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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Rithy We shall see:D he just left for the battlefield.
@RithyWe just sent our latest deserter to his death at the hands of a 4 province rebelion. I think were a solid 7/10
I like this game.

Ull'yang is a glass of kool-aid that's giving off Cherenkov radiation.

Welcome to the Stellar Pub. Care for some cancer on the rocks?
Shy!Jvan kinda talks like Jeff Goldblum.

Capy, why? Y u do this?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz Hey man, first time posting in this thread. I don't know if it has been previously suggested but I think that we should be able to sticky PMs we deem important so we won't have to search for them through all the other "trash" PMs. Although I have no programming background, I believe it's easy enough to implement.

Thanks for hearing me out and keep trucking
<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Lifprasil and Amartia built cities and got themselves jobs.


@Muttonhawkyeah, i just saw it on our news here. They showed that the cops there strapped a boy naked on a chair and left him there for hours amongst other things.

This age we're in. It's pretty fucking spooky man...
@Muttonhawk Hey man, with is going on with your juvenile prisons down there in Australia?
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