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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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lets see how they will react to Alex just popping out of nowhere @DaDrummer676 @Slendy
Beep beep beep be- Another one bites the dust... It was now becoming a sort of little ritual of Alex to destroy his alarm in the morning and then proceed to create a new one to replace it. This time it was a futuristic looking one with bright lights on the sides and a big screen in the middle to show what time it was. After inspecting it for a couple of seconds, Alex put it down in its usual place right beside his bed and got up, stretched his body and yawned. Today their gauntlets would be distributed and Alex had to be there in person to get his; Damn bureaucracy, why must you make things so hard for us followers of sloth? he thought and with a lazy flick of his fingers, his clothes were on and his face became as if freshly rinsed. Oh, i just remembered about Deus. I should visit and see how he is he thought. He closed his eyes and searched for the nurse's room. Once he found it he instantly teleported to its coordinates and saw Deus and Marcus talking. "Seems you are all better" he said, taking a better look at Deus, "I can sort of imagine what will happen when you two fight for real, and it doesn't look pretty in my mind let me tell you" he said jokingly.
@Slendy lawl 5 tons? So Marcus can lift 2 of
at the same time? I believe you.
I hope the cs ain't to bad. Im really rusty XD
well i dunno :/ your char might have some problems with @BranchOfSin's char since they both control hellfire IMO
<Snipped quote by Vec> I need them, idea's pretty scattered at the moment. So yeah, I'm thinking of having 3 regular ones and 2 powerful ones made from multiple fragments. Areas of being terrorized yet to be decided.
areas are easy Magnolia Town - since Fairy Tails disbandment, they were left with no local guild to protect them/ thief wants to spread a strong message by attacking the former strongest guilds' territory? Clover Town - since the masters of legal guilds meet there, the thief wanted to destroy their meeting place? Cedar Town - the knights protecting it were wiped out by the demons and are now in their mercy? there, some locations
<Snipped quote by Vec> Not that high, as these demons are only parts of a whole,
oh, ok that's nice. It could be like a emergency job from the magic council? They could provide the special vessel? just throwing ideas out there.
I've been ready since yesterday e.e
Sairis' question gave me an idea for a high level request that some people an take if they feel up to the challenge. Request: Recover the Demon Fragments Somebody has stolen the fragments of the Demon's maw guild Masters demon soul, held by the Magic Council, and has used them to make powerful demon to ravage the countryside. Beat the demon to reclaim the fragment. A special vessel is required to contain the fragments. Be warned, the demons will be powerful and cunning, extreme caution should be taken, even by S-class mages.
ss-class? i likes
Nigel was sitting in the lounge area of the guild hall, lost in his usual thoughts while studying a book he borrowed from the guilds library; "Myths and Mysteries" was the books name and it surpriced him to find that the existence of his homeworld was but a mere myth in this world. With magic being so wide-spread and having integrated into the peoples lives, one would think that questions would eventually arise about the possible existence of parallel universes. Only when Aran placed her arm around his shoulder did he take notice of her, "Not much" he said while closing his book and placing it down next to where he was sitting. "Since, apparently, almost everyone went on a training camp, there aren't many people here to take up the already existing jobs and I just got back from a job myself so I'm just relaxing here" he said. "What about you? I heard there was some members of Viper Bolt going off causing a ruckus at the hot springs downtown, would you happen to know anything about that?". @Kal-El
I'm here, ima get on with posting e.e soz for the delay [edit] right when i have some time free to post the scene changes... -inner monologue on how damn fcking lucky he is-
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