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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@yoshua171 I am, but due to exams it's yet to be finished...
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz is there any way you could implement a justified text alignment? or even a [left][/left] text alignment? The first one because It looks cool, and the second one because if you center a hider, there's no way for its contents being left aligned, which is annoying tbh. I know a proper text editor is in your agenda but these QoL improvements will help a lot.
atleast It would help me xP

Thanks for the hard work!
@Innue Hmm, although the personality and personal history aren't there, I'll send you my CS by PM and you decide. I took the initiative and built upon some material from the anime/movies.

In my head, I pictured the setting of this RP to be some hundreds of years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, seems I misunderstood the Demon Wars as that. I'll send you the CS.
@Innue I'm assuming the Demon Wars is the Fourth Shinobi World War?
How many years have roughly passed between the Fourth Shinobi World War and present day/time when the Vessels were killed?
The character creation is going good. Just personality and history left. Gotta sleep now though xd
@Tuujaimaa and what is the purple border?
It would be nice to know which countries are what and all. I read the premise, but I can't figure it out. Which colored border corresponds to what country?
is there a character sheet template available?

There is no specific format, but you must include:
- Basic information such as name, age, village
- General history for the character
- Any techniques, special weapons, skills, or other combat related item before engaging in combat with another player

P.S. Been researching a bit about core collapse supernovae, for reasons. Some of the figures are terrifying.
<Snipped quote by Wikipedia>
Something the mass of the Sun collapsing at a speed of 23% of the speed of light.
Gamma rays so powerful they literally destroy atomic nuclei- a literal disintegration ray.
Additionally, the majority of energy transfer, the mindbogglingly massive amounts of energy, are transported in a not-insignificant part by neutrinos, which are normally comparable to a butterfly's wing-flap against a mountain when it comes to interactions with matter.

Supernova are scary-big.

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