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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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ah, i only watched the anime and ovas although i thought about reading the manga, its not my cup of tea really. i like animated stuff better.
+1 for agreeing and +∞ for Kenichi reference ^^
holy shiet...someone is mad T.T i feel bad for Janus now
Max laughed at the little Cubone's antics as she tried to free herself from the pile of berries he had buried her under. Her response was something he didn't expect though. After he listened to what she said, he pondered for a moment, trying to find the right words and after a minute he said, "Why don't you play with the others pokemon in Beast's care? I heard Amara is quite shy and lonely and doesn't open up to hardly anyone other than Beast. Why don't you try to make friends with her? I'm sure she would accept you if you are nice with her. You know, as I grew older, I started to pay less and less attention to what others said and instead started watching what they did. I'm sure that other pokemon would approach you if only you could just cut down on all the wild stuff" the last phrase just came to him instinctively. "Now, games you say? Well, not all elderly pokemon play games" he reached closer to her "but between you and me, those are most of the times the boring ones" he whispered in her ear and then bursted into laughter.
im here as well. im just procrastinating my post so much its not even funny...t.t
i just play LoL because I suck at Dota.
The monsters kept coming so the arrows kept flying. "..84...85...86...THIS IS FUN!" he laughed. Shujin wasn't doing half bad with that metal make of his though, he helped him a lot with that silver lining that reflected the light but he knew Shujin's magic didn't last for long so on the sound of Shujin calling him out to use powerful magic, Janus didn't waste a second and started casting Radiance, absorbing the light from the reflecting surfaces of the cave. "You'd want to stand back now" he said and with a circular motion of his hands unleashed several light beams towards the mob of monsters in front of them. The beams crashed onto them and burned them alive and little craters formed in each beam's landing point. "I sure hope that finished them off..." he said, seemingly tired from the sudden use of so much magic power. He hadn't used much of his powers at all since he left his home to travel to Middlemist and had neglected training so as to arrive faster.
i just played one of the best LoL games in months and now im ready for some rping ^.^
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