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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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And who says that if those others who now don't have magic powers, had been born with the same powers as Jeanne. Does she think that they would use them for the greater good? Not all people are the same. How you use your power is depended on your upbringing and your view of responsibility.

That's how Nigel would argue.
I just actually read Henry's CS. He's quite the fellow alright.
Also, he is a couple of inches taller than the tallest man to ever live, Robert Wadlow.
I do.
@Vec Obviously, but Matt's beast form is NOT the King of the Monsters!

@Lmpkio You like your Godzilla don't you? xD
And BOOM. 8200 letter post for my return, special delivery of Vec Airlines!
Blake Winterhawk

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.... Was all Blake could think at the moment. There was a raging Onix chasing their little group, and judging by how it dealt with Abigails', Melodys' and Jacksons' Pokemon launching their own little counterattack, the Onix was too much for them to handle. Now, all the group could really do was run, and run they did. Then Blake remembered back when they were running away from the Spinarak and how he had Swinub use Mud Sport to slow the insect Pokemon down and pondered on using the same strategy one more time, but when he turned back and saw that the Onix had started picking up speed, it was like he saw a ghost. A human one, not a ghost-type, although those are scary in their own way too...

Apparently, Onix, thanks to their bad freaking luck, had learned Rock Polish and had used it to increase its speed. There's no way now that Mud Sport would be able to slow that monster down... Just gotta run faster, I guess.... He thought as he turned and closed his eyes while starting to speed up himself. After a while of running away, Blake couldn't hear the sound of the Onix chasing them anymore and was about to stop when he suddenly tripped on something and with all the momentum he had accumulated, the only thing he could do was brace for the impact.

Blake fell forward, crashing headfirst on the ground in front of him. Then, he started tumbling until he smashed onto a nearby tree where he came to a stop. The momentum of his fall also launched Swinubs Pokeball out from Blake's pocket, the Pokeball too falling down on the ground near Blake. Swinub came out of the Pokeball, clearly dizzy and disoriented.

Blake stayed as is for a couple moments, trying to understand what had actually happened there. "Ugh, ouch, ouch ouch.." He yelped as he stood up and straightened his back, supporting himself on the tree behind him. Okay, damage report. Broken bones? Nnnah he thought as he checked himself for any bones that might have been broken from the fall. Okay, what about gashes or any other open wounds? He checked his head first, carefully examining for any wounds. Miraculously, apart from some scratches here and there and the obvious bruising all over his body, he was, for the most part fine. Must be my lucky day today, if you count out the fact that it's my first day as an official Pokemon trainer and I've already gotten myself into all this trouble.... Blake thought and sighed.

"But where the hell am I?" Blake wondered and looked around, trying to find anything that would give him a clue about his whereabouts. Apparently, he had strayed off the main road and somehow had gotten himself deep inside the dense forest, Good going Blake, you did it again... He thought to himself in frustration.

The first thing he noticed as he was looking around was Swinub. He was laying on the ground, a few feet away from him and was obviously not in the greatest of conditions. Blake rushed to his friends' aid, trying to help the Pokemon regain its composure. It took a while and although its moves were a little groggy, the little fellow managed to climb up to his usual seat atop Blake's head and rest. Blake, smiling, picked up his pokemons' Pokeball and then looked back at the second thing he had immediately noticed as he was looking around the area. The small, square-shaped box a few feet away from them. He got closer to the mysterious crate and was pleasantly surprised when he realized that that box was actually one of those chests that are scattered around the world, sometimes containing useful stuff in them. Blake had heard from a lot of Trainers passing through Blackthorn about those chests and that's how he immediately recognized the pattern on the box. "Swinub my friend, today seems to be our lucky day, as hard to believe that is" he told his friend with a chuckle.

Blake picked up a decent-sized stone and with a thwack! He smashed it on the lock of the chest, breaking it. He dropped the stone and opened the chest to take a look what was inside. Inside the chest were a Bluk Berry, two apples and, surprisingly enough, a bottle of water! If someone would watch Blake right then, they would see a crazy teenage boy with a Swinub on his head, jumping around in excitement. Having enough food and water would be so important to them until they reunited with the rest of the group. Unfortunately, it seemed like Blake had little time to waste as the sun had already started setting and as everyone knows, or should know anyway, nights out in the wild with all those wild Pokemon lurking in the shadows, were not to be trifled with. He retrieved the supplies from the chest and started retracing his steps, trying to find his way back to the main road.

Blake fell down on the cold ground, panting. He had finally left behind him all that dense forest and was now back on the main road leading to Cherrygrove. Their food supplies had been depleted, but since Blake had made sure to be frugal when it came to the water, he had managed to save around half of it. He picked the bottle from his shoulder bag and made to drink some of it when Swinub nudged him. The little Pokemon had decided to refuse to go inside his Pokeball that would shelter it from the conditions outside and had stayed on Blake's side the whole time they travelled through the forest. However, since Swinub is at the end of the day, an Ice-type Pokemon, its need for water was greater than that of the average human and as such, most of the water that had already been consumed had gone to Swinub, something that Blake happily obliged to.

Blake sat up, bringing Swinub to his lap. He signalled to the Pokemon to open its mouth and then slowly poured the water until Swinubs thirst was sated. When Swinub was finished, he too drank what was left of it and threw away the bottle. "Now what? Where do you think we should go from here?" Blake asked his little friend. There was a small moment of silence that was broken by the loud growl of Blakes' stomach rumbling. "Ha ha ha..." Blake laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. There had been some time since he had eaten anything and two apples are not something you'd really call a satisfying meal.

Then, all of a sudden, Swinub started sniffing the air. "What?" he asked the Pokemon with a quizzed look on his face but quickly caught on to what was happening. Swinub had caught the smell of cooked food! "Do you think you can lead us to where the smell comes from?" he eagerly asked Swinub who without looking back at him, jumped off his lap and started walking down the road while continuing to sniff the air. One thing he had learned about Swinub while he was back at home, studying about their evolutionary line, was that they have a very acute sense of smell. That, combined with the fact that they are huge eaters, always on the look for more food, makes them able to accurately trace the smell of it from miles away at times! Blake could only follow his little piggy-hound as it lead him towards salvation.

Or so he thought... His hopes were instantly shattered when he reached the opening where the camp had been set up and noticed Abigail and Avery sitting next to a fire. Well, he was of course happy to see Avery but not that someone else sitting next to him. Nevertheless, he caught himself remembering back to when he had witnessed Peggy slap Abigail. A small smile formed on his lips as he remembered her shocked reaction and Jacksons' song. "Good job finding the group little fellow," he told Swinub, picking it up and putting it on top of his head before starting walking towards the camp.

This was going to be interesting, to say the least.
Short post is short. Testing the waters since I've been a little rusty lately :/
Nigel Ballard

The markswoman seemed surprised when Nigel suggested that she be a part of the team for the Grand Magic Games. "Me?" she questioned first, poking herself in the chest for emphasis. Piper thought about it for a few seconds, bringing a hand to her chin. It was true that there were few experts in ranged combat like her, and she did have tactical insight and advantages. It wouldn't be crazy to put her on the team, but Piper was still surprised that Nigel recognized a value in her.

"You're right," she agreed, nodding her head. "With a lineup like that, we're sure to win. We're diverse enough to ensure we can win the challenges, we just have to hope we get good matchups for the fights." A smile formed on her face as she adjusted her glasses. "We might be able to net our first victory at the games this year. We've got what other guilds like Lamia and Vyper lack..." A cocky grin formed on her face as she tapped the side of her head.

"Smarts." Despite Master Chak standing right there, Piper giggled to herself a bit. "Though I'm probably the weakest link of the team. We'll just have to hope that I don't get called for any fights. Leave the challenges to me and we'll win for sure. But about the uniforms..." Piper brought a hand to her chin again as she began to hum. "We need to have style and a theme... but... we should also have some utility..." Her eyes settled on Nigel now. "Have you ever worked on clothes in your laboratory?"

While Piper was talking, Nigel listened patiently to her, occasionally nodding in agreement. When she mentioned clothing, Nigel thought about it for a while. "Clothing huh...I work on so many things at one time. Clothes with hidden utilities might be one of those things. I'll have to check on that but If my memory serves me right, I believe I have engineered a certain piece of fabric with some peculiar properties" he told her. "I'll go check right now, you are welcome to join me to the lab if you want" he said and started walking towards the stairs leading to the guild basement.

Present Time - 2 weeks before the Grand Magic Games

"Hmmm still not good enough..." Nigel mumbled as his artificial eye zoomed in to the fabric of which the outfits their members would wear at the Grand Magic Games would be made of. When he started, that was just a normal-looking piece of fabric.

Well, not exactly, since that specific piece of fabric had the peculiar property of shapeshifting to whatever its wearer wanted it to look like. What gives it this property? That would be Nigel's nanites of course.

Nigel stood up and threw the fabric over his head and on his back, sort of like putting on a coat. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the fabric slowly changing its form to his desired outfit. The nanites ingrained into the fabric quickly picked on the signals his brain was sending and slowly started absorbing eternano from the atmosphere around him before starting to move around, shaping the fabric according to his liking. After what seemed to be only seconds, Nigel opened his eyes and looked at the mirror in front of himself. Before, he was naked as the day he was born. Now, he was wearing a pitch black dress shirt along with a pair of reddish-to-brown slacks and a pair of white socks. He peeked inside his pants and was happy to see that the fabric had shifted to make some underwear for him as well.

Unfortunatelly though, shoes were still an issue as the fabric was limited to only clothes. "Seems like this is as far as it goes when it comes to shapeshifting. Now, let's see what else I can make this thing do..."


Twelve hours and a dozen more modifications later, Nigel raised his head and sighed. The fabric was now flame and water-resistant up to a certain degree, meaning intense heat or regular fire would not be able to burn it and it would not absorb and dampen when it came into contact with water. Additionally, he had programmed the nanites in the fabric to absorb and redirect eternano from the air to the body of the wearer, essentially making the fabric give the wearer a slight boost when it came to regenerating magic power during and in between fights. Aside from the practical modifications, he had the nanites turn the color of the fabric to a pitch black that would change depending on the preferences of the wearer. I suppose I'll let the actual people that will be participating in the Games to decide on the color of their outfits he thought. Happy with his work, he tidied up his work desk and exited his lab. His new lab that is as in the weeks prior, Harpy's Wing had relocated from Crocus to Magnolia and to their new guild hall. His lab was now located on the second floor of the guild hall.

Nigel wondered around the guild hall for a while before walking towards the guild lounge. He walked up to the bar and helped himself to some whiskey. Although Nigel can't actually get drunk, he does enjoy a drink from time to time. Taking a sip, he looked around the lounge, searching for anyone to talk to. After so much time being holed up into his lab, he was in desperate need of some form of communication.
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