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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Not in the slightest, but it was a good guess.

@Grueslayer OK, my CS is done I think. I have drawn inspiration from the various novels I read all the time, so I understand if you don't get some of the terms I use, so if you want something in more detail, please by all means ask. :)

@Grueslayer Hey, is it ok for me to make up a kingdom? it'll be a medium sized kingdom on the northern parts of Waidi.
@Grueslayer I've assumed that Waidi is a continent. Please correct me if that's not the case so I can edit my cs accordingly.
@Vec Why not post a WIP so we can check it out! I'd like to see it!

But if you're not alright with showing the unfinished product then that's alright too. :D

I would, but I'm in the process of writing out the History, and it's quite lengthy if I may say so. x)
I'll post the finished thing all at once when I'm done, so bear with me 〆(・∀・@).
my CS is coming along nicely

@Grueslayer No no no, I'm not talking about the opening IC post. I'm talking about the OOC opening post! A good OOC OP is the start of good RP advertising! I suggest copy-pasting what you wrote in the int. check into your first post here, so that new people know what this is about.

Apart from that, I've been looking for something eastern themed for a long time, but no one seemed to come up with anything closely resembling that, and I've been afraid to start something up myself in fear of not being able to bear the responsibility :( The premise of your story is pretty good. It also gives leeway to us players to expand upon our chars' backgrounds.

@Double Capybara

You know, I think I want a capybara fur coat. I think that would be lovely.

WHAT? Over my dead body!

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