Avatar of twannyman


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12 mos ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Ivraan Valdo

As they entered the throne room Ivraan immediately noticed how corrupt the energies here were. Completely encircling the group as if they stood in the eye of the vortex. The presence that sat upon the throne was clearly the reason for the corruption around. As if a demon of darkness descended upon this place, corrupting all that was around it. The corrupted energies a blend of corrupted Vitae and Narcae.

Ivraan readied his spear as Terilu forced his minions to charge. They would be deftly cut down. It was fast, really damn fast, Ivraan couldn’t follow it yet, but when he noticed what was happening the faint glimmer that covered his eyes got thicker and more visible. For those who could see his eyes, they were also moving beyond what was normal. Darting around and around to follow the ghastly presence. As he was following the Wright around he noticed that Terilu was trying something, something insanely stupid. For the Narcae within this presence was far stronger than what Terilu was using and soon Terilu realized it, as a backlash put him to his knees. Ivraan saw it clearly; “Terilu, drop your last skeleton and focus your efforts on the other undead around!” Ivraan shouted, he believed it to be the best course of action and thus would not hesitate to give advice.

After he gave the advice Ivraan took his spear and charged. While charging the spear shone, an odd happening considering the darkness of this place. It was clear Ivraan was using some sort of technique, a spear martial arts of sorts as slowly but surely the dragon’s head upon the spear started to emit what seemed to be fire breaths. The glimmer of the spear turned orange as Ivraan took a swing at the Wright which let out a high-pitched screech. It clearly did something and thus Ivraan had its attention. Ivraan deftly dodged the wrights counterstrike, or so he thought. Instead, he was slightly hit on his shoulder, which instantly turned darker. Ivraan swiftly covered it with his Vitae, however, he realized maintaining his spear, eyes, lungs, and shoulder would make him run out quickly. He hoped soon his companions could help him with this dastardly fast wright.
Vorex Lector

As Vorex wandered through the Forest of Emerald his one eye brimmed with curiosity. This Forest was one he had never seen before. He would touch the weirdly colored leaves with his stubby fingers and try to pull them off. Whenever this happened he would shiver, as he felt something, however, his insatiable curiosity would get the better of him every time. All he really had was a pair of quills and some dusted paper. He was shuffling onwards until he sensed something. A presence in the Forest and what seemed to be a human-looking figure stepping out from behind a tree. It spoke in a vaguely human-sounding language, one Vorex hadn’t heard ever before, it was weird as he had been forced to learn every language possible. Vorex’ head quickly turned towards the human, his one massive eye inspecting. Up and down, up and down went the iris.

“Ir pas trapa, oros ere trois.”; Vorex spoke in some forsaken language. Its eye then shuttered close but you could see it was rapidly moving behind its eyelid. Then quickly after its eye opened back up. “Greet, I is Vorex. Libraryman for Grand Library, good meet.”; Vorex seemed to have adjusted to the language, but not whole, for its grammar was broken. “You know where people? Vorex meets people, people get book.” Vorex raised its quill in the air while the other remained in his weird rag.

@Overlord Thraka

Ivraan Valdo

During the first floor, Ivraan noticed something strange was happening with the skeletons. It wasn’t so much that they were weak but more so that something was sapping them of Narcae. Quickly following the flow it turns out Terilu was manipulating the energy, pulling it in towards himself. Hey, not that Ivraan would mind, it would only make it easier as it made it easier to slash through the skeletons. Just when they cleared the first floor Ivraan was about to ask Terilu what he was doing, but Terilu mentioned it himself. “Ah yes, that would explain what I was sensing. Thank you” Not at all bothered by the fact he was a Necromancer.

But it turned out that was not the only thing Terilu could do with Narcae. Just as he pulled it in from the skeletons, he could also inject them. The energies flowed through the bones quickly as the skeletons stood back up. The Narcae were ever so slightly different, but that was enough for the skeletons to completely change allegiances. It was a fascinating sight to see, so different from the Vitae he himself used, yet oddly the same. Well, that wasn’t all too odd really as Vitae and Narcae were different sides of the same coin.

After Terilu was done clarifying what was what, they descended, Ilyana taking the lead and Ivraan slowly following. On the second layer, the miasma got thicker, however, that didn’t bother Ivraan a faint glimmer of Vitae would cover his throat, cleansing the miasma before it entered his lungs. The only issue was the smell, death, decay, fear, and corruption lingered around, all slightly stronger than on the previous layer. Ivraan readied his spear and started slashing away. It was weird these skeletons while slightly stronger had almost the same equipment. With just a few having fully intact weaponry. “Perhaps we have arrived at the layer where militia would be lain to rest,” Ivraan spoke before decapitating a skeleton that entered his reach.

Just dropping in, if you find some other players I'm down to play. Are we assuming we are from certain vaults?
Ivraan Valdo

As the party stood near the entrance of the tomb, more and more pilgrims arrived. First, it was Knossos, the old man who had been with the Caravan far before Ivraan joined. Ivraan was always a tiny bit wary of the old man for his Vitae felt artificial. Nevertheless, Ivraan did not pry, for it was not his place to do so. And if the actions of Knossos were anything to go by, it did not feel necessary to uncover what the reason was. However, if Knossos ever wanted to share that story perhaps he would hear it, but for now, it remained a mystery.

"Here's to hoping whatever is coming wants to also just talk to us first..."

Knossos' opinion was clear, try and talk to the undead. As to why this was, not really sure, but it was something he’d take into account.

After that another presence that made Ivraan wary arrived. One of the most recent arrivals, a mere two weeks. It was the first time ever that Ivraan sensed something like it. A being with Vitae and Narcae, the counterpart to Vitae. The energy of death, that which keeps the unliving living. Ivraan of course knew of the existence of Narcae, but never had he met an individual who had both energies combined. It went against the order of the world, for Vitae and Narcae were two sides of the same coin. However as the Narcae inside the presence was so small, it wasn’t enough to warrant hostility. In fact, Ivraan was generally not against the idea of Narcae. Neither force was inherently good or evil, they just existed, it was the user who was good or evil. What Ivraan did mind was the corrupted Vitae around this place. His teacher had told him about one way to corrupt Vitae, however, that was on a personal level, here in these woods, it was like a torrent.

As the presence made himself known, Ivraan gave it a look over. A bat-like humanoid it was an odd figure. One he had never really heard or seen before. It introduced itself as Terilu with some titles, but as Terilu luckily said, who cares, Ivraan certainly did not.

"An undead approaches. I am going to help you. Don't argue, there's no more time for the rigors of debate. Only rigor mortis! Ha-ha."

It was indeed as Terilu said, a presence covered in Narcae approached them from inside the tomb. Ivraan grabbed his spear from his back and readied it, but Terilu just approached to communicate?.. He was unsure exactly, but then Terilu confirmed what Ivraan had suspected. These undead or perhaps this tomb caused the Forest to be this way. Terilu was of a clear opinion. We attack.

Nemeia and Ilyana were a tad more hesistant. They wanted to try and communicate or remain vigilant due to the terrain. Ivraan liked fighting, plus he was certain the cause of the corrupted Vitae was this tomb. Just when he prepared to voice his opinion Galaxor the giant rushed in. Shattering the skeleton wrapped in sheets with a singular swing.

“Welp, there goes diplomacy. In we go.” Ivraan spoke as he followed suit after the giant. As it turns out Ilyana’s advice was correct, as shortly after a bevy of presences could be sensed. Ivraan quickly spoke; “There is more up ahead! Chaaargeee.” as he ran in deeper and started swinging around his speak. To those who perhaps were exceptionally vigilant, or perhaps those who would recognize the use of Vitae, you could see a small glimmer forming around Ivraan’s eyes. What it did was uncertain to those who would see it, but for Ivraan it was a whole world of difference. His eyes could function almost perfectly in the darkness of the tomb. His spear accurately slashed away at the living dead that were inside.

It seemed as if the previous undead was of a higher caliber. These hadn’t really been buried neatly in robes as the previous one so the environment had claimed a fair share of bones. Their weapons, if they had any, were brittle, ancient, and shattered at the closest touch. Perhaps they were slaves or just ordinary citizens buried a long time ago at the top while the richer ones would be buried deeper down. However, Ivraan soon realized there were a bit more than he expected as further down the halls more skeletons approached and thus he backed off a bit. Hoping the more excitable companions would join him shortly.
Ivraan Valdo

Ivraan would continue walking with Galaxor and Nemeia, his spear slung over his shoulder in the hilt. Eventually, he joined in on the singing from Galaxor. Ivraan would manage to sing in the same tune, perhaps a part of him that was raised in the tavern helped here. As for Nemeia he had seen her around but hadn’t really spoken to her. He’d always give her a curt nod in passing, but Ivraan did so for everyone.

“Aye you’re right Galaxor, perhaps after we have put these corrupted beings to rest we can grab a drink, or two, or maybe ten. As for you Nemeia right? Pleasure to meet you, name is Ivraan Valdo.” He spoke with a jolly tone.

Halfway towards the tomb, the travelers came across another Caravaneer. Ilyana, a half-elf just like Ivraan, was clearly scarred like himself. “Hey, we are going to clear out the nearby tombs, you are welcome to join us!” Ivraan spoke in his familiar cheery voice. He’d leave it to her if she wanted to. He was almost certain Galaxor wouldn’t mind, in fact, he was certain he’d love having more people around. As for Nemeia, he didn’t really have a clue, but honestly, they were all from the same Caravan, Ivraan hoped they would at least try to get along.

So far the journey hadn’t been anything new, well expect meeting another Caravaneer. The Forest of Emerald is still as unnaturally green as before. The atmosphere still feels icky, the plants alive and the corrupt Vitae lingering in the air. It had for the most part remained the same, or maybe unnaturally so, wasn’t even fluctuating.

This all changed when they arrived at the tomb.

A vortex of corrupt Vitae, a presence so fierce Ivraan had never seen it before. He slightly staggered back at the sight of it. The deep, dark energies seeping from the tomb. Perhaps this was the reason the Forest of Emerald felt so.. Unnatural. Like how an Oasis in the desert would make life flourish, the tomb would make life wither away. The trees are decrepit and void of life, like hollow bones. The color of the Forest was like a sickly pale man, gone.

Ivraan slowly walked closer to the decrepit arch. Slowly glanced it over, as if trying to recall if he had seen it before. Unfortunately, he had not, he had read about this place from the accounts in his wagon, but nothing really came close to the feeling one had when stood face to face with this… unnatural place. Turning around to face the rest of the party Ivraan spoke; “Well then shall we enter?”

mentions: @Expendable@Timemaster@Abstract Proxy

Vorex Lector

Created and birthed in the Grand Library, Vorex had not seen much more than the library and the environment around it, however this all changed when he got trapped in a chamber inside the Library. Time was passing, and during his passing Vorex would start to absorb the books hidden away, all filled with forbidden knowledge. How Vorex got here, nobody knew, not even itself. It had taken thousands of years for Vorex to become freed.

And free he was, inside an unfamiliar forest, an unfamiliar place. He tried searching for anything he would recognize, but to no avail. He knew where he was 5000 years ago, however that place was long gone. Reduced to ruins and dust, and thus he had set out to do what he was last told. To rebuild the grand library, to do so, he needed materials. Way to write books, and, as it stood, people. Customers who would ask him to access knowledge that he possessed but could not access. And so wandering, creeping around in this forest of unnaturally green Vorex went.
<Snipped quote by twannyman>

I'd be okay with your character turning out like that, but ...

All characters are going to start at level 1 with no skills or specialties. Your character's journey starts at the very beginning of their growth. They have the potential to become any type of character or class. Sure, their backstories may influence the decisions they make, which then dictates how they grow, but they don't start off with any magical items or special skills.

You can, however, obtain all the items and abilities you mentioned above by completing missions. Through doing this, you will be able to build this character from the ground up!

Cool that works, guess that also sort of write a backstory. An underground/legal cage fighter who is, initally, saving up money to go to the truth seeker but turns out he loveeees fighting
I was considering a battle junkie Arcane Pugilist. So maybe infusing his gauntlets with elemental magic, or perhaps a bit of mix between CQC and Magic
<Snipped quote by Tortoise>

Important Non-Player Characters should have a character sheet, for much the same reason players create character sheets - to remind them of their character's details.

Minor characters who won't be interacting much with the players should have a brief writeup if only for you to reuse them again. Like the Quartermaster's Assistant - Harold - This teen boy makes you think of a strutting cat. He has round chestnut eyes. His fine, wavy, neck-length hair is the color of varnished wood, and is worn in an unruly style. He is very short and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has a wide forehead and small hands. He wears a green beret, a tanned leather jerkin, a dark green peasant blouse, dark brown breeches, and a tanned leather belt with a small knife in a sheath. He's usually barefoot. He likes to flirt with the girls when they pick up their supplies.

Harold really doesn't need much more. Some will never get a write-up, good for a scene and gone.

Harold seems like a lovely lad.
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