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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Just woke up...
I should probably post again for Abigail before I go to bed...xD

Then tomorrow after my classes we can get moving to Newbark/wherever we end up going.

Night Vec~

Night ;)
Well, after that huge post, I am too tired to write another one... I'm off to bed. G'night!
Pfft, here I am, starting to head off to bed after finishing up a few messages, and when I take a quick look out of curiosity, someone is trying to save Peggy.

Blake's so nice XD

And now I'm tempted to post again. DAMN YOU VEC!

BOOM Blake to the rescue!
phew that was one long post...
Blake Winterhawk

When Blake finished introducing himself to the shortie, the boy who had picked Chikorita jumped into their little conversation and introduced himself to the two.

“Smart thinking, bringing pokeblocks. I probably should have too. Yay hindsight… Oh! Probably should introduce myself. I’m Ryley, and this is my new partner, Fern. Nice to meet you!”

"Hey" Blake nodded, greeting Ryley. "I'm Blake and this little guy is Swinub" he added with a smile. He then turned his attention back to the shortie who was about to introduce himself as well.

Hey, the name's Alexander Elric, but just call me Alex, it's much easier. And here, take these.

He told them before digging into his pocket and pulling out a small pouch. He picked out some PokeBlocks for Swinub and Fern and shared them with Blake and Ryley, "Thanks man, you're a lifesaver!" Blake said and raised his hand above his head where Swinub was confortably sitting and gave him a PokeBlock to munch on. The little guy seemed thrilled with the small treat, "Wait until I gather some more ingredients. You'll be left wanting more food when I get the chance to cook some of my specialties!" he told the little fur-ball. Apparently, Swinub had already forgotten about Eevee barking at him to get his attention. "Gluttony at It's best...", the thought made Blake chuckle.

"I'M HERE I'M HERE! I didn't miss it did I? I'll never forgive myself if I did!"

Suddenly and out of nowhere, the last trainer, the one that had been late, came bursting through the door, asking if he had missed something. Well, apart from the pleasure to witness our little B in action, not much really... Blake thought, remembering the purple hair's earlier behavior. Speaking of which, Blake looked around the lab, trying to find her. Then he heard a distinctive sound of electrical currents and turned his head towards the source of the sound.

Apparently, her Nidoran had snapped or something and had decided to attack the pink hair's Mareep. What's more, timid girl's Houndour had decided to do the same thing. Long story short, the pink hair tried to protect her Mareep, resulting in her falling down on the floor, possibly hurting her back, while the Mareep, whilst trying to protect itself, unleashed a Thunder Wave at the two attacking pokemon, effectively immobilizing pink hair, Houndour and Nidoran. "Ouch.." Blake thought. What happened after that though, was something that made Blake's temper rise really fast.

Purple hair, instead of scolding Nidoran for attacking the Mareep, she went ahead and insulted timid girls Houndour, calling it a mutt and telling her off for not keeping an eye on it. What the... Sure she made a freaking mistake but since pink hair obviously isn't hurt, why must you go and call other people's Pokemon names? Blake wanted to say but managed to stay quiet. Then, unexpectedly, purple hair apologized! Yep, you heard right. She apologized to pink hair for the sudden attack. Well, at least you have some decency in you... Nidoran seemed to be trying to apologize as well, bringing a PokeBlock over to Mareep as a peace sign, which the Mareep happily accepted.

Aaaand then she went and ruined what little good image she had created with that apology by calling the two girl losers! Losers! Blake quickly put Swinub inside his Pokeball and started making his way towards the purple hair, who was apparently called Abigail and was plannig to be the best trainer in the region. "Hey hey, who the fu-" he was interrupted by Prof. Elm suddenly speaking.

"Okay, if I could just have everyone's attention! I am glad to see all of you are getting along with your new partner, and with each other."

Get along? Who would want to get along with that freaking Swalot-head.... Blake thought, obviously frustrated.

"On this table, I have a few supplies I'd like to give all of you. I have a few maps of the Johto region, repels, and even a few medical kits for you. I couldn't buy much, so you'll have to share with everyone else and use your supplies wisely. On that note, I would like to remind everyone to stay together. As beginner trainers, all of you are quite inexperienced. Please, take care of each other and watch each others backs out there. If anything happened to any of you..."

Blake looked over at the table where all the items were placed. A few medical kits, a couple of repels and three maps huh? Well, I have my PokeGear which already has a map installed into it but another back-up map incase it malfunctions will be useful and with that thought, he approached the table and picked up one of the maps and stuffed it inside his bag. As for the rest... we can either find them on the road or buy them from a poke mart. The less stuff we carry, the farther we can travel. Ryley walked to the table as well and picked up one of the med kits. Can't go wrong with those... Blake thought.

Then, he remembered what he originally intended to do and promptly turned his attention to Abigail. "As I was abo-" he was again interrupted, this time by Avery.

“I think you can do it. Be the best that is. Well, you’ve kind of got to now that you’ve said it. I’m Avery, by the way. Glad to meetcha. I’m looking forward to seeing you win.”

Blake could feel the Avery's passion behind those words. You can't follow something like that with insults now can you? "...Oh what the hell..." Blake murmured, turned his back towards the Swalot-head and her little group and made his way towards Alex and Ryley.

Well, planned to before timid girl suddenly started hyperventilating. Blake quickly hurried over to her, "Hey, relax okay? Listen to me. Are you listening? Clear your thoughts, empty your mind. Don't think about anything but to relax" he told her and grabbed her hand. "Look me in the eyes and say after me, 'I am fine'. Once again, 'I am fine'...

<Snipped quote by Ogobrogo>


We have almost 1/3 of the amount of OOC posts of an RP that's been up a year xD

...maybe that just means all of us needs lives xD

I think it's the latter :/
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