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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Ok then :D
@Vec Ah alright. Np.

...which means? Yes or No? :/
Well, I originally planned for Nigel to be a new addition to the guild, thats why i put in "not officially tested" as his rank. Nevertheless, If you guys would have me, I won't say no. Just gotta make some adjustments to his CS.
After a long delay, I'm finally able to intro my char. It's been a literal rollercoaster these past few weeks. Sorry for the wait. I have a couple of questions, is there any activity around the guild hall/who is there atm, if there are any and lastly, is there anyone that I could interact with right off the bat?
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Takes place 20 years after the game/shows.

Professor Oak was already kind of old to begin with xD

But yeah, he is. Gary took over his position.

wait, 20 years? :O i thought we kept the old 10 years thing from the previous rp.

Next in line after him where the boy from before, the one that bumped into Nate, and another...girl? She seemed like a girl, but with all that hair in front of her face, Nate couldn't say for sure. Nate hadn't even noticed her when he first walked inside the lab. Anyhow, the former chose Chikorita and the latter chose Mismagius as their respective starters. They seemed to like their Pokemon so that was good. His father always told him that the bond between the trainer and his first Pokemon should be the strongest of all the other bonds they make.

After them, the red-haired girl from before walked up to the table to pick her starter too. After watching her for a bit, Nate realised that the girl probably had zero knowledge when it came to Pokemon. The way she walked to the table, her hesitation, even after picking one, Nate could see that she wasn't exactly what you'd call, comfortable with her new partner.

"I apologize if anyone told you that you'd be getting one," Prof. Elm began to say, prompting Nate to turn his attention to him. "But you're not. We haven't given Pokedexes out to trainers in quite some time. They're typically reserved for research assistants and other people that are helping with research. Aside from being somewhat expensive, they are valuable research tools. You are right, though, Yuu. we could give Pokedexes to every trainer that wanted one and it could be a great help. When we first started noticing something was wrong with the Pokemon, we did exactly that and found nothing abnormal with them, aside from their increased aggression. All the professors enlisted the help of all of the Pokemon trainers that were willing, but..."

Nate was beginning to see the logic behind Elm's argument. He supposed the Pokedexes were indeed, quite expensive to make and thus, couldn't afford to give away a large number of them to new trainers. Some might lose their Pokedex or even break it and others might just not use it at all. Plus, there were bound to be times when research needed to be conducted on the spot, out in the wilderness. It's not like new or even veteran trainers for that matter, had the sort of expert knowledge researchers like Prof. Elm had so they themselves could conduct the necessary research.

"It's taken awhile, but I'm finally close to a breakthrough, I think. I'm not sure...but whatever affecting them is starting when they're eggs, and not Pokemon. It's just a theory, but If all goes well, I could have a breakthrough."

"Hmmm, so they are born highly aggressive rather than slowly turning feral as the grow up..." That was new information to Nate. All that time, he thought that Pokemon randomly started attacking people out of the blue, which is true in a sense as no one really expected it to happen. But with this revelation, it would mean that something had been going on long before Pokemon first showed signs of aggression, 10 years ago. Nate decided to not pursue the matter more. The Prof. made it clear that they would not get Pokedexes.

Last but not least, The blonde girl Nate talked to outside the Lab had also picked her Pokemon, a Cyndaquil. Nate didn't have time to comment on her choice as Prof. Elm quickly urged them to get going. Admittedly, it was getting late and Pokemon were definitely more aggressive at night than in the day. Nate knelt down, coming to eye level with Seb. "Buddy, time to get back inside the pokeball." Nate saw the confused look in the Totodile's eyes. "Don't worry, I'm going to let you out lots but for now..." Nate pressed the button and Seb returned back inside his pokeball, which Nate strapped on his belt.

"Well then, let's get going!" Nate said quite loudly. "Thanks for the pokemon and the license, Prof. Elm," he told Elm and started walking towards the exit.

....and that was the conclusion one Professor Gary Oak came too....

I just noticed this. Is Prof. Oak dead? :O
I am up for both Kho's and Cyclone's ideas. With D2, we could finally finish that time-skip. I for one, although I am at fault here for not posting, am not happy with my char's progress. If everyone has the will to continue this come summer, be sure that I'll be tagging along too.
The only reason I haven't posted yet is because I haven't really been feeling well these days. Might get checked up by a doctor, dunno yet :/ Sorry for the delay on the intro.

"Alright, then!" Prof. Elm started. "Please, chose your Pokemon carefully. These Pokemon are all friendly, and shouldn't be dangerous. This is a huge step forward for all of you! Nowadays, not many trainers get their licenses or even get to go traveling these days. But enough about that, I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. You've all probably heard about that to last you a lifetime. Alright, so, who wants to choose first?"

Looking around the inner lab, one could only see various different machinery the Professor used to take important measurements and other statistics. Nate was familiar with most of the technology present at the lab from his previous experiences when visiting his mother's workplace, back when they lived at Hoenn. That was, in fact, the spark that ignited his interest in technology. Nate patiently waited in line as, one by one, his fellow soon-to-be trainers picked their Pokemon. He grabbed his Pokegear from his pocket and checked to see if there any messages that needed to be answered. "Mom... Of course, I should have expected a flood of messages from you. I'm surprised I didn't notice it 'till now," Nigel thought with a smile on his face. His mom, albeit assuring him that she wouldn't bother him too much while he was out traveling, ended up breaking under the weight of anxiety and had sent him some 20 something messages. Nate, though, didn't mind it at all, because he knew that she cared about him. He messaged her back, telling her he was fine and about to pick his first Pokemon.

Amongst mom's many messages, Nate singled out one that was from a different sender. "Ley... Like mother like daughter, you're such a worrywart." Nate messaged her as well, telling her to not worry about him and instead, focus on finishing he studies. While closing his Pokegear and putting it back inside his pocket, Nate noticed that there was no line before him. Instead, there was a table with 9 pokeballs, placed one next to the other, forming a neat line across the table. Nate looked around and noticed that three people had already picked their starters. That short, one-legged, white-haired girl was talking to the redhead from before, one of the purpleheads, Abigail, was talking to her Nidoran and the other purplehead, Yuu, had just released his Eevee for the first time and was walking around the lab, his Eevee following close behind him.

Nate walked forward whilst taking a big breath in before exhaling. "Well, it's time for the big decision!" he said out loud for no apparent reason. He took a minute to skim over the name tags placed in front of each pokeball. "Hmm, Totodile's definitely the choice here. Swinub's a good Pokemon as well, as far as I know, but before I walked inside this building, I was set on picking a water type as my starter and I'm not about change that at the last minute. Totodile it is," Nate thought and reached for the pokeball, grabbing it and releasing the little fellow that was inside.

"dile?!" Totodile exclaimed, squinting its eyes at the sudden surge of light. It took some time for it to adjust to the artificial lighting of the Lab, time which Nate had plenty of. He waited as the little fellow looked everywhere around it, taking in the strange environment. Then, it's eyes locked on Nate and at that moment, Nate knew he was in for a trip. "DILE!" the little pokemon lunged at Nate and started biting him everywhere. It bit his arms, his legs, and even his head. At first, Nate was shocked but he soon realized that the bites didn't hurt at all. Totodile was just playing. Nate relaxed a bit, letting the small croc do its thing for a while before picking it up and setting it in front of him. "How's it going man? Guess what? I'll be your trainer from now on. My name's Nate!" he told Totodile, who looked at him quizzically. "And from now on, your name shall be...Seb! What do you think?"

Totodile looked Nate in the eyes and for a moment, it felt like it was searching for something. Soon after though, both of them burst into laughter, filling the lab with happy vibes. After settling down, Nate stood up and walked over to the table where the trainer licenses were at. He took a minute to find his between all the others, and at that time, Yuu started talking about how there were no Pokedexes handed out. At the mention of Pokedexes, Nate instantly tensed up. In reality, it was all fun and games but even at that time, there were people out there getting hurt and even killed by feral Pokemon, just like his dad. He turned towards Prof. Elm, "I'm of the same mind. I was told that, along with our starter pokemon, we would also be handed our own Pokedexes. I find it really strange that there's not even a single pokedex that I can see inside this room. Why's that, Prof. Elm?" he asked him with a serious look, a look completely different from the one Nate had merely minutes ago.
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