@Vertigo Very nice. I'll add it in for the next screen shot.
As for Ele's actions, it looks like with 25ft move speed he could either get on top of the desk where the ichor is, or he could get next to (adjacent to) Flash2, just North of Jenk's square. If Ele moves North of Jenk, he won't be able to reach the ichor :(. If he strides on top of the desk, then he would be able to reach the ichor (careful of glass :D) AND present it to Flash2.
What are your thoughts on that?
Action set 1:
1. Move to the desk (not on top of)
2. Get the Ichor
3. Move to North of Jenk's square
Action set 2:
1. Move on top of the desk
2. Get the ichor
3. Present the ichor to Flash2
Or something else!
Right! Hmm, so would set 1 mean he wouldn't be able to present the ichor yet? As in, is offering it up an action? I can't see him climbing atop the desk in all honesty, so then perhaps--
1) Move to the desk (not on top of)
2) Get the ichor (scoop some up into a makeshift paper cup?)
3) Carefully toss the papercup closer to the beetle so it can help itself
1) Move to the desk (not on top of)
2) Get the ichor (scoop some up with the paper)
3) Shove the paper into Jenk's hands (since he's in the next square over) so they can help themselves to it from there
He'd be very pleased with either option because it keeps him away from the insect. Would either work?