Avatar of Varshanka


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

Alaina: Nephilim

Sleeping on the streets was dangerous, but less dangerous than sitting in a house with a cozy family and your feet curled under you while you watched the latest rom-com. That shit got people killed. And she couldn’t take the noise.
Tipping back the jack she finished the bottle as the noise faded and she tossed the empty into a corner to join the pile. Fuck! It was taking more and more everyday to drown out the voices. They just never shut the fuck up! Maybe tommy had some smack she could get from him. That shit would help for a day. And if it was pure enough, she might get two days!

Being downtown was horrible, but Tommy sold to lawyers, interns, and the college students down the street. So she had to come to him to get what she needed. The bad part was the alcohol was fading fast and the voices in her head just wouldn’t SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

When Vincent "Vinnie" Barbarino the bum bumped into her she threw up, the voices screaming in her head about the bad things he’d done. The horrible things he wanted to do. She felt his hands roaming across her body for a second. Squeezing and caressing in a vulgar manner, the smell of old alcohol and stale cigarettes wafting from him.

She screamed at him to let go! Get off! Stop touching me! As loud as she could. Staggering away she heard Barbarino fall to the ground in a drunken stupor as she staggered away.

Tommy. She needed some smack to stop the voices. To get them to shut up!

The crowd parted around her as she zombie walked past the coffee shop and got to tommy’s corner. She scratched her head, drown the voices waiting for him to end his deal.
When he looked up and saw her, he cussed and dragged her away from his spot. He didn’t need her ruining business.

Thankfully he’d dosed her enough times he knew what she could handle, and when she was this far gone she needed the shit bad!

She’d confessed her story to him one drunken night and you didn’t need a fucking crazy doctor degree to know she was schizophrenic. Hearing voices all the time? Fuck that noise. But when she was on her game, she was a solid runner.

Leaving her propped up next to a garbage can and a red brick wall he went back to his corner. When she stabilized, she’d come negotiate payment. Which meant all his runs this afternoon would be covered.

She’d never put out for him or anyone else. Something about being close and watching people she cared for die. So, he’d never tap that ass, no matter how fine it was. He’d shared a room with her once, two years ago? Fuck she was damned sexy coming out of the shower. But she’d turned down the sex, and he’d ended up chokin’ the chicken in the shower after her. He could still remember what it smelled like. Apple Blossoms and Lilacs. And that was without any perfumes. He had dreams about her, and always woke up messy afterwards.

But her voices were getting worse, and he’d tried to get her into a hospital, before too long the smak in her arm wouldn’t stop the voices. She needed real meds, not the street stuff. But she’d vanished for a month after that fight, so he never brought it up again. Even though he knew she’d be dead, hell she should already be dead, she took more smak in one hit than anybody else took all day.


Twenty minutes later she was walking towards him and running her fingers through her hair. He’d almost called her name when he saw the shake of her head, and the look she gave the guy across the street. The guy had been reading a paper and never crossed over. Looking back at her he saw her eyes close and she started jerking like she was possessed.

Fuck! Was the smak bad? Had he been selling shit all morning? Was he being setup for a bad deal? The guy across the street was running, his coat flapping. Gun! Cop or Muscle. Shit was going tits up!

Turning Tommy ran, and he ran hard and fast. Straight into two guys with steel muscles and then the interior of a car. The vehicle pulled away silent and slow as Tommy stared at a silencer.

On the Street Aliana’s body was twitching blood running down her nose...

In the distance sirens rose in volume as the they got closer.

Angel Born:

Knight of the Veil:

Demon / Fallen:
I myself like star wars. Young justice. And transformers
can we start?????!!!! :)
I currently have 2 characters as students.

Once I get used to them in the game I'll probably add more.

So.. just checking.

I'm new.
would I be allowed?
is this going to be active and if so where is the IC thread?
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