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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I'm off to bed. Got school tomorrow unfortunately Q.Q...
But when I come back, I shall finally post here too :/
gn *o*
and Posted! Fear not! I'm not dead...yet...
Nigel Ballard

A couple of weeks had passed and everything was back to normal. The new Harpy Wing guild hall constructions had finally finished and all the Harpy's Wing members had moved over to their new home. What's more, the new guild hall had been built right in the middle of Fiore's capital and largest city, Crocus, next to Vyper Bolt's guild hall. Essentially, everything was pretty much the same, except from the mornings. Those were a little quieter; not that Nigel had a problem with that...

Although having been seriously injured, his head had been literally ripped off the rest of his body, Nigel managed to reattach it fairly quickly with the help of his nanites. Aside from that, his recovery had gone as smooth as one could hope, something that surpriced even him actually. That had been the first time he had faced such an injury so he had expected a longer recovery period. Nonetheless, after only four days, he was back in action, with Master Liem personally training him and Piper, assigning them various missions to complete. Most were Dungeon hunting missions, searching and retrieving items for a wide variety of clients. Although those kind of missions weren't particularly to his liking, Nigel didn't complain much as they payed well.

Aside from that, Nigel had made the basement of the guild hall his home, turning it into his personal laboratory and weapons development facility. He was given a huge but empty room and in a short span of time, filled it with all kinds of machinery, most of which, if not all, being highly more advanced than every other piece of technology outside his lab.

He was at the lab, testing a new piece of equipment when Master Chak called for him. "Ugh..what does the master want now? I made sure to tell them not to disturb me when I'm testing a new weapon..." he thought and sighed. "There's no way I will be able to concentrate now so I might as well go see what he wants..." he mumbled and stood up. He removed his lab coat and left the laboratory, walking upstairs to the main hall.

When he arrived he looked around and quickly found Master Chak. Alongside him was standing Piper, "If he called for her as well then It must only mean one thing, another dungeon hunting mission" he deduced. He approached the two and greeted them before quietly listening to what Master Chak had to say.

"On behalf of Master Kat. Nigel, Piper. Master Kat is coming home soon. I need the both of you to decide a team four to five. We'll be designing the uniforms for the Grand Magic Games for both our guilds. Looks like in a span of week you guys have earned yourselves baby Basilisks."

"About time indeed.." he nodded in agreement, "..where had she been anyway? I was away on a mission when she left and I never really got up to date as to why she left..." he asked curiously. "As for the team that will participate in the Grand Magic Games, I agree that Revan will almost surely be in it" he told them. "I think Kyuuten, Caroline and Cynthia should also be included in the starting five. Kyuuten and Caroline will serve as backup to Revan and Cynthia can use her White Dragon Slayer Magic to support them" he paused, thinking for a bit before continuing, "I also think that you should be in the team. Your skills as a marksman will surely prove an invaluable asset" he said while sitting down on a nearby chair, waiting for Piper's reaction.
There we go. Fuel thrown right onto the fire. Onwards to victory. And now I must go.

aaaaaaaaaaan you just killed Blake.
Anyway, im off as well, gotta wake up early tomorrow :)
I'm going to sleep cause I got to wake up early but I will have a post up by tomorrow for sure! Sorry for letting you hanging for so long @j8cob!
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

I'm not sure about the losing part. Despite being timid, I kind of imagine that if Peggy were seriously cornered, she'd turn into a little wild creature and start scratching, punching and biting like there is no tomorrow XD Then again, her height (or lack thereof) does put her at a disadvantage.

But yeah, sass and walk away sounds like the better option. Peggy will probably spend the rest of the journey fretting about Abigail's words XD

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Well, there we go~! A decision has been made!

Hm, in my next post, I think I'm gonna do some character development for Mel~ like, she secretly knows that Abigail's kind of mean, but she's never had friends before, and so she just really wants Abigail to be happy and stuff~!

<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bunny>

I'm thinking a bit of both actually xD
If its a fight, I'm fairly sure Peggy's gonna lose xP

So yeah, probably insult her hideous choice of clothes, but walk away, for now xP

inb4 Blake's death.
Blake Winterhawk

Blake shot a glance at the retreating spider pokemon and sighed, "I have a feeling this won't end good..." he said while panting for air. While he was taking a moment to catch his breath, he looked at the others. Melody had, as always, started talking to Abigail about something he would probably find boring.

Then, Abigail again brought up the topic of their first destination, still insisting on her previous choice of Blackthorn. Some people never learn... Blake thought as he watched everyone else slowly voice their own opinions on the matter. Avery, being the Avery he was, probably just went with whatever the others wanted so Blake didn't really blame him for his choice. Peggy on the other hand though, pleasantly supriced Blake. Until then, he had been sure she wasn't one that would be able to voice her opinion on important matters but there she was now, going against the others and voting for Cherrygrove. A silence followed Peggy's little speech that was soon broken by the return of the boy that had picked the Totodile, back at Elm's lab. Blake waved at him, He seems like he's cool, unlike someone else... he thought. Fortunatelly, he had regained his calm pretty fast after that little incident back at the lab but that didn't mean that he had forgotten about it.

He watched as Melody brought up to date their returning friend and then proceeded to reply to Peggy.
"Why don’t we do a vote then? That way everyone gets a say. But you can abstain if you want. It’s pretty obvious that Abigail and Avery are voting for Blackthorn, and Peggy’s voting for Cherrygrove, right? I guess I’ll throw my vote in for Blackthorn, myself. I do want that Zubat, after all, and I don’t think we can get one on the way to Cherrygrove."

So it was 3 to 1 for Blackthorn. The odds kept getting worse and worse, If this continues, I'll have to try and guide this bunch through a cave I have little to no knowledge of. That is unless we would be so god-damn lucky and find some kind of guide around the entrance... Blake thought, slightly annoyed.

Then, all of a sudden, Abigail let out the most annoying laugh Blake had heard in his life. It felt like Weavile were slashing at his ears with their claws and he could do nothing about it. After she finished clawing at his ears with her voice, she approached Peggy and proceeded to unleash a metric butt-ton of insults at her, even going as far as shoving her. All the while, the poor girl just stood there and just listened to Abigail's little outburst. With every insult, Blake was getting more and more angry with Abigail. Alex jumped in, defending her choice and even throwing a stealthy insult at Abigail about her new hairstyle, that made Blake chuckle a little, before he voted against them heading to Blackthorn. Melody started blabbering her usual stuff, always taking her little queen's side.

What happened after that was something that made Blake appreciate Peggy even more. Without prior notice and while Abigail was just finishing her insult-filled speech, Peggy raised her hand and swiped it across Abigail's face, slapping the lights out of her. That right there, was comedy gold. Blake just fell down on the ground, laughing his ass off. Since he first met Abigail, the thing he so desperately wanted to do, Peggy just up and stole it from him. And the funny thing was, he didn't care! That slap was golden, "HA..ha..You..hahaha...Peggy, you...I JUST CAN'T!" he exclaimed and started laughing once again.

Right at that moment, the totodile boy, who had said his name was Jackson, pulled out from nowhere a guitar-shaped instrument and started singing a song, adding a whole other level to the comedy factor of the whole thing."Stophahaha..I'm goinghahahahahahahahaha..toahaha. I'm going to die!"

How to preform a proper slap.

While VERY angry, extend the right arm away from your chest in a 45 degree angle. Tighten you bicepts, and swing to the left with full SPEED, aiming for the cheek.

The goal is to connect as much of the front of your hand with as much force as possible, for maximum efficiency.



Sorry Bunny XD It seems Peggy is going to be on Melody's hit list along with Alex. I only hope Jasper is able to protect her trainer.

Because we all know that Sentret ain't gonna do shit.

We lied about the cookies >:D
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>


@XxFellsingxX, Fifi, don't do it! B-because... I don't want Melody to have to make an attempt on Peggy's life!

At least wait until Melody's out of sight...


Also, @Vec, that's great that you like us~! We (or at least I) like you too!

As for leaving us... the cage awaits. Do not resist.

Good. Because if you didn't...no more help in chemistry...MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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