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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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But ya know, he's dead and all that.

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

I live in Australia, so Thanksgiving is a strange and foreign celebration.

@Kho You can't cut something you can't see.


Meanwhile, Ull'Yang is that crazy uncle who Lif has never met or even seen what he looks like, yet shows up precisely, militarily on time, carrying a generous gift of wild Brush Beast game. Just plasma-shot. By him.

During cocktail hour, he drinks genuine Galbarian beer, straight from the barrel, before innocently asking if anyone still remembers Vowzra [uses the ensuing silence to demand loudly that dinner be served “on Time”].
So... Vec was is always right, basically.

How does Heartworm get things out of the place that rends Gods into nothing?

@Muttonhawk I'm starting to increasingly anticipate the next Conata post. Keep going Mutton, you got something good going over there ;)
@poog the pig tfw you listen to a japanese man playing techno music on scotish bagpipes

@Muttonhawk Who created that Hain header for you? I want one for my dragon stories as well :"/
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