Avatar of Varshanka


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1 mo ago
Current Somewhere between Heaven and Hell


So if you've made it this far you have an interest in me and my writing.

I'm human, unfortunately.
I prefer cats and dogs over humans. They just don't start drama. Well cats do, but that's just being a cat.
If I had a choice, I'd be dead. But I've tried that, and it didn't work out.

I write on several forum groups under a couple different names.

I will never give my Real Name, my Gender and opinions on that will not be revealed.
I've never cared what anyone I write with is. As long as you write in English and well it doesn't matter.

Although there are times when I wish an Alien/Angel/Demon/mutant/Werewolf/Vampire would come to my house and say "We need to talk"

Yes, I've died. Like full on CPR resurrection dead. God kicked me out.

Most Recent Posts

FYI I will update my Character's Bio as information is revealed. Sisters name, parents names.. etc..
Tænar Verch Tygath (age 15)

Sitting alone in her room with everyone else away for the Holiday’s, Tænar looked at the one package she’d gotten. Her parents were in the middle of a divorce and neither had time to ‘deal with children or buying things that would be thrown away within a year anyways’.

She wasn’t a child, and she didn’t throw things away without reason. She cherished gifts. But at least her sister had sent her something. She’d sent her sister a RavenClaw cloak. Her sister loved cloaks as much as she loved scarves and shawls.

She hadn’t really expected anything though both of them were at school studying hard, or rather Tænar was studying and her sister was avoiding jail time. A few years ago her sister had started running with the wrong crowd, got involved with a vampire and things went south from there.

Apparently Ystradwel’d gone south as well, straight into the boy’s lap. She’d became a fang banger, and then.. a fanger. After her sister’s transformation her parent’s had lost their collective minds. And now a divorce was on the horizon and in the court’s.

Taking the present to the bed she sat crosslegged on the over spred and carefully opened the rather weird wrapping paper. After the change her sister had gotten kind of creepy and weird, but also kind of cool as well. The Paper was little caskets and tomb stones and the bow was dark red like blood and the lace was black as a Slytherin soul.

Maybe she’d use it for her sisters birthday.. or did she celebrate her death day now? She’d have to ask, maybe it was both?

Lifting off the lid she box she pulled out the cotton material and looked at it. Clutching it to her chest she cried. Her sister had sent her a Scarf from her school! Black and Purple (a shade of blue in her head) it had the logo of her sisters school on it. “Nevermore Academy”

the big question is which team does Taenar prefer?

also for those taking notes on such things, i fixed spelling on her bio for her name (Verch) not (Vetch)
and i changed her Animagus. (now you can't tell the difference between her and her familiar...)

is it the Professor laying in the corner watching you.. or her familiar....?????

and if anyone wants it, i'm going to TRY and make an accurate map (using extensive resources of each Level of Hogwarts.


thank you
how do we delete a post or message that we have posted by accident?
Arriving downstairs, she wore simple clothing and walked the length of the Ravenclaw table before sighing sadly and moving to the others. "I'm Ravenclaw, but may I join you? Eating alone gets lonely. I'm Tænar Tygath, Defense of the Dark Arts, and you?" She asked, softly, of the others at the table.

(just an FYI: her name is pronounced Tay-naR Tea-Goth)

@World Traveler
well, i'm learning the coding for this site moderately fast, just wish i could do signature style typing instead of basic font
Hogwarts map and Hogsmeade

Edited my first IC post to reflect the quality of @Skimobile's offer letter. (ie logo,titles, etc..)
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