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Dawrie. Frustratingly enough, Fellwing had to admit the name didn't ring a bell. She had no idea who this dragon was, whether she'd truly been a friend of the trolls, nor what had become of her since her return. Did she become the new leader of Rothscar? Or merely make an enemy of whoever did?

"Hm? Oh, me?" Fellwing startled back to reality. "Yes, I-- I'm fine, I think. I had a run-in with some potent magic, and it must've..."

It all came back to her at once, like remembering a dream she'd been on the verge of forgetting forever. "The mines! And the old fool, oh, how long have I...?"

She looked towards the mines, hesitated, then shook her head. What she'd been doing wasn't... that urgent, really. Whatever Skobeloff had planned might've been devious, but not harmful to anyone involved, that much she trusted. He wasn't that kind of a dragon — he had standards. And for better or for worse, she'd dispelled some kind of ancient and potentially troublesome magic on the mines now, so... the others would be alright inside without her having to poke her snout into someone else's family dram further than this, surely?

"The Capitol, yes? That's where you wanted to go." Fellwing turned back to Runa and smiled. "Come then, I'll lead the way. We will try find your brother and friends on the way."

Could you feel nostalgic over something you hadn't even left behind yet? That you would never truly part with?

Tonight, Snapjaw sure fucking thought so. With the buzz of the Sept far behind him, he closed his eyes, turned skyward, and breathed in.

The wind, wild and free like the mountains and forests it blew through, the vast open sky above, the scents, the sounds... wherever he ventured here, he could feel Gaia's presence, Her heart beating in tandem with his own. While the training at the Sept had been grueling, it had also allowed him to return to the wilderness, if only for a few months. What a welcome break it had been from his mission in the city.

After the Rite, that's where he would once more spend his foreseeable future. Watching. Learning. Adapting to homid ways, because the best way to fight an enemy you did not understand, was to blend in until you did. What he was doing was important work, something the rest of his pack of wolves could've never fathomed they'd be able to do. But for it, he'd need to leave all this behind once more. Far from nature and removed from Gaia, his heart would need to beat alone.

And truth be told? He was fucking pissed about it.

The lupine-born wanted to sink his fangs into something, to feel anything, bark or bone, giving in under the pressure of his jaws. To splinter. Snap. Break. But in his current form, all he would manage to break were his teeth — or worse, his jaw.

That's how weak homids were. That's how weak he felt, wearing the skin of one now, practice for what was to come soon. He should just change back. He had time to get used to this skin again after — for tonight, to pass the trials that be and finally be recognized as something more than a rowdy cub, he had to be in peak condition.

And then he could bite something, too.

A few moments later, a large, brownish wolf emerged from the woods and arrived back at the Sept, guided there by the smell of smoke, food, home, and — unless they all screwed up tonight — his pack.

Well, someone took 'no smoke without fire' a little too literally. The weird redhead from earlier emerged from the smoke, lobbed a burning rock at her — the spider stepped aside easily enough to avoid that one — and then proceeded to set every-fucking-thing around on fire.

Ciri cursed at the heat, furiously patting herself wherever she could reach out of reflex to try and put the flames out, her spider writhing and making distressed sounds all the while. Goddamnit, how could it even catch fire? It was made out of shadows! Whatever, magic didn't really have to follow logic.

Unlike the sidekick nuns who did follow their pyromaniac leader, she noted, as the three charged towards her. Thankfully, Ciri was still some distance away, thanks to her spider's earlier leap. Being able to jump thirty times your body length wasn't all that impressive when you were a tiny-ass spider, but it was a considerable distance for a creature the size of her mount. And there was a lot of train left to flee on. She was not a close-range fighter, and didn't intend to become one today.

Ciri pulled out her guns, firing at the fire chick just as she heard more gunshots from somewhere farther away. Goldielocks finally saw fit to make her appearance, apparently. Great, she could take the heat in her stead. Pun kinda intended.

"Shit, chill, I don't even know who the fuck you are!" Ciri shouted at the approaching trio, erecting a wall of darkness between herself and them, spanning the width of the train. She knew it wasn't like they couldn't break through, but it would buy her and the other two some time, as her spider took a massive leap backwards still.

If they wanted to keep chasing her, they'd need to do so through a hail of bullets from her and Goldie, with whatever Blue had cooking up in the back. Worth? She doubted it. As long as her spider didn't burn to a crisp in the meantime. Next order of business, make another mount.
Recovering from the holidays and slowly trying to catch up... so, on that note--

Would the name Dawrie ring a bell for Fellwing?
Pretty sick rn, so feel free to skip over me and move ahead, I'll catch up.

Ciri's summon wasn't too crazy an amalgamation of animals this time around. She'd had little time to cook up anything super elaborate, and it wasn't like spiders needed any spicing up to be badass anyway. Or so she'd thought; looking up at the big, wet eyes of her gigantic jumping spider, she did realize she could've given it a more menacing face at the very least. What she was looking up at now was some anime bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit...

No sooner had Ciri managed to climb atop her spider, when their enemies disappeared into a cloud of smoke — and so did Blue. Shit was going down, and she was feeling left out.

She couldn't see into the smoke, and she sure as hell wasn't going to cut through it blindly like Bluey. She wasn't above shooting blindly into it, though. With an extended arm, she sent a blast of darkness into the smoke, angled so as to not hit the train even if she were to miss. She hoped the nuns were still distracted from the Freelancer chick breezing through them, and wouldn't see the projectile coming.

As the shot left her hand, Ciri's spider leapt backwards, taking her further away from the nuns' vicinity.
Will try to get a post up tomorrow.
@Vertigo You okay with Aaliyah attempting to use her familiar to try and take back the compass?

Oops, sorry, this got buried under all the other notifs! Yeah, I'm cool with it, I do like me some conflict :D Garnet might try to do something about it tho.
@Vertigo I hate to cause possible beef, but...

@XxFellsingxX Could Aaliyah have her Owl Familiar try to swoop to grab the compass from Garnet and give it back to the shopkeeper? Thanks to the Flyby feature, the owl would not be able to provoke opportunity attacks.

Owl stew for dinner you say?!
"Again, I'm willing to negotiate a discount. However, until we have discussed such business and you have given me the proper payment, I would ask that you hand over the compass to me right now."

Garnet, getting a 15 on that Wis Save:

(Ignore the second 3; she had advantage due to Fey Ancestry but the second result got added to the grand total, so it's not 18).
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