... Oh.
Listening to Runa pour her heart out, unaware that the reason she'd been asked to do so had been suspicion towards her kin, made the Seer feel awfully guilty. It wasn't the trolls that wanted to invade upon the dragons' space; it was quite the opposite.
"Pushing boundaries. That's what dragon society is built on."
Fellwing recalled the mid-flight conversation from earlier, and felt her claws digging into the soil in anger. They had spoken as if the awful deeds dragons had committed had been a thing of the past, when in truth, even today, dragonkind had yet to change for the better.
"Rothscar, yes," she confirmed softly, trying not to show her ire. They would never listen to a troll's request. What were the woes of one soul, of an entire colony even, to a House who only cared about being immortalized through their work? Lives are not eternal; excellence is, they'd say, she knew.
Then Runa mentioned another dragon, and Fellwing perked up, curious, relieved and worried all at once. She did not trust in the kindness of strangers with grand promises. "A very kind dragon? That is... that is wonderful, truly. Perhaps I might know her? Did she give you a name? What did she look like?"
A little uneasy, the Seer stepped forward, hoping to drape a wing over the troll's arm. "I promise, I will do what I can to make sure there will be no war, and no more losses for you, Runa."
But even as she said that, Fellwing couldn't help but worry. Where in the world were the other trolls, and what awaited them were they to enter the Capitol unannounced?