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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I think all of our CS'es need an update, don't ya think?
i like how everyone is expecting Swinub to do smthing. SMH, he doesn't know any ice/ground type moves yet xD
Short post, not much to do here but run.
Blake Winterhawk

Blake was in the process of laughing his ass off when Alex suddenly came and kicked him in the head, "Hey, watch it!" He told Alex while rubbing the spot where he had kicked him. Alex then proposed that they camp since night was kicking in and wild Pokemon generally come out at night to hunt. Plus, they were in a forest where travelers can be attacked by Pokemon at any given time.

Blake stood up and dusted himself of all the dirt that had gotten on his coat while he was rolling around laughing. "I guess camping does sound like a good course of action for now" he said outloud, agreeing with Alex and Ryley. Then, suddenly, the ground shook beneath them. An earthquake, as rare as it was in this part of the region, wouldn't be so powerful unless it wasn't caused by nature herself. Blake looked around, looking for the pokemon that had caused it when his eyes caught something towards the route to Blackthorn.

There it was, lying in wait, blocking off the path. "I think now's the time for us to leave..." he told everyone but they seemed to think otherwise. Jackson stopped playing his funny song and charged the Onix, along with his Totodile. Unfortunatelly, it seemed that the Onix was too much for the inexperienced pokemon who received a tail to the face, the force of the hit flinging it into the air.

Then Abigail joined the fight with her newly caught Spinarak. The little pokemon used String Shot on the Onix; albeit it being not so effective, it did the trick and now Onix's attention was focused on the poor Spinarak, giving Melody, who had somehow found herself in danger, a chance to escape to safety. Or she would if Tesla had listened to her and hadn't started attacking the Onix with Tackles. Thankfully, she grabbed him and ran towards them, rejoining the group before the sheep Pokemon was seriously hurt by the Onix.

After a few moments and a couple of failed attempts to stop the raging Pokemon in its tracks, Melody called out to them, urging them to run away. Soon, Peggy, Avery and Ryley were also joining in on the escape. Blake started running away from the dangerous Pokemon, following behind everyone else.
ΟΚ, ill start writing my post now ":) soz for the delay.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Go, Vec! Go, Vec! Go, Vec!

yeah about that, I ended up not doing it cause i had forgotten i have a test due tomorrow and started revising :/
I'll go to sleep though now, cause I'm surprisingly tired. Those all-nighters must have finally started taking a toll on my body X.x
SO IM THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS YET TO POST A REACTION TO THE ONIX HUH? ok then i'll go ahead and start writing a post.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

XD Not sure whether I should write a response now or leave it for a bit.

its not like the two have anyone else to interract with. You could probably fit dorian somewhere in there if you wanted to add one more person...your call
Short and crappy post is short and crappy ッ
Paul Ray

"Porca troia!" Paul shouted in frustration as he watched the coffee he was about to drink go to waste like that. If that wasn't enough, he became even more angry when he realized the sandwitches were ruined, "Cazzo! cazzo! cazzo!" he exclaimed as he looked through the paper bag that contained the sandwitches. "Che confusione!" he said while looking down at his now ruined as well, clothes.

"S-sorry! I-I didn't see you there! A-are you okay?"

Paul only noticed the boy in front of him when he spoke to him, asking him if he was okay. "Y-yeah. I'll manage somehow... Pfft" he said and sighed. "Anyway, did you happen to see a boy coming out of the infirmary? I'm his new roommate" he asked the boy.
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