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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Slendy here?
screams "Elza" all over lel. @Eklispe
"Sure, whatever..." Alex simply said and got up. "It's not like I have anything to do right now, or anytime soon for that matter... Lead the way then" he told Deus and searched his pocket for his MP4.
"Correction, power, not powers. I only have one power and if your Infinite Supply or whatever is hard to explain, then I guess my Archimedes is even more complicated. Let's just say it's REALLY advanced math. Not much more into it really" Alex said dismissingly. @BranchOfSin
Alex listened as Deus talked about the council while going back to his meal. When Deus offered to train him, Alex chuckled "Um, thanks but the strain isn't that great as you make it to be. I'll be fine and i assure you, I don't need any training with my powers. I know pretty much everything there is about how to use them. Thanks for the offer though..." Alex said, politely rejecting Deus's offer. Alex finished eating and set aside his plate; "So which one of the two was your power? The water wave or the flaming pillars?" Alex asked curiously. @BranchOfSin
"Deus huh, that's a pretty uncommon name you have there..." Alex said on the mention of the mans name. There again with the student council...on my way here, everyone I overheard was talking about the student council. Student council this, student coucil that... "Thanks and no, I'm not a member of the student council. Too much of a hassle if you ask me. Everyone in it is either a hothead of below average intelligence or too arrogant and cocky, going around showing off their abilities and scaring other students...If I was made the council president for one day I would just abolish the whole ranking system. Too much discrimination for no reason..." @BranchOfSin
Alex was too busy eating to notice that someone had sat on his table. Only when the man talked to him did Alex turn his attention to him. Truthfully, Alex had never seen the man before; Hmmm, help? When did I help him? Before? Does he mean when I stopped that fight a couple of hours ago? "Umm, you're welcome...I guess..." Alex said awkwardly. He wasn't used to many people approaching him and as such he didn't really know what to say to the man. "The name's Alex" he said and offered his hand for a handshake. @BranchOfSin
if anyone wants to interact with alex, now's your chance ;D [EDIT] Alex is quite radical with his views about the student council, isn't he? ;)
A quick nap took care of the headache that Alex had gained when he helped that angry student counselor but he was only now starting to feel the other disadvantage of using his powers for others, manifesting in the form of hunger. Hunger that grew by the minute. However, Alex refused to erase it using his power. He enjoyed eating and the fact that he could just erase something as basic as his need of food made him feel like he wasn't...human. Grudgingly, Alex got up from his bed and with a quick equation, tidied himself up and exited his room. He decided against just teleporting himself to the cafeteria, opting to go there by foot, a decision that surprised even himself as he rarely walked anywhere. Alex walked along the campus, watching as other students went about thir business. Some where eating their lunch with friends, others were practicing or showing off their powers, others just simply talked. The usual stuff someone would expect students to do when at school. Well, except from the "using their powers part", that was unique to their school. As Alex arrived at the cafeteria, his eyes scanned for any known faces. He saw the counselor, sitting on a table, obviously dead drunk; Isn't alcohol forbidden in the school grounds? he wondered. He watched as more and more students were joining the counselor on his table and Alex wondered what he did to get so many friends so quickly...Alex never had made that many friends on his first day at school... Shrugging off that thought, Alex headed towards the buffet where he grabbed a plate and filled it to the edges with a wide variety of foods. By now, he was so hungry he would even eat a whale if you presented him with one... Alex walked towards one of the empty tables, sat down and started ravaging through the food in front of him, ignoring everything else.
well im too tired to write anything right now. will go to sleep and see what i can think up tomorrow :D gn all
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