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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Double Capybara

I feel like this thing we've got going on here is the closest I've been to having internet friends. Like really though, I've never been into the whole internet friendship thing. I mean, whats the point in having friends if you're never going to see them, right? I much prefer to hang out with my IRL friends than talk to someone 1000 miles away from where I am through a screen.

But for this little group here. I could honestly banter with you guys for hours, and not care.

So, cheers!

I am waiting for @Lemons, If they want a collab, I'm all up for it.
I use piratepad most of the times.

Well, either way it was helpful advice XD

heh, I'll see what I can do. thanks for the input!
@6slyboy6 Gr8 post :)

Cyclothymia? Hmm, I could do that. It would make writing him easier probably, but I wonder if that's much of a weakness on its own. As you may have noticed, that's the only negative I've written about him. What's your opinion?

In Kyle's CS, I've described his condition as "mood swings".

From the CS: "At one moment he might be fine, just chilling, and the next, he might lash at someone or something for the most random of reasons, and after he's done raging, he will return back to his relaxed, chill self, as if nothing ever happened. Mind you, this is not restricted to only anger, no. The chances of him turning sad, or cold, or happy, out of nowhere are as high as him getting angry."

But the thing is, from what I read, bipolar is not about your mood being all over the place constantly. Yes, you might cycle through emotions on a fast rate, but there are specific emotional states that you cycle through: Mania, Depression, and Mixed. And it seems that each episode lasts at least a week or so, so Kyle's "fast mood changes" doesn't quite depict, in my opinion, the overall severity of the situation.
Thanks for the likes guys ^.^
Gave me a much needed confidence boost :P
Haven't written anything of much worth the last couple of months.

It was a good post! Unlike mine tbh. I've realized I sort of jumped the gun when I decided to write a bipolar character since I know basically nothing about the disorder. After 6 hours of googling and learning about it more, I realized that my depiction of it is basically false. So yeah, I'll have to redo that part of Kyle's CS to better portray that.

It's actually pretty nice learning about this stuff. I searched movies that depict bipolar characters and I'm just about to start watching one, Cobb is its name. It's a bio-pic about a baseball player called Ty Cobb and his bout with manic depression.
I think that we should wait for the rest of the crew to post their intros, and then we can start posting whenever. Atm we're missing Malena and Tobias.

Also, hi @redbaron1234, did you sent that CS to the GM first before posting it in the CHAR tab?
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