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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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you know, you could always add on your CS the different techniques your blade magic has. A short description of each move and what it does so we can better understand what you are doing xD. That's what i do and it works for me.
Sho watched as master Jamie and the woman were signing some kind of contract. After they finished, they moved to different directions, with master Jamie taking the small "dragon" with him, something that surprised him initially but then he thought it might have to do with the contract they had just signed, a requirement of sorts. Since the woman no longer seemed to have any desire to fight, Sho decided to not take his chances and go back to the guild along with the master. He was not going to attack someone with their back turned on him that's for sure. He boarded the same train back to Magnolia as the master did.

On the train, he searched for the master and found him sitting on one of the seats at the end of the train. The small "animal" he was carrying really made him stand out. He came from behind them and quickly sat down on the seat across the master. "No signal" was the first thing he said to the master, his frustration clearly showing on his face. "And here I was thinking I was going to have a good time but how wrong could I be..." he continued and folded his arms. Sho's gaze quickly turned towards the small "dragon" that was sitting on his shoulder. "What is that? It's not a dragon, that I'm sure of. So what is It? One of your shape-shifting friends?" Sho asked.
so Mithera is with Jamie on their way to the guild and Melina is going somewhere else right?
off to bed. gn ^_^
if thats the case then she shouldnt be asleep cause i am too on the European side and its 22:30 pm here
zarkun, could you employ your grandmaster-level pokery on caits? she doesn't reply to my messages ;<
i love this gif

Sho was observing the situation but was hardly what someone would call calm. In fact, he was barely holding himself from lunging at the woman. "Calm yourself...She hasn't given any signals yet...you can't go in now..." was all he was thinking and when the woman started emanating this bloodthirsty aura, emotions of excitement and eagerness started overflowing inside him. "That's one delicious aura you have there missy" he thought, a small grin formed on his face but quickly faded away. He still had to take care not to blow his cover. He was pretty sure they hadn't noticed that he was an ally of the man they were talking to. Shoichi shifted his position to be more comfortable and waited patiently for the signal...that one signal that will start it all...
im going to bed. won't be able to post for a good 8-10 hrs
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