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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Frea is still in. I'll get a reply in tonight.
@Mistress Dizzy@KatherinWinter@Caits
Why not, I'll bring Estella back as well.

Name: Esuterura Kuinu (Earth name: Estella)

Gender: Female

Age: 18 (Earth years)

Parents: Ransetura and Arnensa Kuinu (both deceased)

Personality: Still being new to Earth and already undergoing unexpected hardships, Estella is still rather scared for her future. Still not knowing a whole lot about the world though she is rather curious despite apprehension. Since finishing treatment she's not quite as militaristic as before but still has an air of authority that doesn't quite fit her physical appearance. Adjusting she would like to open up but hasn't made any lasting connections with anyone just yet. And even though she's technically cured there are circumstances that can push her into a hyper aggressive state. Best not be on her bad side when that happens.

Powers: Esuterura can control the elements of nature (though as Earth's environment is different she does not have the same capability she normally would). Due to her race communicating strictly through the mind she possesses a natural aptitude for telepathy. In turn her people's evolution has granted her a great deal of resistance to mental intrusion.

Bio: Esuterura (her name is derived from her home planet) was the princess of a planet named Suteruraru. It was a very lush planet and its people were very close to nature. As far as their history goes the people have possessed telepathy, very early on making speaking unnecessary and forgotten. Over time they evolved the ability to manipulate the elements around them. Typically an individual could only manipulate one and it was a marvel to be able to control two. But over many very careful selection of marriages, a select few families managed to gain all five. These families, through fear or respect became the ruling class, seen as royalty. Though tension existed between them, there remained an uneasy peace for many years. Technology advanced while small conflicts tested the limits of diplomacy. The Kuinu line rose to be the strongest ruling power.

Eventually the lines of communication were shattered by the sounds of war. At first it didn't look like much would come of the smaller families pushing back. When alliances began to firm the threat became a real. The Kuinu family were loosing ground at an ever accelerating rate. Things were not yet beyond the point of no return. However, not wanting to put his daughter in danger the king ordered the remainder of the Kuinu family to be evacuated. Most of their resources committed to the war a small fleet of cruisers took to the stars with the enemy in pursuit. The fleet attacked and destroyed, only a few stasis pods escaped with the sole instruction to land on the first habitable planet it detected.

Upon arriving on Earth, Estella (as she had become known) found herself surrounded by a strange people that were not accustomed, or adept, at communicating telepathically. Moreover those she was with were not ordinary in their own right. Out of place but not without encouragement she began to learn about the world and the strange concept of speech. Over time she began to fit in and make friends. But her toughest trial would not come from her new home. Hidden away on the ship she arrived in was one of the very weapons that helped destroy her world. Transformed into a soldier for a long extinct war Estella fought against her new destructive instincts. Seeing that she was losing control the Academy had to send her away to receive treatment.

For the most part Estella has been cured and will at the very least not die by what's happened to her. Stable again it was decided to put her back with others her age. With any luck the time with people might help any lingering side effects. In her time away she's learned how to speak English, though her voice is really quiet since her vocal cords are underdeveloped. As such she has a small mic to amplify when she talks. The small holo that pops up over her left eye from time to time she doesn't really talk about so what is being displayed she's keeping secret for some reason.

How many of you would be interested in a reboot of this RP?

Due to recent events relating to this RP, it's state of GM-ship as well my interest in continuing the storyline I've plotted out, I have come to the conclusion of wanting to reboot this; depending on the number of people who would be onboard, the story could pick up from the conclusion of the current event which I can write out here by request, or some other point in time. This is also a chance to come back for a fresh new try for people who have dropped actively participating previously.

@Rune_Alchemist@Flamelord@Shifter_Master@Rice Porridge@canaryrose@Landaus Five-One@Card Captor@EnterTheHero@IceHeart@t2wave@PlatinumSkink@Shoryu@skarsgard

I would be down for that. Having an actual event be the start of an RP (meaning that there is existing tension) would be a good start to an RP. Anyone new could use that as a reason to show up because there's basically a war brewing.
@Landaus Five-One That's unfortunate. Hopefully I'll see you around.
@Goliah Congrats I am glad that your daughter was born ok. And we totally understand you needing time to make sure everything was ok. I am relieved to hear that she is coming home today. I remember what all that was like. Take your time.
I honestly dont know how Estella left the school.

Well that is what I was working toward. So that would be a good explanation.
I have an idea but the GM's would have to approve it. We could add it to the lore that Luthor infected all of the Kryptonians on Earth with a disease that dulled their powers. It could have brought them down to the level Superman was at when he first appeared in comics. Basically as strong and fast as a train, can jump really high, and impervious to anything smaller than an artillery shell. Your character would still be really strong, but manageable. The disease idea would also explain why the Kryptonians retired with everyone else instead of just continuing their work— without being the strongest ones anymore, it'd be too dangerous. I don't know how you could explain a relationship between Supergirl and Taskmaster though...

If I recall correctly a majority of the fighting stopped because things were getting out of control and less because heroes and villains couldn't fight anymore. They just didn't want the fighting to continue.
@Mistress Dizzy@KatherinWinter@Caits
Alright, I'm down for bringing Kagerou back. I also have a question. If I brought back Estella, would all the stuff that changed her still be in effect? As I recall she had to go to find a cure for something.

Name: Kagerou Rotusu

Alias: Vitality

Gender: Female

Age: 5343 years (looks 18)

Parents: Unknown

Powers: All of Kagerou's abilities revolve around one thing, life steal. The living energy of everything around her is her soul source of sustenance. The more she steals the stronger her other abilities become. Those abilities are super strength, telekinesis, regeneration, and immortality. Should she run out of life force she would turn to dust. She takes small amounts from many sources around her so most never notice the difference. Not really a power, but the many years has allowed her to master many skills.

[b[Personality:[/b] Patient is a good description for Kagerou. She's been through and seen so much that little surprises her now. That said how she may react to something is somewhat unpredictable. Former students know that she likes to keep people on their toes. Whenever she does return from time to time she doesn't always reveal that she's technically part of the staff. Rather she waits and sees how the students behave.

Bio: Born millennia ago much of her early years are lost even to Kagerou. The earliest memories are of being a slave to a wealthy landowner. Things may have gone well for the young girl had she not been falsely accused of a crime. In those days the punishment was often death, as was the case here. Before being summarily executed Kagerou was offered a new life by a being of the underworld. Naive and fearful she quickly accepted. This didn't prevent her death however.

Reviving in the wilderness where she was left to rot, Kagerou now found herself the slave of a new master. Having no choice but to obey the wishes of a demon she used her newly acquired powers to wreak havoc and death to those who did not submit to her master. As time passed it became more and more apparent that she no longer aged, a part of the curse to prevent her from ever being free. Hundreds of years passed, giving rise to legends of a bringer of death. But just like in the mortal world the underworld contained warring factions. Unbeknownst to Kagerou, her master was losing a battle that ultimately lead to his end.

After not hearing anything from the master she had served for so long there was an extended spell where Kagerou disappeared from history. Having become so accustomed to receiving orders she was lost without them. Eventually though she realized that she had been freed and could make her own decisions. By then the whole world had moved on and she knew nothing of the cultural and technological changes. This was still well before the years of AD. Striking out on her own Kagerou sought to learn as much as she could about the world and travelled it over many times. Constantly having time to spare she tried and practiced anything she encountered.

In the modern era she has become a freelancer. Of what just depended on how she felt. Good, bad, neutral, it made no difference. She's done jobs for SHIELD, The Hive, AIM, and even the Academy from time to time. Being as her interests are fickle it has been a generation since she has served as an instructor at the school. She recently returned to partially reprise her role in the Power Development class.

@Caits I'm here.
@CajunRobinHood That looks about right to me.
Go ahead.
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