Avatar of Urizen


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
Current I'm free
1 mo ago
I am vengeance.
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1 mo ago
Having the right Players in your RPs and yourself at heart goes a long way, I thank everyone.
1 mo ago
Never meet your Heroes, be your own Hero, value your freedom.
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1 mo ago
I'm a rising and revolving Empire.


You Will Know As You Watch Me...

I recognize what I can control and cannot in a situation but that doesn't mean I'll be easily giving up.

In doing so, I determine my reaction to crises including others, so I may display objectivity and compassion.

I may ignore people, dominated by their negativity but not fully, I extend compassion to those who badly needs it, carefully at the same time.

I continuously master myself to be virtuous.

Learning to move on may be tough but it's a necessity to be the storm that approaches!

To the people I've worked with, good or bad:
I was Masaki Haruna and Floch, I'm not gonna be ashamed for who I was.

Everything will be in Keikaku.

Most Recent Posts

Thou shall soon mold thy clay!

Stormy Skies Conquered by Meghanada,

Exalt Al Jelal in Heavens Courts

I am Indra reborn

Vanquishing thy previous Incarnations

Thy arrow in the sky falleth like thunder & lightning

For I am the storm that is approaching

Emerge from the ashen cold fire

A new cycle cometh,

My name is Indrajita
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Blizz showed this to me, I'll consider.
OOC will be out by Saturday~
Sorry for the delays. OOC will have tocome a bit later. My electric power died.
OOC will come today.
@SoleAccord You might as well go for Ten Ten. PM me what you got so far.

How much of an AU is this going to be? Is this Alternate Universe just what if certain characters of Naruto didn't do something or did do something that would change the story, or is this an Alternate Universe with characters what weren't in the canon story of Naruto along with a few canon ones?

It's an AU but not a total AU.

Ehh.... canon versions will happen but better. There are some that will be created by me and Co-GMs and you guys.

Also guys. PM me if you want to play one of the 12.

@Rin is Sasuke confirmed, I just got his PM.

I don't hate Minato but he is still alive but in a living hell of himself, he is the current Hokage but obvious build up is, he will become the Minato we all knew and loved.

What I got so far.
Team 7
@Fabricant451 Sakura
@Rin Sasuke
You guys get to choose among the 12.

I will reveal my plans soon. Really bits of it in the OOC.

@InkarnateYou do have a point but I insist. I don't want this RP to be filled with Uchihas.


I will make an OOC this weekend.

SUPER EDIT: Hiruzen is Elder Position, advising Minato and such.
@SoleAccord I deemed Ten Ten the strongest Kunoichi of Konoha 12 in Part 1 tbh, anyone who has the guts to face Temari in the early days has my respect. Not even the likes of Sakura, Hinata and Ino can lit a candle to her and so she's default the strongest girl in the K12 in this RP.
@Weird Tales Not this early. We only have like Gaara and Naruto. Hmm.... that Sasuke sucks.
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