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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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And so we begin. Sarah and Alex are looking to talk with any of the others. Who wants in?

It's not like people will just brush off the fact that Sarah just threw a tiny pebble with the force of a .50 cal S&W. That's as good of a way to start a discussion in my book anyway...
@Grim Fandango I wonder if there's an actual overarching plot behind this RP that you have in mind, or is it a player-driven, sandbox RP?
Let me jump in this voice claim bandwagon as well XD Added the voice in Kyle's CS.

ooh, mental illnesses? Do correct me if you ever see any inconsistencies in my representation of bipolar disorder, I'd be grateful.
@Lemons Thanks for clearing that up. I fixed it now
Mention: @Lemons

It is true what they say, that in the split seconds between life and death, one experiences their whole lives flashing before their eyes. From childhood to teenage years and then to present time, those few precious seconds really have a deep impact on a person's perception of reality and life.

Is this the end? Have I done everything I've wanted to do? I guess this is some twisted form of luck? No? But there was nothing I could do to change the outcome...

...is this the end?

Surprisingly, I found myself in this strange, almost limbo-like sensation, not quite floating as much as briefly levitating, inside the damaged car flying up in the air following its crashing onto the car in front of it. In this split second of weightlessness, I experienced a very strange sensation. Gone were the voices constantly disturbing my thoughts and inhibiting my actions; gone was that foul, detestable impulsion to listen to the constant ramblings of someone I knew, deep down, was not who I truly was. For one small, fleeting moment, I felt liberated.

However, what goes up ultimately must come down. Why? Because gravity, that's why.

There was a slight movement among the remnants of broken metal, smoke, and embers of the crashed train car. The occasional sound of rolling rubble was the only thing breaking the silence that had enveloped the scene of destruction. The familiar feeling of impulsiveness had returned, much to Kyle's dismay, along with a pounding headache to boot. Those were the only two things Kyle could feel as he regained consciousness. Then, he started snickering.

Truly, the situation seemed so utterly absurd to him, that he could not help but laugh. "Finding out that I'm even more of a freak than I thought was a surprise, but manageable nonetheless", thought Kyle with an amused look on his face. "In come these MIB-looking ass BITCHES with their tranquilizer guns and SHIT; I mean damn dude, did you really have to do that? What do I look like, a fucking moose or something?" Very quickly, however, amusement turned into full-blown anger, both towards the people that put him into this precarious situation as well as himself for putting down his guard and letting himself be caught in this mess.

"But how could I know? These fuckers seemed like they knew I had the power even before I did, to be able to get me so soon after its first activation. I mean for Christ's sake, give me a break!"

Kyle mumbled to himself as he tried to stand up, but soon realized he had lost all feeling in his left arm. With much struggle, he managed to crawl his way out of the destroyed train car, found a piece of metal jutting out of the ground, probably a part of one of the walls of the car, and propped himself on it before standing up.

He wiped the grime off his face and looked at his surroundings for the very first time. "Well, that's one less thing on my to-do list before I die, be in a fucking train crash. Great, just great..."

As he scanned the scene, he realized he was not the only one that had survived the crash. He saw three others, two dudes sitting near a creek some distance away from ground zero and a punk-looking girl that was walking towards them. With a heavy sigh, Kyle held his left arm tight and started walking hurriedly towards the creek as well.

Before too long, however, he caught movement with the corner of his eyes, and when he turned to see what it was, he saw a girl, limping her way towards the creek, but evidently steering clear of the rest of the group. Kyle felt a strong urge to just leave her to do her thing, but after some consideration, he decided to see if she needed any help. Who knew when those suited bastards returned to round up what was left of the survivors. At that time, even if he wanted, he wouldn't be able to help. With heavy steps, he walked towards her, and once he was close enough to be heard, he called out to her.

"Hey, why not come over to where the others are gathering?"
@Grim Fandango I stated in my CS that Kyle got abducted basically 1-2 days after finding out about his powers. Do you think that will cause any inconsistencies? Cause I was going to mention it in his intro post as well.
@Grim Fandango Do we have any prior knowledge of our powers? Or are we just locked up in there without knowing what we can do.

Dunno about the others, but Kyle knows he's speshul. Didn't have the chance to test them out though.

Well, the number of heterosexual people is higher in general, so It's to be expected that the ratio turned out like it did.
Got accepted, so there's that. It'll be interesting to see how this character pans out; it's the first time I'm experimenting with the insanity/mental illness trope, so I'm somewhat excited :)
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