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There was something special about mornings that Elaeshor quite enjoyed. The way the world stirred awake from its slumber, unveiled by the morning's light. Everything truly interesting occurred at night, but it was only come the morn that the night's secrets began to unravel. The moment just before dawn was the most delightful, filled with anticipation.

... Only, the scenery here wasn't... quite what he'd gotten used to back home. There, he woke to gold, glory, and if the night had been particularly eventful, guts.

Here, there were pigs running about in plain sight. In hordes! Elaeshor wrinkled his nose, doing his best to ignore them and focus on the task at hand. Which seemed to be introductions. "Elaeshor," he offered with a smile to his quite peculiar companions. Never in a million years would he have expected to find himself traveling with a goblin and a kobold. "A pleasure. Shall we?"

They didn't need to; the door opened before they could knock, revealing a gnome who gave them a reprimand in lieu of a hello. Worse, they were told they'd be helping with fishing of all things, and made to sit on ill-fitting chairs to eat... things Elaeshor didn't quite trust to be palatable. Especially if they were asked to eat a mysterious scale along with it.

While the kobold was engaging their ill-tempered host in conversation, Elaeshor took the opportunity to inspect the scale more closely, hopefully without notice. He wanted to figure out what it was and what it was meant to do.

"It is quite worrisome," he agreed as he turned the scale in his hands, though his tone was too casual to sound concerned. "Why, I'm inclined to believe something might've befallen him." Perhaps someone with a grudge caught up to him. In Elaeshor's experience at least, that was quite a common reason for someone to go missing.


The catharsis Abel experienced as he tore apart the toy was short lived. In no time at all, the platypus had been reduced to a bundle of stuffing and threads, and in the silence that followed, Abel found nothing but shame. His violent outburst had brought him no closer to saving his daughter.

Abel's eyes met the dark beads of the platypus just as the latter spoke. He'd yet to internalize that impossible fact, when the whole room was plunged into darkness.

Whatever remained of the toy slipped from Abel's hands as he stood up in alarm. It was only then that he saw them; eyes, illuminating a disturbing smile. Something was moving up in the ceiling, and it was calling out to him.

There was a hissing growl, a giggle. And then, "Perhaps, it's time for you to die, Mr. Wyatt."

Who the fuck? The words rose up to Abel's throat, nearly spilling out, but he bit them back desperately. He didn't know what was going on exactly, but survival instinct alone warned him not to make a sound when someone — something — was so clearly out for his blood.

He couldn't see a damn thing, and while his lighter could remedy that, it'd also pinpoint his exact location in an instant. He had to get out of the room without being noticed. But... how? The slides he'd seen felt like an eternity away — but the pole he'd spotted a moment before did not. It went from floor to ceiling; if he could just find it and climb up, then—

Wordlessly, Abel exited the pit as silently as he could, heading in the direction he remembered the pole to be in. As he did, he slipped a hand into the back pocket of his jeans, near his keys. If it seemed like the monster lurking above was about to spot him, all he had to do was toss it as far as he could in the other direction and hope it served to distract it.

He could not fall prey to whatever fucked thing they had stalking this room. He had to save Isabella.
<Snipped quote by Vertigo>

I looked it up and it says it works like AC roll so... *shrugs* If I'm wrong, anyone can correct me.

I'll take your word for it! And will keep that in mind for the future too, I think I might've run things wrong myself, oop :D
@Vertigo Well, Garnet's stealth roll matches the shopkeeper's passive perception so... he hasn't noticed her.

Oh! It's not meets it beats it on his part? I mean, I'll take it (though him noticing would also be funny, so either works).
What Digi said, hope you feel better soon! @PatientBean Health always comes first.

I'll finally get a post up today or tomorrow, excited to properly hop in.
Oh boy, oh boy, going to post this weekend still! Sorry for the wait on my part as well.
Posted! Man, Garnet is really not good at sneaking, she must be snickering to herself while she goes or something.

Mariel elects to keep tabs on Garnet using insight.

Will toss up a post up later today.

Edit: I accidentally wrote Perception for the dice roll, but it should be an insight roll. :D

So even with an insight of 8, I definitely imagine Mariel would have noticed Garnet being bored and looking for something to do. Maybe not realizing she was about to steal right away, but there was definitely a glint in her eye that she can interpret in whatever way makes sense to her!


Garnet was spared from the ill effects of dimensional travel with a stomach full of sugar, not due to any form of self-restraint, but by the rest of the group's rush. She simply didn't have time to gobble up the cone in one go (the only proper way to eat ice cream), before she had to scurry after the rest of the party.

As she was hurrying through the portal, she caught the tail end of the Ice Cream Refuser's send-off and the accompanying smile. Garnet matched it with a grin and a wave of her hand.

What they found on the other side of the doorway was far less interesting than the Bazaar. Rows upon rows of stalls and vendors had been replaced by boring old scrolls, the stuffy smell of dust and ink heavy in the air. It was a far cry from the smells of the marketplace, which had been overwhelming and strong and interesting.

A gnome was busy at work, calling out to them to come inspect his work. Tall Ice Cream Offerer walked up and did so. Garnet yawned and ate the ice cream with her entire face — and hair, judging by some of the tarry remains on her strands.

Well, sounded like they got the whole map thing figured out, so—

She looked around, fingers sticky from both ice cream and greed. Maps, maps, maps, and-- shiny?! Her gaze honed in on a few compasses lying around, as well as small trinkets of unknown origins. She could tell some of the former were dwarven craftsmanship, and that small whiff of home turned her impish grin into a somewhat more somber smile.

All the same, she snuck towards the compass — and whatever else she might accidentally pick up on the way.

In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


It was at the exact moment her explosion went off, sending her soaring through the sky in an uncontrolled free fall, that Silje realized why she probably should have given a warning about the explosion. Unfortunately, by then it was way too late.

Fortunately, there was Justice.

A quick glance behind her was enough to clue Silje in that their squad leader had intervened and contained the blast. The barriers, shimmering in a familiar colour, were a clear enough indication of her involvement. Then came the light and the heat and the sound, and Silje could no longer see anything but bright light. A few seconds and a loud thunk later, she could no longer see that, either.

"... Ow."

Silje found herself in a heap inside a crate, her fall broken before it could turn dangerous. Her knee hovered inches from her face, and her back and shoulders hurt from where they'd met the hard wood, but nothing seemed outright broken. Shapes still danced inside her eyelids from the flash bang of the explosion. Her head spun. The explosion had been something else.

And she'd do it again.

"That was so cool!" She shouted as she burst out of her makeshift solitary confinement like a bright-eyed jack in the box, fists thrust into the air. "We sho— oh?"

She slunk back down upon realizing she was interrupting something. That something being Kalina, greeting an old friend. Intensely. With a gun.

"Just-- gimme a holler if you wanna blow up the other knee too!" Silje called out, supportive as ever. She was snugly back inside her box, save for a hand extended out to show a thumbs up.

Silje really wanted to bring up the thing with the princess, but Kalina knew so few people, she felt it'd be better not to interrupt her right now. There was time after, the princess wasn't going anywhere.

And if she tried, well, Kalina had already proven to be pretty good at busting knees!
I'll let you know once I know! (Posting today) :D
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