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Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

Michael de Shade - Knight of the Veil

1291, May 17
Acre, The Holy Land.
The place smelled of piss, shit, and sweat. At least once you got passed the smell of the dead. The heat made a dead man putrefy before nightfall, by morning his gut would split and the stench would get worse.

This wasn’t his first time here, probably wouldn’t be his last either. They’d been fighting for a fortnight, but today the enemy was resting. They didn’t work on this day, so the knights were using it as a chance to tend their wounded, and reinforce barricades.

I only they knew the truth.

Kneeling in the Temple, silently in prayer for guidance, he turned his head slightly at the footsteps behind him. “Sir Mikhail?”

“No, Lord Janus, I’m Sir Matthew of Clermont. Sir Mikhail was my father. Passed he did before my third summer. Mother mine says I look much alike him in his youth.”

“Aye, that you do lad. That you do.” Sir Janus replied his eyes stil looking over the son of a man he’d fought alongside many a years. “Even thine voice is alike.”

“Mother mine cannot bear my likeness or mine voice. Like a dagger in her heart she says. She took the loss of my father hard.” He hated these interactions, pretending to be his own son, telling stories of a mother that had been dead before the Living God walked the Earth.

“But enough of that, what news do you bring?” He asked Sir Janus.

“We are to retreat to the City of Tartus, or the Island of Ruad,” the Knight replied. “Intelligence report that Siraj al-Din Dhabyan is preparing a major attack this evening, everything they have will besiege the walls. Thirty-thousand men, plus horse and catapult. They’ll take the city before sunrise.”

“Very well, begin the withdrawal by sea, load every man, woman, and child that seeks passage. I need a hundred Knights for the defense as everyone else escapes.”

“You’re staying then?” Janus asked, incredulously.

“Aye,” Sir Matthew replied. “I’m staying. Give my thanks to King Henry, It’s been an honor serving under him, and winning at dice against him.” he finished with a slight curve to his lips as he smiled.


The attack had come at midnight, when many had been trying to sleep as more ships sailed. There were so many coming that it was impossible to stop them all. It was akin to fighting a raging river.

At least he’d managed to take out three hellspawn across the city before he’d been overwhelmed and hadd taken a sword through his chest.

If he hadn’t managed to kill the hellspawn he’d have finally died that night. But Yahweh had other plans for him.


Crawling from the dirt he rested a moment. Perhaps it was longer. He’d fallen asleep from pain and exhaustion. When he finally got moving again his body hurt like Shaitain himself had chewed his bones and spit him out.

One stolen horse later and he was free of Acre. Heading north to Tartus and then across the sea to Ruad. The last week of Acre had seen the deaths of over 10,000 Knights and soldiers. Plus unknown numbers of civilians and enemy combatants.
Michael de Shade - Knight of the Veil

Shifting his feet on dirt and gravel mixed with broken concrete Michael smiled. “I haven’t had a descent dance in years.” she said chuckling. “Do you think you can match me, child of darkness?”

Not even the local Chapter knew who and what he was. To them he was a Knight with descent skill and a bit of a reckless abandon. He’d slain demons, more than most and in single combat.

If the Order knew just how many he’d killed across the centuries they’d shit themselves stupid. Hell, if the Order knew how old he truly was they’d quiver in their night caps and wet themselves in their dreams. Hell, once they figured out how far he'd jumped to land on vehicle and save the Nephilim they'd have question. How did he survive? How wasn't he hurt? How did he know she was there?

He’d buried more Knights in the field of battle then existed in this city. And every one of them had been a friend. At least until he’d stopped making friends.
Taking the void he slipped into the old forms, not the new and crude hack and slash styles that all the young knights used. But the styles used in the times before gunpowder. The times of the Crusades, and before that.

Morning Dawn followed by Michael Slays the Dragon, flowing into Leaping Tiger. His blade and shield were extensions of himself as forms he’d used for centuries came to him as simple as breathing.

One cut and the demon would be crippled by pain, and then he'd bury his blade inside its flesh and free the human from the corruption.
Alaina: Nephilim

She opened her eyes alright, staring at Randall, and emptied her stomach before anyone could move. Once she was done, she dry heaved a few more times as her stomach and soul rebelled against the revulsion of the demon she’d seen.

And the voices in her head were screaming louder than ever. Fucking shit ass heroin. She’d beat Tommy when she caught up to him. If he lived through whatever was happening to him.

Swinging she felt her knuckled hit something like a cast iron kill, bones making a gross crunch as she dislocated knuckles, fire screaming from hand to skull. God damn this was almost as bad as the day her family was murdered.

She wasn’t even sure these people were real or if this was a bad trip. Demons weren’t real, the shrinks all told her the same thing. Hallucination. Coping mechanism. Schizophrenia. The voices in her head were all part of it. Auditory Hallucinations. The demons were visual Hallucinations.

"Fuck! I need a drink." She groaned grabbing the bottle and taking just enough to clean her mouth and spitting that onto the floor before downing the rest of the high-octane gut rot. "Everclear would be great. Or Cocaine in Everclear. SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING IN HEAD!!! Just shut up. Leave me alone.” Fuck she couldn’t even stand up right now, and the demon outside the door wanted to chew her soul up and tear it into itty bitty pieces. God Damn that thing reeked like rotting meat and sulfur.

But something else was there as well. Fire… and ice.. Cold rage. Fury and Caramel cinnamon.
I started 2 new ones Friday. I know the feeling.
did everybody quit?
<Snipped quote by meri>

Cherry and them never quit huh? They are having a really bad day lol

they'll cease and desist or lose a limb.. maybe a head.
Michael de Shade- Knight of the Veil

Son of a bitch! Michael cursed as he fired, his first shot exploding brick as the high powered slug ripped into the demon. Giving chase he whispered next the the magazine, blessing the weapon and the rounds it carried. Firing again he snarled as the round ripped through the open door missing the demons head by less than an inch.

Holstering the gun, Michael hit the door at a full run. Blasting it open like a portcullis. Switching to the old tongue he spoke Aramaic, challenging the demon“Cowardly snake, slither in the mud and muck like your ancestors.” Whispering he reached back and pulled the sword from the void. Smacking his riot shield with thee blade he cast aside the glamour on them.

Jumping the least set of step Michael rose to his full height, Mournblade held forth like he knew what he was doing. He wasn’t one of these new knights that relied on fireballs and witch lights to do his work. He relied on a sharp sword and a solid shield.

“I will cast thee back unto the pit of foul beast.” He swore before calling in English. “You behind the door. Stay thy hand and open not the portal. On your soul the beast will devour you if thy passage is opened.”

Turning his gaze fully upon the demon he smiled. “Face me demon, and a chance you may have. I'd prefer to face you, but I'll take your head from the front or behind. Your choice defiler."
Michael de Shade - Knight of the Veil

Rolling to a stop Michael slid from the car and popped his hat on with a familiar ease, he was solo today, his partner had called in sick which meant he had the brown bottle flu, or was getting laid. Did matter to Mike, he preferred solo. It let him handle some of the weirder cases.

The funny part was he always grabbed the riot shield from the trunk, but it had saved him from bottles to the head a number of times, and a dozen plus knife attacks. If they only knew why he always carried the shield they’d piss themselves.

The gun on his hip was lower than officially approved but it was within regulation and allowed a faster draw. He was one of the best shooters on the force. In truth he was best, but he made it a point to miss the highest score. He didn’t need, or want, the attention.

He already got enough attention with the weird calls he took. He’d been told to take the detective examine enough times that he was already looking at moving again. He was being noticed, plus he was pushing the time limit. And fuck he hated dying the tips of his hair every month.

Climbing the steps to answer the domestic he figured it was some drunk asshole beating on another drunk asshole. Gender didn’t matter anymore, the city was equal opportunity for assaults and battery.

Punching the door jam he announced himself and held the shield up, just in case someone decided to shoot first and apologize later. Shouting again he heard the slide action and braced as the shotgun blew a hole in the door and a scream followed it.

A shoulder slam knocked the busted door off it’s hinges and his hand slapped leather drawing up as he cleared the door. The dust made the shotgun bearer more of a shadow than a target, but the stance was clear as another round was racked into place.

Just to make sure Michael let the man fire a second time before he shot him. The blast from Michael’s Smith and Wesson Model 500 punched a hole through his heart and made a frying pan size hole through his spine before it shattered glass on it’s way out of the Apartment, and into the brick wall across the alley.

Movement to his right brought his hand up in a black as the other occupant came at him with a frying pan. Why was it always a fucking frying pan? Nobody ever fought with knives anymore.

Punching the pan with the barrel of his gun he heard the shot from the alley. And the stench of rotting meat and sulfur wafted through the broken window. Demon!

Shifting his stance he smacked the butt of the gun into nose of his second assailant and then gave them a head butt for good measure when they went limp. Running to the broken window in the living room he took in the scene below and holstered the gun. A glance back told him the condition of the Domestic and he made a quick radio call before he hit window at a run.

Slamming into the roof of the car he rolled off and with a practiced and oft used motion he redrew his gun. “I see you, demon.” he snarled as he clenched the gun tighter.

says every homeless bum in the multiverse...
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