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<Snipped quote by Vertigo>

Sure thing. Depending on what you ask and how Fellwing reacts, it might help me figure out how to answer Rush's questions.

So with a 9... hmm how to word this, damn. Uh, I guess like: "How could I get you to open up about the situation with your sibling(s)?"
Hmm 👀 Any chance I could do a Study Someone now, in between posts and then incorporate the reply to my next one?
In SPIRITUM 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


All pretty things really were fleeting, Silje thought, as the last few flames burned out. They left behind a half-melted husk, a few smudges of colour clinging to its metallic frame. It didn't look like it was about to swing at them anytime soon anymore. Cut open the head, and it was all but a glorified trashcan.

... Hm, now there was an idea! Could they keep it, maybe? Her room back home could've used a bigger bin.

"We did it, Mordie!" Silje cheered, running up to the goliath, about to launch herself to cling to his arm, when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. More robots. She grinned, spinning around towards them, ready for another go — only to realize she was the only one to do so. The rest of the squad had taken care of things on their end, but were quickly backing away now.

"Aww, do we have to?" she whined at Gerard, kicking at the debris scattered around her feet. He didn't need to reply; the fact that everyone else was already gunning it to the truck said enough. She wasn't about to get left behind. Besides, she really wanted to meet the princess — whose discovery she had missed earlier! Maybe she should've paid more attention to their communication channel?


Silje slipped into the truck next to Kalina, trying to peer at herself in the rear view mirror. Her hair was a wild mess, her face covered in dirt. "Kali, how do I look? If you were a princess, would you be impressed?" she asked from probably the only person even more clueless about these things than her.
@Vertigo I'm going to want to move the story along within a day or so. Do you think you'll be able to squeeze an intro in until then?

Yeah for sure, got a day off work tomorrow so plenty of time to finish up.


Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory
@Rune_Alchemist, @XxFellsingxX, @Crusader Lord, @Savo

The Magnemite was gone, thanks to the brave little Riolu and Jill's quick thinking with the Pokéball. With it, away went the continued pain Snugglebutt had been subjected to, but not the injuries she'd already sustained. The Snubbull's usually pristine fur was frizzled and messy as Chloe held the fairy type to her chest. She was trembling, both from fear and anger alike.

It wasn't like Snuggles hadn't fought before — she loved to throw herself at everything that moved, and sometimes it didn't end well for her. But this time, the feisty little thing had gotten hurt protecting her, and not even from a wild Pokémon — but from some random freak's need to follow his intrusive thoughts or something. Honestly, she had no idea why he'd tried to get her hurt, but who knew how people like him worked.

How a guy like him could have such a sweet Pokémon like the Riolu, Chloe didn't understand. She gave the fighting type a small smile and whispered: "Thank you." She was just about to continue, when the freaky guy's hand suddenly jerked up, startling both Chloe and her Snubbull. Even in her weakened state, the latter started to bark viciously, fangs gleaming as she readied to bite the offending hand were it to come closer. It didn't, thankfully. Instead, the guy had the nerve to start shouting at her as if she was the one without sense? Like? Hello, excuse me? How delusional could one guy be?! He was complaining about her dropping her Pokédex of all things, when he'd just tried to get a Magnemite to attack her and gotten both of their Pokémon hurt!

Throughout it all, Chloe couldn't even bring herself to interrupt him, though she usually had no trouble doing so. She was so flabbergasted that all she could do was stare, the way one would a car crash, unable to believe what was happening.

In the end it was the Riolu, the little sweetheart, that smacked some sense into his trainer. It was only then that the guy thought to shut up, leave them a potion, and go bother poor Jill instead. Chloe's gaze turned from his distancing back to the potion on the floor. Oh, was... that what he'd been holding? So then, he hadn't been trying to further hurt Snuggles, but to... actually heal her?

... Okay? Great? That was like... the least he could do after causing the injury in the first place, so she wasn't sure why he was acting all wounded Samaritan about it. Like, yeah, you're going to help heal the Pokémon whose injuries were your fault in the first place? Gee, thanks? Whatever, he was gone now, so Chloe picked up the potion and started applying it, talking to her Snubbull throughout the process.

A little ways away, Jill was talking with the newly caught Magnemite, trying to make friends. Chloe smiled a little at her. She would've loved to up and leave the psycho to his own devices, but while Jill didn't know to be wary of him, she couldn't. She was absolutely not going to leave Jill alone with him. Who knew what he'd do! So, instead, she stood up, Snubbull still held tight, and walked over, her heels clicking.

"For once, I agree. Finding Clarissa is like the most important thing right now. But first, let me make one thing crystal clear," she declared on arrival, talking after Yuu, who seemed to be about to leave. "I don't give a Pidgey's shit what you think about me, or how much sense you think I have, or whether I'm qualified for this job in your opinion, or whatever. Like? I'm sorry, but who the hell are you? You think I'll even remember your name after we're done here, Yoichi? Oh, that's SO cute."

She let Snubbull down on the floor, seeing as she seemed to be good enough to walk again.

"What I care about, is that you stay away from my Pokémon — and take better care of yours. That Riolu is seriously like the most precious thing I've seen in a while, and he deserves so, so much better. He got hurt because of your stupid antics, and you didn't even apologize to him! Honestly, he's an actual saint for putting up with you, and unless you get that through your ego-laden skull and start appreciating him fast, you're going to end up all alone one day, Yutarou."

With that, she settled on waiting for Jill, intent on walking right next to her once they did get going. But before that...

She picked up her Pokédex from where it'd fallen, and sent a quick message.

O M G girl im SO sorry for leaving u on read!! u wont BELIEVE what happened here 😱😱 ill tell u abt it later like??? it's crazy. anyway are u ok? we're coming NOW i promise 💖

ps. the dude with us is like an actual legit douchecanoe omg 🤡


Fellwing mirrored Heliotrope's smile, but didn't turn back to bother her any further. Nor did she get back to Kyte with more than a quick, approving nod. She wasn't sure whether Stargaze would appreciate her meddling, but she also couldn't bear to let any feelings of regret or guilt linger in her friend's mind.

Speaking of meddling, Garrock's response was about what she expected, and this time she couldn't even blame him. She understood him, after all; she would've been likewise irate if someone tried to pry into her family business. But instead of saying that, what came out reflexively was an equally monotonous: "I suppose I haven't had very many responsible adult role models as of late."

... Shoot.

Fellwing tried so very hard not to side-eye Garrock as she said it, instantly recognizing that he wasn't being particularly venomous this time around — and so, neither should she. So she coughed, quickly continuing: "Mind, he only did it because he was so excited to see you. Excitement that hasn't waned despite, what I assume to be continuous, lack of reciprocity. Or, in other words..."

She sighed, looking up at the older drake with a look of genuine sympathy, unwelcome as it would likely be. "You're really dear to him. I'm sure a few minutes of your time would mean the world to him — and get him to leave you alone faster." An almost conspiratory smile visited her features. "That tends to be the way to handle the clingy sort. The further away you push them, the harder they cling. Give them a figurative bone, and they'll be content chewing on it for a while."
Edited Shieldwing into my previous post! And posting a new one in a bit, catching up on stuff now.

Edit: Posted. I don't know what it is about Garrock that brings out the sass in Fellwing but I'm having fun with it.


... Yeah, tossing a tiny-ass lizard at the rampaging monster bear turned out to be just as effective as you'd expect — as in, not very. At all, actually. Maybe he should've thrown it at the bear's snout? According to Eli, screaming right next to him, that might've worked.

It sure worked when Conner did it, but then again, the dude did have a trident. And a tidal wave? Man... Noah looked over at his lizard, who was busily trying to eat the unconscious bear's ear or something, and wondered whether the thing could really bestow powers to him too. He wasn't... entirely convinced. The others were having actual conversations with their little Pokémon, while his was stuffing his face with a bear's earwax.

"C'mon, you'll fuck up your stomach," Noah scolded as he bent down to pry the lizard off of its 'prey'. "Like him," he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder to point at Gray. Poor guy wasn't doing so hot. Reminded him of the first time he made the guy drink.

"I'm telling you, the beer wasn't the problem here!" Noah called out to him, lizard now safely held in one hand. "The transdimensional travel was. Anyway..."

He turned over to Conner and cocked his head. "Good job, dude. Great getup, too." Despite the sarcastic sounding tone, he did mean it. It seemed like Conner could've used some compliments right now anyway, for whatever reason. Was he okay? This wasn't like the guy. "Now, uh, wanna stab that fish next? It's pissing me off."

He gestured at the condescending, floating SeaWorld escapee. The lizard, who Noah increasingly wanted to dub Dotori, but that sounded like Dorothy, so maybe Muk, fuck if he knew, in his arms roared approvingly. At last, they were on the same page about something.

"Should probably head for that city too, I'm not itching to find out whether that bear really is a gentle creature once it wakes up."
@Vertigo@Lurking Shadow@Thunder999999@Drifting Pollen Hey there friends, how's it going for you? :)

Got a bit of a backlog of things going, work took me out during the week. But not a lot left.

Before the IC gets much further, I should ask, how does everybody feel about character romance?

If it develops, it develops, is usually my take on that! It's cool to read/write about if it's organic but if people try to force two incompatible characters together for the sake of it, nah (though one-sided things are also fun). Others might have different takes and that's cool too though. Y'all do you.
I'll be starting the game up shortly. One final question for you guys; would you like me to participate with a character or not? The pros of making one would be to add more in-depth lore and stuff like that. The pros of not making one would be that I could act more like a DM, giving you direct feedback without having to do it through another character. Thoughts?

(Still working on the CS but:) Honestly, whichever you'd find more fun/easier in the long run! Either is cool.
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