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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Bright_Ops Might cost for creating a sentient being is 1 MP. If, however, you want to invest more on your race, it's up to you how much you spend. It hasn't really been clarified how much stronger a race of, ie 2 Might is opposed to a race created with 1 Might.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Julk is not dead though. In fact he'll be one of Helvana's parent.

Julk is, to my knowledge, as dead as Lesling-fied Zombies.
@Lugubrious Ah :( It's been fun while it lasted, mate. I now realise that we didn't get the chance to explore Ull'Yang & Slough's relationship at all. Have a good time in what other RPs you may be in, and I hope to write with you again.
I went ahead and updated our Char Status Table.

EDIT: Holy Port Added to Niciel.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

To greener pastures.

We miss Slough.
@Lugubrious What hast hath happened to thee, sir? Wherefore didst thee disappeareth?
I think a timeskip or smthing is long overdue. I can't find anything to write about if we stay like this...

Hmm, If I had to say, Ull's mind imagery would be closely resembling the human nervous system - with a space background.

It would stretch and expand indefinitely, much like the Universe constantly expands, and fitting with Ull's theme of stellar evolution.

Countless nebulae would act as the "neurones" of the "brain." The "electrical signals" passing through the "synapses" would be sudden gamma ray bursts, constantly going off and lighting up parts of the "brain" like neurones do.

Should one dare tread inside Ull's mind, he would find himself disoriented at first. It would take some time to adjust to a 0 gravity setting unless the person has experienced it before (although this would be "spiritual" 0 gravity. Don't know if there would be a difference between the two.)

That's the rough draft. I am not gonna say anything else because some things might change and I want to be flexible with stuff like this...

EDIT: Sort of like dark matter, but more nebulae-y if you will..

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