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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Morning guys.@Akio accepted.
e.e 1 am here XD good morning nonetheless
Looks like Alex has a front row seat huh?
Haha he sure does
Alex sat at the bench, looking the battle unfold in front of him. What began as a simple training simulation had become a full-blown duel that Alex was once again thinking of interfering with. He couldn't have Liz nor Marcus get injured and he was pretty sure that with Marcus the way he was right then, one gauntlet wouldn't be enough to contain his obviously out-of-control powers. When he saw Liz reject Meruins offer to help, Alex thought about it for a while and decided to stand back but If things went out of hand he would interfere immediatelly.
When are we getting these gauntlets by the way? I thought we already had them. Oh and they should display your rank on it. Magnus, Slick is fighting Liz and went crazy. Marion tried to butt in but Liz wanted to keep going. Eris AD Sol are setting up their match and Ryan is getting PO'es at Eris.
takin charge like a baws
As Nigel finished his sentence, Piper entered the guild hall and greeted them. "Hey there Pipes" Nigel returned her greeting. "Well what you felt must have been the guild masters. They are hav-" Suddenly the guild hall's doors bursted open and a person, seemingly a knight judging from the armor he was wearing, came inside. Nigel listened patiently as he described the situation to them. Apparently, someone stole the soul fragments of Demon Maw's Master from the Magic Council's Treasury Vault and had used them to create demons that were now wreaking havoc through Clover and Cedar town. The Council designated those areas as danger zones and is now gathering A and S-class mages to combat the demons. Nigel quickly brought up his heads up displays. Letters started appearing before him and difficult-to-understand formulas were being deployed in rapid succesion. Once finished, Nigel took a big breath in and exhaled, trying to calm himself; "Considering what you've told us and the fact that there are so few reports coming in from the battlefi-" Nigel didn't even have time to finish his sentence when he felt the information being loaded into his head. He had once before been given information through the Archive but it always gave him a weird feeling. He shrugged off the thought as the information transfer finished. Apparently, the Council issued an emergency mission. Two teams from Viper Bolt and Harpy Wing were to find and get rid of the dark guild, Dead Eye. Great timing Nigel thought. Wait, could Dead Eye be behind the demons attack on Clover Town and Cedar Town? Nigel glanced at Aran and Piper, wondering if they arrived to the same conclusion as he had. "As I said before, considering what you've told us and the fact that there are so few reports coming in from the two battlefields and by implying that the demons arrived and started destroying the two towns atleast one hour before any rescue signal was sent by the towns autorities, I can safely assume that those demons are above-average intelligence. They must have already destroyed both of the town halls" Nigel said. He had felt the knights voice cracking as he mentioned Cedar town. Ugh, there's only so much three S-class mages can do against four demons and to make it worse, there are two battlefields which means that we will have to split up as well. Nigel's mind was overclocking, calculating and trying to find a solution for this dire situation they were in. He suddenly turned to Piper "I want you to go search for any A-class or above mage in the vicinity. I assume the message about Dead Eye must have been delivered to them as well but they must not know about the demon attack. Find anyone you can, relay the information to them and tell them to drop anything they are doing and quickly gather at the guild hall" he said, "I think that teleporting groups uses up less magic than teleporting one person at a time right?" he asked the knight."Aran, I want you to do the same as Piper, find any S-class mage you can and tell them to gather here, we are going to split in two teams, one will head to Clover town and one will head to Cedar Town" he said and looked over at the knight with a smile. "Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry!" Nigel urged them, they didn't have much time and casually idling here wasn't helping one bit.
ok so i read raijin's post and i must say, what a great way to start off a new arc ;D i think ill go ahead and start on a post. A lot of things to adress since my last one :D
Also true of the math dude. You *can* have these. Don't abuse them or the headmaster will whoop your azz. Regardless of how powerful you are.
don't worry, i have a fair grasp of how Alex's battles will go about.
Alex had finished his business and was now walking back to the main building. He was beginning to like walking wherever he wanted to go as it gave him the chance to observe other people and generaly the world around him. He had been living in a self-inflicted isolation for the last ten years, after the incident. He decided enough was enough. He would return to the outside world and was willing to even use force on himself if it came down to it. On his way back he spotted Marcus and, presumably, a new student, preparing to fight. This seems interesting he thought and sat down in a nearby bench, waiting for the fight to start.
I am at the dentist right now. Can't really post from my phone but i gotta say, those are some nice curses ;)
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