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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Her initial offer for exfiltration shot down, Raven would listen as Deni would offer her friendship with assistance in the fight. Nodding several times and looking in the direction indicated by the small ronin. "I would love that. I don't have very many friends. You are the fifth and sixth people I've had the chance to meet." She would state cheerfully but still rather matter of fact. Watching from where they were, climbing higher she could see the chaos in the Beacon area.

The girl's attention was drawn away from the scene for a moment as Faith introduced herself. Listening intently The girl's eyes sparkled. "Oh!" Raven's casual movements would become much more deliberate and measured. She would take a step back and curtsy, bowing her head respectfully. "My apologies. I didn't realize I was in the presence of a Demi-Goddess. Raven Bianchi..." She would pause realizing she didn't have much claim to fame that her predecessor had and thus no title. Couldn't hurt to add her patrons though. They were relatively harmless after all. "Representative of the ravens Huginn and Muninn. At your service." It was nothing fancy, but she could think up something better later. Even with no way to know if what Faith claimed was true, the fey still would be Raven's elder and owed a level respect none the less. For someone that shared the look and last name of Shining Scale the girl seemed to be an extremely green magical girl.

Any intent to continue conversation was quickly shut down. Raven could feel the oppressive spirit magic building in another area of the park. Before long a stream of souls would break from the darkness and begin to sweep toward the group that Deni had pointed out just earlier. Shuddering, the girl would hug herself tightly as a pang of fear shot through her. The effects of the sea of souls was as apparent to her as the night sky. Having one's soul ripped away was a difficult thing to explain, but it would be far worse being swept away by the rush of souls. Ronin's previous encouragement snapped her back to the present as it sparked a new determination in Raven. Getting herself in the right mental space she would close her fists. "Snap out of it Raven. She's right, you have to do something." Raven would say out loud to herself. A thought crossed her mind, but there wasn't enough time to explain. "I need to take care of something Lady Burgundy, but I'll be back to help as soon as I can." Her mind made up she would teleport away with a focused glint in her eyes, assuming she wasn't interrupted that is.

Despite being an ally to a couple Beacon girls, Raven's allegiance were to the ravens, the spirits, and to an extent the gods. Still she had watched the twins throw themselves into danger to try and save a particular girl. The ones attempting to protect Ishtar would see an unknown girl appear above the Cardinal and reach out and grab hold of the time locked girl. Being in a stasis Raven wouldn't encounter the resistance that Jenna did and after a few moments the two would vanish from the battlefield.

That defense spell was a good call apparently as it deflected an attack from the Monster Queen. However, the situation was beginning to change rapidly. The queen was being hoisted out of the building by a flying ship. Debris was falling down as the payload struggled. Twisted pieces of the roof, support beams, and other crap started raining down to join the already ruined structure. "So much for the warehouse." A canopy was growing overhead now which would help with any further falling objects. Her use of Wood magic was probably the most unique he'd ever seen.

Marveling at the creativity of others magic aside, more and more were throwing themselves onto the close range combat. To some extent that made things a bit tougher as he couldn't just unload your usual volley, which given the monster was covered in water from the rain and tangled in chains would probably be fairly effective. They were however making a few good cuts that he could make use of. "Let's see here." Scrounging around through the junk on the ground he would pick out three loose steel rods. Salvaging some copper he would coil it around the steel and make his way over to one of the acorns. "So how exactly does this-" Not entirely knowing what to expect the first trip was a bit hectic, but he managed to ride the the log the brief seconds he was in contact to not entirely tumble through the air thanks to Mount. Book in one hand and rods stowed in his cloak he would be launched off the ground, past the branches, and into the night air.

Closing the distance to the monster queen he hadn't flown directly at her it seemed, but that wasn't really a problem. He would have attempted this from the ground but the risk of hitting the wrong target was too high. Taking one of the rods in his free hand he would enchant it with a charge that would loop to create a strong magnetic field. He could do this without the extra bit of work he put in with the copper, but this just made for a more efficient use of his magic. "Make an opening! I've got a bolt incoming!" He would yell out to those around Hyun Long. Pointing the rod toward her main body as best he could he would wait for an opening. When a good one looked to have come he would channel his magic through his arm and use his body as a conductor to create an opposing field. Repelled by the matching poles the rod was launched from Shane's hand at the monster queen. Wasting no time he followed up the projectile with lightning so that if it embedded in the monster queen as he hoped the shock would be delivered straight through into her body.
What are those?

As his magic replenished, his Regeneration would kick back into full swing. "I appreciate the concern, but there's a job to do." Even though Shane didn't really look or act all that cold, he didn't seem to regard the carnage that lay out before them. Though not having all that much concern for himself he may just be really focused. Those that served Puchuu long enough had a way of getting sucked into their work.

Hearing what Trixy had to say he would check the grounds. There were too many bodies for him to cast lightning around them, and even then it might not be enough to stop the beast. What he would give for his previous magic right about now. Oh well. He would cast a charge of lightning around himself. It was only good for one shot of something touching it, but hopefully it would be enough to deter getting eaten in one go. Taking Trixy's lead he would send bolts of lightning out after as many of the heads of the hydra as he could without burning through too much of his magic. The strikes were swift, accurate, and gave him a reasonable distance to react should the appendages turn his way.

Having been told to stay out of the fight (and seeing that Reaver was involved), Raven had to pretty much watch as events unfolded. Only if it really came to it did she plan to get involved. For a moment it looked like she might have to swoop in to save Janet but Jenna took care of that. Her allies off the field she planed to see things through from her aerial view high in the sky. Appearing as a simple raven nary a speck against the clouds she was pretty safe from harm. The horror dropping itself into view earlier though nearly gave her a heart attack though.

Things looked to be wrapping up when a magical blast knocked her out, both from the sky and her animal form. Being as high as she was several seconds passed as she tumbled through the air. The rush of the wind rousing her she saw the ground, then the moon, ground, a heart, the ground again. Turning back into a raven and spreading her wings her lighter body slowed and she changed angle enough to avoid driving into the ground. She was forced to change back out though to take the impact and and subsequent roll as she skidded to a stop. "Oh crap..." She held her left arm. She was not so durable at the twins were so a crash like that did manage to hurt but she would live, for now. Getting to her knees she saw Faith and Ronin, who she had just fell from the sky in front of. "Uh. H-hey. Don't mind me just encountered a little turbulence when the." She looked up. "Giant heart showed up." A quick look around and she didn't recognize where she was at all. What had happened on the brief time she was out?

In the moments of her confusion living vines of the wall managed to grab her and started to pull her in. The girl would yelp as she was lifted off the ground. It didn't get the chance to press her into the barbs though as she teleported once, and then again to the other two magical girls. "Hey so, I don't have any hard feelings either way so if you two want a ticket out of here they're currently on sale for free.99." Raven wouldn't ordinarily just cut and run, but her stakes in this were minimal and she'd just been blasted into it. If the other two decided to stay then she would probably be prompted to stick around and help.

Jenna was glad when her sisters came over and took Janet from her, having exhausted her magic teleporting most of the way. Her magical girl form would also give out and she leaned against a wall. "I-I'm not sure. But I can't find her. Her mind is... It's like she's just... just gone." She would reply to Sally. Wearily she watched as her twin sister was carted off to be treated. Jenna hobbled on after despite being so shaky, striving on with the energy being a Genki girl afforded her.

Connected with Cindy at the moment of her death, the backlash utterly shattered Janet's sense of self. Losing touch with her memories, an instantaneous amnesia overtook her before panic could even set in. While still alive and breathing, the girl went limp. Within her mental and healing abilities quickly began their work in repairing the damage. Unfortunately the girl no longer associated with Janet's memory. Finding two complete sets of memories, the magic did its best to start rebuilding a single personality for each. This would take time and which one would take point first was anyone's guess. When freed from the bush Janet's body would drop to the ground without so much as a reaction.

At first defending Ishtar, Jenna was relieved when more Beacon arrived. They were part of the Ascendancy, but at this point any kind of help might give her the chance to... Her connection to Janet's mind not only went out, but it completely dropped off her radar. Any attention Jenna had been giving to the Cardinal vanished. "Janet." Turning her head until she could see her sister's body lying motionless on the ground she panicked. Talking to the other girls there. "Take care of-" She teleported to her sister's side before she could even finish. Picking Janet up the girl still had a pulse but it was like no one was home. "Janet? Janet wake up!" No response. A lot of things were going on around her, but none of them mattered to Jenna in that instant. Peering as far as her vision and magic would allow her to go, there was a buildup of magic before she teleported away with her sister in the direction of Beacon HQ.

When the Queen of Penrose fell, Shane's spell ended and the book closed. By the time Tetrad had come by to crush the bush that had the four of them entangled, Shane was well on his way to recovery. This was one major advantage to having regeneration, something Reaver was sure to benefit from as well considering he'd just taken out Cindy. The loss of the Queen of Penrose was not a crushing blow to him. Though it did call into question who would be next in line to lead. Him joining her was an attempt to bring some reason into the mix. It had cost the use of a Red Coin and then some in order to get Power of Friendship. Clearly that plan failed.

But it seemed there was no time to mourn regardless as the girl that had saved them from the toxic smoke suddenly snatched him up. Apparently he was going with this chick. At this point the park was about to become hell in a hand basket so he didn't entirely have a reason not to go. Hold on, a Monster Queen? Ah well, another day in the life of a Puchuu boy. Reaching out for his spell book it skidded and bounced a couple times before snapping into his hand. "Where exactly are we..." They passed through the portal and ended up back at the warehouse, or what used to be the warehouse anyway. "Oh."

Tetrad apparently was really excited that she'd found a magical boy. Admittedly they were something of a rarity, but it had been a while since run into this kind of a response. They had only met in passing, both attempting to avoid the disaster that was and would still be Penrose Park. Perhaps he should have stayed to help. Tad late for that now. "Shane Brahm, a pleasure." He popped his cape to loose several twigs and leaves that had managed to hitch a ride. His power did a fairly decent job of telling his what he needed to know about the group. The Monster Queen was not hard to spot but Shane's attention went to the air around them. With his awareness he could sense the lingering electrical charge. It wouldn't be anything close to the attack that had come earlier, but why waste free energy? Waving a hand in the air he began to draw in and direct the energy into his spell book.

Getting knocked to the side by Cindy had not entirely been a surprise. Between his specialization and power it was nary your average backhand. Still the girl was headstrong much to Shane's chagrin. Things were escalating quickly and a drag out fight looked inevitable. "Very well." Though he trusted his other power that this could be resolved peacefully, once more attacks began to fly there was no telling what would happen. As far as he could tell most of the Beacon forces here were of the more defensive type, so Cindy's forces being knocked out was not likely. Still, he didn't like they they'd been led out here. His spell book out he readied a hand full of actions he could pull one out in a pinch.

Too many things were happening at once. And perhaps if he had not been standing so close to Cindy he may have noticed something amiss with the object on the ground. However, Ishtar getting run through drew the final attention. Who was... Spotting the detonator in hand he moved to block a blast from hitting Cindy. He of course had not expected a cloud of smoke to roll around them. While he was resilient enough to live through the attack thanks to his Regeneration it did not protect him from the pain. Crumpling he briefly wished it had been a mental attack. With his Awareness he could see what was happening to Cindy but was lost for a way to help as his spell book had fallen from his grasp.

He had been trying to retrieve his spell book when a small amount of respite came in the form of water washing over them. Where it came from Shane could not care less as it was finally giving his Regeneration a fighting chance. Reaching his weapon he only managed to get a hold of it when Reaver came in. At first it looked like he was there to help and was defending Cindy. Any sense of relief slowly faded as he watched what he could only describe as the monstrous form attempting to smother their leader. Dammit, he needed more time. A gust of wind cleared the air which made things all the easier to breath. Glancing up he saw it was Tetrad that had come to the rescue.

Note to self: Be sure to thank her later.

It wasn't but a moment later that he was being lifted away by a bush. Agonizingly slow for a Lightning user he fumbled through his book past several spells. Preparation was the key to his specialty and it only took a small amount of effort to activate the one he wanted. Tossing the tome back before he couldn't reach it landed reasonably near the barrier. "Keep clear for a moment." He managed to rasp out. It took a few seconds for the spell to manifest but when it did arcs of lightning would shoot out from the pages. Bending and twisting in unnatural ways the plasma arranged and formed a large, spindly hand. Crackling to life the digits snapped around the human sized barrier. The smell of ozone became all the more prevalent as the air became heated. This attack was not one of strength, but of raw power. Due to this it certainly would not be able to restrain Reaver should it accomplish its single minded goal of consuming the barrier and reaching Cindy.

To say that things had gone sideways would be a gross understatement. It was almost difficult to tell what all was happening in the cacophony. The bomb going off obviously took Janet's attention away from almost everything else. There had only been a few split seconds to read that a bomb was to go off. However, it was not enough time to block the blast with any kind of barrier. The pain caused by the smoke was overbearing, though to some extent it came in second place after being awake to experience one's flesh and bone literally liquefy from head to toe. Even being able to endure it didn't take away the fact that it immobilized the girl. You need to extract Ishtar. Janet telepathically told her sister. Though moving wasn't an option the two twins could still coordinate.

Working on it. Easier said than done.

More people were arriving, several of Veronica's it seemed and one they'd only seen while at the beach. None of them the twins really had much conflict with. Veronica had been gracious enough after being freed from Justine. While the Cardinal lay bleeding out Cindy had become trapped and was being crushed by Reaver. Why was anyone's guess. Penrose really was a war zone if not out in the open then in the shadows. The majority of the afflicting smoke had been rid of but Janet wouldn't be going anywhere soon even through she cast a weak healing spell on herself. Letting out a sigh the blonde now wrapped in a shrub groaned. "I should have stayed in prison." Closing her eyes she focused. Her body was immobile but her mind could still reach out. Several were attempting to rescue the "Queen of Penrose." Having her doubts they would succeed in time Janet reached for the one thing she could, the mind.

Cindy's state was making a mess of things but even a scrambled consciousness held information. The chaos just made it easier to get in unnoticed. There was no telling exactly what she would come across, but Janet wanted to know everything she possibly could. The girls' plans and motivations were a start. Going along Janet would expand her search to Cindy's past, losses, friends, relationships, her dogs name, whatever. She wanted to understand her perspective and the ways that Beacon had hurt her and her fellow corrupted magical girls. The goal was ambitious to say the least. And it was not the most ethical way to accomplish the task, but should Cindy not make it then perhaps she could use the knowledge to better forge a way. Not wanting to be overtaken by the influx of what could potentially be extremely powerful and emotional memories Janet made sure to cordon off a place for them in her mind.

Meanwhile, even though Jenna hadn't been in the blast she could feel the effects the smoke had on her sister. It definitely brought a shift of attention to the one nearby that had just stabbed the Cardinal. Of course it was the Mint. Reaver has turned and left her standing there. Alright then, her sister relayed her objective and Jenna agreed. She'd made her decision and a red gleam rolled over her eyes. Anyone looking with Third Eye would see Jenna's magic shift as she copied Lotus' Teleportation. She was about to go and engage Viper when she caught glimpse of the monstrous Hilaria closing in on Celia. Oh no. Oh... Oh yes. A smirk working its was across her face she blinked away. The unsuspecting Celia would hear the roar of a beast behind her, whirling around she would find... Nothing.

As Hilaria raised her weapon to halve one, the raging girl would now find her weapon driving down toward Viper. Blinking in behind Hilaria, Jenna had reached out and contacted her armor before teleporting both herself and Hilaria right in front of the Mint girl. "Have fun." Pivoting she lay one hand on Ishtar. Jenna knew she needed a staging area to make a longer jump, so she first blinked herself and the Cardinal a short distance away to give herself a little breathing room. It was a good thing she hadn't had to use much of her magic up to this point. Looking toward Beacon HQ she focused on a window she could see into in the distance. Not detecting anyone in that area the blink charged up and after a little while...it failed.

Jenna just knelt there for a brief time before looking down at Ishtar. She was resisting? Taking a deep breath the girl had to calm herself. She didn't... want... to leave. Rolling over and sitting next to Ishtar the air hissed out of her lungs. Her sister was suffering right now so they could try and save this woman as she wouldn't allow one of the best chance at accomplishing that happen. Surveying the scene which, now that she wasn't suffering so much from tunnel vision, looked all the more ridiculous with the giant patron's hooves reaching down from the sky. "Alright then." She stood back up and erected a barrier around herself and Ishtar. "For the record, I wanted to get you out of harms way." Raising her spear a banner appeared and magic began washing over the field as she activated her Rally Cry. "Hold fast my sisters!" All the Beacon in the area would begin to receive a rush of magic, healing, and clarity of mind. She would have included more people, but thus far no one else was trustworthy enough given the circumstances. Planting the spear in the ground it would continue radiating as Jenna stood over Ishtar and readied Huxley for good measure.

Despite the boost in speed he was too far behind to intercept before anything happened. Arriving just in time to see the interaction between Cindy and Ishtar he cursed under his breath. He had hoped he would have had at least a little time before it came to blows. Then again if you wanted to kill your enemy it was best not to waste time and give them a chance to react. "Stupid woman." He hurried to Cindy's side and went right into explaining what he found out. "Cindy, the assassin wasn't Beacon. She wasn't even a magical girl. Someone ELSE set this up so you would attack Ishtar." The Beacon forces had arrived by this point which was just a hair too late as their Cardinal was laying on the ground and others were already on the attack. "Hold on guys! Ugh."

Oh lovely, and there went Reaver with murderous intent. This was going to go much worse than he intended. Scanning forces that had just arrived there were just the three, which was probably a good thing... maybe? He did identify two in particular. There was still a chance things could be reigned in before an all out war would start. It was probably just delaying things though. "You!" He got the attention of one of the Beacon girls and pointed to his head.

Upon arriving and identifying Ishtar's location, the first thing the twins would do is raise up bubble barrier to defend the Cardinal and cast a healing spell. They hadn't had much time to prepare a plan other than to briefly instruct Raven on one matter. Her not being a member of Beacon and effectively only just being reincarnated, mostly, they didn't want her directly in the conflict. This mess was theirs to clean up. Sylvia had returned fire immediately.

Making a quick mental sweep of the area they wanted to identify as many potential targets as possible. Obviously there were the six right there in front of them, but there could be others on the periphery. There was Cindy of course, her intent to kill Ishtar clear enough on her mind; an older looking boy that had defends, which made sense as Third Eye identified another Reinforcement user; a small girl that... "You!" Janet focused on the boy as Jenna continued. The other boy with Cindy pointed Janet out and pointed to his head. It took a second to realize his intent but the boy had left his thoughts out in the open. The plot sounded familiar, it was the same that Justine used all that time back. Admittedly Beacon did not exactly make it hard to convince dark and monster girls to attack them. Broadcasting the details that Shane shared about the assassin to all present, Janet raised a barrier to block the ink Lotus launched at them. The illusion may trick some senses, but they could keep track of the minds in the area.

Easily outnumbered three to six, fighting their way out would be difficult. It also would be less than productive. At this point they were also having to be completely reactionary. Sylvia was being attacked by two opponents. And apparently as Reaver charged in he went full on monstrous. "Jenna." Casting a cylindrical barrier around Sylvia, Janet expanded it to loose Lotus' grip.

"On it!" Glancing at Lotus for a moment she opted not to attack the monster girl and went after Reaver. A truely monstrous individual was a difficult one to deal with. They didn't rationalize, merely driven by sheer focus on whatever they set their mind on. Jenna knew because she'd been one. Bolstering herself with her Reinforcement magic she met Reaver with intent to keep him from tearing apart Sylvia while she was bound. Jenna was pretty sure she could match him, but ferocity was hard to predict.

Hopefully informing everyone that the assassin hadn't been Beacon would give everyone else pause to any more hasty moves. Ishtar was protected for the moment and should be healing from the spell. It was hard to say how long it might take for recovery. Janet may have tried to free her friend from the monster girl's clutches, but there were still the others to contend with. Options were limited, and the longer it was drawn out the more likely someone else would show up and all hell breaking lose. A majority of Beacon's heavy hitters were also occupied with the rave as well. Dismissing her weapon Janet stepped forward. There was a chance that she was about to take a bolt to the face, but she made sure to keep herself between Cindy and Ishtar. "It is an honor to formally meet you, Cindy Ford. Please be on your guard, as it appears that a third party deliberately seeks to pit us against one another. I've little doubt they watch in anticipation as you carry out their bidding." From all accounts Cindy was exceedingly prideful and did not take orders or advice very well. Putting into question who directed her actions was a calculated gamble. "Not that I can blame you. My patron has done little to foster good will between us. I cannot speak for all, but as a former monster girl myself I seek to bridge that gap. The Penrose chapter shows great promise in paving the way for change, and the Cardinal is our best chance at presenting that change to Beacon abroad. The attack against you today was a ruse, but your grievances with Beacon are not. You want to protect your own, as do I. Please consider showing a strength and leadership that many of my sisters have forgot. Not one by force, but by mercy."

The girl in the cage snapped to attention from the jolt, wincing in pain. “Ah! What...What is this place? Why am I in a cage? And who are you?” She seemed confused beyond belief. However, she was also deathly afraid as she leaned herself against the back of the cage. “Who’s Cindy? What Beacon? I remember...I was driving down the street to get groceries when a little girl jumped on the hood. She...She was immodest in dress, I think, perhaps a cosplayer, but next thing I know I woke up here. I think she knocked me out!” When she heard Shane demand a contact, she quickly patted herself down. “What is this black coat?” She quickly removed it, revealing that she was not a magical girl, but a civilian. “They must have taken my phone and wallet. Oh, this sucks...”

Despite wanting to pay attention to the girl, each moment increasingly told him that she was not part of Beacon. Worse still she was a civ used as a pawn. He was glad he only used a bit of a shock to speed things up. Great. First things first. He sighed a bit and visibly relaxed to put the girl more at ease. ”Alright, I think someone’s played an awful prank on all of us. Let me get you out.” He turned and headed to the door. ”Jane, let her out. She isn’t part of Beacon, or even a MG. We’re being played!”

Jane sighed, and opened the cage, resulting in the girl running right over to Shane and hugging him.
“Thank you! I was so scared!” She trembled as she held him, and then just as quickly released him. “So uh, what is happening here? Can I go home now?”

Though he couldn’t see what was going on in the other parts of the warehouse, it sounded like things were getting unusually rough, it hadn’t quite exploded at that point though. ”You’re going to want to get out of here before whoever did this finds out the jig is up. I need to go stop my friend from doing something we’ll regret. Jane could you please help her outside and get her number in case we need proof?” He motioned that he needed to go and took a tight grip on his spell book. He didn’t wait for a response before he took off running back to the room with the secret door. As he passed anyone still remaining in the room he managed a couple short sentences. ”Someone used an ordinary girl to attack Cindy. Someone wants her out there.”

Roughly shoving the door out of his way he opened his book and the magic began to well out of it. Firmly planting his hand against the pages the lightning arced and jolted through his body. Not waiting for anyone else he accelerated down the tunnel with the boost of his magic. Whatever may be happening at the warehouse will have to be handled by someone else. While he was quick, the others had a head start on him. Cindy was going to get there first. There was no way of knowing where anyone else he knew was. Debating internally for a moment he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Soon, Shane heard Sylvia’s voice on the other hand. “This is the Penrose Beacon support line, how may I help you?” She asked in a neutral, mildly uninterested tone. Shane could hear mechanical sounds in the background, like the turning of bolts and welding of metal.

Oh good, someone familiar at least. ”Cindy Ford is on her way to Penrose Park to attack the Cardinal. Someone planted a fake Beacon member to attack her. I don’t know who but someone is out to incite a war.” He continued running but stayed on the line.

Sylvia seemed to have taken a sip of coffee in the midst of listening to Shane, as the sound of a spit take could be heard. “WHAT? Why is she there?” Soon, the sound of rummaging scrap metal followed by running steps were heard as she continued talking. “I’ll get back to you in a moment!” Then, she suddenly hung up the call.

Pulling the phone away from his ear he glanced at the phone briefly. ”Note to self: Get more people’s numbers.” This was bad, but if anyone could beat them there it was Beacon. He just hoped it wouldn’t make things worse.
FY-1427-AP - Cafeteria

For having just tossed a man it was surprising that no one else made a move. Was it that surprising? Suppose it was given her size. A few people spoke but not much was really said. "You don't know either, do you?" How odd that the lot of them were all in the dark. Taking out the journal she wrote down a couple notes on a free page. "What's the last thing anyone remembers?" Not expecting anyone to get in her way at this point she began walking forward to the doors of the cafeteria.

She was looking down at the notes as she walked in. She was hungry, literally not knowing the last time she'd eaten. Someone may have tried to stop her but she didn't notice. Her eyes drifting up her steps slowed and then stopped. What was... Who did this? For having just woken up with nothing the scene almost didn't have context. There were only two others still living there in the room. One was wearing the same clothes as her and seemingly had no response to the carnage. The only other was a man sitting casually and eating. Adelina could swear there was a ringing in her ears. If it weren't for the overwhelming smell of cleaning products mixed in the air the smell of blood would have been overpowering. The one thing that kept her stable was survival instinct. One never knew when their next meal might be. In that situation you better be ready for it. Was this something she had to do in her previous life?

What seemed like hours was mere minutes. Letting the air hiss out of er lungs Adelina resumed walking forward. She could ignore the scene for now. What can one do for the dead? Someone killed them though and she doubted the spacey one did it. Putting a hand on the table that the man was sitting the teen leaned forward. "Where did you get that?" She was referring to the bowl on the table. She was however ready to throw the table in the mans face if he made the wrong move.

For a moment it looked like things would hold just long enough to get more information. Sadly no, the energy in the room resonated with Cindy and she had taken off with a small entourage. "Oh brother." He didn't see much chance of stopping her without just cause. He hurried off where Cindy directed.

"Ah good, you're awake. I need you to pay close attention." He approached the cage and gave it a light jolt to bring the girl to full attention. "I don't know what you thought was going to happen, but your little stunt has riled up Cindy. If you wanted us to go after Beacon then you should have been more careful. Now she's off to go kill your friends. I'm not too keen on the idea myself so I suggest you tell me how to get in contact with them before she gets there." Most of the statement is purposely vague, trying to get the girl to lean one way or another. The confusion, personal connection, and urgency of the request should get a response that would guide his Power of Friendship well enough.

Back the way he'd come the rave sounded like it had kicked into high gear. He'd never personally been to one before so it could just be a normal thing.

Being approached by Justine, Shane didn't react much. Having taken Friendship he could reasonably tell that she didn't have ill intent toward him, at least not at the moment. Even less so as Eli was spotted. "It does seem you have bigger fish to fry." As the vampire broke away the Regeneration kicked in and healed the puncture rather quickly. The matter surrounding the slime girl didn't much concern him either as Veronica stepped in the intercept. That got outside his scope pretty quickly. His connections with any three of the parties was pretty low. Hell, the ties with Beacon were much bigger. Helped that they've been around much longer.

Sadly part of the fun was sucked out of the room when someone almost comically attempted to attack Cindy. And like clockwork there was debate on the course of action. Cindy decided almost immediately that she was going to go after Beacon. The girl's decisions were as snappy as her magic. Not exactly what he would call wise. Some called for interrogation, others action. Reaver seemed content to goad Cindy to attack. Ugh. Rolling his eyes any harder might have caused them to fall out of his head. "Please excuse me. Seems we have the obligatory party crasher." He casually waved and headed over to the commotion.

Things didn't look like they were going to particularly went well. Sparking a war with Beacon did not sound like a good idea. He agreed with learning more before moving. Addressing Cindy, he pulled out his spell book. "With your permission, I would like to wake our guest and speak with her. I believe I can at least get a baring on her alignment without much trouble." A spark danced across the bindings of the book. He'd made a significant commitment not that long ago to prove himself to Cindy. He hoped it would hold more clout than a majority of the third parties currently present. "I just need to know how to get on her good side." He smiled curtly.
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