Avatar of twannyman


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12 mos ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Heya this looks rather interesting. I would need a bit to shake off the rust but hope to join!
Ivraan Valdo

The amphitheater was great, a giant building of like-minded battle-crazed idiots forming a small queue to sign up for non-lethal combat. I mean, most likely they weren’t battle-crazed like Ivraan was, but they were in it for the money. Ivraan loved fighting, and as Terilu had correctly pointed out, this was something for him. Ivraan looked up toward Terilu and Galaxor. “Yeah you are correct, I’ll sign up, not sure what you plan on doing Galaxor?” But with that Ivraan joined the queue, quickly making a mental note to check out the food vendor during or after his fight. It wasn’t long until Ivraan made his way to the front; “The rules are simple, you get a wooden weapon, no magic allowed, and the fight ends if one party is unable to continue or forfeits. For each win you get paid, any questions?” Ivraan shook his head, “Nah sounds good, sign me up.”

With that Ivraan got a chain necklace and went inside. There he inspected the wooden weapons that were supplied. Honestly, the quality was pretty decent, Ivraan made his way over to the spears to grab a few for test swings and eventually settled on one. Soon after his first fight started. The amphitheater was pretty full, the crowd clearly out for a spectacle. Surprisingly his first opponent wasn’t a local, it was a human, tanned by the scorching sun, but clearly not from here. He was using a sword and shield, a classic combination. Ivraan and his opponent who was introduced as Randolf took their places and their battle had started.

It was honestly a very boring fight, Ivraan’s natural agility and skill with the spear dwarfed that of Randolfs, so much so that Ivraan halfway in decided to taunt his opponent with a handicap. “If you can make me move from this spot, I’ll consider it my loss.” That crowd laughed and cheered. Unfortunately for Randolf, this task was too much for him, as soon Ivraan disarmed him and put his spear to his neck and won the match. He was disappointed, if this was the level his opponents were at, why did he even bother signing up? Well, now the hope was that maybe, just maybe Galaxor signed up. Fighting the giant did seem like fun.

Ivraan Valdo

Ivraan let out a solid chuckle at being confused about what sand was. It made sense but still, the way he described it was great. Hot yellow snow, yeah that was a new one. Once at the side of the crowd, Gadri spoke about midday prayers which piqued Ivraan's interest. He himself wasn’t exactly religious but if he could believe the stories about this territory it was seeped in religion. On the other side, Terilu and Galaxor mentioned going to an arena. That was really more Ivraan's speed, plus he liked the two. Having fought a battle together always helps with growing a bit of trust so.

Ivraan was in between the two options but as Galaxor shouted; “Ivraan, you coming? Fun things happening in this direction. Maybe some booze, eh? ” Ivraan was sold. He was joining Terilu and Galaxor and quickly caught up. Honestly, the sight was very funny, a bat sitting on the shoulder of a giant and a half-elf following suit. Yes, this would be very out of place.

“If we tag by the arena we should see if we can join. I also need to buy some stuff here so maybe we can visit the market after.”

With this Galaxor, Terilu, and Ivraan set off towards the Arena. On the way there Ivraan would occasionally have a gander at some of the small vendors in the streets. Buying some local snacks to feast on and try out. From his pocket, he’d grab a small booklet in which he made notes about the local specialties. Honestly, he loved just trying out all different kinds of food, and he would rate it too. Currently at the top of his list was a seafood stew that he ate when he was in a big port town. Fresh Halibut, shrimp, and squid are stewed in a vegetable stock based on roots such as sweet carrots with a second stock made from the halibut bones.

The local specialties here would rank somewhere in the middle, but who knows? Perhaps something surprising would cross Ivraans path..

Hey are you still planning on firing this off?

Went with the book concept, hope it works for you
@Overlord Thraka

Vorex Lector

Vorex looked back up from the ground at Mergoux. It kept asking questions but at the very least help was promised. It gave a smile thinking about the books it could start to write. But then Vorex started thinking, who destroyed the library? Who trapped him, he didn’t know. He started panicking a little bit.

“Vorex not know who destroyed library. Vorex trapped accident. Freed by new river destroying block. Vorex happy free. Vorex gets you help?” It looked at Mergoux with its massive beady eye. It was clearly hoping it would receive help from this individual. It once again started pacing around a bit, clearly anxious for the person to answer positively.
So I have 2 concepts. One is something with books as weaponry. This character is basically using the game as a grand library of sorts and unlocked skills to use books as weapons

The other one is a tinkerer who creates little clockwork gnomes to fight with. Any of the 2 you'd prefer?
I shall second what Vlad said, busy with the holidays and all that
Looks interesting, only thing I can see being a slight issue is that posting directly impacts your power level. It'd encourage me to split a longer post into 2 smaller ones
Vorex Lector

The frowning person introduced herself as Isorn, not exactly a name Vorex had heard ever before. But hey he was flung forward in time a few thousand years. As she asked about his library she relaxed, which was unfortunate as what Vorex was about to say was clearly suspicious.

“Destroyed, long ago.. Know in head, need paper to write. Need people to ask books. Cannot access myself. You read book or know who need book? Trapped for long. Now free, so Vorex search.” Vorex spoke in rapid succession. He’d lift one of his quills to indicate he wanted to write something and smiled. This smile looked very weird, but non-hostile for sure, as the slit underneath his eye would appear ever so slightly.

After this Vorex started sort of wobbling between his 2 feet and crouched down to pluck some grass and slide it in his slit that functioned as mouth. “Grass weird… Very weird.. You know? Interesting place. Not when library stood.”

It's eye glittered in curiosity. Vorex really hoped the first humanoid he met could help him, but he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure of anything really/

@Overlord Thraka

Ivraan Valdo

Ivraan narrowly dodged Galaxor as he started swinging at the Wraith. Luckily Ivraan had fought with Galaxor before and knew of his.. Enthusiastic tendencies. The Wraith dashed and weaved through the group, leaving cuts all over while the corruption on Ivraan's shoulder started to slowly spread. It meant he was on a faster timer than he had initially expected. Luckily with Galaxor joining the fray, Ivraan did not have to pay any attention towards the other skeletons as Galaxor's brute force was perfect for dealing with them. Ivraan's attention went fully towards the Wraith as it started to transform. Ivraan sensed something from the Throne, a corrupt Vitae that was taken from the blood that touched the runes.

Meanwhile, Nemeia was hammering around her mace. An astute fighter in her own right and definitely a great help on this battlefield. If the undead were a swarm of weak fighters led by a single powerful entity, the group that had come here from the Caravan was like an elite strike team meant to pierce directly into the heart of the enemy. This became even more clear as Nemeia chanted some kind of prayer that clearly helped them. Holy fire, the undead's greatest weakness shone down like a beam of light, vaporizing some weak undead.

In the back, the wounded Terilu got back up. Draining the Narcae of the skeletons that Galaxor is smashing. Revitalizing and strengthening himself, great yet another elite fighter who got back on his.. Well, feet. As Ivraan is focusing his efforts on containing the Wraith he feels something coming from behind him. Terilu did something to it, what Ivraan didn’t know but it was clear it hurt the Wraith. What surprised him was that the Wraith after speaking a few words just ignored him to rush Terilu. Creating a great opening for Ivraan who slashed his spear across its back, hurting it more as it reached Terilu. The wraith was still fast, albeit not as fast as before, and slashed at Terilu. Blood covered the walls around the bat as two gaping slashes were seen. Ivraan dashed after the Wraith dropping the Vitae he had covering his shoulder to pierce deep within the Wraith. He struck which was great but then Ivraan realized it. The wraith could not be killed, not without destroying that which gives it life. “THE THRONE!!! DESTROY IT!” Ivraan screamed, his spear almost stuck within the Wraith who slashed at Ivraan in retaliation. Luckily the blade that Ilyana had left in its shoulder was enough to hamper its movement, allowing Ivraan to narrowly avoid the slash leaving his spear inside the Wraith he grabbed two daggers from his belt to lock up the wraith hoping to buy some time here so Galaxor and Nemeia can focus their efforts on the throne.

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