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... Oh.

Listening to Runa pour her heart out, unaware that the reason she'd been asked to do so had been suspicion towards her kin, made the Seer feel awfully guilty. It wasn't the trolls that wanted to invade upon the dragons' space; it was quite the opposite.

"Pushing boundaries. That's what dragon society is built on."

Fellwing recalled the mid-flight conversation from earlier, and felt her claws digging into the soil in anger. They had spoken as if the awful deeds dragons had committed had been a thing of the past, when in truth, even today, dragonkind had yet to change for the better.

"Rothscar, yes," she confirmed softly, trying not to show her ire. They would never listen to a troll's request. What were the woes of one soul, of an entire colony even, to a House who only cared about being immortalized through their work? Lives are not eternal; excellence is, they'd say, she knew.

Then Runa mentioned another dragon, and Fellwing perked up, curious, relieved and worried all at once. She did not trust in the kindness of strangers with grand promises. "A very kind dragon? That is... that is wonderful, truly. Perhaps I might know her? Did she give you a name? What did she look like?"

A little uneasy, the Seer stepped forward, hoping to drape a wing over the troll's arm. "I promise, I will do what I can to make sure there will be no war, and no more losses for you, Runa."

But even as she said that, Fellwing couldn't help but worry. Where in the world were the other trolls, and what awaited them were they to enter the Capitol unannounced?


Manyroads' Maps, Tradegate, the Outlands
@Lurking Krog, @XxFellsingxX, @Abstract Proxy, @Guardian Angel Haruki

Garnet stood her ground as the gnome approached, her grin unfaltering. She wasn't sure what the fun(ny) old man was going to do or say, but it sure wouldn't be anything she couldn't handle. Old coot looked awfully unarmed, especially compared to her, who had the power of god and knives on her side.

As the man reached for the compass, Garnet edged her hand further back in turn, seemingly without much alarm or urgency.

"Yer welcome!" she replied, her tone disorientingly earnest, as she kept holding the compass just barely out of the old man's reach. "Can ta'e o'her stuff off yer 'ands too, if ya wanna."
I read over the initiative rules, and it says by default, you use your Perception skill, right? As opposed to how D&D 5e uses the raw Dex modifier? I noticed some of the initiatives above were unmodified so I figured it might be worth clarifying xD

Also curious about that, because I also assumed we'd use Perception as that's how it was the one other time I played Pf2E, but then the sheet has a separate field for "Initiative", which has a different value (that's not based on Dex either, apparently...?)

If we do use Perception, it's a 6 instead of 1, so I doubt it matters either way in this case.
Posting a quick one soon (as in tomorrow most likely)!

Edit: nvm did it now but it's tiny.
In SPIRITUM 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


The princess didn't seem very happy, Silje noted, as her and the WARDEN crew climbed back into the truck to continue towards civilization. The engine gave a familiar rumble as Kalina hit the gas, presumably swerving around the largest shark bits on the road, and running over the rest. They were on their way, away from a yet another messy scene.

Finding a spot atop one of the crates, Silje started throwing expectant glances at the princess and her friends, waiting for someone to start a conversation and break the tension. No one did — not with the dejected princess, at least. Much to her dismay, Silje quickly realized it'd be up to her to cheer Collette up. Which meant she'd finally need to muster the courage to actually talk to her — about stuff other than her weird mist leakage, anyway. But what did you talk about with a princess?

Thinking too hard about it made Silje sleepy, so she ended up sliding off her perch, opening the crate in question to slip inside, closing the lid, and taking a nap instead.

The next day, Silje was well-rested.

So much so, that she'd finally scooted over to the princess and struck up a conversation, about... well. It might've been easier to list the topics she didn't try to talk about, switching from one subject to the next so fast that by the time they reached Dunbarton, they'd covered pretty much everything from best breakfast foods to war crimes and why they were sometimes called for.

"We'll be out of your hair soon enough, princess," Gerard threatened, and Silje gasped. No! She wanted to be in her hair longer! She still wasn't a knight, or a prince, or any other cool title a princess could bestow upon you, for starters.

From the sounds of it, they were to hand over papers to the guards, which Kalina and Justice seemed to be handling just fine, so Silje whirled back around to the princess instead. She grinned. "I call this place Dumbarton," Silje stated, a little too proud, a little too loud.


When the creature finally unfurled and stood up to all her considerable height, Fellwing had to resist the urge to take a step back in turn. She hadn't expected to ever see a troll in the flesh, much less during the day. Either she was lucky — or very much not.

"Runa," she repeated, surprised how easily the name slid off the tongue. "It's nice to meet you."

At the mention of a brother, Fellwing couldn't help but throw a nervous glance over her shoulder, senses suddenly peeled. Runa seemed amiable enough, but was her brother so as well? And how many others were there, all headed for the Capitol of all places? Why had she not heard of such a thing? And why—

"Me?" Fellwing pointed a claw at her chest, taken aback. "I haven't seen your kind around here, no, I'm sorry. I have been to the Capitol, though I'm not exactly known for my sense of direction. I could try, certainly..." she trailed off, shifting her weight.

She could try, but before that, she had to know whether she should. Trolls were a reclusive lot, and likely wouldn't leave their mountain to march into the dragons' midst without cause. Were they in trouble? Or...

"Runa, if you don't mind— why were you and your friends headed for the Capitol? How many of you were there?"
Appropriately, Ele is not eager to touch those bugs; got a (nat) 1.
I'm fine with either, depending on whether Digi wants to roleplay out the baker bit!

Sorry for being mia, came back from the trip on Sunday but been sick as a dog since. Will start my catch up round when I can.
Also down! Got the w5 book but haven't had a chance to crack it open yet; this'd be a good chance to do so.
Mann, this is the coolest thing since sliced bread, but when declaring interest initially, I didn’t realise how bad the timing was, haha. I’ll still be travelling until the end of the week, so I don’t think I can really sit down and finish a character in time.

Maybe if there’s more slots later on or if someone drops, I can try again though? Would love to be part of this eventually.
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