Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Well... Luna didn't post. Should we wait any longer our just move on?
She'll be able to post tomorrow. Her computer's doing a virus scan.
I'm gonna see if I can pester her into a post quick...
@Satsuki That's one way to do it. If you'd rather wait you can.

@Lucius Cypher The only demos left are Luna's. Should we start bugging her?
@Satsuki You're not out yet! I don't know what the other two GMs are up to...

@Aristocles Yes, although I think it might be dying.
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

It was the overall aggressive and rebellious attitude of most of the Gems at the Reaping and Krone's outcry.

Oh... well that's fair I guess...
I'm just wondering, what exactly happened to cause a war? Did I miss something or...?
Ok, the post I made about 2 hours ago is now a collab between Fallen and I, after Ellri pointed out that we missed the time that Spirit's PC was brought into the cell block by an hour. Just putting a note here so that if you read it already you know to read it again and aren't completely blindsided.
~| Day 1, 20:36-21:55 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

"Forgive wha-" Shiri's question was interrupted when Nazca kneed her abdomen, knocking the breath out of her and causing her to fall to the floor as Nazca went out the door with the Sith and Tolun. As she struggled to get her breath back she felt someone helping her up, realizing it was Xid when he asked if she was ok.

She got her breath back by the time he had gotten her back on her feet, and was about to answer his question when she heard the turbolift leaving. "Damn it. She-" Shiri paused, gently pushing Xid away from her and onto the bunk. "She hits hard, but I'm fine. Physically anyway. What about you?" She watched Xid a moment before sighing and sitting on the bunk beside him.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself. I would have gotten up on my own, it just would have taken a bit longer." Shiri smiled at Xid before noticing that he was clutching his side and breathing way too heavily. "Oh no. Xid? No more moving now, ok? You really shouldn't have pushed yourself." If the worry wasn't evident in her voice, one look at her face would show everything. She could worry about/yell at Nazca later, if she returned.

“Yeah, just stings like the Force.” Xid said, his face struggling to keep a smile on his face. “I’ll be fine, promise. I just have a cracked rib from what Tolun said, long as I manage to fall on it right then I’ll be alright. Though I think you managed to jar it a bit.”

“I’m sorry. But it is partially your fault.” She smiled jokingly as she spoke. “I’d be a bit less worried if you’d promise to stop getting hurt, rather than just promising to get better.”

“I’ll try, but considering we’re prisoners, that’s going to be hard to do. Namely as I know at least the Trandoshan enjoys physical pain… a lot. He was the one that fractured my ribs by sending a droid on top of me after all.” Xid whispered and started up, his body paused when hurt filled his expression. Slowly, his figure trembling a bit, he gently lowered himself back down. “Owww… bad idea.”

Shiri stood as Xid got up, ready to support him if he needed, which she did have to do as he sat back on the bunk. She gently forced him to lie down and kneeled on the floor beside him so she could still talk to him. “That’s not an excuse. I’ll keep you away from the sith, so long as you don’t knee me in the stomach and go with them willingly…”

“Nazca’s methods might be crude, but she’s got a good heart. And no, I won’t knee you in the gut but I don’t want you risking yourself for me. If the Sith take me and you replaced me, I don’t think I could live with myself if you were hurt in my stead. Even if Tolun wants me to avoid it because I play the biggest part in getting all of us out of here.” Xid stated when he laid back on the bunk, his mind thinking back to both of his friends. For a moment, he felt hot tears at the corner of his eyes as he replayed the image of what he saw strapped to the Darth’s belt: Sela’s lightsaber. It could only mean one thing. The fact he would never see his old master again struck him to the core and brought a bitter regret he wasn’t there.

Shiri listened to Xid and was ready to start arguing with him until he started, crying? “Xid? What’s wrong? Don’t,” Shiri sighed as she tried to think of what to say. “Tolun’s right that you’re the most important part in all of us getting out of here, and I am perfectly willing to take every hit for you if that means success. But if the thought of that causes you to cry, I-” Shiri cut off, not having any idea what to say after that.

“It’s not that. I understand Tolun’s reasoning well, though I hate it. However, you know the Darth that took them? There was another lightsaber around her belt, one my master used and I think…” He trailed off leaving Shiri to puzzle together his sorrow, his tunic sleeve raised wipe across his eyes.

“Oh. I’m sorry.” Shiri understood what he meant, his master was killed by the Darth. “At least, she is with the Force now.” She knew it probably wasn’t a very good way of comforting Xid, but she wasn’t really sure what else to say.

“I know… but as I said, doesn’t make me feel any better in the end. I likely should get some sleep, shouldn’t I?” He said partly to her as well as himself, his head turned to her for advice.

Shiri sighed and smiled weakly at Xid, hoping that humor could help him. “Isn’t that what I’ve been telling you these past few hours? Rest, I’m going to sleep as well.” With that she stood and climbed to the bunk above Xid, peeking over the side at him a few times until he fell asleep before she let herself drift off.

It was while later before Xid’s eyes snapped open at hearing someone groan and rise. His torso raised upright and shifted to spy a dark haired humanoid rise to her feet, her eyes spotting Lea mediating as she seemed to know her. However, the recognition wasn’t mutual. He gently prodded Shiri awake than pointed at the scene with a raised eyebrow.

Shiri yawned as Xid woke her and pointed out someone who, she didn’t think she’d seen them around before, had suddenly shouted something at Lea who was then replying. She watched for a moment and then spoke quietly to Xid. “If they know each other it’d probably be best not to intrude. Go back to sleep.” She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. The little rest she’d gotten seemed to have negated the adrenaline she was running on before, making her pretty tired.

Sighing, Xid looked once more at the pair and lowered himself downward. He fell back to sleep within moments, exhaustion swept over him.
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