Avatar of Varshanka


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

I'm here as well
we keep going and try to recruit more people.

active stories encourage joining.
Allana Lang Kent

Sliding through the door she grabbed the first empty seat she could, flipping her hair out of the way as she sat, the door closing just as the bell rang. Great, she was next to clumsy fool and the felon.

This was going to be a wonderful class. Grabbing a note book she started to doodle, drawing knights and gleaming swords and demons, though the demons looked like they were winning most of the time.
ok.. got it. so feats to get better in skills. how do we get a character sheet to you to review when done?

I've created a second character if needed. so i can use either or both depending on game needs.

Soldier Male Kashyyyk.
Jedi Female Coruscant (I'll use the data already provided for her)
I don't have or use discord
if we have a dance teacher Allana will take it as a student. male or female teacher doesn't matter.
awesome sauce activity
can't find skill points. found the skill training points.
galactic instead of Common? or in addition?
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