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Demetri Rowan Howell


”Really any open space would do, though maybe something a bit more nature-y than fight-y. Like the kind of place you see others jog around to clear their minds you know? Maybe do something to do with comics? She's a bit of a nerd when it comes to them so that could be a thread we can follow.” Demi said as he shoved his hands into his jacket pocket and stopped just near the Roman area where the trial was being held. He could hear the sounds of chatter coming from inside, but the cadence was off, like they were wrapping up and trying to figure out the finer points of whatever decision they'd made.

He turned to look at Alexios and then back at the tent. ”I don't know…” Demis voice was distant, his mind trying not to think the worst of the Romans. ”She always was at odds within New Rome from what she'd told me back then. Nothing against the gods or values more so…the way certain people acted or treated her. It couldn't have been easy. I hope they take pity on her, show her mercy. Just because someone stumbles doesn't mean they deserve to fall, sometimes they simply need a helping hand to lift them up. Maybe…maybe a god can do that for her, help her reform. Artemis is always taking young maidens into her grasp and helping them escape terrible situations right? Perhaps she can do so while reforming someone as well. Showing them what they'd needed all along.” But that was wishful thinking. He doubted the gods would intervene in such a way.


Jeff? Who the fuck was Jeff? The old man was hit by a car, not a sudden case of the Flu. ”Listen, I don't know this Jeff guy is but this man was hit by a car and bit by a homeless man. I don't think he's going to get a fever from either of those. I have 911 on the line and I'm following their instructions ok?” Hermes rolled his eyes, landing them into a side eye at Hannah as if to say ‘can you believe these guys?’ That's when he caught the birds, was everything just going crazy all of a sudden? Was this Bird Flu? Too late did he realize that the growling was coming from Finley and not some strange dog across the way. It was then he was tackled down to the ground, this time without a faithful hockey stick to hold the chomping mouth at bay.

Hermès’ phone slipped from his hand and scattered away on the pavement as he tried to hold Finley back. The newcomer immediately coming to his rescue and pulling Finley off of him right as the Paramedics arrived on the scene. ”I'm fine. I'm fine.” He responded, signing along with it as he watched the scene unfold before him. He made his way over and picked up his phone once more. ”Paramedics are here.” Then he hung up. He slid his phone into his pocket, wondering if he needed to arm himself or not. ”The call was for that old man over there. He was hit by a car and also suffers from a bite wound. Maybe you have a sedative or a tranquilizer to help Finley over there calm down?” He called out to the Paramedics.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Shi'ar Throne World
Skills: Current Outfit: Header Image

Ben seemed to be asking the right questions. While illusions and trickery could help keep The Phoenix's attention away from the device, it didn't guarantee the device itself would be safe. Stray blasts from a fight, or even an overarching attack by The Phoenix could hit and potentially damage the machine. And while Ed certainly could erect a shield around it until the timing was right, that added another layer of things that could go wrong. Anything from his spell falling off too slow and blocking the shot, to having so much concentrated magic between his spell work, Annie's Illusions, and anything else they did to conceal and secure the machine, pulling the attention of The Phoenix itself. After all, if Max was able to sense the creature within Mary all that time ago, then perhaps the creature could sense magic back.

From the sounds of it however, the first thing they'd considered was making it fire proof. Which made sense given the being it was built to go up against. Though it appeared to be asking strong as a tincan from the sounds of it. When the machine itself was actually in view, Max couldn't help but let out a little whistle. It was much larger than he'd previously imagined. Taller than anyone on the team that he'd met thus far. Carolina began to ask her questions, and Max couldn't help but wonder who Gandalf was in this scenario. Did she expect him to both bind the bird and cast illusions at the same time? Splitting concentration like that could weaken the bindings or cause the illusion to fail if it was something complex. ”If I may also ask, how exactly does this machine work? What is it doing? Because if its ability to move and aim is an issue I could open up portals from the machine to The Phoenix thus extending its range. But if the machine can destabilize magic that may not be the best course.”

Demetri Rowan Howell


Demi gestured towards Sera as she offered to aid in the party planning process. ”There ya go, two lovely ladies capable of helping plan the party of a lifetime.” Not too far after he'd said so, Sera was getting up from the table and instantly became coated in another camper's breakfast. Leaving them to shower up and giving Kiera an excuse to leave and follow after her in the vein of sisterly love. Demi wasn't sure if the party god was the reason for this party foul, but he wasn't pleased at the fact that they were now the only two left at Poseidon's table. ”Rotten luck to have it happen so early…”

Demi stood from the table, giving a bit stretch before picking up his tray. ”I figured the party could be held here. But then again maybe there's a spot in camp Leda really enjoyed that we could try and decorate. Either way it's probably best that I get moving. Can't have a kid of Zeus sitting at his brother's table without a single kid of the sea to stave off the gods.” Demi put his dirty dishes where they belonged and began to make his way out of the dining area and towards where the council would be having the trial. Hoping it was over or ending soon.


The familiar sound of rubber pelting against someone resounded from behind Hermès. If it wasn't for the fact that they were outside and in front of an injured old man, then he would've sworn he was back in gym class playing dodgeball. He turned to follow the sound and found himself face to face with a short, attractive, red head that seemed to be around his age. Though the way she spoke to those kids he could've sworn she was another senior citizen telling the younglings to get off their lawn. The weak ball toss adding to the image of an older graying ginger instead of the youthful one standing behind them all. Standing beside her was a man that seemed a bit too old to be with her, so Hermes decided they were more than likely coworkers of some kind.

”Hey, you two pulled up at a bad time. Got an injured civilian here and are awaiting paramedics. We've been instructed to stay clear for now and give him some air and room for when they arrive.” Hermes relayed to the two new faces. Ten minutes felt like an eternity, but it was a hell of a lot sooner than anything else he supposed. He kept the phone up to his ear, staying on the line as he was about to turn back around when he noticed Finley walking up towards them. The wound obvious even from this distance. ”Fin you ok?” He signed towards his friend as he began to speak on the line once more. ”There's another injured, from this distance i can see a nasty wound on his shoulder, potentially a bite.”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Shi'ar Throne World
Skills: Current Outfit: Header Image

Max wasn't sure how his words would be taken itself the others on the team, or even Ben for that matter. But he had to believe that his husband would know he had only the best of intentions when saying what he'd said. One of Max's biggest groans back on Genosha was that the X-men were always capable of bringing people back, and it wasn't fair that other mutants couldn't get the same treatment. That was what led to him creating a trio of mutants capable of resurrection for those who didn't have the same privilege as Xaviers children. Those actions of which he later found out had grave consequences. One's taught to him by his Mentor Dr. Strange. It was the job of the Sorcerer Supreme to defend Earth against otherworldly threats, and that included The Phoenix.

Max may not be the Sorcerer Supreme anymore, not since Strange came back from his untimely death due to Max's uncalculated defiance of the natural order, but that piece of him still lingered. He had once held the title and that meant he needed to stand up against threats as they are needed. But death would always be the last resort. He followed the group towards where the Majestrix was leading them. Speaking up when there was enough of a pause for him to do so. ”If needs be I can attempt to bind the creature with ancient magic that should hold her still long enough to take a good shot. We have others at our aid capable of illusions, perhaps they can disguise the weapon so that it can hold an element of surprise when the time comes to strike.”

Demetri Rowan Howell


Demis' nose scrunched as Alexios ruffled his hair. He quickly put it back into place as he thought to himself that the only person who was allowed to do that was Zeke. Sure they were betrothed to Alexios, but that wasn't his decision. ”Lookin’ at the wrong demigod there buddy. I've only ever been invited to a party as a prank. So I couldn't help you if I wanted to. Kiera on the other hand is one of the returneds girlfriends soooo she’d be much more help than I ever would.” Who knows, maybe even Searphina would volunteer to help plan the party. It could be a whole Poseidon cabin deal.

At Kieras question however, Demi turned to look towards the direction that the trial was happening. ”Well, I had planned to have a nice morning with Zeke, but between Hedge and this trial it might take longer than I thought.” He said before blowing a puff of air up at his fringe. He'd just have to climb that mountain another time when he had the chance. ”What about you two fishes?”


Hermès gave the address to the operator, taking the nearest house number that they were in front of as well as the street they managed to be at. They needed to stay back, to make sure the old man couldn't turn and bite them as well like the homeless man had done to him. But how could they do that without seeming like they were abandoning the man, or the couple. He didn't want to alarm them all, but the threat was real clearly. Hermès tapped his cousins shoulder just before he started to sign to her, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear.

They said we need to keep our distance from him, in the event that he's contagious from the bite. Should probably stay back a bit more. Once he finished signing, he looked towards Hannah and the Old lady. ”They said we should all stay back away from him, to give him space and air so that when they arrive they can act quickly. We should probably step away for now ok?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Shi'ar Throne World
Skills: Current Outfit: Header Image

Lance asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Who was Xandra’s father? And why would they know him? Luckily for them, she wasn't about to hold the information like a guarded secret. She was open and honest as she mentioned Xavier was her father. Another child of Xavier, Max thought, he surely gets around. He willed himself not to roll his eyes at the mention of him, but listened on. He scrutinized every syllable of her statement. Xavier wasn't much to her, an afterthought, a stranger who's name you happened to know and could mention to form some tangible relation to another.

Max had thought about using this relation as a string to pull, a way to sway their need to help them at their cause. But pulling the “we are family” card wouldn't work well here. It wouldn't be detrimental per se, but it also wouldn't be beneficial to mention it. There were concerns about the last time this was an issue, and that was fair, but Runa had stood up and already mentioned that she would ensure we took care of the host should it become a problem. He stepped up near Runa, finally speaking after having given her a deep bow. ”Majestrix, my name is Max, and I stand by Runa of Asgard in this matter. Should the device fail, and our options become exhausted before this entity becomes a threat, I will use my magics to help ensure the host is dead. I cannot abide more of my people dying and in the grand scheme of things, her sacrifice is worth more than her life.”


”Uh, uh yeah sorry I'm still here.” Hermes made his way a bit closer to the old man, he didn't do much, but was able to follow his gaze and finger at the very least before Hermes went back into his call. ”He seems to be responsive. The woman with him claims he was attacked by a homeless man, bitten on his hand before they were able to pull away in an attempt to make it home. That's when the truck came out and sideswiped him as we saw.” He kept glancing back towards the two elderly people, waiting for help to come as Hermes waited to see if the man turned aggressive.

He was pacing again, his legs unable to stand still as his body was pumped with adrenaline and fear. ”How, uh, h-how much longer till they arrive? We haven't moved him, but we can't tell if anything more serious is there like internal bleeding or something. So the sooner we can get the help the better.” Liar. Hermes just wanted to leave this situation. The whole reason he hadn't wanted Hannah to leave the safety of Mandy's place, and the more reason why she shouldn't have even attempted to do it alone.
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