Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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@Markofkri PM the secret to all the GMs and you only need one more of us to accept your CS before you can move it to the CS tab.
@Markofkri@Satsuki I like your characters and am very interested to see how this will play out. ^.^
~ Bump ~
Maple smiled at the pretty Vampire lady who got her and the half-vamp girl registered, before she started dragging her off again. "You better drink that. I'll open it for you if you can't, but you need it. Stop freaking out too, it won't help anything." Maple paused her speech when they were approached by some guy asking where they were going. "I don't mind if you tag along. I was, um," Maple paused for a fraction of a second as she realized she didn't even know the halfling's name, quickly deciding on a nickname to keep from seeming like an idiot. "I was just taking Lulu here to see the teacher's magic demos."

After a second Maple realised a way to get around the whole don't-know-your-name problem. Introductions! "I'm Maple, by the way. Like the tree. What's your name?"

Nadia Parnel

Nadia softly let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding as Praeth moved on to speak to one of the other girls beside her, although she jumped at the sudden volume of the girl's voice. So her name is Araxie, and she's a water gem... Nadia felt a small stab of guilt for not trying to talk with her or the other girl before, perhaps they didn't mind or they understood but she decided to try and talk to them on her own soon, or as soon as would be possible.

She was caught up in her thoughts enough that she had missed Araxie's demonstration of her power, although she heard Praeth's response, specifically the part about them needing to train their powers. "To make things clear, I want the three of you to be able to use your elements to protect yourselves. Physically, none of you will be able to match a Drakken, it is a mere truth, but you might just be able to take one by surprise with a certain level of expertise." Wh-what! Take down a Drakken, on our own? After the initial surprise of the thought, Nadia started to think through it a bit more calmly. It's not impossible, sure, but she herself was so small that she'd almost certainly end up hurting herself more than she could harm any Drakken, even if she could get them by surprise.

Praeth spoke, effectively taking Nadia from her thoughts once again. "I will explain my current position to the three of you as to avoid blindsiding you all later. The attendant that selected you all, he is my one and only subordinate- don't be fooled, I am not lacking in capital wealth- but the entire Drakken country abhorres my very existence as of now. In turn, I have enlisted the tradition of brides to solidify my power, thus you must never forget your position and be cautious in everything you do. As the three of you are the foundation of my current standing, many people will target you all when they realize they cannot target me."

Amazing how so much can be said and conveyed in just a few sentences. Not only was the reason that Praeth had secured three brides given, but also the fact that they actually were more important to him than most brides would be to their new husbands. The thought of someone attacking her to get to Praeth scared her a lot, as it should. What he said next sort of solidified the fact that what he just said was true. "So, I'm afraid even if you have skirted your training in your element until now, I will ask that you work hard to strengthen your elemental technique." Nadia wasn't too bad at using Fire, but she was very afraid of hurting herself, so she hadn't pushed herself much whenever she practiced with it. She wanted to say something about it, but Praeth moved on to speak with the last girl before she could get up the courage to even open her mouth.

Araxie had been loud and almost tripping over herself in excitement, but the difference between her and Tirza was extreme. Tirza was pretty, but the way she spoke didn't seem like it was her own voice she was using. "I guess it is...... My name is Tirza and my element is Air. I must say my Lord, you really got it real easy with those two. I'm not too difficult, though my people would say otherwise...... But I guess you will find out if I'm trouble or not." As it stood, Nadia couldn't tell if she would get along very well with her. She didn't understand what she meant by Gemminites thinking she was trouble. Maybe people just, didn't like her?

The next thing that happened was really confusing, Nadia didn't really know what was going on, but soon enough Praeth was back to speaking to the three of them again, telling them about a banquet they were attending with all the other nobles and their brides. He told them to be careful what they say, and that Drakken nobles were good at tricking people, before then saying that they were leaving. Nadia had no intention of wandering from Praeth, where did she have to go? She was about to follow him when she felt, something, across her wrist and she pulled up her sleeve to see an image of a dragon coiling itself around her wrist.

Nadia was about to ask what had happened when Praeth explained. "It's a technique of the far East aptly named the 'Water Tattoo', it involves staining the skin with water and is practically impossible to remove without removing skin itself. That is your 'mark', flaunt it or hide it, that announces that you all are mine." She pulled her sleeve back down, it was only long enough to cover the mark halfway, but as she looked at it she figured that it wouldn't be noticed if one wasn't looking for it.

Now when she followed after Praeth and they all left the room, she noticed a bit of a change in his demeanor. It seemed like he didn't really want to go as they walked, and from what he said earlier she understood a little why. They got to the Hall, and she paused in the doorway. There were not too many people there yet, but the number of place settings promised so very many more. Unsure of what Araxie and Tirza were going to do, she kept following Praeth, after a moment reaching out and tapping on his arm to get his attention. She held her hands in front of herself and looked down as she spoke, still not able to bring herself to look at him. "I h-hope you don't mind if I stay by you? I don't really like being around a lot of people."
It's 1 am for me right now, I'm an hour behind you. I also know Luna's on the same time as me.
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

I i have been. Im sorry. I didn't realize that I was pushing you harder. Forgive me for getting carried away with this.

Your HC and Trouble are superb. :)

Thank you.

Should I work on the next part now? the first battle?
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