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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@shylarah i don't have a face claim either xd
God dammit you guys and your overly developed visages. I feel inadequate...
@Cyclone I know xD Have you no knowledge of who you're talking to? I, who hadn't posted for 4 months? Bow down before my inactivity, peasant!
@Kho It can be done, If you and @Cyclone get off your lazy asses and finish that gigantic collab, so I and @Cyclone can whip up the other collab where Luna eventually goes to Vetros, and then she can meet Yara, and then...and then... you get the point.

@LokiLeo789 Blood splatters can't eat. You're stoopid.
@LokiLeo789 what is that supposed to mean o.o

I thought you guys were over that little argument o.o Can't see why it would devolve into something like this so quickly...

>inb4 God reaction
@Stern Algorithm I think his questions was legit. This is a fantasy world.
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