit more nature-y than fight-y. Like the kind of place you see others jog around to clear their minds you know? Maybe do something to do with comics? She's a bit of a nerd when it comes to them so that could be a thread we can follow.” Demi said as he shoved his hands into his jacket pocket and stopped just near the Roman area where the trial was being held. He could hear the sounds of chatter coming from inside, but the cadence was off, like they were wrapping up and trying to figure out the finer points of whatever decision they'd made.
He turned to look at Alexios and then back at the tent. ”I don't know…” Demis voice was distant, his mind trying not to think the worst of the Romans. ”She always was at odds within New Rome from what she'd told me back then. Nothing against the gods or values more so…the way certain people acted or treated her. It couldn't have been easy. I hope they take pity on her, show her mercy. Just because someone stumbles doesn't mean they deserve to fall, sometimes they simply need a helping hand to lift them up. Maybe…maybe a god can do that for her, help her reform. Artemis is always taking young maidens into her grasp and helping them escape terrible situations right? Perhaps she can do so while reforming someone as well. Showing them what they'd needed all along.” But that was wishful thinking. He doubted the gods would intervene in such a way.