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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Bleh, short and crappy post is short and crappy, bleeeeeh x-x I honestly couldn't think of any way to expand upon it, sorry.

Bleh, its not like I gave you much to work with really :/ sorry :/
<Snipped quote by Vec>

... I'm scared D8

You should be...Paul takes his coffee seriously...you don't wanna mess with Paul's coffee.
Anyone ever tried a nation RP? They are pretty fun but tend to die rather quickly cause of the time and effort you need to put in them...

I've thought about joining one in numerous occasions but always ended up not going through with it because I was mostly afraid i wouldn't be able to get in the climate of controlling a whole country and not one person. I mean, It's a whole different thing when you have to come up with a whole history for a country, army forces, scientific advancements e.t.c.

If I had the time and there was a Nation RP that tolerated complete newbs to the whole genre, I might joined it.
@XxFellsingxX Poor poor Cheol...(evil grin intensifies)
Paul Ray

"I expect you all to treat Deia very kindly, as you would treat each other. Now come along everyone."

And with that, VP Nina pushed the little girl's, whose name appeared to be Deia, wheelchair and headed towards the main dormitories of the school. Paul slowly followed behind the group of students, up until when they arrived at the dorms. Dr. Dorian, the schools nurse, came up and announced, probably for the new students, that they had arrived at the dorms. Then, Nina followed his announcement by giving out the pairings list; basically, who was roomates with who.

"Let's see what we've got this year round..." Paul thought, curious about who he would have as his roommate, if he would have one that was. First, Nina announced the pairings between the girls. Alexis was with Kitty and...wait, Archer? Was she a relative of mr. Archer? Paul scrapped that thought though when Nina announced the rest of the pairings. Olivia would be rooming with one of the new ones and that girl Deia wouldn't be staying in the student dormitories, as it seemed.

"Now, the boys" Nina said after a short pause. "Cheol Akiyama, you'll be rooming with Paolo Ray."

Paul noticed Nina shooting a glance at him throught the crowd and looked around, searching for this Cheol dude while Nina continued giving out the remaining pairings. Suddenly, there was an uproar among some of the students. Apparently, one of the new ones had fainted. "Well, I would be surprised if there wasn't atleast one of these cases every year." Nina called for Dr. Dorian to take care of the fainted boy, to which he responded swift and efficiently. Dorian came in, took the collapsed student and quickly left, heading towards the infirmary. "Well, Dorian's pretty good at doing his thing so I'm sure he is in good hands..." Paul thought, "Now, where is my roommate?"

After searching for a while, asking a few of the new students in the process, he found out that the guy that had fainted earlier was indeed his roommate. "Pfft..." Paul sighed. He looked at his wristwatch, It had been close to five minutes since the dude was taken away by Dr. Dorian. "He should be awake by now, right?" he asked himself. "I'll go and introduce myself but first, coffee!" and with that, he headed towards the school cafeteria. He bought a machiato for himself and some sandwiches for him and his new roommate to munch on while they got to know eachother. After paying for the food and coffee, he walked towards the main building, passed the dormitories and headed to the infirmary just around the corner. "Ahh, let's see now, have those old women at the cafeteria gotten any better at making a decent espresso or I still gotta make my own?" he told himself and prepared to sip on his coffee. In the short time he would be distracted, tasting his coffee, he wouldn't be able to react if someone suddenly popped around the corner, which would result in the two to bump into each other and Paul would accidentaly spill his coffee all over himself and the bag of sandwitches.
I'm writing a post right now so It should be up pretty soon as well....if I don't get distracted that is...Gonna get some interaction going on between Cheol and Paul ;)
Hello, everyone.

I am procrastinating 8D

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Moooornin', Vec~!

How's my favorite chemistry tutor today?

Revising Biology because he is sitting a test on Thursday x.X

Hullo humans :D
I would join y'all as well with Nigel but unfortunatelly, I've been a little busy these days. Do save a spot for me though for once I finish with exams and stuff and I have more time in my hands, if you can ;) @Masaki Haruna
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