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Max blinked. Trying to take in the words spoken by the young Mr. Novikov. He was very good at clothes. Right. His eyes scanned over him, noting the amount of nervousness he was exuding. It was hard enough meeting your boyfriend's father he imagined, more so when there were four of them. Max never got to have that feeling when he was younger, Ben's father wasn't one you wished to meet, and his parents had disowned him at a young age. He tried to imagine what he would want to be said to him if he were in Percy's shoes. Luckily for him, his wonderful husband had stepped in to alleviate some of the pressure of handling so many kids. Max gave Percy a gentle smile, placing a hand on his shoulders as he did so. ”There's nothing to be nervous about here kid. Please, call me Max. Mr. Gray sounds way too formal and I feel the title slew of titles I have are too much of a mouthful to repeat every time. So, Max should suffice. But if you'll excuse me I must reacquaint myself with an old
friend and speak to Ms. Van Dyne.”

Max had no idea how long Vicky would have. How sensitive she was. But Agatha had made it seem like a deal of urgency was needed. He hadn't wanted to ignore Madalyne, wracking his mind to try and recall just when she had lost Ed, would she know of him? Or was he a stranger to her? Simply a ghost tale told by her mother. He decided not to test the subject. ”Ms. Crane, pleasure to see you again. You're of course more than welcome here at the Kingston-Gray Estate, but I do apologize I have urgent matters to see to first. Then, a house tour so to speak.” He gave her a half bow, walking past her as his eyes fixated on the carrier that was now on the ground swirling in anger. ”Now I'd recognize that flat untuned voice anywhere. It's no wonder your spell had no kick back then if you couldn't even hold the note yourself Selene.”

"Yeah, I've got her still. I am afraid to just leave her here unattended. Like I don't trust anyone to watch her. I figured if you guys were super against it I'd run her back to the room and it is okay if I do that, cause she seems uh...very pissed at the moment. I'm sorry."

Max squatted down to be at eye level, or as close to it, with the carrier. He looked up at Andy before looking back down at the carrier. ”You did well for seventeen years of containment. But I can hold onto her if you'd like, enjoy yourself for now and forget she ever existed. I know I did.” He said as he held his hand palm up before the carrier and a can of fancy feast tuna appeared in his hand before he started speaking in a baby voice. ”She's not so bad is she? She just needs a little tuna huh? Don't you, you washed up drag queen. Yes you do.” He left the can there to taunt her as he stood back up, his smile fading slightly and going into a more serious look as he watched Vicky slowly falling apart.

”This, as a matter of fact, is what is the matter Ms. Van Dyne. A colleague of mine, Agatha Harkness, had informed me of your unique situation and relationship with magic. The surrounding lands are laced with magical enchantments. As you've no doubt noticed it yourself. That is why-” Max reached into his pocket, feeling the box once more
thinking how easily he could end Selene with this, the greatest threat he's ever faced, but right now this child needed him more and Selene was well enough contained. He pulled the box out and opened it, pulling out a small necklace with a metallic pendant at its center. ”I apologize in advance Ms. Van Dyne, normally we'd have a discussion about this and the choice be given, but seeing as how your speech has been rendered
difficult to understand, I shall be placing this upon you and we can discuss after.” Max placed the necklace around Vicky's head and instantly her systems would begin to go back to normal. A faint aura surrounding her only visible to those who could see the magic, as if the colors in the air warped around her being but did not touch. ”So long as you wear this pendant you won't have any adverse reactions to the ambient magic. What's more it will allow you to stay at the estate without fear of dimensional issues. If you do not wish to keep this on you however, then I can make arrangements for a hotel outside the French Quarter. Though it wouldn't be ideal as we are short some chaperones it seems.”

At the very mention of it, Firestar seemed to cough. Smooth. Max looked towards Vicky and gave her a polite smile. ”As you can see things are always moving here in the French Quarter, so please try to keep the pendant on. In the meantime I must speak to Firestar, see what's to make of our other members.” With that Max breezed past everyone to speak to Firestar and see what was amiss.
In Trainers CS 22 days ago Forum: Test Forum

Vivacious Vivian Voss
Vivacious Vivian Voss

"You look like enough for bus faire?"
| Aloof | Intelligent |
| Mischievous | Judgmental |
| Arrogant | Patient |

Vivian Voss was at the top of her game. Earning her scores within the Versus Mainframe. She fought, and she brawled, and she derbied for hours. Nothing could defeat her mystical powers. When she wasn’t off fighting and climbing the leader boards. She could be found at the sound bar listening to some records. Her life was a luxury in which she liked to revel. That is until one day she unlocked a new level. A door had appeared right out of thin air. And Vivian approached it all with due care. As she entered its threshold and left her galaxy. She had unknowingly just stepped into Strange Academy.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )

Demetri Rowan Howell


Demetri made his way back towards the Arena, Nancy alongside him as they marched onward with effort to meet up with Thanatos. It was bad enough he had to make the trek over there to get Nancy, now he had to make it back. Had he not been trying to be more polite with his boyfriend's sister, he would've turned into a cheetah or bird and closed the distance much faster. Not for urgency, but because he was lazy. ”So what kind of movie are you thinking for movie night? Action? Adventure? Sci-Fi? Comedy? Romance? The list goes on but I don't want to. So thoughts?” He asked as the pressed on, trying to make small talk to make the time go by faster.

Once they'd reached the Arena, Demi jogged over towards Zeke and smacked his ass. ”Long time no see gorgeous. Sorry had to get your sis so we can iron out the movie ideas. Oh hey, Thannie! I haven't seen you since the hecatomb! Don't tell me Alexios actually did his part and found you? Huh and here I thought my words fell on deaf ears. So the doors? What's the deal? Can you summon them or something or take us to them? What should we expect?” He asked as he began to approach the god. His next words barely a whisper as he asked them. ”Is Arthur ok? Doing good?”
In Trainers CS 25 days ago Forum: Test Forum

Bartholomew Hammish Macleod
Bartholomew Hammish Macleod

"What time do they have to empathize with us monsters?"
| Lustful | Horny |
| Snarky | Intelligent |
| Arrogant | Studious |

The Macleod twins are relics of a time long gone, born in the throes of the Renaissance and the rise of the printing press. The twins lived a relatively sheltered life in northern Scotland. Travel was difficult in the 15th century and their coven was content with the village well south of Forres.

However with suspicion and fear of the supernatural rising out of Germany and carried on in ink, it wasn’t long until the witch hunts of the mainland spread to the Kingdom of England and beyond. When they were not yet twenty summers old, Elanor Cobham found imprisonment for life for treasonable necromancy and Margery Jourdemayne was burned at the stake in a market square. Both were once well connected and well established in their communities and yet it did not save them. Fear amongst the populace was encouraged and manipulated in a twisted game by the nobility of England and they sent their inquisition north, carrying Kramer’s Malleus Maleficarum.

They thought their village safe, nestled quietly in the foothills in the shadow of their mountain. The village traded less, hunted closer to home, and year by year became less and less present in the world. Their magic flourished and the children of the village played without fear and time was meaningless.

However, there were enough stories for the inquisition to find it.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
The twins are shaped by their drive to survive. Their choices have all ensured that, at the expense of those around them, they continue to thrive. They have seen cruelty over the centuries and they do not bother to pretend that is not the nature of man. They are always one step away from disappearing on the wind and selling everyone else down the river to do it.

In reality, they wandered to find a place that is safe, that they can relax in for the rest of their centuries, that they can be with their magic and their peace and not have to worry about the world burning it down. Nicky, in particularly, wishes for connection and friendship and family, but their transient nature leaves them with on one. He prefers to find community with other creature of their age, but those are few and far between. Strange Academy has seemed like the perfect place. For now.


Hermes watched as Mandy and her father began to speak. He caught the first sentence but then after that it was too much to follow. Too much of a blur. It showcased just how far he was from being able to fully speak them. Watching it it made him wonder how often they slowed down for him when speaking or watching him speak. Wondering if he was too slow like a speaking person with a speech impediment but instead it was his hands unable to find the right words to say. He didn't say anything though, he let them talk.

Hermes leaned against the kitchen counter watching as his cousin began to slow down her signage. It hurt a little, but he understood. ”We have food, medicine, a cat, shelter, and weaponry if needed. We should be safe for now if things get too crazy. But here's hoping that they don't.” He tried to sign faster, but his hands stumbled over the words.
Dorian Gray

Location: Nemo's Office
Skills: Work Out Fit

Dorian had had a box sitting in his room since he had come back from break. So much had happened he had almost forgotten about it. He sat at his desk, balancing a pencils between his nose and upper lip as it swayed side to side, boredom and numbness eating away at him. Percy had his classical studies course today, one they shared but Dorian hadn't felt up to going to today. His pencil fell and rolled under the desk, when Dorian went to go grab it he saw the familiar box through an opening in his drawer. He pulled it open, revealing the rest of it and deciding now was as good a time as any, he had nothing better to do and it had been some time since he had had a chat with Poisson-Pas. So he got up, holding the small box in one hand before slipping on some shoes and making his way down towards Nemo's office.

It was eerily silent down the halls, with most students attending class save for those involved in the Arcade incident. He hadn't seen much of everyone else, actively avoiding Diana after what she'd said about him, Leah seemed too preoccupied and even then it felt weird between him, her, and Leah right now, Danni was off with Amelie and Dorian hadn't felt up for it today. It was one of those days that it just felt so easy to come up with excuses for why he hadn't seen anyone. Before he knew it he was at Nemos door. He stared at it for a while, wondering if he should go. Forget he'd even come here, or simply just ditch the parcel before the door and knock and run away. That would’ve been easier. Dorian knocked lightly, almost hoping that Nemo wouldn't hear.

Nemo had been busy in his office, filling journals with a strange code understood by him and him alone. His penmanship was smooth and exact, the edges of the odd symbols curving, merging together into almost a cursive script. Twenty of these journals had already been filled, placed in a neat, organized pile, each clearly labeled as to its contents in that same cipher. A cup of tea had long since gone cold on his desk, and his pocket watch rested before him, open to display a faded picture - one of Ser Nemo and someone he had lost in his youth. At the knock, Nemo snapped it closed.

He rose to his feet, even as his weary old bones protested, and the air around him shimmered as he reappeared directly in front of his office door. He hadn’t been expecting anyone. So it was genuine surprise on his face as he opened the door to see young Dorian Gray.

“Ah! Young Master Gray - to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Dorian was just about ready to go, halfway turned around when the door opened up to reveal Nemo before him ”I uh, I brought you somet'in from t'e break
” He said, though something else was clearly beginning to talk hold over Dorians mind. Or rather it had been all along, since the day April was taken away from them.

Nemo studied him for a moment, before nodding. “Would you like to join me for some tea?” he offered, stepping aside to allow Dorian to enter if he wished. “And perhaps we can talk about whatever is on your mind?”

”I t'ink I would, yeah.” Dorian had forgotten how much of a calming presence Nemo was to be around. Somehow able to freely talk to him about anything it felt like. He stepped in, going towards the chair he'd sat in before as he watched the cold cup of tea sitting on the desk. ”No steam.” He noted.

“Ah,” Nemo nodded, staring at the cup. “I find it easy to get lost in my work,” he explained, teleporting across the room and reappearing next to his small electric kettle. “Forgive an old man’s memory - is it still Cinnamon Tea with sugar and cream?”

Dorian was shocked, still for a moment as he wondered how Nemo still remembered it from last time. ”Yeah it is. You've got a good memory.” He said as he placed the small box onto Nemo's desk, looking at the odd writing on the pages. ”I don't recognize t'e language, almost looks

“Hmm? Oh!” Ser Nemo titled his head for a moment, clearly torn about something. “It’s my own personal code - I developed it during my time working for the TVA. You can never be too careful about who might read your words,” he reasoned, preparing the tea for them both. It hadn’t taken very long for the kettle to boil - a trick of his powers, as Nemo had jumped temporally for a brief second, allowing him to set the kettle to run before Dorian had even knocked. “You
 might find it legible, however, if you were to let your eyes drift.”

That seemed easy enough. Dorian was always capable of simply unfocusing his eyes in a dissociative state. Some kids could wiggle their ears, he could just unfocus his eyes. So he did, staring towards the page but not really focusing on the shapes, just allowing them to blend out of view as they mixed into one another. Almost seeing the writing before getting excited and having it snap back into the swirls it was. ”Ah i almost ‘ad it! I swear!”

Ser Nemo chuckled slightly, reappearing next to Dorian. He briefly thumbed through the pile of journals, before selecting one. “Here. This one might be of use to you one day - it’s my account of
 Well, it’s not important,” he dismissed, offering the journal to Dorian. He then reappeared next to the kettle again, and then flickered back, holding the tea. “Now
 do you want to tell me what is going on?”

Dorian took the journal, shrugging off the ominous words that came with it as simply old man talk. Old people loved to speak cryptically, just look at Agatha. But still, he placed it in his lap so he wouldn't forget it when he left. His eyes focused on the cup of tea, a different set than the last time he was here, back when he'd broken one of Nemos tea cups on accident upon returning to his dorm. ” It's just
’ow did you notice?”

“How did I notice what?” Nemo asked, taking a sip of his own tea.

”April. I
she's like a sister to me, a best friend, and I missed every sign. What kind of a friend misses every sign when you were able to so quickly? Not just t'e illness but what she was about to do?” Dorians eyes began to wet, his voice becoming hoarse as he choked back his tears and anger.

Ser Nemo was silent for a moment, putting his tea cup back down on its saucer. He reached into the drawer of his desk, and produced a silk tissue, one with his initials embroidered in the corner. “Here,” he offered gently, holding it out to the young boy. “There’s no shame in tears.”

 I noticed what happened with Mx. Flynn because that is my deepest pain,” Nemo said carefully, slowly. “I lost someone close to me when I was your age - and I suppose I see its shadows wherever I look.”

”I'm not cryin’ I just-” It was then that Dorian noticed a tear fall off his cheek. How long had he been crying? Was this a trick? No. But he didn't remember, he couldn't recall when it began. He wiped the tears away with his own sleeves, rejecting not the offering of the silk but the notion at all that he even was crying. ”I'm sorry t'at ‘appened to you
It couldn't ‘ave been easy
it's not easy. April didn't even finish it and I still feel it
” This wasn't some villain they could simply defeat. Someone they could give a change of heart to. This was his best friend and sister fighting herself and losing.

Ser Nemo nodded. He didn’t retract the tissue, still holding it out for when Dorian was ready. There was a strange look on his face - a pained, almost haunted look - as if this conversation was one of the most difficult ones he had ever had. And perhaps it was. “You need not apologize. It happened many years ago,” Nemo said quietly. “What is it you feel, Dorian?”

”Empty. Anger. Loss. Like a chunk of me was ripped out and I can't quite fit it back in ‘ow it used to. Everyt'in's back to normal but not'in is t'e same. I feel

I feel

What was he supposed to do here? How does he help?

Slowly, carefully, Nemo took Dorian’s hands and held them. It pained him to hear him say those things - to see the echoes of his own grief in the younger man. He’d thought he had acted quickly enough - that by making the call when he did, he would spare him this pain. He thought
 he thought he had gotten it right, this time.

“I see,” he said, somewhat hoarsely. “It is terrifying, seeing the ones we love suffer like that - to feel powerless to stop it. I
 I did not handle it well, when I was your age. I tried to numb the loss. It didn’t work. Have you visited your friend - have you told them how you feel?”

Dorian didn't know how to respond. To any of it. This all felt like it was too much, and all he could focus on was the last thing Nemo had said to him. It felt rude, like he was brushing off Nemos pain for his own but he wasn't. He just didn't know how to handle any of it, so he focused on the one thing he could. His eyes looking off into the middle distance of his cup. ”I visited as much as t'ey allowed. But
I ‘aven't told eit'er of t'em ‘ow i feel. April's recoverin’ still and I want ‘er to focus on t'emselves and gettin’ better. Not on me. I just
i wish I knew ‘ow to ‘elp ‘er. What steps to take.”

Nemo blinked rapidly, doing his best to maintain his composure. He hadn’t - he hadn’t prepared for this conversation. He hadn’t known this would happen today. He knew, most of the time, everything he would experience - he had all the dates and times memorized, his words carefully rehearsed. But this? Speaking to Dorian Gray about suicide? He hasn’t prepared for it. “Hmm. I know you don’t want to, Dorian, but I do think you should talk to them about this. As for other measures
 perhaps helping them to develop a safety plan? Or simply staying by their side, and watching for any signs.” That’s what he wished he had done - that he had watched. It had been too late when he arrived to save his love. “Perhaps
 perhaps you could ask them - ask them what they need.”

actually very ‘elpful. Maybe I should talk to t’em. A safety plan sounds good too
maybe I'll give Doc a call, see if Maeve is able to give me pointers on ‘ow to approach t'is delicately and what to look out for
t’anks Poisson-Pas.”

He nodded, forcing a tired smile. “I do try my best to be helpful.” Nemo then took another sip of his tea, trying to steady his nerves a bit. “I’m sure Dr. Whitehall will have better advice than I do. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about, Dorian?”

”Oh right. I brought you somet'in” Dorian said handing Nemo the box.

“Oh! Yes. How forgetful of me,” Nemo mused, as he slowly opened up the box. Inside, there was a familiar teacup - one that had been broken at the start of term, now fixed. Dorian had mended it. He swallowed, attempting to maintain his composure, but
 Something about the mended cup, it broke him. It wouldn’t be clear to others as to why, but for Nemo, the small gesture meant the world to him. Tears began to quietly fall down his face. “Ah - thank you - thank you very much,” Nemo whispered.

Dorian didn't expect this sort of reaction. He wanted to comfort him, to do something, but everything just felt so awkward. He stood there quietly for a moment, his hand scratching the back of his other hand as an incessant itch took over him. ”I didn't mean to make you cry Poisson-Pas
” Dorian said as he awkwardly patted Nemos arm.

“No, no - it’s - it’s not you,” Ser Nemo lied. “It’s - it’s my allergies, you see. I really ought to be better about taking my medicine for them

”Oh. Right. Allergies. Probably my cologne
sorry.” Dorian lied back, unsure why. He didn't wear cologne, ever.

Nemo raised an eyebrow at that, the sorrow breaking for a moment. “Hmm. Yes. Your cologne is rather strong, Master Gray.”

”I'll leave, so you can
take your meds. Need to make a call anyways

Very good. If you, erm, if you need to talk again, my door is always open
. Will you promise me something, Dorian?” he paused. “Live. No matter what may happen.”

Dorian was caught off guard by the promise he was asked to make. Especially given his lineage. ”You can't get rid of me t'at easily Poisson-Pas, I don't die easy and I don't plan to eit'er. So you can count on t'at promise.”

Ser Nemo locked eyes with him. “I will.”

Location: Andy's Dorm
Skills: Work Out Fit

Dorian had given most of the items taken from the museum back to Morgan. Holding on to a few pieces he didn't think they would miss. One of them was a Polaroid picture that contained Andy and Zari within it. One taken back during the time of Genosha, before it fell. He wasn't sure how best to handle this, bouncing his foot as he sat on his gaming chair before spinning in a circle and almost falling off. Fine. He'd do it. He was going to talk to Andy. Dorian pulled out his phone and sent her a quick message.

He would've asked for Zari to join, but he didn't know Zari like that. And to be honest, he would've felt cornered himself if it was a two against one deal. Dorian hadn't told anyone about the photograph he'd found. Granted he had just gotten it a day ago, but even still he figured they had a reason for keeping this all such a big secret.

Andy was bad about her phone. It was buried in her backpack, which she had barely touched. But at least it was in the same room as her, and charged. She put a bookmark in the book she was ready. She was only about a hundred pages into it, but she liked The Lightning Thief. Mads had brought them back from her home after Thanksgiving break for her to borrow. There were a lot of books so it was a bit daunting.

Andy read the message. She frowned a bit wondering why he wanted to talk to her privately in her room. She went over anything that might have affected Dorian since Thanksgiving and only her conversation with Danni stood out. That didn’t seem like it would upset him though. She responded back

So she waited, picking back up the book and reading it.

Without skipping a beat Dorian snagged the photo and went Astral, flying through dorm rooms and floors until he reached Andy's. It was the quickest way to travel and also the easiest. A rush of air and cold breeze would sweep right past Andy as he entered, skirting to a stop by a wall near the empty bed before he rematerialized and plopped onto it, photo firmly tucked into his back pants pocket. ”Uh. ‘ey? Glad you saw my text. It was
I'd say a 45 55 shot t'at you'd actually see it? Between Zari and well
not bein’ t'e most tech savvy
which is cool it's fine.” Dorian began to rambled as his nerves started kicking in, anxious about the conversation he was going to have.

”Guess the door being unlocked or not isn’t an issue with you.” She smiled, re-bookmarking the book and setting on her night stand. The room was clean. Some plants left by Mai on her side of the room, which Andy had kept caring for, were the only sign she had ever had a roommate. Sitting on the other bed was the doll that held her mother. She should have shoved her in a drawer, but she was being quiet.

”I should charge it. But at least it was in the same room as me. I hate having the ringer on, but if it wasn’t I’d never know I had a call or text. Though, it isn’t like I text a lot. And basically no one calls me.” She shrugged. ”So, what do you want to talk about?” She asked.

Dorian looked at Andy, the door, then Andy again before awkwardly pointing towards it. ”Oh. I. Should I go out and come back in again? Kinda just zipped in and forgot all about t'e door to be ‘onest.” He said after giving her an apologetic smile. He hadn't even meant to chastise about the phone, but he realized now all he was doing was stalling. Trying to find the perfect words to this imperfect problem. ”Okfineilljustgooutandsayit. I know.” The words shot out of him in a single breath, not letting a single word end before the other began as if slowing down would somehow make the words more painful for them both.

Andy frowned, ”No, you don’t need to leave. But what do you mean you know? Know what?” A thought, but she had to be sure. Had to know what he meant. Would he be mad? Would Max and the others?

”I know you and Zari time traveled. And before you do anyt’in’ I ‘aven't told a soul! Promise. Pinky Promise! Well okay one ot'er person knows but I didn't tell t'em t'ey were wit’ me durin’ t'e revelation.” Dorian had both his arms out, palms facing Andy in an attempt to placate her. He wasn't sure how a time hidden being would react. Would she attack? Summon Zari with an ancient Asgardian horn? Shoot lighting? Throw a Pillow?! His heart was racing but he couldn't not talk to her about this.

Andy smiled, she sighed relieved. ”Sorry I didn’t tell you when you told me about Max and Casper and Ben and James. I didn’t know how to talk about it. But after going to Dr. Whitehall I just spewed it all out at her. It’s been kind of weird. I’m glad you haven’t told anyone. I know Zari said it was okay to talk about it with Whitehall, but like there is a reason I left. I mean other than following Zari and I couldn’t risk it getting out I was here. That first day, the witch, she recognized it. Max knows why. Not that I’m here. I haven’t figured out how to have that conversation with anyone from the Mutant Underground. I want to. I do. We went through a lot together in a really short period of time. I don’t know if they consider me their friend. I mean I sort of think they do from the way you talked about me not knowing it was me.” She paused, taking a breath. ”I’m not mad at you finding out....Are you mad at me for not telling you?”

Dorians stance relaxed, his arms dropping to the side in relief when Andy hadn’t retaliated. ”Are you kiddin’ me?! Of course I'm not mad. T'is whole situation is weird for you and I can understand. I mean my Pa, Appa, Pops, AND Pappa all knew you and were your friends and now you're mine? ‘Ow does one even begin to explain t'at to someone. You went missin’ what? Seventeen years ago? When did you come back? Or well when did you come ‘ere? I guess. Oh time stuff is ‘ard.” Dorian said as he threw himself backwards onto Mais bed as his head began to hurt.

”Yeah, see the problem. I had have a whole identity made up for me. First day you guys thought I was a freshman and I said I was a transfer student. How the hell do I say, ‘Yeah I’m seventeen, but I lived on Genosha?’ It was a mess. We came back a bit before school started. Went to Zari’s home first. Then came here. She wanted to come here because Percy goes here and her mom was friends with a bunch of other’s parents back in the day too. It’s weird. I was there just after they adopted Danni. I remember him as an actual infant. How do I say that when I look like this? And will forever. I won’t age. I won’t die. Seventeen year time jump is nothing.”

”If it ‘elps I'm pretty sure my parents are immortal soooo t'ey may be able to ‘elp you along wit’ t'at bit. But
to be on Genoshian soil
it's a dream I'll never see.” Dorian said as he stared at the ceiling, one arm up graphing at nothing speaking wistfully. ”Well Percy’s t'e ot'er one who knows and I doubt ‘e'll tell anyone. T'ough ‘e seemed less shocked t'an i was. And Aggie didn't even mention it! Rude. Is it
is it ok if we are still friends?”

”Percy knows sort of anyway. He and Zari and best friends. I don’t know what all she told him. But he should have already at least known part. That’s probably why he wasn’t surprised. As for Agatha I think she was respecting my privacy. I wasn’t ready to talk about it. And absolutely! I want to still be friends with both you and Danni. He invited me to visit your house and that might be a good way to tell Max and everyone. Just sort of rip the bandaid off. Though I think they wouldn’t want to have dinner with my mom.” She joked, remembering how Dorian had thought about having their parents all sit down for dinner together. At the time she had said Magento might be interested. She hadn’t risked mentioning Selene.

Dorian rubbed the back of his neck as Andy brought up the dinner he'd mentioned what felt like ages agom ”Yeah
your mom may need to skip t'at one. Shes a big no no in t'e ‘ouse’old. But! If you're comfortable wit’ it yeah! It'll be so fun seein’ t'ier faces! Like when I first got my powers and scared em ‘alf to deat’. And we can watch ‘orror movies t'ere to! Much better set up t'an what i ‘ad ‘ere. Oh and I'm sure t'ey can catch you up on so many t'in's! And - oh wait
 ‘old on.” Dorian hopped off the bed and stood again, making his way towards Andy. ”You should ‘ave t'is more t'an me. A reminder
” He said as he pulled the photo from his back pocket and handed it to her.

”That sounds awesome. I’d love to.” Andy nodded smiling at the hope that she could reconnect with people who had saved her life. In so many ways. She had been so close to just getting lost in the world and it eating her up. Without them she probably would have died. She wouldn’t have gone to Genosha...wouldn’t have met her mother...But wouldn’t have met Zari. All the negative stuff that happened was worth meeting Zari. ”Thank you.” She said taking the photo from Dorian. She looked at it. Odd to think they looked so young. They hadn’t changed at all. This photo had only been a few months ago as far as she was concerned. Zari had a grin and Andy looked worried about something. That seemed about right. With those faces she couldn’t tell when the picture had been taken. Couldn’t say what day or even where on the island.

”Of course! And well
it seems silly to say t'is especially since it should be a given but
if you ever need someone to talk to about it all, aside from Zari
I am ‘ere for you. I may not understand it all, but I'll try to. Even just talkin’ could ‘elp out i t'ink.” Dorian said with a smile. He hesitated for a brief moment, knowing full well how it was going to feel. But much like last time, he didn't care. Dorian quickly jolted forward and wrapped his arms around Andy, hugging her. ”I'm so sorry t'at i didn't see it before.”

”Thank you. I appreciate it. Honestly, just knowing you know helps a lot.” She said looking up from the picture just as Dorian darted in for the hug. That was dangerous. She didn’t want to hurt him. But damn it felt good to be hugged by a friend. She didn’t hug back, but didn’t push him away. Tears started falling. Damn she was going to have tell Dr. Whitehall all about her making friends.

Dorian pulled back from the hug, noticing the tears falling down her cheek. ”Oh. No no no, why do I always make you cry. Shoo tears shoo.” He said as he pulled his sleeve down to cover his hand and wipe them away. He knew skin to skin was bad, so this was a less harmful way to help.

Andy laughed a little and let Dorian wipe her tears. He was at least being safe about it. ”Thanks. And no, these aren’t sad tears. This is...relief. Hope. I don’t know.”

Location: Too Many to Put
Skills: Work Out Fit


Percy checked his reflection in the mirror one last time, adjusting his tie. He wasn’t in his school uniform today, as he wouldn’t be remaining on campus. Instead, he was wearing a nice pair of slacks, a button-down shirt, and a sports coat. It was a week or so before the contest, and he wanted to take Dorian out on a date. His boyfriend had been really stressed lately, for obvious reasons, and Percy wasn’t always the best when it came to emotions. But this was something he hoped would help to take Dorian’s mind off of things.

Satisfied that he looked well dressed, Percy picked up the small bouquet of flowers - red roses, a classic - and he left his dorm room, before knocking three times on Dorian’s door.

Dorian was just adding the finishing touches on his hair, making sure his bangs had the right amount of curl to them. He had on a slightly oversized olive green and black long sleeve shirt with thick horizontal stripes, black pants that were cuffed at the ankle as always, and green Hightower converse to match the color of the shirt. His sleeves had been rolled up a quarter of the way up his arm and his dorm keys hung off his front belt loop. When he heard a knock at the door he went Astral for just a moment. The startling noise catching him by surprise before he finally went over and opened the door. ”How do I look?”

Percy was fully speechless for a moment, just taking his boyfriend in. He looked completely perfect, as always. There wasn’t a single thing he would change - well, maybe one thing, but the point of this date was to leave the dorm, and not stay in it. He’d planned a full evening for them, with three different stops that he was really hoping Dorian would enjoy. The first stop he hoped would go off well - the second two Percy wasn’t as concerned about. ”Perfect,” Percy said honestly, his eyes lingering a bit on Dorian’s belt loop. ”I got you these,” he then added, his face lightly pink as he held out the flowers.

”Well aren't you just t'e most t'oughtful time traveler!” Dorian said as he took the roses from Percy's hands and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He quickly went back into his room, placing most of the flowers into a vase that he'd just filled with a bottle of water he had in his mini fridge. One rose remained on the counter, one that he tucked into the edge of his tote bag and pinned in place so that everywhere he went people would see what his boyfriend got him today. ”So what's on t'e agenda?”

He couldn’t help but beam slightly, seeing the rose pinned into place. That was good. It was one step closer to no one else ever flirting with Dorian again. Percy still hadn’t completely dissuaded himself of the idea of just buying Dorian a ring now, just in case. However, it was probably a little too soon for an engagement, from what Percy had read. ”It’s a surprise,” Percy smirked.

”Well t'en my dear, lead t'e way.” Dorian said, smiling from ear to ear as he hooked his arm into Percy's. A date. A real honest to god date. He was so excited he could die.

Percy pulled Dorian in a little closer to him, having become a lot more comfortable with physical contact
 exclusively with Dorian. The thought of touching other people was still not at all something he was okay with - as much as he was aware that at some point, Dorian’s brother would likely try to force him into a cuddle pile
 a fate Percy dreaded more than death. ”When we get there, I do have special instructions for you. And a time limit,” he added, guiding Dorian out of Stark Hall and in the direction of the nearest mall.

”Oh? A little role reversal?” Dorian joked. ”But t'at's fine. I can follow instructions
as long as it's clear and not like a word problem, t'ose always confuse me and why does Johnny need a ‘undred apples anyways?”

Percy turned positively bright red, tugging a bit at his shirt collar from the sudden heat. He was doing his best to not let his mind slip down an all too familiar train of thought. ”They’ll be clear.” Percy promised. ”And not a word problem. It’s more of a
 hands on activity.”

”I love ‘ands on! When I was younger we used to visit museums and some of t'em ‘ad activities to do yourself to see ‘ow t'in's worked. One ‘ad a dig pit as we got to find our own fossils!”

He made a brief mental note to find museums that involved hunting for fossils. Or maybe he would just wake up early one morning and bury a bunch of them around the school, maybe a few in front of the supposedly haunted tree. It didn’t take too long for Dorian and Percy to walk to the mall - there was one conveniently located, just a few blocks away from campus, but still far enough you could imagine you were in a completely different part of Los Angeles. ”Okay, so here is your task. I am letting you pick out clothes that I will wear on the rest of the date. As a bonus, I will also commit to wear this outfit once a month, on a day of your choosing that we do not have classes on.”

”Just one outfit? Fiiiine. T'en i guess I'm gonna ‘ave to make it a really good one!” Dorian cheered before taking Percys hand and began pulling him towards the nearest store that he knew. It took him almost no time to familiarize himself with the layout. Most stores had a similar one which made shopping very easy. Dorian went from rack to rack, flipping through shirts and thumbing through pants, all while taking pictures of every one he liked. After a while he moved on to accessories, picking up glasses, rings, and bracelets, taking pictures of every angle before putting them back.

It was a good thing that Dorian hadn’t argued for more outfits - Percy realized he definitely would have caved if his boyfriend begged him. Instead, he was yanked into a random store, fancier than ones his moms ever took him shopping at. He had considered himself as being into fashion, despite his insistence on wearing the school uniform as required, but his interest in it was nothing compared to Dorian’s. Thankfully, he had asked his moms to send him some money for new clothing earlier, so he was hoping he’d be able to afford this - if not, he would just need to ask Dorian to leave the store, establish himself an alibi, and then Percy would steal the items. ”Do you need my sizes?” Percy asked, before frowning as he realized Dorian hadn’t picked anything. Was this mall not a good choice? Did Dorian hate this?

”Sizes?” Dorian asked as he cocked his head to the side. Now why would he need that? ”Though I think I'm good, just need to combine all the photos and see what works best and then figure out exactly which one I'd like the most. And maybe which is the easiest to take off too.” He said, his smile beaming from happiness as he flicked through the photos.

Percy’s face flushed crimson. The odd comment about Dorian not needing to know what size of clothing Percy wore was immediately vanished, as his boyfriend did his best to drag Percy’s mind back into the gutter. And Percy really wanted to let his mind go there. ”If you keep talking like that, I’m going to have to insist we go back to the dorm early,” Percy muttered, shifting his weight slightly as he tried to think about other things - to think about anything that wasn’t Dorian tearing his clothes off and the activities that naturally followed.

”Down boy. We can t’ink about t'at after.” Dorian said with a giggle. ”So do you want me to send these to my pa now? Or is that like a later t’ing?” He asked showing Percy the photos he'd taken under an album labeled “clothes” on his phone.

Down boy was not helping.

But thankfully, Dorian then immediately brought up his father and thinking about Dorian’s dad was helping. He was confused for a second, wondering why Dorian wanted to send photographs to his dad of clothing they were looking at - to get his opinion, maybe? - before Percy remembered the incident with his clothing at the start of school. Dorian’s dad had magically conjured up a replacement and sent it over. It then occurred to him that he couldn’t remember Dorian ever really buying things - things just tended to appear in his room. He had been intending on getting the clothing himself, but now that seemed somewhat silly. ”... Now is fine,” Percy said, still somewhat bewildered. ”I promised I would wear them for the rest of the date. I can also pay for them - or steal them - if your father is busy.”

”Pay for them? Wait, you pay for clothes?” It dawned on Dorian that others actually had to pay for things beyond just food. ”Wait no. I kind of want to see t'is. I've never paid for anyt'in’ aside from food. Is it a lot? Our family ‘as Genoshian Diaspora. Our ‘ome island was destroyed a long time ago but money wasn't a t'ing back t'ere. You just
’elped ot'ers wit’ your abilities and everyt'in’ else was free. So
we don't pay for anyt’in’”

Percy nodded for a second - he could understand being part of a diaspora. While he was a mutant, he wasn’t Genoshan - he was vaguely aware that one of his moms had visited the island. She’d told them it was beautiful. Percy was much more familiar with the experience of being a member of the Jewish diaspora - never really having a land to call your own, and finding the places you once called home destroyed. He made a silent vow, however, that once he could make the jump, he would take Dorian there - back to the island. ”You’ve never paid for anything? Not even food?” Percy asked, surprised. ”Like hypothetically, you go to a restaurant, do you just
 text your dad? Do you not go at all? You must have seen April pay for something at some point.”

”I said anyt'in aside from food. Pa is great at a lot of t'in's but ‘e isn't t'e best at replicatin’ food. Just can't get t'e flavours quite right. Probably why Danni's so good at it.” Dorian corrected. ”April and I.we don't get to ‘ang out much like t'at. ‘Er parents don't really let ‘er over to our place when school is out so not much in t'e way of shoppin’. Some weird rivalry our rents ‘ave wit' each ot'er”

Percy blushed slightly in embarrassment - despite having the mutant ability to intuitively understand language, he still misheard people from time to time. He did vaguely recall some talk about Danni cooking something at the start of the school year. ”Well, if you want to watch me pay for clothes, be my guest - it’s not very exciting,” Percy said, pulling out the money his moms had given him - one hundred dollars in total.

”Whoa! That's like, twenty orders of beignets! I could feast like a king wit’ t'at!” Dorian exclaimed as he saw the bill. Cafe du Monde was probably his most frequented location for food, even if it was just beignets and hot chocolate.

He laughed slightly. ”This will hopefully cover one shirt and one pair of pants - although your taste seems expensive,” Percy shook his head slightly. Of course his boyfriend saw money in terms of beignets.

”Why I've never been called such a t'in’. And why should clothes cost money? It's a silly t'in to ‘ave people pay for necessities or well
anyt'in really. Next you'll be tellin’ me it costs to travel and view ‘istorical places of interest.” Dorian wasn't sure how to feel about being called expensive. Was it too much? Did he need to dial it back some?

”...Well, yes, you do. You do have to pay. You have to pay thousands of dollars to go to those places,” Percy explained awkwardly. ”I know, capitalism is a curse,” he then commiserated. ”Tell me more about Genosha?”

Dorian giggled. The idea of paying to travel? Crazy. ”We've never paid for a single trip. Pa just opens a portal between us and where we want to go and we hop t'rough. Not even for full trips, sometimes I'm just cravin’ a French sandwich from t'is boulangerie I like and we go t'ere for lunch. T'en ‘it up somewhere else for dessert.” He didn't know how to talk about Genosha. All he had was stories, even Danni was too young to recall it. ” I would've loved to see it for myself. I was a baby when it all got wiped. But from what I'd ‘eard it was a mutant paradise. No money, everyone used t'ier skills and powers to benefit ot'ers. Sceneries so beautiful t'ey felt like a whole new world. So many diverse people all toget'er for a common cause to just live true to t'emselves and be free

”Hmm,” Percy mused for a second, trying to imagine that sort of world. It sounded lovely. He definitely had to make sure that he could take Dorian back there one day. His entire goal coming here had been to learn what he needed to know in order to be a classic hero, not one of the modern superheroes but one of the ones from myth - and then dive through the timestream as he pleased, seeing amazing sights. But now, all he really wanted was to take Dorian to his island. If it wasn’t for the TVA, he’d even start planning out how to change its fate. ”Maybe once I get full control over my powers, I can take you there. Let you see your home.”

Dorian felt his eyes begin to wet. He'd never considered the possibility of seeing his ‘home’ his island. He wiped the tears away quickly before he actually started to cry. He didn't want to be the kind of person who cried on a first date. It wasn't cute. ”Sorry. I. I'd love that. I've seen the ruins through a scry, but that's as close as I've been able to go. The final battle, the fall of Genosha
it tainted the land in a weird way. They can't rebuild, at least not yet. So I can't even visit its ruins. Its
it's not fair.” His throat hurt and his voice was a little more hoarse. ”I can travel around the world and see all these flatscans monuments and relics all their ruins and artifacts but I can't even see my own people's homeland. I
” Dorian cleared his throat.

Percy’s eyes widened, seeing the tears well up in Dorian’s eyes, and he immediately felt horrible. He hadn’t wanted to make Dorian cry - not at all. He started to panic a bit, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what to do - what to say to make things okay. He - he wasn’t good at this sort of stuff. He bit his lip, before pulling Dorian into a hug, hoping that that would help - that the physical contact would soothe him. ”I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry,” Percy apologized.

He reached for words, trying to find something to say, something that felt meaningful, that felt helpful. But he felt like he was at a loss - yes, he was a mutant too, but he knew that being a mutant meant something more than just a gene to Dorian. Percy did identify as a mutant, but he didn’t see himself as Genoshan - he didn’t claim that history the way that others did. ”We’ll go there, someday. You’ll have to teach me all about it. My mothers never moved to the island, but
 I would love to learn.”

Dorian held him tight. Kissing the top of his head. ”Its fine. They're happy tears, for the most part. Just the thought of being able to see it, to experience it beyond stories. It's bittersweet.” He pulled away from the hug for a moment, eyeing the clothes they'd just purchased. ”Besides, someone's got to change now doesn't he?”

That did give Percy an idea. He hoped he didn’t regret this. ”What if you picked out
 more outfits?” he ventured. ”I can go change, and you can show me what else I will be wearing on the weekend until I eventually hit a growth spurt again.”

Dorian's smile returned to him. Checking the tags of what they'd already gotten so that he knew what sizes to get. ”Ok!” Without another word he went off taking clothes by the arm loads off the racks. Every item he'd photographed being nestled into his arms as he went for more.

Percy smiled slightly, relief filling him as Dorian’s smile returned to him. He watched for a moment, seeing Dorian piling item of clothing upon item of clothing into his arms
 and Percy just prayed none of them were pink. ”Sweetheart - we will need your dad to make these ones,” Percy called out after him. He hoped he liked the pet name. He was almost positive Dorian would, but he hadn’t used one before. He figured Dorian had already forgotten how much money they had - and how it was almost already gone.

”Oh. Right. Money.” To say he didn't understand the cost of an item was an understatement. He knew the value of things sure, but more in a sense of bartering. How useful something was versus a luxury. So Dorian began to place the items back, and of course within them was a few items that were different shades of pink. Really the color would go great with Percy. Whereas Dorian was more earth tones. ”I'll just text my Pa and ‘ave ‘im port t'em over to school so t'ey're waitin’ for us when we get back. No need to carry t’em all day.” He said as he flipped his phone open and began to send the images over

”I’ll go get changed,” Percy said, giving Dorian a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into the changing rooms. It only took him a few minutes to go from one outfit to the other, and he carefully folded up his old clothes, setting them inside of the shopping bag. He glanced at himself in the mirror - the outfit wasn’t something he would have chosen for himself, but he strangely didn’t mind wearing it. Perhaps it was because Dorian had chosen it?

He then left the changing room and rejoined him. ”Well, you have now officially taken control of my wardrobe. Did it meet your expectations?” he teased gently.

”Just one. Minor. Adjustment. There.” Dorian said as he unbuttoned a few of the top ones on the shirt, exposing a bit of Percy's chest. ”Buttoning it all the way up makes it look a bit stuffy. Gotta let loose a little. Did you want me to take your old clothes? I can put it in my bag that way we don't have to carry them around.”

Percy’s eyebrows furrowed. This is part of what he meant in his session with Maeve - about how Dorian confused him. ”Wouldn’t you then just be the one carrying them around, then?” he asked, his face lightly pink from Dorian exposing a bit of his chest. His comfort level wasn’t completely there yet - but this was the date plan, and he was going to stick to it. Dorian got to be his stylist. He could rebutton them later, assuming the clothing wasn’t carefully removed.

Dorian chuckled. Patting his bag to show Percy it was empty. ”No? Don't be silly Perce. Why would I be- oooooh. Right. So, t'is ‘ere is a good ol Kingston-Gray special. Enchanted bag meant for shippin’. We ‘ave a different one when on vacation but t'is ‘ere is my school one. It's tied to my dorm room, anyt'in’ I put in t'ere automatically gets portaled into my dorm room on my bed.”

Percy blinked a few times. His boyfriend’s life seemed completely unreal. ”Do you have any other magical artifacts on you?” he asked, still stunned by the entire ~never using money~ revelation. It was just such a completely different lifestyle. Percy’s family had to pay for everything - and Avengers salaries were not as amazing as the public was led to believe. They didn’t go on trips around the world on a whim, and he definitely didn’t have a magical bag to carry all of his things. For a brief moment, Percy’s world felt small.

”Just t'is?” Dorian said as his thumb ran underneath a leather thong around his neck and pulled out the necklace he had to make thanks to C.A.G.E. ”Usually it's in my sword but can't ‘ave t'at in public spaces so I convert it into a necklace when needed. Keeps telepat's from being are to enter my mind in anyway.”

Percy nodded, remembering that Dorian had told him once that his family had a history with telepaths. He could hardly blame him for being cautious. Percy’s own family had a history with robots, after all. ”Well, it’s too bad you don’t have a broomstick - then we could fly to our next stop,” he said with a slight smirk. He didn’t want to drag Dorian’s mind down into sad places by talking about telepathy - although he had to wonder how his friendship with Sabine was influenced by that. ”I was thinking we could go to the Museum of Superheroics - they have a new exhibit that opened last week.”

”Did you want me to use my flying broomstick?” Dorian asked as he reached elbow deep into his bag. Before struggling a bit and then coming up empty handed. ”Psyche. I don't ‘ave a flyin’ broom silly. We aren't t'at kind of witchy. T'ey just do midnight margaritas durin’ a full moon. Besides I'm not old enough for my broom license. You t'ink cars are ‘ard try somet'in’ wit' no steerin' wheel or ABS.” He joked. He was sure his father could easily enchant one, but he'd definitely need flying lessons first. And a face mask for the bugs. ”Whats t’e exhibit on?”

As Dorian reached into his bag, Percy genuinely expected to see a flying broomstick come on out. His shoulders relaxed slightly when one didn’t appear - the more he learned about Dorian, the cooler he seemed, and sometimes, that feeling of smallness accompanied it. Percy shook his head, laughing slightly. ”Midnight margaritas during a full moon?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. ”That sounds pretty witchy to me.”

He then hesitated for a moment. ”The exhibit is on the Mutant Underground - and other organizations of heroes that worked to help get mutants to safety back in the 10’s and 20’s.”

”Oh that's perfect! I'd love to see ‘ow much t'ey got right and ‘ow much is wrong.” Dorian said with a laugh. He'd never admit it, but he was a bit of a history nerd when it came to mutantkind. The humans had some good stuff too, the Greeks, the Romans, but Dorian always suspected those tales and myths were just mutants hidden behind mysticism and religion. ”You ever meet any of t'em?”

”Who, members of the Mutant Underground?” Percy titled his head, before shifting somewhat uncomfortably. The Avengers weren’t exactly known for being amazing when it came to helping out mutants. Both of his mothers were mutants, but their X-genes had been activated through SHIELD science experiments, and he wasn’t sure how much they even felt connected to mutant issues. But at the end of the day, the unfortunate truth was that when mutant children were dying, the Avengers somehow were always busy elsewhere. ”No. Have you?”

”Not all of t’em. Some were estranged from our family, ot'ers much closer. I've met Veil, Sunshine and ‘er girlfriend Marrow, t'ere's ‘arry, Jack, all four of my dad's, and a few ot'ers.” Dorian counted them off on his fingers as he began to list, knowing full well he may have forgotten a few. Usually the ones that visited the least.

Percy stared at Dorian for a minute. ”Your life is incredible,” he said earnestly. ”Your family was part of the Mutant Underground? And Genoshan? Dorian, I thought I had the interesting family.”

”Please it's really not all t'at. My parents are basically just mutant rights activists so it takes t'em kinda everywhere I guess. If you met my parents t'ey're total dorks and a bit embarrassing.” Dorian said rolling his eyes. Leave it to a teen to think his families lame.

”You have met my mothers, it would only be fair,” Percy pointed out. He was rather curious - he knew at least one of Dorian’s dads was some sort of archmage, given all of the magical items and conjured clothing that surrounded him. ”Have you told them about me?”

Dorians cheeks flushed pink at the question. ”Ugh! I can't stand t'em sometimes. T'ey teased me all break especially after I got my phone back. Everytime I texted April and she'd say somet’in’ funny t'eye'd be like ‘oh t'at your boyyyyyfriend’ so embarrassing “ He just wanted to bury his face into a pillow. ”But yes, I told t'em about you.”

Percy grinned a bit, seeing Dorian’s face turn pink for once, rather than his own. He made a mental note to make a better effort at texting Dorian next break - he genuinely wanted to get better at it anyways, but also, if he could imagine his boyfriend being playfully teased by his family for the texts, then that was an added bonus. Percy was a terrible texter by nature, both in terms of how he texted and how often he went between replies, but he could work on it. If for nothing else than to help his boyfriend be embarrassed. However, as Dorian confirmed that he had told his family about him, a bit of nervousness hit him. ”What did you say?”

”Well t'ey asked about your parents and I told t'em it's t'e Novikovas. I t'en mentioned ‘ow you can't say your own last name right, t'at you're a slow text but amazin’ reader, bit of a book nerd and incredibly cute.”

Percy rolled his eyes, even as he blushed. ”It’s Novikov. My parents gave me the masculine version of our surname, my mom’s Russian. And I sent you plenty of sunset photos over the break!” he protested.

”And again you forget t'e A. Tsk tsk. I t'ought your mutant gift was language. Besides April sent me t'is” Dorian pulled out his phone and showed the video of cats on Roombas spinning to music like a DJs turntable.

”There’s no A! There’d be one if I was a girl!” Percy had a suspicion that Dorian was doing this on purpose, but he wasn’t completely sure. And unfortunately, it was very easy to spin him up about this. One of these days, he was going to find a way to prove that Dorian was doing this on purpose. ”... Okay, those cats are very cute, I will give you that,” he grumbled a bit, trying not to smile too much at the video. ”What about the interesting lines I sent you from Chaucer?”

”Oh Appa loved t'ose. Started askin’ me to let ‘im know when t'e new one came in as if it was a daily affirmation. Said it's good you're well read and t'at i need to pick up my books more.” Percy knew Dorians horrible study habits. He didn't care for it, he had good enough memory retention from class and was great at note taking. He just hated doing the reading. It should be fun not work.

”You might like them, I can recommend you some more,” Percy offered. He knew how much his boyfriend struggled when it came to actually just sitting down to read. Admittedly, Percy hadn’t been doing much reading over the past few days - every time he got settled in his room, Dorian ended up distracting him from it. He had no idea how he was going to manage in the new year, when grades and classes became real for them again. ”Or I could read to you. The Iliad hits differently when read in the original ancient Greek.”

”You are good with your tongue. I mean oral. I mean
ugh you know what I mean.” Dorian flustered out. ”So wit'out a broom ‘ow do you plan for us to get t'ere?”

Percy was a brighter shade of red than the Scarlet Witch. ”Thank you. Of course, I can’t tie a cherry stem with my tongue - so there is room for improvement,” he added. ”I was thinking we could take the bus - there’s one every ten minutes, and it is a twenty minute ride to the museum. Alternatively, we could walk, it’s a little over forty minutes. I’d offer to do a series of teleportation jumps, but I think I still need more practice, which will have to wait until later.”

”Bus sounds fine to me!” Dorian remarked, trying to push the idea of ‘more practice’ out of his mind for now. They had neither the time or space for that activity until later in the day. ”Didn't know Avengers took t'e bus.”

”I didn’t know witches took the bus,” Percy countered. ”Shall we then?” he asked, offering Dorian his arm.

Dorian took his arm. Smirking. ”touchĂ© Novikova. One day soon I'll ‘ave my broom. T'en I'll get you my pretty”

”You’re infuriating. You know that, right?” Percy said, shaking his head, as he led Dorian out of the mall and to the nearest bus stop. It was early afternoon, so there was still plenty of light out, and the weather was nice - a bit chilly by Los Angeles standards, but still nice enough that waiting for the bus wasn’t going to be too irritating.

”Oh I'm well aware. I've been told it's one of my best qualities. I t'ink you'd agree.” Dorian said with a smirk before giving his boyfriend a kiss. He didn't know why he expected the bus to just be there already. As if Percy had somehow planned every last minute down to the T for conversation to bus times. But he didn't mind waiting. ”T'ough
I t'ink you might like anot'er quality of me more. Non?”

Percy returned the kiss - a far cry from where he had started the year off at, where kissing another person in public would have been completely out of the question, much less holding hands with someone else. ”Hmm. And what quality would that be, Gray?” Percy challenged, his eyes flickering between Dorian’s eyes and his lips.

Dorian raised an eyebrow at Percy. It was almost as of his boyfriend was challenging him. Daring him to make a move. And so he did. He pressed Percy against the bus stop pole, the hands they were holding now caught between them as Dorian closed in and pressed against Percys hand. ”I t'ink you can feel what I mean.”

”Y-yeah,” Percy shuddered, his heart rate suddenly through the stratosphere. The bus was due to come any minute. But he loved it when Dorian was like this - there was something about Dorian taking control that just drove him crazy. Percy felt a small bit of energy building up within him - his body getting ready to make a jump - and he had to consciously smother it, as his free hand reached out and gently grabbed onto the front of Dorian’s shirt. ”I can feel it.”

”Oh good so we're in agreement t'en” Dorian said cooly as be pulled away from Percy but kept their hands clasped. He gave him a smirk knowing full well he'd just riled him up only to not deliver on anything until much much later.

Percy had a death grip on Dorian’s hand. ”You’re enjoying this,” he said, trying not to sound too breathless. (Un)fortunately for them, the bus then pulled up at the station, and Percy couldn’t help but appreciate the slight breeze that picked up from its arrival. He needed to find a way to cool himself off, or he wasn’t going to make it the entire night. It wasn’t just the museum - he’d planned for them to go to dinner, too.

”Isn't t'at t'e point of a date? For us to enjoy ourselves?” Dorian asked as if he had no idea what Percy was talking about. Teasing him further as the bus arrived. ”Oh I t'ink t'ats our bus”

”Yes, now let’s go to the museum and see photographs of your fathers,” Percy said, before hopping onto the bus. It was free for folks under eighteen, so they didn’t need to pay for transit at least. He grabbed a seat in the back of the bus, crossing his legs somewhat strategically. Hopefully knowing the pictures at the exhibit were Dorian’s dads or people his dads knew would help. He really was counting on that.

Dorian followed Percy to the back of the bus. Noting how he crossed his legs when he sat. So Dorian decided to cross over him, sitting next to him on the other side and patting his lap. ”Sit on my lap. We can never do it in school, sooo why not out ‘ere?”

Percy’s eyes widened. ”We’re on the bus. There’s people around,” he said, completely flustered by the request.

”Couples do it all t'e time. I've always wanted to but t'e schools don't really allow for it.” Dorian said, a bit of sadness in his voice as he turned on the patented puppy eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, before glancing around. The bus wasn’t too full - most people were sitting up front by the driver, with a few in the middle section. And while Percy hadn’t consciously been doing this, Dr. Whitehall had pointed out that he might be looking to Dorian in order to get an understanding of acceptable social actions in situations that he found difficult to read. And he did trust Dorian
 And he didn’t want to see him sad again, not for a second time.

”Fine,” Percy muttered. ”Just this once.”

He got out of his seat, uncrossing his legs, and slowly sat down in Dorian’s lap.

Dorian smiled as he pulled Percy closer and began to cuddle with him. Resting his head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his waist and placed both hands firmly above his crotch. ”Its like I'm your seat belt. If busses ‘ad seat belts. T'at never made sense to me.” He said now wondering why a car chock full of people didn't get belts but ones that only held 2 to 4 did.

Percy jolted a bit as Dorian secured his hands, his breathing becoming a little rapider and shallower. ”It’s because
” Percy’s voice trailed off, as he immediately forgot the explanation he had been about to launch into. He was white-knuckling his grip onto Dorian’s arms, doing his very best to just breathe through it, little swirling bits of blue energy appearing around his hands and then disappearing just as quickly. ”Sorry, what was the question again?”

”Why buses don't ‘ave seat belts but cars do. Are
are you ok Perce?” Dorian asked looking up at him a bit concerned. ”Is it too much? Too public?”

”I-I’m fine,” Percy protested, even as much as he was feeling completely overwhelmed - but it wasn’t the public component that was the main issue, right now. He was absolutely determined to make his way through this, to give his boyfriend the perfect date. Other things could wait till later. Sitting in Dorian’s lap wasn’t helping to keep his mind off of those things, though. ”Distractions would help.”

”Oh uh ok. Did you know San Diego ‘as a massive non profit zoo? T'ey ‘ost a t'in’ t'ere called a Roar n Snore where you get to sleep at t'e zoo and do night time tours wit’ night vision goggles to see t'e nocturnal ones. All while being guided wit’ fun animal facts.”

”Y-yes,” Percy said, closing his eyes to see if that would help, and then immediately regretting his choice. He quickly reopened them, trying to find the most unsexual thing on the bus that he could look at, before settling on one of the placards encouraging people to move their backpacks to the ground instead of wearing them while standing, in order to make more room for others. ”My moms - my moms took Diana and I once when we - when we were little,” he breathed.

”T'ats so cool! ‘Ow did you like it?” Dorian asked just as the bus went over a speed bump, jostling them a little. He kept his hands firmly placed, making sure Percy didn't fall off of his lap however. ”I ‘aven't done t'at one yet but it's on my to do list. Maybe I'll do it for my b-day one of t'ese years. Oh wait i guess itd be before since mine lands on t'e first day of school.”

Percy had to bite back a certain involuntary noise from escaping from him once they hit the speed bump. He wished that the museum was infinitely closer - but they still had a good five or so stops to go until they’d be at theirs. His breathing was noticeably fast now, and incredibly shallow, as he did his best to remember the Roar n Snore - trying to recall a single animal that they had seen. ”I
 I think I liked it?” Percy questioned. ”The - the - the giraffes were my favorite back then, I think. That’s - that’s what my moms told me. I was - I was four, I think.”

”Giraffes are cool. T'ey're like land Loch Ness Nessies.” Dorian remarked, trying to figure out how to calm his boyfriend down. He knew how to soothe April and Danni when they had panic attacks, but Percy? This was new territory. ”Uh what else what else. Distractions distractions. Uh I can eat 30 beignets in a single sittin’!”

 that’s a lot,” Percy swallowed. He couldn’t stop himself from visualizing Dorian now, covered in powdered sugar. ”Maybe don’t talk about food. Or anything to do with your mouth. Please.”

Not talk about his mouth? Did Percy have anxiety over his- oh. It finally clicked in Dorians mind that Percy wasn't having a panic attack, he was fighting back his hormones. Dorian faded out, leaving Percy to fall down into the seat as he slid off to the side and came back in form. There was enough space for Marvel Jesus between them so that Percy would have some space to himself. ”Oh. OH! Uh what do you need from me? What can I do?”

Did Dorian not actually realize what he was doing to him? Percy had assumed that this was all on purpose, a game that Dorian wanted to play. He hadn’t been much of a horny person before dating Dorian - so it hadn’t occurred to Percy that he was essentially just doing this to himself, and it wasn’t necessarily Dorian’s doing. ”We’re going to go to the restroom at the museum,” Percy decided. Just one more stop to go. ”Did you really not know what you were doing? With having me sit on your lap?”

”Outside waiting for t'e bus yeah I was just teasin’ you a bit. But sittin’ in my lap? T'at's just what couples do? I didn't realize it would turn you on so much. But we can definitely go to t'e restroom when we reach t'e museum. Or
” Dorian then whispered ”I could give you a telekinetic ‘and job.”

Percy flushed at Dorian’s offer, and he shifted his legs again, crossing them as much as was humanly possible. They were in public, on the bus. People were around. People who could see them and hear them. And Percy knew himself enough that it would be very difficult for him to keep quiet, if Dorian was doing that. But he couldn’t deny that he was interested - had Dorian still been gripping him like a seat belt, he would have been able to feel how interested Percy was. ”There are people around, Dorian,” Percy protested, somewhat weakly.

”No one would see? It's mental and discreet technically. But if you want to wait, I t'ink we ‘ave four more stops left.” Dorian said looking at the stops.

”I’m not quiet,” Percy muttered.

”T'at's very true. So i guess it's better in a public restroom where ot'ers may be usin’ it as well and can ‘ear.” Dorian said with a smirk and a shrug.

Percy avoided looking at his boyfriend, squirming slightly in his seat. Dorian had a point. For whatever reason, Percy had been assuming they’d be able to find the restroom reasonably empty - but there would be other people there. And they’d have the same volume issue, as Percy doubted that Dorian would be able to pull a gag of sorts out of his tote. ”Fine. I’ll wait until we’re back to campus. Just - just stop being so
 so argh,” Percy asked, sliding down slightly in his seat.

”I didn't do anyt'in’!” Dorian said, half laughing half throwing his hands up. ”Lets check t'e restrooms first, maybe it's a slow day? If not t'en we wait till after.”

”Yes, you did,” Percy grumbled. ”When you smirk
 Or act all commanding
 It drives me nuts, Dorian,” he complained. ”It’s like I can’t think straight.”

”T'at's not fair! I can't ‘elp t'ose t'ings! Besides you can't t'ink straight normally. You're gay. So t'at would be pretty ‘ard I'd imagine. Maybe even. ‘arder t'an you are right now.”

”You’re pretty hard, too,” Percy pointed out, rolling his eyes a bit at Dorian’s word play. ”I can’t imagine having me sit in your lap made that any softer.”

”But I can compose myself.” Dorian said as he stuck out his tongue at Percy. ”Can you?” He asked, his hands didn't move from where he was, but Percy would be able to feel what felt like Dorians hands running over that spot on him.

”I can,” Percy wheezed, jolting at the sudden contact, his breath catching in his throat. He crossed his arms defiantly, although at the same time, he shifted in the seat so that way his side was pressed up against Dorian - removing any space that might have been left behind for Deadpool.

Dorian rested his head on Percy's shoulder. ”I can tell. T'e sounds and joltin’ around certainly show it sweetie.” He teased.

”I hate you,” Percy grumbled, even as he reached out and took Dorian’s hand.

”No you don't.” Dorian cooed as he kissed Percys neck.

Percy couldn’t completely stifle the moan that escaped from him. His eyes fluttered a bit. ”Yes, I do,” he insisted.

”Fine then.” Dorian pouted as he sat back and and scooched to the corner of the bus, legs up on the seat and pouting.

” Percy hesitated for a moment. He thought his boyfriend was just being dramatic right now - but he also had thought Dorian was genuinely trying to rile him up earlier, and he had apparently misread that. Did Dorian actually believe that Percy hated him? Percy could never hate him. Every quality of Dorian’s that was completely insufferable only stood to make Percy like him more. Hell, he
 Percy swallowed a bit. Was it too soon? ”You should know that I love you. And it’s our stop up ahead,” he added, pulling the yellow cord to signal to the driver that they wanted to get off at the next stop.

Dorian smiled, having it turned into a smirk as Percy spoke. ”Oh yeah lover boy? T'en come give me a kiss before we get off.” He challenged, dropping one leg down off the seat to give his boyfriend just enough room to climb over him to kiss him.

”You’re doing it again,” Percy whined slightly. He wasn’t about to climb, however, so as the bus started to slow down to come to a halt, Percy carefully stood up, one hand on the seat, and maneuvered himself to be standing directly in front of Dorian. He leaned down and locked his lips with his, softly at first, but then he couldn’t help himself and he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into Dorian’s mouth.

Dorian leaned into the kiss, passionately. Holding it for a moment before he pulled back slightly and flicked Percy on his dick. ”We're gonna miss our stop you ‘ornball. Let's go.” He said as he began to stand up, tote positioned over his front so nothing was noticeable.

Percy’s brain short-circuited for a brief second, as he temporarily forgot how to breathe. ”Dorian,” he moaned desperately. He barely managed to get out of his boyfriend’s way as Dorian got up, keenly aware of how he conveniently placed a tote bag - and the way that Percy didn’t have a similar level of protection. He hesitated for a moment, before deciding to just pray that it wasn’t too too noticeable, and suffer the consequences of his own thoughts. ”Come on,” he murmured, hopping off of the bus - it deposited them right in front of the museum, where banners advertised the latest collection, showing images of famous X-Men with the words the Mutant Underground beneath their faces.

Dorian watched as Percy walked out of the bus, waiting for him outside. ”You could've just done a jump out ‘ere and avoided people seein’ your tent t'ere. But more so
do t'ey t'ink t'e X-men are t'e same as t'e Underground? Cuz t'ey clashed a bit.” He asked as he stared at the banners in equal parts puzzlement and awe.

He paused for a moment. Dorian was completely correct. His mind was so consumed with other things that the simple solution hadn’t even occurred to him. He was lucky that they had already aced their classes - it was quickly becoming apparent to him how impossible it was for him to concentrate around Dorian. ”Hmm. Maybe it’s a marketing strategy?” Percy suggested, before grabbing Dorian’s hand and dragging him inside as quickly as he could.

Dorian followed, walking briskly behind his boyfriend. He didn't realize he had been this excited to see the exhibit as well. That is, until it clicked as to exactly what was exciting Percy so much. Dorian sped up slightly, matching pace with Percy until he vanished, possessing his boyfriend and immediately doing what Percy failed to do in the first place. He Jumped. By the time he was done blinking they were inside the larger stall for the bathroom. No other people seemed to be inside of it right now, and as they landed into the stall Dorian began to spin Percys body. Leaving it once Percys back was to the tiled walls and materializing quickly to Kabedon Percy. Pressing him against the wall as he began to deeply make out with him.

Percy moaned into Dorian’s mouth, his hands going to his boyfriend’s waist as he tried to decrease whatever space could possibly remain between them. The rest of the world seemed to fade away as he eagerly returned Dorian’s kiss, involuntarily thrusting his hips forward into him. It was like his brain short-circuited, refusing to form a single coherent thought that wasn’t Dorian, Dorian, Dorian.

Moments passed with no interruption, though chances were high that during all this Dorian may have instinctively locked the restroom door when his powers to ensure of that. Percy’s hair was a down right mess from how often Dorian had run his hands through it or used it like Ratatouille to maneuver him around. If Dorian had any inclination that Percy disliked it he would've stopped. But given how his boyfriend practically begged for it well, it was clear he liked it.

Dorian stood before a mirror, fixing his shirt and pants to make sure it all looked as good as when he had left earlier that day. The contraceptive disposed of inside the toilet and flushed away because above all Casper always said to be safe. He wanted to smack his boyfriends ass, getting one last bit in before he got dressed again but he didn't want to rile him up all over. ”Didn't know t'at mutant underground was part of t'e tour.”

Percy rolled his eyes at Dorian, his face still flushed from their efforts. ”It’s only for the VIPs at the museum,” he answered, staring more at his boyfriend’s reflection in the mirror than his own. His clothing wasn’t too bad off - his hair, however, was a nightmare, one he feared that was beyond salvation. He did his best to run his hands through it slowly and methodically, using a tiny bit of water from the sink to try to encourage it to cooperate and look at least slightly presentable. ”Dorian
. Would you mind helping me?”

”VIP? Very impressive penis?” Dorian joked as he moved behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms loosely around him so he could style his hair as if it was his own in the mirror. His hands began to move, running his fineeds through his hair as small amounts of static began to shift and stick the hair into places. Using his powers in lieu of hairspray or gel. ” ‘ow do you like t'is babe?”]

It was definitely different than Percy’s usual style. For years, he had done his hair pretty much exactly the same - neatly combed, bangs swept over to one side of his face. He’d always stuck to that same look for as long as he could remember. He had seen the same hairdresser, and when asked if he wanted something new, he’d always informed them that he liked what he had. But strangely, as he looked in the mirror at the more tousled, carefree styling Dorian had done
 he found himself liking it. There was even a hint of curls to it - curls that he had been smothering for years with his routine. ”
 Huh. I thought I would hate it, but
 it’s nice.” He then turned, so he was facing Dorian, his back to the bathroom counter. ”Maybe I should let you style me more often.”

”You're one door down. I could do it easily. I've ‘elped April wit’ ‘er makeup before sometimes too. But usually I just possess ‘er and do it for ‘er when I do t'at.” Dorian said before gently kissing his boyfriend. ”Now let's see what else t'is museum ‘as to offer besides a quiet space. Well
somewhat quiet” He teased with a wink.

He rolled his eyes. ”It’s not my fault,” Percy protested. ”But yes - let’s go see how many things they got wrong about your incredibly well connected family,” he said, taking Dorian’s hand and guiding him out of the bathroom. Luckily the museum was free for students - all that it took was showing them their Avengers Academy IDs and they were allowed to enter. The exhibit on the Mutant Underground was new and temporary, but there were other permanent exhibits here - one on the Avengers, one on the superheroes who fought in World War II, even an entire gallery dedicated to strange arcana that had been partially donated by the Sorcerer Supreme. At the posters for the Fantastic Four gallery, Percy pulled a face. He hated the Fantastic Four.

”Ugh why are t'ey in ‘ere?” Dorian said motioned to the banners of the Fantastic Four. ”Not everyone can be a ‘ero and t'ey definitely prove t'at point more t'an anyone.” He pulled Percy past the banners and towards the Mutant Underground section of the exhibit. A part of him wondered if anywhere amongst all these displays and information if they mentioned Genosha. He fell silent, his eyes scanning placards and information, absorbing it all in as he searched for something about his homeland. Something new.

It was a somewhat small exhibit, primarily comprised of photographs, the occasional television screen showing a recording, and mannequins with various costumes on display. There was an entire wall dedicated to Professor Charles Xavier, explained to be the founder of not only the X-Men, but the Mutant Underground as well - the Underground Railroad for those with the X-Gene in the 2010s and 2020s. Interviews with Storm about the challenges mutants faced each and every day played as visitors walked past, and among the costumes was the famous yellow-and-brown suit of Wolverine. There was even a recovered helmet from Magneto, one of his earlier prototypes, accompanying an explanation about how of the many threats faced by the Underground in their quest for mutant liberation, there was none greater than the Master of Magnetism himself.

Percy raised an eyebrow. ”Is this just an X-Men exhibit?”

The more Dorians eyes scanned the words and heard the promoters. The more his smile faltered. Every bit of excitement that he had for this place had vanished. Almost none of what was on display was true. As a matter of fact he'd say at least nine tenths of it was just false information used to glaze and glorify the X-men once more. His hands balled into fists as all the lights and TVs within the area began to flicker and falter. Static forming around a few as railings nearby began to bend and twist in unnatural ways. ”Xavier? Really?! T'at bald ‘eaded fuck couldn't even ‘elp mutants wit’ M-Pox! ‘E was too busy shakin’ ‘ands wit’ diplomats to do what really mattered! Magneto offered t'em cures! Salvation! I
” Dorian tried to remain calm and then suddenly.

It was dark.

Emergency lights flickered on but every bit of display had been shut down. ”Who was in charge of t'is exhibit?” Dorian growled. Sparks still flying around his fists.

Percy paused for a moment, taking Dorian in. He’d never seen him angry before, not like this - not even when Arcade had tried to murder them all to jumpstart his career as a supervillain. He didn’t want to see his boyfriend upset, of course, but there was something a little exhilarating about seeing Dorian like this. Percy pulled his phone out of his pocket, and quickly looked up the exhibit. ”Hm. The website says the exhibit was sponsored by the Janet van Dyne foundation,” he mentioned. He grimaced slightly. Janet van Dyne had also made a mutant clothing line, a (hopefully?) well-intentioned move that hadn’t been well received.

His eyes then flickered over to the fire extinguisher - and the fireman’s axe encased behind glass next to it. ”If you could ensure we have an alibi, I could
 make some edits,” Percy offered.

The Van Dynes? Seriously?! Did they have no care or want for true historical knowledge? Just slap their name on any project that would make them look good? Though to those involved in the Underground as well as their children this would be a slap in the face. Dorians eyes fixated on the helmet, a symbol they used to vilify Magneto giving no care for his reform and the building of a mutant paradise. Without thought, Dorians had stretched out and the helmet fled to him, the metal cool to the touch and doing much the same that his necklace did. If this museum didn't care about history then they didn't deserve to have a piece of it. He placed the relic inside his bag, the item instantly vanishing before he looked at Percy.

”Leave it be. I want to talk to t'e Museum manager and see about ‘avin’ a real exhibit put in. Donated by ‘each Underground t'emselves. Photos, items, stories, a map of Genosha, t'e works!” Dorian turned on his heel and began to make his way back towards the Museums Help Desk.

At the museum’s help desk, it was staffed by an androgynous person in approximately their mid-thirties - maybe a little older, maybe a little younger. They had at least half a dozen piercings, and short, curly green hair. They wore the black uniform of the museum employees, but had acrylic nails like talons, and a name tag that said MORGAN. They raised an eyebrow at Dorian’s approach. “Can I help you?”

Percy hung back slightly - this was Dorian’s fight, yes, but he was also here to support his boyfriend if needed. He still had half a mind to grab that fireman’s axe - but he couldn’t help but smirk slightly, knowing that Dorian had taken one of Magneto’s helmets. Given his family’s aversion to telepaths, he imagined it would be put to good use.

It was difficult to be mad at someone who looked so cool. Difficult but not impossible. ”I'd like to speak to t’e manager owner person of t'is museum!” Dorian said sternly but without yelling.

“Same, girl, and he won’t return my calls,” Morgan commiserated. “But I can give it a shot for you. What’s your name and what’s your problem?”

am a guy. And my name is Dorian Gray, son of Maximillian Gray. Member of t’e Mutant Underground! My problem is t'at sad excuse for an exhibit in t'ier! Not'in’ in t'at room is correct. Not t'e members, who ran it, anyt'in! About t'e only t'in’ t'ey did get right was t'e name!”

They raised an eyebrow. “Oh, shit, Dorian? Dorian Gray? I haven’t seen you since you were, like, a fetus,” they laughed. “You should tell your dads I say hi - and when they ask you what I’ve been up to, the answer is none of their fucking business, okay?”

Percy’s eyes widened. Did Dorian know everyone?

“You’re not wrong, though - that exhibit is a piece of shit.”

All the wind instant flew out of Dorian's sails. She was agreeing with him. And she knew him. And his father. He read the name tag finally, seeing the name ‘MORGAN’ plastered in the museum's font. ”I
” Dorian didn't know what to do now. ”I uh, ‘eard a lot about you. Pa said ‘e'd of invited you over to trips but t'at out of all t'e mutants ‘e knew you were t'e ‘ardest to get a ‘old of. Never stayin’ in one place too long.” He said a bit more meekly now, embarrassed about his earlier outburst. ”Look, my Pa, uh, Max, can fix all t'is. Put a real display wit’ real facts, stories, photos, t'e whole shebang. T'at cool?”

Morgan glanced around, before leaning in closely. “You blew up my spot, kid. Do you know how long Jinxie and I have been working on this place? They have our shit in their backrooms. Just sitting in boxes. Like our past is just a bunch of toys they can keep. Put up a new display, whatever, I don’t care. But if your dad is getting involved, have him make sure the private collection goes back to the people it belongs to.” They then took a step back, before plastering on a fake smile. “You kids like stickers?” they then asked, in their customer-service voice.

Dorian blinked. Then again. Private
collection? They were hoarding and hiding mutant items while keeping them from their owners. ”I can just
get it for you. I can shut down all video and phase t'rough walls. It's not ‘ard. I can also ‘aul it all no issue wit’ a dimensional portal. You'd just ‘ave to meet me at school. T'at cool?”

They paused for a moment, their eyes unfocusing, before they smirked. “Nice. You don’t get caught. I love that for me. Sure, kid. We can do that. And no need to tell me where to meet you at your school - you already did.”

”Perce? Wanna see some real Underground stuff?” Dorian said linking arms with Percy and giving him a smirk.

Percy glanced at Morgan, before looking back at Dorian. It would technically be breaking the law. Yet as much as Percy adhered to rules, he chose which ones to abide by. And this wasn’t going to be one of them. Laws, after all, were just threats made by the dominant group in power - likely the very people who would gladly see Percy and Dorian dead, for one reason or another. ”I’d love to.”

”Good. I t'ink we need to see t'at exhibit again, give it a second chance.” Dorian said with a smile, taking a sticker that Morgan had offered. He walked back into the Mutant Underground Hall, the cameras still broken from his earlier outburst. As soon as no one could see them, he pulled them both into the Astral. Holding onto Percy the entire time as he guided them forward flying towards where the ‘private storage’ was.

Once they'd phased past that door, he looked around for any possible cameras. He phased his hand back in only, shutting off any system that would show who was inside before phasing them both back onto the material. ”Woah
look at all t'is stuff”

There were rows upon rows of shelves, piled high with crates and boxes. Each of them were meticulously labeled, indicating who had donated the item, what it was, and where it had come from. There was an entire section labeled Genosha, the most impressive being tools and equipment used by the Marauders as they sailed the globe, bringing mutant refugees back to the island. There were even preserved bits of flora, the native plants that could no longer grow there - and samples of the soil, carefully sealed so as to not expose their contents.

One thing in particular may stand out to Dorian, however - one of the boxes was simply labeled literature, various. And within it were dozens of journals having belonged to the mutants of Genosha. One of them, banged up and dusty, yellow cover showing its age, would be written in a familiar hand.

Another area of interest would be the racks - with sealed garment bags containing what looked like the apparel from the gala - from Genosha’s last celebration before its end.

”Do you recognize any of this?” Percy asked, a bit disturbed to see a dead rat lying on one of the shelves.

Dorian began stuffing items in his bag, starting with the Genoshian flora. He'd take care of them no problem. When he turned to look at Percy as he asked, he saw the rat on the shelf and geeked. Running over to him and picking up the dead rat. ”No way! Is t'is T'e Fred! I've ‘eard so much about ‘im! Oh we are definitely takin’ ‘im.” He said stuffing the rat into his bag. ”Some of it is stuff of legends. T'in's I'd only ‘eard of in stories and seen in photos. Like t'is plant ‘ere was made by a fae creature! Well fae mutant. Oh and t'is rebar was one of t'e Undergrounds main weapon. It's a bit bent but what do you expect?”

Percy gagged a bit as Dorian excitedly tossed a dead rat into his bag. He glanced around the room quickly, before finding a box of gloves - he grabbed two pairs and held one out to Dorian. ”If you’re going to touch dead rats, would you please wear these?” he requested. His eyes then fell on a box of photographs, one sticking out slightly. He tugged on it and got a closer look - it seemed like it was the picture of some sort of a party, with a group of folks sitting around a table

 With Zari and Andy.

Did they go to Genosha?”

”Did who go?” Dorian asked as he put on some gloves and began making his way to another shelf. Grabbing everything he could, by the box full when possible.

”Zari and Andy. They’re in this photograph of some sort of party.”

”What? T'at's weird no. T'ey're our age. I t'ink t'ey're parents were just big fans of the ‘eroes of Genosha and named t'em after t'em.” Dorian replied without even looking at the photo at first. Then, something clicked. He came bounding towards his boyfriend, snagging the picture and staring at it. ” ‘ow did I not see it. T'at night. Andy and I watched movies. I showed her my family photos and she
I t'ought she was just emotional because she ‘ad a bad ‘ome life but did she
did she know everyone in my photos?”

Percy frowned slightly. ”Zari is a time traveler - she uses her watch. I thought she had only used it to cross universes really but
 She’s Zari, she’s difficult to parse at times - more so than other people.” He’d known her since he was a child - the idea that she had gone on adventures with Dorian’s parents
 It was strange to think about.

”Sometimes? Zari is ‘ard to parse a lot of times. But if Andy's from Genosha
and was t'ere t'at night t'at t'e T'underin’ Champion vanished
she'd be
” Dorian began counting on his fingers, tongue out in full concentration. ”She'd be t'irty four?! T'ats so oooold.”color]

Percy chuckled. ”Thirty four and still in high school,” he said dryly. ”No offense to her, though, but Thundering Champion? Really? Have we finally exhausted our list of names?”

”Maybe it's just a sign of t'ier times? I ‘ave a great ‘ero name t'ank you very much.” Dorian said with a puff of his chest. ”Look no furt’er t'an Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and ‘Uman Torch. Even ‘t'e T'ing, all lame names from a bygone era of ‘eros. But
why'd she travel?” He asked as he made his way towards the box labeled misc lit. Thumbing through the books until he found an old worn out yellow one that appeared more personal than the rest. Well worn, loved, and most likely a diary. Did Andy keep diaries? Dorian thought he remembered her saying as much at one point.

So he opened it, flipping through the pages as the writing looked oddly familiar to him. His smile dropping more and more as he realized this was Pops journal. James’ adventures and thoughts on Genosha and the first few pages he was so alone. So very alone. Tears stained parts and smudged words. It appeared this was when all the others were on ice. Another time Xavier turned a cheek to mutant plight.

”Yes, you have a lovely one,” Percy agreed, stepping up to Dorian and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He tilted his head a bit as his boyfriend’s mood suddenly went sullen, and he glanced down at the page. The writing was old and faded. ”Someone you know?” he asked softly.

”Pops. Dannis dad, James. It's ‘is. Looks like before t'e rest of t'e Underground was unfrozen. When Pa and Pappa ‘ad no real future of gettin’ out and Appa was still dead. ‘E was just so

Percy’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. He hadn’t heard about this before. He put an arm around Dorian’s waist, pulling the taller boy in close. ”Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, not wanting to push.

”Just uh
just anot'er one of Xaviers many failures. T'ats alll. Maybe later. Let's finish up ‘ere, I believe you mentioned anot'er stop before we inevitably meet our uh
source at t'e rendez-vous?” Dorian said, his smirk coming back.

He nodded, making a mental note to never show anything relating to the X-Men to Dorian again. This date had been turning into someone of an emotional rollercoaster - and that hadn’t been his intention. Percy briefly placed his head on Dorian’s shoulder, hoping that the physical touch would help. ”Yes, I’m taking you out to dinner - like any proper gentleman.”

”Oh? A reverse date? Usually you dine before t'e bedroom antics but ‘ere we went and did it t'e ot'er way around. Unless
you're plannin’ for a second dose you dirty dog.” Dorian teased him as he began to gather more items and shove them into his tote.

”I did try to plan the perfect date,” Percy said with a slight smirk. ”How many doses do you think you can dispense, Dorian? Just two?” he challenged.

”Everyt'in you do is perfect babe.” Dorian remarked as he grabbed the last of the items within the room. They'd have to look through it later and see what all they snagged before Morgan showed up again. ”Rude. I can go as much as I want to. I just didn't want to overwork your poor little ‘eart. It was practically ready to burst back on t'e bus.”

”It was not,” Percy protested, his eyes narrowing a bit. He was only a few inches shorter than his boyfriend, but Percy was small for his age - and his height. ”I could handle way more than you’ve ever thrown at me,” he boasted.

”Well t'en. I'll ‘ave to break out some of Pappa’s stuff t'en. Did you know t'ere a mutant Kama Sutra? So many ways to use your powers for
ot'er t'ings. Since you can ‘andle it.” Dorian said as he held his hand out for Percy to take. ”Jump us out?”

Percy raised an eyebrow. ”A mutant Kama Sutra?” he repeated. ”How would that - how would that even work? Is it organized into rough classes of powers? The things someone with telekinesis can do are very different than, say, someone with plasticity. And then you have to consider the abilities of the partner - that’s an entirely different factor. How long is this book? Is it Genoshan?” A little twinge of nervousness then filled his stomach, as Dorian asked for him to jump them out. He’d been practicing his jumps. They were still hit-or-miss - he would never admit it, but Dorian seemed to almost have a better grasp on them than he did. Blue energy curled around his hands, and seemed to vibrate for a moment. But each time he tried, he just couldn’t focus enough - not enough to grab him and Dorian for the jump.

”Amazing break down to be ‘onest. It does ‘ave an organization based on rough power structures but t’ere's also a section in t’e back t'at ‘as power combinations as well. T'ink
zodiac books t'at tell you who a good match would be based on signs but it's powers instead.” Dorian noticed the blue energy begin to swirl around their hands and then
nothing. He knew Percy had trouble sometimes, but he figured it was because he was too in his own head. Too focused on focusing and not enough on just letting it happen. ”C'mon, try again.” Dorian said calmly, this time facing Percy and holding both hands. As soon as he began to see the blue begin to form, Dorian leaned into and pressed a deep kiss into his boyfriend. By the time he pulled back they were outside on the sidewalk.

His face was faintly pink as he stared at Dorian - the contest was just weeks away and he still didn’t have this reliably under control. Yes, he hadn’t had his powers as long as Dorian - he was two years his younger, and his teleportation ability hadn’t even shown up first, it had been his language skills. ”... What does it say about us, then?” Percy asked, trying to pretend like that hadn’t just happened.

”I ‘aven't um
’aven't really looked at it yet. It's only just ‘appened and t'ere's so much to cover so mostly focused on what my powers did, even t'en t'ey've been growin’ all year so much more to explore. Um
wow boy am I ‘ungry” Dorian said trying to cut out of that conversation. He hadn't expected for Percy to ask him that, to ask what their sexual compatibility was. They'd have to look at the book later.

”Well, the place we are going isn’t far,” Percy said, missing completely any awkwardness. He took Dorian’s hand and guided him a few blocks past the museum, where some sort of a street carnival was going on. There was live music, dancing, and food trucks from just about every part of the world - little booths selling local goods and art too, and even some games. ”I didn’t know what type of food you’d want the most
 so they have just about everything here you could want.” He wasn’t a huge fan of the crowds here personally, but he had planned the date to lead up to this, as he was so hopeful Dorian would love it. So he could bear a higher density of people around for a while.

Dorian enjoyed the several block walk from the museum to where they were going. The weather was perfect, just enough cloud coverage to keep the sun out of his eyes but not enough to remove the light for the day. He'd always wanted to explore and see more of California. While they did travel just about everywhere, talking a walk with you boyfriend on unknown streets was somehow very different. As they rounded the corner and the full display of their new date location was revealed to him, his eyes sparkled with wonderment.

The scene itself was not unlike the French Quarter. Live music, street art and art lined up and for sale, the vibrancy of life and beauty on display for all to see. But one thing that was different, that stood out amongst it all, was the food trucks encircling them. ”Wha?! I t'ought food trucks were just in movies and shows. I've never actually ‘ad food from one. Percy!!!” Dorian said with excitement as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and peppered him with kisses.

He laughed slightly, his own arms settling on Dorian’s waist. A small sense of relief did wash over him, seeing how much Dorian was excited for this. ”The best food in Los Angeles is from food trucks - you’ll like it,” Percy promised. ”Shall we?”

Dorian nodded furiously as he hooked his boyfriends hand again. ”You really know ‘ow to plan a perfect date. ‘Eist and all.” He said. He was practically beaming with happiness, grinning from ear to ear as he read each and every food trucks menu to figure out what the perfect bite might be.

Percy blushed slightly, even as he couldn’t keep himself from grinning at the praise. ”Thank you. I try to set a high standard,” he said, giving Dorian’s hand a slight squeeze. ”Where did you want to start?”

Dorian tried to think, what was a good post heist starter for a multi-cultural meal? His eyes darting around until finally he said ”Tacos. We start with tacos.” He pulled Percy towards the food truck, placing his arms crossed against the metal shelf as he ordered. ”’i! Could I get two carnitas, Two Al Pastor, and Two Cochinitas. Oh and a ‘orchata please?” Dorian turned to face Percy ”Did you want anyt'in’ from ‘ere?”

At first, Percy had assumed Dorian was ordering for both of them - he was, as Dorian loved reminding him, rather tiny compared to his boyfriend, so it took him a moment to realize that was just food for Dorian. ”Hmm. I’ll take a horchata - one pollo and one carne asada, as well, please.”

Dorian began digging into his pocket to pull out his wallet. The one thing he did know how to buy was food. Always food. Handing the worker some cash before getting back a ticket with a number to listen for while they waited. ”Should we go get t'e other food started while we wait for t'is one?”

Percy nodded. The taco truck was busy - it might be a moment before their order would be ready. And if they got everything together, they’d be able to find a place to step off to the side and eat. He’d already been bumped and jostled a bit just in their way to get to the taco truck - and the sheer amount of people around was making him feel a little queasy, a little overwhelmed. ”Let’s. What’s next?” Percy asked, content to let Dorian make the food choices.

”Well we got our apps, now for t'e main meal. Let's get some Shwarma! It's very important after a big ordeal. T'en maybe some Taiyaki for dessert and a side of ice cream.” Dorian said as he pointed out each truck associated with the food while he listed them out.

He chuckled slightly. ”Shwarma isn’t too on the nose for students from the Avengers school?” he teased slightly. ”Hmm. So if Shwarma is critical after a big ordeal, then is the Taiyaki critical for after a heist?” Percy added.

Dorian contemplated his answer, hopping up into the air criss-cross, floating subconsciously, and gently as he thought about it. He had meant the heist was the big ordeal, but if this meant that after any future potential heists he'd get Taiyaki, well then he'd have to say yes. His feet touched ground once more before he answered. ” I t'ink t'e combo Taiyaki and Ice Cream is yes. Like fries and a sundae.”

Percy marveled at him for a moment, admiring his boyfriend’s level of control. He looked so serene like this, like a demigod from an old story. Definitely a child of Hades, he decided. ”Perfect,” Percy said, before taking Dorian’s hand and navigating their way through the thickening crowd towards the Shwarma truck. ”What do you want?”

”Just the usual beef one should be fine enough. Don't want anyt'in too ‘eavy or i may not ‘ave room for dessert.” Dorian replied. He hadn't noticed how Percy was looking at him, really he hardly even noticed he'd used his powers at all. It just felt more natural to him when he was deep in thought to float. Being able to move in three dimensions was a simple way to help him focus oddly enough. ”What about you?”

”Hmm, I might try the lamb one,” Percy mused. He stepped up to the little window of the truck when it was their turn in line, ordering one lamb and one beef shawarma. He paid with some of the remaining cash that he had on him, and took their ticket number, before stepping back. They probably still had a few moments until the tacos would be out. ”Taiyaki?” Percy confirmed.

Dorian didn't even bother to respond. Hurrying over as he pulled Percy along with him over to the Taiyaki truck. Technically it had more than that, but all Dorian was fixated on was the fishy goodness and a matcha ice cream scoop. ”T'e movies make t'is seem so much quicker. T'e lines always behind t’em not ahead.” Dorian said as bit impatiently as he got on his tip toes to see how many more people were ahead of them.

For a brief second, Percy debated whether or not they could use either his powers or Dorian’s to cut the line - Dorian could possess people to force them to leave, and Percy could make a jump to the front. But he dismissed the idea somewhat quickly. They’d already been pushing their luck today. And he didn’t think Dorian would love the idea of forcing people to leave the line. ”Hmm. I read that one thing you are supposed to do for the perfect date is to ask each other questions,” he offered. ”I could ask you questions while we wait? Or you could ask me.”

”Oh! I uh, t'ink i ‘eard t'at too. ‘Ow about you ask me somet'in t'en i ask and we keep goin’ from t'ere?”

He nodded. ”What do you want to do when you graduate?”

don't know. I t'ought i did. T'at it was simple. I want to be a ‘ero but
Vicky said t'ats not a job. She's kinda right. T'ere isn't always a crisis or people to ‘elp it's not a twenty-four ‘our t'ing so
I need to t'ink about what I want to do alongside it all.”

Percy hadn’t realized until just then that there was an unspoken second part to his question - that when Dorian graduated, he would be leaving. And Percy would still be at the academy for another two years. It wasn’t a happy realization - one that just underscored how quickly he’d become attached to Dorian. He genuinely couldn’t imagine the school without him. ”You could talk to my moms about it if you’d want - being a hero is their full time job. Although Mama probably spends more time in the lab than out in the field.”

”Well all t'e teachers at school are ‘eros right? Maybe i can intern? Teach a class as i wait for t'e world to need me. Keep an eye out for t'e ‘eros who get overlooked.” Dorian replied. He'd never considered a teaching job before, if anything he figured he'd follow along his parents footsteps and help mutants in need but, couldn't providing a safespace within school do just that? If Arcade was anything to go by, they needed more heroes at the school to watch out for the little ones.

Percy smirked a bit. ”You do have teaching experience now

”I do?” Dorian asked puzzled.

He tilted his head at him. ”Yes, you do.”

Dorian blushed, waving Percys comment away. ”I can't do t'at as a TA. T'ats like, illegal and gross! Imagine if Poisson-Pas tried to teach you t’at way. Eww.”

Percy made a face, looking like he might gag. ”Please. I have no desire to imagine anything about Nemo’s sexual habits.”

”Exactly! Besides, I'd be taken
oh would t'at be weird? I'd be datin’ a student
maybe i could intern at a different school. Like Stranges's, t’ough ‘e was annoyed t'at i didn't go t'ere instead of ‘ere
” Dorian began mumbling to himself.

He tried to bite back a slight smile. They’d still be dating when Dorian graduated, then - since Percy had no intention of breaking up with him. However, there was still that bit of sadness at the idea - that Dorian would go back to New Orleans, while Percy would remain here. Maybe he’d drop out? He didn’t technically need a high school diploma to go travel throughout space-time. It was illegal, but if he wasn’t in this timeline anymore, would it really matter? Or he supposed he could go in the opposite direction, and try to graduate early - he could maybe shave off a year that way, but he doubted he’d be able to manage two. ”... I would miss you very much,” Percy said quickly. ”I believe it’s your turn to ask a question.”

”Miss me? Perce if you t'ink i wouldn't beg Dr. Strange for a sling ring so I could see you easier you ‘ave anot'er t'in’ comin’ Gonna take a whole organization to keep me away from you, and even t'en I'd fight t'em every step i could.” Dorian replied without a chuckle before deciding on his question. ”Ok ok ok. If you weren't datin’ me, who do you t'ink you would find ‘ot enough to date at school?”

He couldn’t stop the smile on his face this time. Dorian would fight an entire organization just to get to him? It made Percy’s little heart swoon. As prickly as he often appeared to others, he was a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart. His mother had almost destroyed an entire universe just to save a friend - that sort of action had formed the gold standard in his mind for what to look for in the people he loved. ”If I wasn’t dating you
” Percy frowned, thinking through the other boys at school. There were definitely other pretty boys, but Percy wasn’t just dating Dorian because he was pretty. The question also mildly felt like a trap. If Dorian hadn’t specified at school, he would have just answered his celebrity crush - Daniel Craig. ”I don’t think I would be dating anyone, if I wasn’t dating you,” he said. ”But if this is purely on how attractive they are
 Hulkling, because then he can shift to look like you.”

Dorian opened his mouth to speak, closed it, opened it again, then closed it once more. He was speechless. Mulling the answer over in his mind as he was just
shocked at how smooth it was. ”Cheater” Dorian said dryly, a smile poorly hidden on his face as he said it.

Percy smirked, incredibly pleased with the way it was now Dorian’s turn to struggle to speak. How the tables had turned. ”I’d like to ask you the same question, now - and you can’t reuse my answer,” Percy then challenged, riding out the high of his mini victory.

Dorian crossed his arms and huffed out a bit of air. ”No fair. You stole ‘alf my answer. It's eit'er Billy or Teddy. I guess Tommy too if you're into a white ‘aired Billy. Very Magneto t'ough. But it's a bit weird since two of t'em are related to my best friend.”

Percy frowned. His stomach suddenly started feeling odd, almost twisted. He made a mental note to ensure that he was always with Dorian whenever Wiccan, Speed, or Hulkling were around - he knew that Wiccan and Hulkling were dating, as everyone in school knew, but the idea that Dorian might find them attractive was upsetting. ”Daniel’s related to Wiccan and Speed?”

”What? No. April. T'ey're
cousins? I t'ink, basically ‘er dad is Wanda's brot'er but like not as cool as Pietro but just as douchey from what I ‘ear. So
” Dorian shrugged. He hadn't noticed Percys uncomfortableness towards his answer. He figured everyone knew about his crush on the Scarlet Witches mystical son. But he'd long left that crush during the last summer and moved on. Now the only thing he cared about doing with Billy was crushing him at the Contest of Champions.

He nodded slightly. He’d heard some complaints from his mother, Dominika, about April’s parents. They had worked together, back in the day - and as his mother told it, April’s parents had been a little too thrilled when she was fired for helping Hank Pym to create Ultron (and then Vision). ”My mother doesn’t like them very much.” The line was moving - slowly, but it was moving. It was almost their turn to order, and then they likely needed to go pick up the food from the other trucks. ”I know I just asked a question, so you can ask one instead if you’d like but
 Are you feeling better about the April situation now?”

”I don't know much about ‘er mot'er. Pa says she got better after she ‘ad ‘er kids. Or t'at maybe she just got tired and t'at made ‘er more tolerable. But it doesn't seem like April cares much for t'em
” Dorian said as he shuffled forward. ”It's weird
like, I should've seen it, every call, every video, never ‘ome but also never wit’ ‘er family. I mean Danni and I spend time out and about in t'e French Quarter but
to say ‘er ‘ome was suffocatin’ at times? I just assumed ‘er parents got on ‘er nerves. A dumb rule or somet'in’ but now
after all t'is
i don't know
” Dorian looked down as he spoke, watching the blades of grass blowing in the wind that wound between everyone's feet. He snapped out of it for a moment ”I'm sorry, what was t'e question?”

Percy gently wrapped an arm around Dorian’s waist, studying his face, his body language, his posture intently. ”I asked if you were feeling better about the situation now,” he said gently. ”You
 Hmm. It seemed like you were potentially blaming yourself, when you told me about it after it happened.”

”I'm ‘er best friend. She's basically a sister to me and
’ow could i not see t'e signs? ‘Ow could i not blame myself? I replay conversations and calls and see t'in's i shoulda seen t'e first time. And it kills me ‘ow naive and blind I was. I'm glad she's out, t'at she's better but
did it ‘ave to get to t’is point?” Dorian asked as he leaned his head onto Percys.

”I don’t know,” Percy admitted. He wished he could have fixed this for Dorian somehow - that he could have enough control over his powers to jump back, to tell someone that Dorian’s sister needed help. Anything he could do to alleviate some of those feelings of guilt, of blame. He only knew April in passing, but she was important to Dorian - and Dorian meant the world to him. He’d change everything that had ever hurt him if he could. ”I am sure she’s better off for having you, though. I don’t think there’s anything you could have done differently.”

Dorian sighed. He was right. Even if he'd caught it sooner would that have mattered? Would April's parents listen to him? Would she listen to her parents? He couldn't fix it, only the Lithium could do that. But
could he have done more? ”You're right.” Dorian smacked his cheeks lightly a few times to shake himself out of it. ”If you could travel to any point in time, where would you go?”

Percy hesitated for a moment. His immediate thoughts on where to go were all things for Dorian - to take him to Genosha (and potentially save the island), to try to get him back in time soon enough to help his friend. He used to have his own personal tier list of locations to travel to, but they all seemed so silly now - they were points of historical curiosity that he wanted to have confirmation on, they were famous battles from ancient myths, iconic sights that had been lost to the sands of time. ”I
 I would still want to take you to your island,” he admitted. ”... I hope that isn’t
 that isn’t too clingy of me.”

”Too clingy? Non, corny? Yes. But t'at also feels like a non answer. I want to know where you want to go. What places interest you, or time periods. Maybe even see Pompeii before
well yeah. Oh oh or maybe see a Pharoah be entombed and mummified! Or see ‘ow t'e world looked before man came along.” Dorian rambled out as more and more ideas came spewing forth.

”Hmm. Very well. There’s a lot of debate on whether or not the Trojan War has any historical basis - I would like to go see for myself,” Percy explained. ”It’s possible it’s just an amalgamation of other events - but given that we know gods do exist and move in our world
 I would be very curious to see what is true.”

”You just want to see Achilles ass for yourself.”

”What?” Percy tilted his head. ”If I did, it would be for strictly academic reasons,” he insisted.

”OH I'm suuuure. Just academically seeing the circumference of ‘is perfect double globes. T'at is if t'e statues are even accurate.”

”Are you jealous of Achilles?” Percy raised an eyebrow.

”Non mon amour, when my legend is told t'ey won't confuse my Achilles for just bein’ a roommate. T'ey'll know it was love, and gay.” Dorian said nudging Percy softly.

He chuckled slightly, leaning into his boyfriend. Percy debated saying something else, for a moment, but it was finally their turn at the front of the line to get the Taiyaki and ice cream. He’d been so focused on Dorian that he truly didn’t have any idea what he wanted from here. ”What do you recommend?” he asked him.

Dorian rolled his eyes playfully before looking towards the employee. ”Can we get two Original Taiyaki's please! Oh and two scoops of Matcha Ice Cream in a cup for each of us please and t'ank you.” After ordering he stepped behind Percy, letting him pay for the dessert.

Percy stepped up to the window, handing over his last bit of cash. While the other food trucks took a bit for the orders to come on out, this one was a lot faster when it came to distribution - it was only a moment or two before their order was ready. Percy stood up on his toes to be able to reach up to grab the items, carefully collecting the Taiyaki and the ice cream.

”Find us a spot and I'll grab t'e rest of our orders.” Dorian said before placing a kiss onto Percy's cheek. He made his way over towards the taco truck, going from one to another in the same order they placed the food in. He didn't have enough hands to carry it all, clearly (i mean he wasn't Ben), but he did have his telekinesis to help him out a bit. Precariously lifting the food, drinks and everything all at once as he handed the tickets to grab each order.

He nodded, quickly looking around the area - there were standing tables and whatnot, some of them right next to the stage where the music was being performed. But the minute Dorian left, it was like the crowd density had been turned up to an eleven - his hands felt clammy, and every few seconds someone was bumping into him, with only the occasional apology. His breath caught in his throat a bit, so when Percy spotted an empty-ish looking space, he made a beeline for it. There was a small neighborhood park that touched one end of the small festival space, where an old picnic table sat vacant beneath some trees. Once Percy got there, he put down the desserts and took a few breaths, the itchy feeling on his skin vanishing, as he pulled out his phone to text Dorian where he was.

Dorian felt his phone buzz, pulling it out and flipping it open to reveal Percy's message. There was something endearing about the way Percy texted, as if it was some time forgotten love note penned by candlelight.

To say it was a bit of a hassle to get through the crowd was an understatement. He'd lost sight of the food, having floated it high enough so people couldn't grab at it, but also to avoid dropping any from a collision. By the time he'd made it over towards the Picnic table, Dorian was already a bit wiped. He laid his head down on the table as the food and drinks slowly floated down. ”Never. Doin’ T'at. Again. Well not soon anyways. Man carryin’ food is a lot of work.”

Percy rubbed his back gently, a bit amused to see his boyfriend actually tired out from using his powers. He’d been beginning to think that Dorian had an unlimited fountain of energy to pull from. ”Maybe eating the food will reenergize you?” Percy suggested.

”I'm sure it will. T'en i could lift mountains of food more, mountains of beignets!” He said with a triumphant huff before sitting up and grabbing his first taco.

”How much can you lift, telekinetically?” Percy asked, curious as he took a sip of his horchata. He was vaguely aware that telekinesis was like a muscle, and the more people trained with it, the more they were able to move - certainly much more than they’d be able to lift physically.

Dorian shrugged as he sipped at his drink. Watching an ice cube sink further down the glass. ” No idea, not like I lift weights wit’ it. It's weird it's like, I always could but didn't know I could? April freaks out and it's pipes burstin’, Danni catches t'in's ablaze, but anytime I did
well t'in's would go flyin’. Whole rooms turned upside down in a flurry of items bein’ tossed by an invisible ‘urricane. It's why I called myself Poltergeist. Never realized it was telekinesis, just t'ought it was ghost stuff.”

”Hmm. Maybe you should try
 for scientific purposes,” he reasoned, avoiding eye contact as he took another sip. He then took one of his tacos, and took a careful bite into it, doing his best to keep anything from falling out and dripping onto his brand new clothes. Percy didn’t have a great sense for what it looked like to others when he was upset - all languages sounded approximately the same to him, so he wouldn’t have known if he switched the one he spoke in - and as for the jumps, he found that his body was much more likely to make them spontaneously when he was excited.

Dorian was midway through his last taco when Percy suggested he lift some weight with his mind. Did that even help? ”I mean i could? You could ‘elp me out, be a spotter and record t'e info qe get from it all. See if t'ere's a difference after some time.” He said not thinking much of it.

”Yes,” Percy answered a little too quickly. He then swallowed slightly. ”Erm, yes. I would definitely help record. I think we would need to do at least one session a day in order to have reliable, accurate data
 Maybe two

Dorian watched as his boyfriend began to get flustered again. A smirk creeping on his lips as he came to a realization. ”Out of curiosity, ‘ow much do you weigh?”

 About 116 pounds,” Percy said. He was pretty small for his age and height - definitely underweight for sure, and something his doctor was concerned about.

”So 116 and 170 added toget’er is
and I t’ink t’ere's some variables t’ere for when objects are in motion so
let's say I've lifted
300? And t'ats wit’ me doin’ ot'er physical activity so who knows what I can do when I'm not.” Dorian said with a wink.

”I’m not going to let you get to me like this so easily,” Percy bluffed. He had already been entertaining a slight fantasy of Dorian shirtless, lifting him and a variety of other weights at the same time.

”That so?” Dorian remarked as he tried to use his telekinesis to undo Percy's belt. His powers gripped onto the buckle, shuffling it side to side before it felt flat on his lap again still buckled. Dorian groaned in annoyance before eating his Shwarma.

A small part of Percy was disappointed as Dorian’s powers failed him. But it was probably for the best - they didn’t need a repeat of how turned on Dorian had gotten him earlier that day on the bus, not in such a public place. ”We can go back to school if you’re tired,” he offered, a little concerned.

”I can do t'is all day.” Dorian snipped back playfully before taking another bite. ”Just, not used to usin’ it so much in a controlled manner. Its
’arder t'an it looks
but I'll get it!”

”Very well, Captain,” Percy said curtly. He took a bite of his own Shwarma now, skipping his usual protocol of eating all of a certain category of food first before moving on - purely as he doubted he’d have room for all of this if he did that. ”Hmm. Maybe then it isn’t just my powers we should be practicing together. Maybe we should work on your telekinesis as well.”

Dorian raised an eyebrow at that remark. He had used it a time or two to do the telekinetic tango. After all, using all three dimensions was much more fun than just the two most were used to. ”It definitely sounds like we need to open t'at book t'en. See what all i can try and do. Expand my ‘orizons as it were.”

Percy had actually meant real practice - the sort that could be done in a room where others might be present. But if that was how Dorian wanted to practice
 he wasn’t about to say no. ”I still have a lot of questions about that book. Is it alright if I annotate it? Do you have a spare copy?” He wasn’t going to ask his moms to buy it for him - and he had used all his spending money on this date.

”Mmmmm. I only ‘ave my one copy but you can borrow it if you'd like. I'd ‘ave to ask Pa for it but I'm sure ‘each wouldn't mind portaling it over. What kinda questions do you ‘ave?”

”Hmm. Well obviously, I want to know what it says about us. I also want to see what level of generalization it has to powers - the more specific, I imagine the more content that has to be included at the risk of redundancy, but if it’s too broad, then it won’t really apply to everyone. And how niche are the powers included in it? Does it only deal with the most common mutant powers? What’s the threshold for being included? Does it have a mechanism for unique combinations from a single person - or is every power combination treated as one from each partner? And who wrote this? Is it largely theoretical or is this
 practical knowledge they had?”

”I don't fully remember who wrote it. Some girl like Susie or somet'in’? It was co-written wit’ anot’er aut'or who went by Sin Sister. Which is a good name if you just write smut i guess.” Dorian replied while eating some more of his food. ”Why? You wanna see more books by t'em? Bookmark t'in's you want to try out? Use red bookmarks for t'in's you don't want to do?”

”You can learn a lot about a book by knowing about its author - and the other way around, too,” Percy explained. ”Like every person who translates something, they have some sort of an opinion, an objective, that comes through. It’s why there are so many frankly misogynistic translations of the Odyssey, the Iliad
 But also yes, I would be curious to see what else they’ve written.”

”What biases would you ‘ave put in if you translated t'ose stories? What's your agenda?” Dorian asked as he moved onto the matcha ice cream, taking a spoonful of it.

Percy almost froze for a moment - feeling more stunned than anything else. He was so used to think about the biases of others, that he never considered - he never considered applying them to himself. He thought of his mutant power over language to be objective, to be free from that. But how could it be? Everything was still filtered through his own perception. ”I
 don’t know,” he scrunched up his face, falling deeply into thought. ”I think
 I think our biases are easier for other people to notice, so
 What would you say they are?”

Dorian thought, the small wooden spoon given to them with the ice cream now firmly pressed between his lips as he focused on the question at hand. ”Well, you care about t'e journey, t'e trut’ , and t'e ‘eros. I've seen your annotations, what you find important or incorrect. But I t'ink sometimes you focused too much on what's messy, t'e parts t'at don't play well wit’ ot'ers, t'e ones t'at can't be neatly tied in a bow or set aside and finished. You focus on t'ier biases but in a way I t'ink it also focuses on parts you can't quite cleanly resolve. If any of t'at makes sense.”

”Hmm. Fascinating. I’ll need to think more on that,” Percy mused. His immediate instinct was to try to find a way to correct for that bias of his
 but then he would only be reinforcing that. But the idea of his own translations being imperfect was a strange one, uncomfortable even. He’d always assumed that his readings were correct, having had no real reason to think otherwise. And yet
 he had thought his reading of Dorian was correct, when they had first met. How wrong he has been. ”Dorian
 After our first meeting
 Why did you not hate me?”

Dorian paused, all matter of eating. Why did he not hate him? What kind of a question was that? ”Why would I ‘ate you after one meetin'?” It was a simple question, but an honest one.

”I was cruel to you.”

”You were upset. We burned your nice jacket. Besides, everyone ‘as an off day. If we made assumptions about everyone off of t'e first impression, we'd never get anywhere. People need to be more flexible in ‘ow t'ey t'ink
ot’erwise we get people like Purifiers who only ‘ate mutants on first look and not true content.”

For a moment, Percy sat in silence. He blinked his eyes, suddenly finding them a bit misty. He
 he knew that he was rigid, that he was inflexible. He knew that he made quick judgments and held onto them. He hadn’t wanted Arcade rehabilitated - he had wanted him killed. To hear
 to hear those traits connected with Purifiers
 it rattled him. He didn’t know what to say, completely at a loss.

He couldn’t help but wonder am I a good person?

Fuck. Was all Dorian could think as he noticed the sudden change in Percy. Did he say something? Do something? Was Purifier a trigger word? ”Babe? Are you ok?”

Percy’s breath caught in his throat. Blue energy started to build up around his hands, his body getting ready to flee, as he sat there trembling, horrified.

Dorian phased through the table in order to sit next to Percy. Placing his hand over Percy's as he wrapped the other around him and pulled him in tight. ”Talk to me, what's goin’ on in t'at ‘ead of yours?”

He couldn’t help it now, tears flowing despite his best efforts as Dorian embraced him. Did he deserve him? No. ”The way you said that Purifiers think
 that’s how I think,” he mumbled.

Dorian pressed a tight kiss against Percy's forehead before pulling him in again. ”You are not'in like t'em. Yeah you're a little judgemental at times, but you also just a kid, we all are. We ‘ave so much time and room to grow I'm lucky I've ‘ad t'e safety and life I ‘ave. Lucky I ‘ave so many experiences to broaden my t'oughts. We grew up differently, t'inkin’ differently, but t'at doesn't mean you can't learn to see t'e world a new way. I've already seen ‘own far you've gone, and I bet Aggie would agree you'll go so much more too.”

Percy had never felt so small before, as he sobbed into Dorian’s shoulder. He hadn’t even known this fear was inside of him, the strength of this emotion taking him completely by surprise. He did remember what Agatha had said - that he would be alone, stuck under the thumb of some other person.

And that he was in love with Dorian Gray.

She’d been right, then.

 Agatha told me that day that I was in love with you,” he said hoarsely. ”And that I would end up alone.”

Dorian wanted to ask, but, was it too soon?

was she right? Are you in love wit’ me?”


”Yes?” Say it. Say it. Dorian wanted to hear the words.

Percy’s eyes were red, as he lifted his head off of Dorian’s shoulder, confused. He had told him earlier that day. What game was this? ”Yes, I love you.”

Dorian's heart fluttered. Pulling Percy into a tight hug, practically knocking any air out of him. ”I love you too you big dope. And you'll never be alone, t'ats one t’in’ Aggie got wrong. Cuz you cant get rid of me t'at easily. I'll ‘aunt you.”

He could barely breathe, feeling Dorian tightly all around him - but in a way, that was good. It felt safe. The tears had stopped - and Percy hadn’t even had a moment yet to feel embarrassed that he had cried in front of his boyfriend, he hadn’t cried in front of someone else in years, he was fourteen years old after all.

He loved him. He really did. He wanted to be better for him.

He thought back to all the things he had said to Agatha - how he had claimed that he wasn’t a romantic - but here he was, hopelessly in love. Any future without Dorian in it just didn’t seem worth living in.

”Is that a promise?” Percy sniffled.

”So long as you live I will love you with all my ‘eart Percy Theo Novikova.”

 never mind,” Percy sighed slightly, before laying his head on Dorian’s chest. He never wanted to let go.

Location: D&D Dorm
Skills: N/A

Danni had been eagerly awaiting this evening since April was whisked away to C.A.G.E. All of the blankets were washed, all of the movies readily available, food ordered (he still hadn't quite gotten up the nerve to cook again), and he'd brought a new scent diffuser Maxie made him. Danni saw it online, a cute little dragon on a pile of gold and the scented smoke came out of the dragon's nose he just had to have it now that Amélie had hatched.

“I know you ‘aven't gotten ta meet Princess much AmĂ©, but you'll love 'er! She runs a little on t'e cold side so you can stay cuddled up wit’ me still.” AmĂ©lie had clawed her way up his leg and sat perched on his shoulder, front legs on his head and her tail wiped loosely around his neck. He'd probably regret letting this habit settle in as she grew but AmĂ©lie was so cute, how could he deny her? “But Princess is so nice and kind and funny, you’ll warm right up ta ‘er, so don’t be scared and jump off my like last time someone knocked. Ya nearly choked me out!” Danni laughed as he fluffed the pillows a little more and looked at the little nest her always makes for them critically. “Dee, do ya t'ink t'is looks right? It feels a little lopsided. Maybe I should move some
 Wait a second, where's t'at blanket we got from Mamie Ellie a few years ago? T'at blue and grey like knitted one ya really like? Did I lose it? Did I leave it in t'e washin’ machine? Dee, I can't find it!”

April had been at CAGE for a week when she was finally allowed to go home - to go back to her boys. She was genuinely feeling a lot better, a lot more stable. Talking with Dr. Whitehall was helping a lot, as was taking her medicine and just being a lot more honest with herself. The lithium had caused her to have a slight tremor in her hands, but the doctors had told her that it was a common side effect when first starting on lithium, and to just keep a close eye on if it didn’t get better or started to get worse. Her actual meds were being kept in the nurse’s office at the school, where she was about to be on a first name basis with them - and where she would have to get bloodwork done twice a week to monitor her levels.

But none of that was worrying her right now. She was finally home, back at Avengers Academy. April had thrown almost all of her things into two suitcases, told Mads she was going to be across the hall with Danni and Dori for at least a week, and then knocked on their door, her heart pumping with excitement. “Hey! It’s me! Open up please! Danni! Dori! It’s April!”

Dorian was laying on his back in his bed as Danni finished setting things up. His phone in hand as he researched Jewish customs and traditions. Do's and Don'ts of Hanukkah. He didn't want to accidentally offend Percys family. This would be their first impression of him, and he'd already asked Percy if it was ok to wear the tiny hat they do. He hadn't realized it had a name to it. But, Percy had been so kind in trying to learn and understand Genoshian customs that he wanted to understand his Jewish ones. Dorian tilted his head back, now upside down on the edge of the bed as he stared at the pile of pillows. ”Maybe anot’er two on t'e left? And t'e blankets at t’e top of t'e closet D. It ‘asn't moved since last we used it.”

Dorian looked back at his phone, waiting for a text, picture, anything to let him know that April would be there soon. Sure they visited her a ton, but he still missed her terribly. It wasn't the same at C.A.G.E. It was stifling and he felt like they had no real freedom to be themselves. But here, at AA, in their dorm. They could be anything and everything with each other. There was a knock on the door and Dorian scrambled off the bed in a hurry screaming as he went to open the door. ”She's ‘ere, she's ‘ere! D!”

Danni screamed, Amélie screeched, there was a rush to the closet that had Amélie nearly choking him out as she tightened it to hold on, and he managed to snag the blanket down and slam it into its proper spot in the little nest they'd build to catch up on a week worth of cuddles. The pillows would have to wait until everyone was in and they'd added April's stuff as well.

“Well, why ‘aven't you opened t'e door yet? Come on!” Danni demanded, gently prying AmĂ©lie off his shoulders. There was a little spot he'd found just under her front right leg that if you ribbed, she'd boneless and do an adorable little grumble-growl combination while she dozed off. It made extracting her from curtains, couches, and everything else that she could get her claws in (RIP the 2037 fall Mishi blazer he'd gotten for his birthday) difficult since he’d discovered it. As expected, she let him shift her to his bed and she stayed curled up for a few moments. It was nearly evening playtime for her so he only had a few minutes before she was back up but for now, Danni waited until Dee opened the door and he threw himself at it shrieking “PRINCESS!!!!!!!!

April threw her arms around Danni the moment he opened the door without a second thought. It hadn’t been that long since she had seen her boys - just a day, really, they had been so good about visiting her and it had honestly made such a difference - but it hit different to be here with them, to be home. Everything she had been feeling before she left - the day that they’d taken her away - April had been contemplating ending it all. But how could she do that? How could she end it when she had the best things in the world right here? And if she were to be entirely honest with herself - not that she would ever tell a single soul this - this was part of the reason why she had broken up with her girlfriends. She just wanted to be with Danni and Dori.

”Danni!!!!!!!!!” April kissed him on the cheek.

Between Dorian, Danni, AmĂ©lie, and now April screaming, Amour soon too began to scream. Not know what was going on but zooming in circles as she did so matching the energy in the room. Dorian quickly lifted up April and Danni in the hug, twirling in place before settling them back down. It was times like these it was useful to be a telekinetic. ”I missed you so much! T'is dorms felt a little empty wit'out you ‘ere!”

Danni laughed as Dorian swung the little group around. Danni kissed April on the cheek too and the Dorian for good measure. AmĂ©lie hopped up at all the noise and soon was chasing after Amour. “Omg, seriously! Our little group is complete again! You can really get ta know AmĂ©lie now, we ‘ave all t'e movies ready so whatever ya wanna pick, I ordered food so that'll be ‘ere in a bit
” Danni curled the ends of April's hair around his finger. “And I t'ink it's time, Princess. I t'ink I’m finally doin’ your ‘air tonight. Gotta get it a bit more in shape, ya?” Danni was more so talking to himself as he dragged everyone inside and shit the door to keep Amour and AmĂ©lie from sprinting out.

“Okay, okay, okay. So I got all t’e blankets and pillows set up. Did ya bring your stuff ta add? I can get it all fluffed up while you pick out what we’re doin’!” Danni offered. He opened the closet and waved at some of the empty space. “We also made some space for ya, so we don’t ‘ave ta trip over the stuff you brought!”

April made sure to give Dorian a kiss on the cheek too, giggling as she saw the little critters chasing around after each other. They were so much cuter in person than in photographs - and they were already pretty adorable in the photos. She dragged her suitcases into the closet, with a little difficulty - the tremors in her hands weren’t helping - but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. Her blankets and favorite stuffed animals April added to the basis of the imminent cuddle pile. And at Danni’s mention of doing something with her hair, April paused for a moment, debating something, before settling on it. ”Hey Danni
 Do you think you could do an undercut?” she asked. ”And hmm. Movie movie movie
 What about Legally Blonde? Dorian needs to practice his bend and snap anyways,” she teased, sticking her tongue out slightly at Dorian.

”T'ats why it was lopsided!” Dorian exclaimed as he smacked his forehead. ”We were missin’ Aprils plushies. Now it's perfect.” As they all got settled Dorian went over to the movies and began searching for April's pick. Talking to them all the while he searched. ”Undercut? Why t'e big change? Not t'at I disagree, I t'ink you could rock it. Ah ha! Found it, Now to show you just ‘ow good my bend and snap is.”

 an undercut.” Danni mused, taking a step back to frame April's face. “Yeah, I should be able ta, no problem! We can watch t'e movie, catch up on snuggles, and t'en it's choppin’ time! And Dee, we all know you been slackin’ ever since you found out ya could just float everyt'in’ up ta you.” Danni teased, shifting April's additions to the pile around, sticking out his tongue as he considered, and turned and shoved them into just the right shapes. Once he was satisfied, he picked up AmĂ©lie and held her up for April.

“AmĂ©lie, t'is is Princess. We love Princess lots so be nice ta ‘er! Princess, t'is is AmĂ©lie. She still teethin’ so she might get chompy. Just let me know if I don't catch it and I'll let ‘er chew on my ‘and for a bit!” Danni explained excitedly.

”I dunno, do you guys ever, like, look at your face in the mirror and feel like someone else is looking back?” April asked, before giggling a bit as she gently took the dragon baby. ”Awww it’s okay baby girl you can bite me and I won’t tell your daddy, I promise!! Awww who is the cutest little thing??? You are!! Yes you are!!!” April then slowly took one hand off of Amelie, twirling a finger around and came in slowly to boop the dragon’s nose.

”Oh yeah! T'is one time I was gettin’ ready and I got so scared as I looked in t'e mirror but it was just my jacket behind me not anot'er person. Did you check to see if t'ere was a jacket?” Dorian asked, unsure as to what this had to do with anything. But after the past weeks he was willing to talk to April about anything and listen to every word. Maybe she had a fear of jackets?

“Princess, ‘ave you considered someone is spyin’ on you? Sounds like a secret camera behind a mirror kinda t'in’, you know. Maybe we need to check all t'e mirrors!” Danni exclaimed, and then quickly became distracted by how cute April and AmĂ©lie were together. “I know, isn't she just t'e best!” Danni beamed as AmĂ©lie tried to chomp April's finger, growling when she couldn't. He patted Amour on the head as she looked around for attention.

“But yeah, we can get ya rockin’ an undercut. Maybe we can do a shoppin’ spree too, change out your wardrobe wit’ it ta somet'in’ a little more punk, a little more rock, a little more kick ass, ya know.” Danni flopped onto the nest and snuggled in, AmĂ©lie squirming in April’s arms to join. Amour did the same, popping in and fixing Dorian with puppy eyes. “Okay, cuddle time!!!! Come on, come! Cuddles were fine at C.A.G.E but noth’in’ beats a ‘omemade Kingston-Gray cuddle pile!”

April flopped down into the cuddle pile almost immediately, positioning herself so that way Amelie could still be in contact with Danni while being held by April. She tucked her head underneath Danni’s chin, and then patted the space next to her, wanting Dorian to come and join the squish fest. She couldn’t help a tiny burst of happiness in her chest as Danni called it the Kingston-Gray cuddle pile. ”I don’t think it’s a jacket - or like someone spying on me, although I wouldn’t be surprised if, like, August somehow was. It’s more like
 like there’s a mismatch in how I think I should look and how I look? I dunno. It’s not a huge deal. An undercut would be nice too since it’s easy to hide it from my parents.”

Dorian plopped himself right next to April, patting his leg so that Amour could come join, slipping into the space between his arms. ”Maybe it's like t'e ot'er day! My powers were goin’ ‘aywire and makin’ my ‘air all frizzy regardless of ‘ow much frizz control i used. And so like I didn't look like I wanted to look and ended up changed my whole look. What a day.” He said as he began to scratch under Amour's chin. He wasn't sure how spot on he was or not, trying to wrap his head around what it was that April was saying. Maybe it was the medication? The tremors didn't go unnoticed but he'd looked up the medication on his phone and apparently that was normal.

“Whelp, if it's an undercut t'at ‘helps, it's an undercut you'll get! And t'en you'll feel all set!” Danni cheered, wrapping an arm around April to pull her closer and then threw a leg over her and Dorian. “August
 Oh, t'at's t'e dude who came.up and licked ya right?” Danni asked nonchalantly. He remembered t'at random guy swinging by and taking a whole, big lick of her. We'll, if fairs fair

Danni leaned over, looked at the offending spot, leaned in, and licked right over the same spot August did.

April froze for a moment - not necessarily tensing up or anything, but definitely surprised. She was used to cuddling with Danni, having him kiss her cheek - he even cut her hair for her pretty regularly. Physical closeness with him or Dorian had never really been an issue. She’d even changed quickly in their room before, not really minding if they saw anything. But licking her face? That was definitely something new.

And then April giggled, shaking her head a bit. ”Were you jealous he licked me, Danni?” she asked, smiling. Maybe she should have been bothered by it or found it strange, but
 It was just Danni. She didn’t have anything to be afraid of with him, she didn’t think he meant anything weird by it.

”Groooossss. Don't start lickin’ me now.” Dorian said with a bit of a giggle as he used his sleeve to wipe away any spit from Aprils cheek that was too close to him. ”I may ‘ave gotten cool wit’ a lot of t'ings but I draw t'e line at spit.”

“‘ey! I just t'ought if your new friend can do it, your best friends can do it too. And Dee, we know you don't like spit. It's why I always licked the best muffins Appa made. Just to make sure you don't steal it, like you steal t'e first cup of coffee every time!” Danni told him smugly. AmĂ©lie clawed her way up April a little more, staring intently at her hair. “‘ave I told you t'at if I want t'e first cup of coffee on any given day, I ‘ave ta get up at like 5 in t'e mornin’, brew it myself like a ‘eat’en, and only t'en my I enjoy my coffee if t'is guy doesn't go ghost and drop t'roigh t'e floor?”

”What if it’s Percy’s spit, Dori? Is it still gross then?” April giggled. She didn’t notice the way the dragon was eyeing her hair like a snack. Instead, she took Dorian’s hand with her left, trying to give it a squeeze - but the tremors were making it difficult, so she settled on just poking him with her foot. ”Wait Danniiiiiii will you make me coffee in the mornings now?” she then asked, doing her best to give him puppy dog eyes.

”Spit is spit. It's gross regardless who's mout’ it comes out of.” Dorian protested as he poked April back with his foot. ”And t'ats a lie! You don't need to get up at 5 am, you just need to get good. Maybe if you woke up at a reasonable time you'd get first dibs on t'e coffee” He said as he stuck his tongue out.

“Princess, love of my life, apple of my eye, let me tell you a little secret. We, you and me, ‘ave a really nifty machine called a Dorian t'at makes coffee for us. Fully automated, makes a delicious cup every time.” Danni teased Dorian. AmĂ©lie lunged, but Danni managed to stick his finger in her mouth and she looked at it cross-eyed and confused. Danni continued like this was normal. “I like t'at sleep! It's unnatural t'at you and Pops wake up before t'e sun ta do exercise and shit!” Danni entangled his fingers in April’s, giving her a comforting squeeze.

April laughed some more, giving Danni a kiss on the cheek, before then wiggling around to do the same to Dorian. ”Gods I missed you both,” she said, doing her best to give a slight squeeze back. ”I missed you more than I missed my phone,” she teased.

Dorian wanted to be upset at being called a machine, but
he did make a mean cup of coffee. They'd taken courses on all things coffee from how it's made, roasted, to grind textures and perfect pulls. Danni was good as well but Dorian wondered if he retained as much of the information as he had. ”It's unnatural t'at you sleep so much.” He remarked before giving April a squeeze, accidentally squishing Amour who began to protest and then wriggled out from the pile and made her way over towards her own bed.

“No Amour, don’t goooooo.” Danni sang and giggled as AmĂ©lie finally got his finger out of his mouth and curled up half on April's stomach, half on his legs. He'd pet her but one hand was too far away and the other occupied. “Soooooo, I t'ink it's tiiiiiime. Spill t'at tea, girlie. Beanie and Rocky over t'ere not doin’ it for ya anymore?”

. Fine,” April sighed. ”I dunno, I did - I do - I did really like both of them. A lot. But, like, everything happened so quickly and - like I got the feeling they were probably doing things or wanted to do things that I just didn’t feel ready for - and then with the bipolar diagnosis and school it just
 I don’t think I, like, could be the girlfriend that they would want me to be y’know?” She paused for a moment, her face turning a bit crimson. ”And don’t judge me for this, this is going to sound so, like, uncool of me
 But when they took me to CAGE, you two were the only people I wanted to see
 L-like this is really fucked up and terrible of me, but I didn’t think about them until later. And that’s not fair, so
 So I ended things. I guess I don’t have to worry about coming out to my parents now, either, so yay?”

Dorian adjusted himself so that he was laying on his back now, looking up at the ceiling as he wondered if that's how he would feel if he had gotten locked up. Would he have thought of Percy? In truth he couldn't stop thinking about him, but his friends group was also incredibly impressed. Sometimes it felt difficult balancing Danni's needs and Percy's but Dorian thought he was doing fine. Hoped he was doing fine. ”I mean
maybe you guys just rushed into it a bit too fast? And you ‘ave a lot goin’ on right now and t'at's fair.” It felt as though a wrench was being twisted inside his stomach, thinking about it now, about his conversation with Sabine. She must've felt so alone, to be left by April and then have him spring that on her
he'd need to check up on her later.

“‘onestly, same t’ough. I’d t’ink ‘bout y’all and t’e rents first and foremost and of course, my baby AmĂ©lie.” Danni blew kisses at her. “And t'en I'd t'ink ‘bout Beanie and Mads and everyone. It's just
 t'e trio is family, ya know, and family takes care of each ot'er first. You shouldn't ever feel bad for wantin’ us ta be wit’ ya ‘cause we wanna be wit’ ya too, ya know?” Danni kissed the top of April's head. Surrounded by his best
 his family, Danni felt settled and satiated. The steady breathing of April, his leg entangled with Dorian's, and the warmth of them heating up the their little fortress made him indescribably happy.

“At least, you're ‘ome now and t'ey ain't takin’ you away from us again.” Danni decided determinedly. “But ‘ey, at least you ‘ad fun while it lasted right? T'ats a good t'in’! You can remember t'is fondly in our old age, t'e summer flin’ of your teenage years! We'll make silly jokes about us as dumb teens while we sit on a rooftop somewhere, eatin’ lunch toget'er while we're keepin’ everyone safe from villains. T'ough, we should probably check on Beanie. She kinda laid into my t'e ot'er day. Like, real nice like but definitely told me off. Wonder if she was feelin’ like t'at ‘cause t'e break up.”

April teared up a bit at Danni’s affirmation that they were family - and that this was home. She felt happier and safer with Danni and Dorian than she ever did back in DC, with her parents and her sister. If April could wave a magic wand and change anything about her life, she wouldn’t have to go entire summers without seeing them - she’d never have to go back to Washington. ”Y-yeah, they, um - they took it well when it happened, but, like, Sabine shared something kinda intense - like it’s not my place to say what it was - but
 I don’t know if it would be weird if I talked to her - Leah seemed really confused about everything that was happening
 which I g-guess is my fault because I didn’t tell anyone anything a-and
 I’m guessing it might be my fault then if Sabine was mad at you.”

She was plenty mad at me too t'ough
t'at was fully my doin’. I was actually just t'inkin’ about it. ‘Ow lonely she must've felt at t'at moment.: Dorian was going to say more, wanted to, but he didn’t think it would help April. If anything she may blame herself more and have an episode. He didn't really know how this illness worked. He wanted, wanted to help. But every time he'd gone to research it his hands just froze over the keyboard. It was like the first time he took the “Am I Straight” quiz. Afraid that because he thought Luna Snow was objectively beautiful that it meant he was into her. The answer obviously being no, he just had good taste like all gays do.

“Silly goose, Beanie wasn't mad at because of you. Beanie was grumpy ‘cause apparently me tellin’ people what team I wanted made ‘er feel like I was brushin’ off everyone but you bot’. T'ough, she was real, real focused on Zelds? T'at was a big one in the convo.” Danni said thoughtfully. “‘onestly, Beanie just keeps bottlin’ stuff up and like, lockin’ ‘herself outta convos it seems. Like, she waited so long ta talk ta me about t'at, I can't imagine ‘ow long she ‘eld on ta whatever she told you, Princess. I wish she'd like, just jump into it. Like, you're upsetti? Lemme know about t'at spaghetti now. I told Leah once why she was makin’ ‘herself so small and I kinda t'ink it's like tx’at? I dunno why bot’ of t'em do It, holdin’ themselves back and keepin’ themselves away from all us but-” Danni gasped.

“I burned down our ‘ouse!” Danni shouted, startling AmĂ©lie and coughing as she puffed out smoke in irritation.

April turned so quickly as Danni said that that she almost hurt her neck in the process, her eyes wide and her hair falling into her face, giving her almost a manic look. ”Oh my god, Danni - I’m so sorry!! What happened? Wait, no, you don’t have to answer that - but are you okay? I mean clearly you’re alive and fine and everything but like
 What can I do?” she asked him quickly, her brain going into crisis management mode as she threw both her arms around Danni, hugging him tightly, even as her hands shook.

Dorian's eyes went wide. If he'd had a drink he would've spat it out on them. ”I t'ought we weren't gonna talk about it! You said!”

“I am bad at ‘idin’ t'in’s, okay?! I And I told Maevy ‘bout it ‘cause I got upset and y’all know I ‘ate ‘idin’ t’in’s in t’e first place so once I broke t’e seal, I told Beanie ‘cause she got me cryin’ so t’at was fucked, and t’en I was like I can’t not tell Princess so surprised! I burned down t’e ‘ouse after a ‘horrible nightmare and tryin’ tag figure it out and t’en poof, ‘ouse gone! But it’s chill, Pa made it all back again, but ‘e couldn’t remake everyt’in’ and t’e stuff ‘e did make doesn’t feel like my stuff anymore. And ‘e did not remake all t’e stuff ‘e didn’t know ‘bout, like some of t’e notes we used ta pass in class, a journal I wrote in, aaaaaaaaaaa bunch of t’osw old Polaroids I kept so t’at’s great!” Danni ‘urried ta explain. “T’at’s kinda t’e problem wit’ t’e ‘allway t’e ot’er day! Just kinda froze up ‘cause I could ‘ear ‘Cadie reminding me t’at none if t’is is real and I'm still in t’e Framework!”

April bit her lip, listening to Danni’s explanation
 and how he had told Sabine first. She shifted somewhat uncomfortably, a knot twisting in her stomach. But what right did she have to feel upset about them not telling her something? She’d hid so much from them. ”Oh! Um. I can - I can see if I still have some of my journals - I think I still have my journal from our elemental class as freshmen - a-and I can see what - what Polaroids I have too. But um maybe - maybe I stay here longer than just the week? So if - so if you have that nightmare again, I can just put things out
 if that would help?”

Dorian chuckled a bit at the thought of April putting out Danni's nightmare fires. He didn't know how to help Danni with this issue, or even why he was having it. But two thoughts crossed his mind at this solution. ”Woah woah woah. As much as I'd find it funny t'at you'd turn Danni's flamin’ wet dream into a real wet one, I'd rat'er not risk my beautiful computer and gamin’ set up. Please and t'ank you.”

Danni stared real hard at April. She did a
 thing. A thing he didn't like. “You're only stayin’ a week? I t'ought you were movin’ in. Like we're lettin’ ya leave lol.” Danni laughed at Dorian's joke before flicking him off, holding it up while smiling lopsidedly at April. “And now you're gunna tell us w’at went t’rough t'at pretty little ‘ead just t'en. I saw t'at sad little frowny bitey t'in’ you do. We want everyt'in’ you got, includin’ when you're sad. Gotta let it out or it's gunna blow, I should know!”

She opened her mouth, about to insist that she was fine - old habits died hard. But
 pretending was how she’d gotten sent to CAGE. Pretending was what had made things get so bad that she had almost committed suicide. And she knew that Danni and Dorian had been so nice about it all, not pressing her too much about it but
 if the situations were reversed, how would she feel if they kept on hiding things? ”Um
. It’s
” she swallowed, trying to visualize the words in her head - that if she was just reading them off a script, it would be easier. ”It’s stupid - it really is but um
” she shut her eyes. Maybe that would help? ”
 I wish you’d told me before Sabine
 A-and I think it’s - I think - sorry, this is so stupid of me, but um, it’s like - I
 I think of you guys as my actual family but I get scared that it doesn’t go both ways and that I’m just a friend that you kinda take pity on.” She kept her eyes tightly shut, refusing to open them to see their faces, and it was taking everything in her power to not burst into tears just then.

“Princess, I didn't even wanna tell Beanie!! I wasn't ready!!! It just slipped out, I'm sorry! I didn't mean ta ‘ide it, I was just embarrassed and wasn't really ready ta t’ink about it but t'en we got really, really emotional and stuff and all t'e stuff wit’ t'e teams ‘ad me distracted. I'm sorry, you are family!” Danni started talking fast, desperate to reassure her. “You're already family ta us, you've basically been our sister since t'e end of freshman year! I am literally talkin’ ‘bout you all t'e time and I
 Ya know, Beanie got good advice from Maevey. Comin’ in ‘andy again. It's okay if ya feel t'is way, but we love you so much and ya know I'm a bad liar. I just say ‘ow I'm feelin’ pretty much immediately. I love you!” Danni immediately smothered her in kisses before winding around her tightly, during his face in her shoulder.

“I'm just kinda afraid now t'at
 what happens if it you two I set on fire next time?”

Dorian wrapped himself on the other side of April, cocooning her into a D&D hug she couldn't escape from. ”Lets set a few t'in's straight right now. One. We aren't, straight t'at is. Two. Not'in you ever say or feel is stupid ok? We value everyt'in’ t'at you ‘ave to say or feel and not'in’ will ever change t'at. Stab my ‘eart an ‘ope to die. T'irdly. We. Are. Family. Well may not be blood, but I told Maeve-y as much t'at my family is asked on bonds and not blood. As far as I'm concerned I'm your brot'er.”

She couldn’t help it - she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing as Danni and Dorian affirmed that they were family - that they were her brothers. They weren’t sad tears though - more tears of relief, of releasing that fear, at least for a little while. She opened her eyes, finding herself surrounded by them, her face covered in the remnants of Danni’s kisses. ”S-sorry,” she apologized. ”I didn’t - I don’t - I don’t want to make this all about me, when you’re upset too,” she paused, biting her lip. ”I love you both so much. A-and Danni, you never have to worry about burning us, o-okay? It’s never gonna happen - I promise. Dori and I, we don’t burn easy. He can go ghost and my powers cancel yours out.”

Danni started sniffling, tears welling up as AmĂ©lie made little distressed noises and tried to wriggle her way under his arm. He could feel the sobs threatening but he kept himself together for once. “It's okay, I'll share the spotlight t'is time.” Danni joked shakily, kissing AmĂ©lie as he lifted his arm to let her up. “Look, we gotta be ‘ere for each ot'er and remember t'at none of us wanna hurt each ot'er and just trust t'at we'll listen ta everyth’In’ wit'out judgement. And I'll try, I promise.”

Dorian simply nodded, his face covered in April's hair. ”We listen and we don't judge.”
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